Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Sources of Informaton:
The Awakening and Time of Changes on Earth: by Ileana: from Messages from a Star Traveler
Impressions of the Star Traveler’s Life: by Ileana: from Messages from a Star Traveler
Attending a Peace Keeping Star Nations Meeting
My name is Ileana, and since the time from March, 2006 my life as a normal human living an everyday existence on Earth has changed. The story of my transformational journey into the awakening process of being a higher dimensional entity began while I was sitting at my computer creating a fractal image from a photograph I had taken of something outside, using a mathematical program, I noticed that normal time had changed and I suddenly felt like I was existing out of time. While still staring at the computer screen I became aware of a worm hole appearing in front of the monitor, this worm hole took me to a city called Telos, which exists underneath Mount Shasta, California in a land named Agartha in Hollow Earth where the remaining civilization that escaped the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria now exist as a higher dimensional society of beings. When I came underneath the mountain I was guided to walk down a tunnel system leading me to a large white door to a citadel meeting chamber. As I was walking to this location I could see other doors leading into multidimensional corridors where there were gateway portals to other planets and locations on Earth. My intuition told me to keep walking towards the end of the long tunnel and to not enter the other corridors as at this time my visit purpose was to participate in one of the Lemurian Council of Elders meetings with the 100 delegates, peacekeepers, and ambassadors representing the various benevolent galactic council members in the Milky Way Galaxy and other galaxies close to our Solar system.
By the time that I entered the meeting chamber, I saw that this meeting room looked like a big round amphitheater that could sit up to 200 people for a meeting. The location I was in under the mountain was shielded in a time energy vortex bubble so basically the physical location is temporarily taken out of normal time in space and placed in a cloaked energy flux that cannot be detected by technology for spying, infiltration, attacks, etc. As I looked around closer at the extraterrestrial beings that were sitting in what looked like techno seats, the seat arms had retractable tablet viewing screens where data was flashing and the delegates at the meeting could refer to the information that was going to be discussed at the meeting. The delegates at this meeting were all wearing white robes with hoods to represent that they were of the benevolent councils, I was given a white robe as well to wear to show a sign of respect for being at the meeting and my willingness to participate as an impartial observer during the proceedings. After I put on the robe I was invited to sit down at one of the empty techno chairs in the middle of the amphitheater, when I sat down I began to look around more closely to see what was going on around me, I noticed that the delegates and ambassadors were sitting in various groups talking with each other in terms of discussing what was on the meeting agenda. These higher dimensional beings were humanoid looking in appearance and I felt comfortable observing their discussions. I was told that they host agenda item type meetings once a month or more as needed and that the locations switch places of where the meetings are held for security purposes so the meetings are never hosted in the same location more than one time.
Before the meeting began, I was shown on a tablet pad what the agenda items were going to be for this meeting. The peace keepers attending the meeting were going to discuss how to figure out which corporeal races among the known universe had plasma cannons on their interplanetary ships and the degree of technological advancement in the power of energy fire each race possessed. Images on the tablet pads flashed draconian and reptilian like faces of what I am guessing were rogue groups of Alpha Draconians and Draco/Hydra or the White Draco Royals negative groups who were invading known space benevolent being bases and planets. The discussion of various measures to stop the incursion of these rogue groups went on for about thirty minutes, the delegates giving suggestions of putting more anti-gravity depolarization shields on council ships to null void the plasma cannons on enemy ships, as well as creating better cloaking shields and electrical barrier grids around bases, and planetary bodies so their security perimeters could not be breached. Then suddenly we heard a musical sound like signing bowls being played to announce that the Lemurian Council of 13 Elders was about to enter the meeting chamber. All talks stopped at this time and the delegation of 100 was quiet for two minutes. During this quiet time, the thirteen members that represent the governing body of the Lemurian Council walked in and sat down in the center stage of the meeting chamber on large high backed chairs. They are representatives of the thirteen first races that ascended and became the High Council of Lemurian Elders who wear black robes and only show their true faces when they stand up and speak. Their identities are protected as they walked first on the planets among the oldest of races to exist and become non corporeal beings that can take human like form when they wish to impart knowledge to the known universe. The process of ascension is being in tune with our higher selves, having open hearts to the frequency of love, peace, positive thinking, being in service to others, and reaching higher dimensional levels into 5D and up as living beings of light to be at our best highest potential of multidimensional states of existence. When this happens, linear time seems to become fluid time where many different potentialities can be realized as well as possibilities can be seen all at once allowing people to make positive choices that do not require long periods of time to create or manifest goals, it happens instantly in reality, without following a time clock or deadline(s).
