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Remote Viewing of Oumuamua Craft

The Secret Space Program
December 13, 2017
Remote viewing of the cigar shaped asteroid craft, (Oumuamua).
There are tall beings in stasis inside this vessel they have silver/whitish skin, wearing silver jumpsuits, they also have whitish blue hair. The stasis units are protected by energetic force fields so intruders cannot open the stasis pods. Species type subhumans called the Dorians. The term subhumans means they are a subspecies of humans that is what the term subhumans describes to come from human genetic stock. Dorians are tall, slender, with pale complexions, being blue-eyed.
There was an interface session done with the female Zelana the Dorian with the blue hair apparently their ship was damaged in several solar storms out in space and they boarded the ancient space scout vessel probe that looks like a cigar, there were no occupants on that probe prior to the boarding. They are traveling to a planet called Zelaris, they have been out in space for close to one million years, the cigar shaped ancient scout vessel ship is much older then one million years it is close to 1.5 billion years. Their original planet Zeldeka was becoming too populated with people so they were branching out to build other colonies on planets. It will take another half a century for the Dorians to reach Zelaris while they are in stasis.
NOTE: There were SSP exploration units that boarded Oumuamua but they cannot open the stasis pods as they are protected by electrical fields so the pods cannot be opened without proper DNA coding sequences entered into the energy fields.
Remote Viewing Session done by: Ileana the Star Traveler. Originally published in the Secret Space Program Group.
In the RV session the remote viewer was able to remote sense that the cigar shaped asteroid was an "ancient space scout vessel probe".
The scientific paper titled Could Solar Radiation Pressure Explain 'Oumuamua's Peculiar Acceleration? published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters" on November 12, 2018 has astrophysicist scientists describing that Oumuamua could likely be an "interstellar probe" that was passing by Earth.
The wording of the remote viewer matches up that the cigar shaped asteroid is actually a vessel probe and not just an assumed asteroid, now the astrophysicist scientists are also hypothesizing that the cigar shaped asteroid could be a type of vessel probe which came into this solar system to monitor Earth.
Official Link to download the paper: Could Solar Radiation Pressure Explain 'Oumuamua's Peculiar Acceleration?