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Zarian Message

Zarian Message about Earth Ascension


The Zarian’s are a 9D and up race, they inhabit four planets in the Seraphus star system, which is located on the border perimeter of known space.  The planets Anasym Alpha and Denuneb are within the boundary of known space and Claretus Minor and Calantrus Prime exist within the unknown space sector.


According to the Zarian channeled message there will be a major event in a couple of years, they said that approximately approaching the year 2020, Earth will be reaching the completion of its ascension process into our higher dimensional awareness cycle.  During this time the moon will touch the sun.  This means that the moon will be taken outside of Earth’s orbit and will do a five to six rotation orbit cycle around the sun to expedite the ascension process of Earth and its inhabitants.  Once the rotation cycles of the moon around the sun have ended a tractor beam will be used to move the moon out of the Milky Way galaxy as the moon was originally brought to orbit alongside Earth from a distant star system and has been inhibiting the Earth ascension process for the past 26,000 years.


The moon is a crystalline space ship that is artificial in nature and it messes with the Earth's tides causing disruption of the weather patterns and seasonal changes, the Earth has the capability to regulate its tides without the artificial moon, originally this planet did not have any moons.  When I was doing research on the moon's history in the Akashic records, I received an answer that the moon's anti matter gravity engine drives are damaged so it cannot travel through space anymore as it has been stationed orbiting near Earth for too long, this is what caused the damage to the engines, no movement in space.  The dolphin people will be helping the Zarian's to tractor beam the moon away from Earth and our solar system.  These dolphin people are called the Nommos, they are a race of beings that takes the physical forms of dolphins, whales, mermaids/mermen.  Their home world is a planet in the Sirius system that is mostly warm aqua-blue water.  Many of the Nommos walk upright, and they are known for their highly advanced use of sound.  The Nommos play an important role in Earth's evolution.  Right now they are the guardians and guides of the portion of Etheric Sirians who are in dolphin, whale, and mermaid/merman bodies in order to maintain the biosphere of Earth.  The Etheric Sirians are the soul group that were given Earth as their new home when their former home, Sirius B, imploded.


The sun emits light codes, DNA upgrades, and messages that help with the evolutionary process.  Sun gazing during sunrise, and sunset is a good way to receive these various light codes and upgrades for DNA changes.  Gazing at the sun during the day raises human energies and provides humanity with Vitamin D absorption.  By looking at the sun it is also a way to communicate and receive universal knowledge and gain the true information about Earth's history and how everything happened.


Six various star nation races will come to visit Earth once the ascension process has been completed, Earth inhabitants will be guided to learn new abilities and ways of living in the world in harmony, without pollution, diseases, wars, etc.  Earth is a time zone dimensional hub that is vital for the known universe and is needed for other ascension processes happening on different planets in the universe.  When the ascension process has been done on Earth, human Gaia DNA will have a triple helix and the human DNA sequencing will be needed to help other races to be spliced so they can ascend as well, reaching their highest potential.  Earth human DNA consists of 22 genome DNA splice genetic markers from other races existing in the universe that is why Earth has a vast diversity of races living on this planet, this type of genetic model is needed on other worlds as well.

Moon touching the sun

Moon rotating around the sun

Moon is an artificial man made ship

Zarian’s using a warp trans-dimensional tractor beam to move Earth’s moon out of the Milky Way Galaxy.

This is what the Zarian race looks like

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