The rest of the high council beings in white robes ascended later on when they reached the highest states of their consciousness in the primordial universal evolution. They are the advisers, peace keepers, and ambassadors and are tasked with protecting the universe and keeping the peace among all the known races. I was brought in to meet these star nation individuals so I could start remembering some of my own galactic history as a higher dimensional being in the universe. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss ways of providing protection for many of the planets in the universe that house knowledge repositories like Akashic Record libraries. These repositories chronicle the vast histories of civilizations, events, and also knowledge of technological advancements that help to prevent diseases, end wars, poverty, pollution, and corruption in the universe so species are allowed to evolve peacefully in the galaxies without negative extraterrestrials interrupting the natural cycles of the ascension processes happening on planets with sentient beings living on them. Apparently the lower vibrational negative entities that are in service to themselves were trying to use high powered plasma cannon weapons on their ships to destabilize the cloaking shields of the planets that are housing the knowledge repositories in order to gain access to this information which is protected against being used by dark energy beings. The dark entities believed that if they could take the knowledge of the ascended masters and then destroy the planets with the sacred hidden information that they could then stop the evolutionary process of allowing civilizations to advance in spirituality, physical growth, etc. to their highest potential of being self-governing free will sovereign beings. These type of actions were being prevented by the Lemurian Council of Elders and the other council members of the galactic federations that had gathered at the meeting to find ways of protecting the benevolent civilizations existing in this universe.
I was honored to have been invited to one of these meetings and to find out all of this information. I was allowed to keep a small gift of the memory of meeting the High Council of Lemurian Elders and the delegation of 100. After the meeting was over the worm hole took me back home to my office, where I was again sitting beside my computer. When I looked at my computer screen I saw that there was a symbol of the design that was on the center stage of the floor where the Lemurian Council of thirteen members had gathered instead of the fractal I was trying to create. To this day, I still have that image to remind me of the experience I participated in during my first stage of the awakening process into a higher dimensional 5D – 6D being.
Personal Transformation Changes towards the Ascension Process
Going forward to 2013, I started to realize that I felt that there was some type of a mission I needed to complete on Earth so I started studying shamanism, crystal healing, Reiki, and Wicca in order to discover what the mission was. Through these spiritual studies I was able to cleanse my body of the various toxins I was building up, I started eating a healthy diet of food without GMO, trans fat, became gluten free without eating wheat, as well as letting going of eating chocolate, drinking coffee, and alcohol, this helped me with my ascension process to raise my vibrational levels to exist in pure light. I started feeling more energetic and free in my soul, bringing in happiness and more love into my being. This allowed me to go to the next stage of my evolution by learning how to do past life regression on myself where I discovered that I am a star traveler who came to Earth to help to spread the message of what awakening and ascension is so that the people on this planet can also discover who they are as free individuals of the universe without tyranny and being controlled by the negative beings who have enslaved Earth, making humanity part of their false holographic matrix system where they want to take away our free will to live as self-governing societies without war, disease, poverty, having a self-sustaining world for the betterment of all of humanity.
During 2014-2015, I opened up my own healing practice where I started working with crystals creating body crystal grids for clients to be surrounded by in order to be able to clear away stress, cure as well as alleviate physical or emotional ailments, and remove thought programming from the human mind that AI technology creates where people sometimes absorb negative wave pattern messages coming off of TV’s, cell phones, and computers. I also offer Reiki energy healing sessions, sound healing, past life regression, and soul retrieval to help clients to reconnect with their higher selves and to achieve a state of balance in a healthy way of being in their emotional and physical life styles. This path of being a healer has allowed me to be in service of others and not in the service of just the “I” myself. In taking this journey of doing healing work, I have been able to evolve myself to be a better human being of my highest potential, thereby helping myself to develop psychic abilities in being able to be an intuitive empath, do astral traveling, remote viewing, and being able to access universal knowledge at will.
Earth Changes and New Evolutionary Cycle
The universal knowledge coming from the Akashic records has shown to me that our planet Earth is currently going through an evolutionary stage where it is evolving into the fifth dimension of existence and that the human race is also evolving in this new environment. As the planet and the human race moves towards 5D existence we will witness many different global changes happening on this world in terms of the old fiat financial system eventually falling apart with a possible financial collapse, break down of current governments, dissolution of the Illuminati groups and cabals who are in control now, and the truth coming out that this planet and its people have been enslaved by negative ET beings for close to 5700 years. As well there will be surface changes on the planet with possibly more seismic activity of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather patterns like storms, flooding, etc. as the Earth makes its transition into the higher 5D reality. Many truths will eventually be revealed to us like benevolent star nation beings existence, that there is advanced technology which has been suppressed from us, we do not need gas and fossil fuels to run cars, there is free energy source technology that can run vehicles, as well as healing technology that can cure almost any diseases but it has all been kept from us by the Illuminati and Cabals who are influenced by reptilians from the Draco/Hydra groups, these are negative beings who feed on human fear and strive to create hardships for humanity so we cannot achieve free will from their control.
Receiving Light Codes and DNA upgrades for Evolutionary Changes
Since the beginning of April – July, 2015, I have been receiving light codes and DNA upgrade frequencies from the galactic sun and the intergalactic electromagnetic Wave X phenomenon which has ten different dimensional levels designed to help evolve human consciousness to the next level of existence which will allow us to have crystalline light bodies with various metaphysical talents like levitation, teleportation, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc. Eventually when we will have light bodies we will theoretically be able to regress back the aging process to be completely healthy without disease and remain in our 20’s or 30’s age wise, having long lifespans where we can be able to manifest almost anything with our minds being creator beings. So far I have noticed that my light quotient energies have been raised tenfold so I have more positivity in my life and am able to take in information quickly and solve problems at a faster rate as well as more successfully than I could in previous years. I have also gained an eidetic/photographic memory so I can remember and retain for a long period of time in my mind what I see, hear, and experience, successfully being able to recall information that is requested of me from the past and the present moments in time. My intuitive abilities have improved as well so I can connect with the source, my higher selves, star nation beings, and also I have fully developed the ability to remote view places and events here on Earth and on other planets. I am easily able to astral travel in space in my light body as the star traveler and observe what is happening in the universe making psychic connections in terms of space events and how they are tied in with physical activities on Earth in terms of what the Illuminati are doing, what is going on at the human based secret space programs on places like Mars, Uranus and Pluto, etc. When I am traveling in space I have a pure energy form that is translucent and does not have a physical density of existence so I can be invisible and enter into any location that I wish to visit or see. I can go into space ships, on bases, and planets without needing a physical body to do this, there are no limits on what I can and cannot do while being in the higher dimensional realms.
Remote Viewing Events and Places
The way that my remote viewing abilities work is when someone asks me a question about what is going on in the world or out in space, with names, or the place location I can go and remote view the requested information.
Here are a few examples of important questions that were asked of me pertaining to key events and items that I have been able to remote view since May – July, 2015:
Event One:
Question: Do you know anything about the recent planetary alignments that were talked about on youtube that supposedly could cause massive earthquakes on May 28 or May 29, 2015? As well the San Andreas movie was to be released on May 29 was that done specifically on purpose to try and get people to think that these earthquakes would happen, there is a theory if enough people believe something will happen, it can occur, with massive mind manifestation?
Answer: On May 24 & 25, 2015, I remote viewed two locations on the planet one on the border of Alaska, United States, and the second location was California, United States, I did this three days prior to the supposedly prediction of the mega quake that would happen in California. What I saw was that there might be two big earthquakes happening in Alaska and California for May 28 or May 29, 2015. My animal totem guides Alfiel the lion, and Lial the bold eagle asked me to go to Anchorage Alaska where the Haarp project is located that allows the ability to create storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, basically control the weather. When I went to have a look what was happening with Haarp, I discovered that the engineers were working on a new project and had built a mass fusion laser beam machine, parts were supplied to them by the ICC Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (which is one of the more darker space programs run on Mars), they were planning to use this laser beam device to create the two mega quakes for Alaska a magnitude 7.6 earthquake and for California an 8.9 magnitude earthquake. My guides asked me to help to prevent this from happening. I destroyed the new Haarp machine’s cylindrical four spinning fusion phasic rings that power the device. This is the same type of device that Kelli Coffee saw and described being used on the Moon to create a super storm in the USA on Earth, with the mechanical gears that are the phasic rings shifting back and forth while the device is being activated. Kelli’s information about remote viewing the moon can be listened to at the following video on Youtube: The Artificial Moon and It’s Control Over This Planet. The way I went about dismantling the phasic device is by accessing the electromagnetic energy force from the outer perimeter of Earth space in order to send a mass voltage burst of energy to the new machine, the four rings were destroyed this way, so the upgraded version of Haarp could not be powered up for the next couple of months to make it work.
The Illuminati and the Cabals planned to cause the two earthquakes to create panic and mass chaos in the States and Canada in order to collapse the financial system, put a new one in that would be controlled by them, and create a world order government under their control. As well they wanted to expose some of the decent reptilian beings living close to the underground near Mount Shasta so they would come up topside during the quakes and scare the human population, that way there would be double the fear factor energies for the magus’s and wizards of the Illuminati and Cabals to feed on in order to advance their dark magic power levels. The movie San Andreas was supposed to escalate this idea of creating fear and panic of earthquakes happening to get people to believe in this timeline and to help make these events happen unwittingly. All this never came to be as the timeline was changed from a negative outcome to a positive outcome that these events would not happen by artificial means and that the Illuminati and Cabals do not have the same amount of power or control over the people as they used to in the past, people on Earth are starting to question how things happen and why this is so, it is harder to influence people’s minds to make disasters happen. As well there are many awakened light workers who are aware of what the Illuminati and Cabals are up to and they monitor the timelines to prevent disasters, cataclysms, and artificial interference from happening on this planet in order to help usher in the positive light frequencies and codes that will bring in the upcoming evolutionary processes to the 5D higher dimensional existence that we are already starting to experience on this changing world.
Event Two:
Question: What is going on Mars in terms of the top secret ICC Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate facilities that is part of the government corporate conglomerate, black ops, private companies, etc.?
Answer: The ICC Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate is a dangerous organization that will create and trade with anything that it thinks is of value in the universe, they will even trade in people if the price is right. This group is expert in brainwashing techniques and abducting people from Earth for slave labor and other purposes, they are mainly based on Mars and throughout our solar system.
Here is what I saw when I remote viewed Mars on June 23, 2015. The ICC currently has 20 facilities/plants on Mars one of the facilities is producing mass fusion grenades as weapons to be able to destroy cities on planets, these weapons are planned to be traded with rogue group factions out in space. Another facility is experimenting with neurological artificial intelligence systems using unwilling humans to create cyborgs and androids with human parts integrated with the latest advanced neuro-link technology being developed by the ICC to be able to download human consciousness into robotic bodies that are mixed with human parts to function, these experiments are being done on many people in this cyber facility. These places are meat labs using unwilling people that are experimented on and some are even killed for human parts.
I saw the atrocity of how a person's mind was downloaded into the cyborg/android body that had raw human parts attached to it, the experiment was fresh so they did not yet clean up how the new body would look like when completed. The being was alive and looking around, moving its arms, testing how the limbs work. Seeing this situation happening is disturbing on so many levels.
The ICC also has plants and facilities on Uranus and Pluto, they are manufacturing there drilling equipment to mine for different metals on Mars and other planets, this is happening on Pluto. On Uranus the ICC has a facility that is creating human hybrids mixed in with animal and other alien DNA to make superior space traveling beings that can survive being out in tough space conditions for prolonged periods of time on various missions. In total there are 200 facilities/colonies part here in the Milky Way Galaxy and the rest beyond this solar system. This conglomerate is abducting people to use them as slave labor, meat harvesters, etc.
On June 25, 2015 at 2:00 am Pacific time, I was almost killed during the night by the ICC soul drainer assassin who tried to kill me on the etheric level so that it looked like my physical body died naturally, on the physical level I was paralyzed as I could not move my body at all and was choking so I could not breathe in air, it felt like my nervous system and brain was shutting down, maybe the assassin was trying to make it look like I had an aneurism. This attack was psychic in nature using mind manipulation/control as well as trying to leave dark/negative energies in the environment while all of this was happening so it would be harder for me to deal with the attack head on. I fought off the female assassin with my shamanic and light magic Wicca training but it was very painful, she tried to drain me of all my living soul energy, which was the etheric aspect of it as the attack was centered on my mind with the body being the causality as the end result. These are bred reptilian assassins mixed in with other deadly alien DNA, they have cone shaped elongated heads, looking something like what was in the Alien vs. Predator movies. This assassin’s name was Akenesha.
An ICC ship was hovering over my house, they tried to wipe my brain with ray beam signals from their ship that did not work as my brain is wired beyond sound manipulation, I remember everything that I see and experience in my memories for a long time so erasing my memories does not work. When the memory wipe failed Akenesha was sent in to scare me for posting the information I did about the Mars facilities and the conditions there, as well as kill me.
The ICC has more soul drainer assassins like Akenesha and they send them out to eliminate people who try to publicly expose the ICC on the internet or in other media sources.
I told Akenesha that even if she killed the physical body the soul still lives and is much stronger on the other side and can seek justice for bringing down the ICC and all their bases, that got her to back off, these greedy people have no idea that removing the physical body accomplishing nothing, only makes the soul stronger and gives it more ability to remove the negative beings in this solar system.
Observation: At this time in Earth’s history many awakened and enlightened people are going through what is called the trans-phasic evolutionary process where time is speeded up to such a point that we are evolving many dimensional levels higher than we were supposed to have, the time rate has been accelerated ahead of schedule so there are different abilities manifesting in people. Five months ago I could not do remote viewing, now I can remote view almost anything that I wish to see on Earth and on other planets.
Event Three:
Question: Can you tell me what is inside the Face of Mars, what being is the face?
Answer: The face of Mars is a relic of the original statues that the indigenous human Martian colonists had carved on certain parts of the planet. The Mars colonists now live underground on Mars in the domed cities, as there was a nuclear type of bomb that went of a long time ago during the Mars wars between reptilians and other warring factions that wanted to wipe out the human civilizations on Mars. The statue itself is a human face it is similar to the carvings of the Pharaohs of Egypt.
When I remote viewed on July 15, 2015, what is inside the Face of Mars statue, I saw that there are Ion Beam Particle lasers and other technology of that type in the statue, there is a bigger complex underground of the ruins that are on the planet where the statue is located. This ion particle beam technology can be used as power sources, weaponry, and for healing purposes. What I was receiving is that the Ion Beam Particle lasers were used to create grid systems across the planet as energy sources and to send communication signals to various Mars outposts, like a Wi Fi system but more telepathic, basically messages sent back and forth on the frequency of the ion beams, as well the ion beams were used to create holographic map models of the universe and were applied in science studies to monitor the expansion of the universe and its bio systems like growth of planet creation, plant life, and civilization evolution.
There are these long antenna like white tubes inside the statue and they emit the ion particle beams.
At one time there was a big mechanical merkaba that the Martians made on Mars that went unstable and blew up. The Ion particle beams provided the energy to power this merkaba. These ion particle beam lasers are not active at this moment but they are not damaged so the beam antennas can be activated again. The mechanical Merkaba was created because the Martians did not have the intuitive ability to build a merkaba within the self, (this would have been a bio living energetic merkaba that is life sustaining not machine made, within a human body). So the Martians tried to build their own partially bio-mechanic merkaba...they only utilized the male aspect of the brain to do this and not the female as well so the experiment did not work correctly. The Martian’s were trying to build light bodies by using technology without the full scope of the human factor involved but the experiment exploded. Those Martians that survived the large explosion on the planet brought the Merkaba technology down to Earth and built smaller versions of the Merkaba’s, this technology uses powerful electron fusion energy and can create a mini ice age on Earth if the Merkaba’s are not shut down in time. The ion particle beam technology should not be used to activate ascension machines which have no human component of male and female energy combined to balance out the frequency waves of living matter.
Observation: While thinking how to answer the question that was emailed to me in regards to what was inside the Face of Mars, I had this intuitive gut feeling that I was missing something and that this question felt weird to me in some way and not completely right in the why and what for it was being asked of me. I had a strong feeling that there was something strange going on. I asked for some advice from a trusted source about the information that I had remote viewed, the info itself is true and correct, but the motive behind the question was somewhat unclear. I used my disconcertment to think more about this question and how I had answered it. Seems like there is much going on at Mars during this time and various groups want access to the ancient technology that is there. Through this process I have learned that I need to be more careful in my judgment in figuring out who the source(s) are who are asking me these various questions about what I know or asking me to remote view things for them. The giveaway in this question was the source asking me to remote view information for them, and in this case what I remote viewed was needed data that was delivered where it needed to go, the question triggered inadvertently some things for me getting me to wonder what was the motive behind it, I think the source who asked me to remote view the facts was unknowingly being used by someone else, the answer provided key pieces of data to a puzzle now sorted out In the future I will be more careful in how I answer questions being asked of me especially to remote view something for someone, these types of things might not be answered as this could be the dark side trying to use people as third party brokers to get information from remote viewers. Anyone who is reading this please be careful in who you deal with or trust as they might try to use you with you unknowingly being the target of groups trying to access information that is of importance in one way or another about various things happening in the universe. Use your best disconcertment, judgment, and intuition when working and dealing with people as not everyone might be what they appear to project or seem to be in this reality. This is the lesson I learned while answering the above question, and I am glad I sought advice from a trusted source about what I uncovered here.
Currently and in the near future there are and will be more people with psychic abilities that can astral travel, remote view, and discover truth from universal knowledge that is available to all of us once we break through the various veils of forgetfulness that have been placed on us so we do not remember the true history of where we come from in a more fair and just reality. As this happens these gifted people need to be careful in protecting themselves against nefarious groups who work for the darker side of reality and have less then well-meaning intensions for the human race. Our abilities and psychic gifts should not be used through means of deception, flattery, etc. to provide information for the wrong side of the equation in this reality.
The world that we live in at this moment is going through many transformational/evolutionary changes. I have discovered from my various spiritual, as well as remote viewing experiences that reality is sometimes weirder than fiction. It is my hope that with all these changes something positive can come out from this evolutionary phase and can help humanity to become free from negative ET influences, and enslavement. We are a good race of beings living on Earth and deserve a chance to create our own future(s) without negative outside interference in how we will self-govern our societies in a world free from disease, war, poverty, pollution, corruption, and overcrowding on the planet.
Impressions of the Star Traveler’s Life
There were many questions the soul Ileana had about her Star Traveler life so she went and studied Shamanism, this allowed her to learn past life regression. By learning this modality she was able to find out who she was and is today. Remembering past lives and concurrent lifetimes can help individuals to figure how they lived in various timelines, what they did, why they have certain missions on the planets they choose to incarnate to, as well as what life lessons and experiences they wished to encounter in their lives. Often the way we are today in this lifetime was predetermined by us as experiences we would go through when we were in our life in between lifetimes choosing what we would go through when we incarnated into our next lifetime. The soul has many facets to it, they are like little parts who choose to branch off from each other and explore the different experiential opportunities to learn and grow whenever possible on various worlds, multi universes, or dimensions.
As a young woman Ileana always felt like she was different from all the people that were around her, she never fit in at school and knew that something was waiting for her to be discovered as she got older. In her late twenties Ileana decided she would stop trying to conform to what society thought a person should be like since that was not working for her and went on a soul journey to find her authentic self in life.
Here is what past life regression allowed the star traveler to remember about herself to give people an idea who this being is. We each have a higher self or an over soul as it is called who can help us answer questions about lifetimes, who we are, etc. at the highest conscious level of existence.
Impressions from Higher Self:
Wanted to learn what it feels like to experience pain, hardship, and limitations in order to understand what it is like to live in lower density dimensions. Finds it hard now to live in the third dimension as did not realize the true challenges on not being able to manifest everything in this reality. Does not like limitations, wants her full abilities back of teleportation, levitation, invisibility, etc.
The Star Traveler almost always lived in the higher dimensional levels ranging from the 6th dimension – 12th.
Never experienced the various broad ranging nuances of emotions, was always calm and nothing phased the Star Traveler. Had emotions but did not wish to feel extremes in different feelings of sadness, pain, suffering, or fear. Yet still wanted to know what it felt like to live with sadness, pain, and fear but did not understand how tough this could be to experience as was a high level manifester and creator/builder being. The Star Traveler had never experienced fear before and wanted to walk among the people and be part of the people in order to understand what it felt like to live as a human being.
The Star Traveler was a guardian being who lived for millions or even billions of years protecting people, planets, and galaxies from negative beings who wanted to take away people’s rights and freedoms. As a guardian the Star Traveler diffused wars, negotiated peace treaties, solved disputes over land matters, protected universal knowledge library repositories, corrected timelines so the past, present, or future could not be changed in negative ways.
Has knowledge and secrets stored within her consciousness from billions of different library repositories in the multiverse. Knowledge includes knowing about advanced technology, like gateway portals, healing technology, DNA sequencing, terraforming planets, how to build planets and planetary like bodies, how to travel in a light body without needing a space ship, etc.
Can remember 202 lifetimes if choose to access that knowledge, but suspect had about 80,000 lifetimes or more.
In last previous lifetime was an Andromedan/Pleiadian hybrid female stationed on a planet called Andromeda where there was a space station orbiting above the planet where I was a commander. Met soulmate Akira on the planet while on vacation there, and also interacted with other soulmates who are Renaut (Male), Tenai (Male), Senai (Female), and Aleya (Female). These four soulmates are Andromedan/Pleiadian hybrids that are part of the Andromedan Red Arrow warrior squad who do covert mission ops.
Came to Earth to experience humility, and humbleness since when I was a higher dimensional being was always at the top level of perfection and nothing ever went wrong, so could not fully understand the subject of compassion that other races felt toward beings of lower dimensional levels.
The Star Traveler was on the brink of ascending to eternity where there is no more death and you live forever eventually ascending with your body or light body to higher dimensional levels without experiencing death. Had doubts about having immortality and something stopped the Star Traveler from going to the 24th level of existence?
Star Traveler became distraught when soul mate Akira went missing, because of the immense grief the Star Traveler started bending space time and warped time in the Andromeda Galaxy so time started speeding up in the galaxy when it did not need to, thereby moving the Andromeda Galaxy on a collision course with the Milky Way Galaxy. This could not go on so the Star Traveler found out that Akira had been trapped on Earth in cryo - stasis for two million years by the grey rogue alien groups the Dries and the Maitre, Akira wanted to help mankind to ascend on the planet but the Atlanteans did not want to stop their genetic experiments or building advanced technological warfare machines so nothing worked to convince them to try to ascend naturally instead of using technology to speed up the ascension process. The Star Traveler decided to go back in the past to Earth to rescue Akira but could only do it in a human form, the Star Traveler did not want to give up her advanced psychic abilities and was somewhat hesitant and resentful of going back to Earth.

Sources of Information:
Holographic Memory and the Veil of Forgetfullness: by Ileana: from Messages from a Star Traveler
Holographic Memory and the Veil of Forgetfullness
For the last couple of months something has happened that had a profound impact on the Star Traveler (Ileana). The Star Traveler has been going up more and more on the Andromeda Council Primary Biosphere ship meeting many colleagues and friends during meetings on the ship, as well as meeting two avatars with a similar soul spark as Ileana. These two avatars are Analaia and Senaia, they interact with Ileana on a regular basis studying the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy timelines to monitor what is going on in the universe in order to create positive events which help the Earth's planetary evolution in this time of great changes.
As well Ileana has been meeting many other benevolent ET races like the Denubians, Alpha Centaurians, Aldebaran ET's, Ceres ET's, Arcturians, Pleiadians, and many others on her travels in space. Ileana has noticed that she has had more access to her holographic memories as the higher dimensional star traveler beings and can access any type of information or knowledge from the universe. The last two months of November and December from 2015 the information that Ileana has downloaded has expanded in scope and clarity on how the higher dimensional beings live in the universe, and what they do to help other evolving races.
This increased ability of gaining knowledge and more easily traveling in outer space has happened due to the electric fence being taken down around the Earth that the Archons placed in 161 B.C. when they first came to the Milky Way Galaxy. The electric fence acted as a dampening and blocking grid to prevent seers and light workers from being able to access universal knowledge, see the future or past, or manifest major changes from the etheric levels to the physical plane of existence. Now that the electric fence is gone the awakened humanity of Earth is able to lift their veils of forgetfulness where their minds were blocked from remembering their true galactic universal heritages and can have the needed access to universal knowledge that will help to change the course of Earth history towards having positive time lines in our present and future.
There are more natural star gate way portals opening up in sacred locations all over the world, these portals are bringing in advanced light codons from the galactic center of the universe so humanities DNA structures, and genetics are being upgraded with light downloads and uploads as our physical bodies are being changed to crystalline forms thereby evolving us and Earth into the fifth dimension of existence. This is all part of the various changes that we and the Earth are experiencing right now, which includes remembering our holographic memories from past lifetimes as well as accessing future memories that help us on our evolutionary path in the new Golden Age that we are now starting to enter into as an advancing civilization.
The above image is how the Star Traveler physically looks like in her flight suit work uniform as she is getting ready to go on a mission in an Andromeda Council star ship cruiser. In the image the Star Traveler is a 5D - 6D being who is traveling in space trans-dimensionally acting as a peace keeper to help other races in the universe to evolve and protect them from negative beings. These are some of the examples of the types of holographic memories that the Star Traveler has remembered recently.