Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Soul and Higher Self
What is the Soul and the Higher Self?
When you ask "Who am I as A Soul," what does that actually mean. Is It different than the "higher self"?
Yes it is different as your higher self is one aspect of you and your soul is another aspect of you. The Higher Self is the overall consciousness of everything that you have ever been or will be, it is an extension of yourself that is part of you and part of the Source — the ultimate higher power, the universal source of cosmic energy. This energy links us to everyone and everything. We are all interconnected through shared energy. And as this universal energy — this higher consciousness — is contained within each one of us, we can use the Higher Self to access this universal wisdom and knowledge from within.
Your soul is the immaterial essence and totality of who you are at a core level – it is your true nature. As all of life at its core is energy, a soul is the whole of this energy – the sum total that animates us, moves us, and even speaks to us in quiet moments when we need guidance. The soul is who you are in this lifetime or who you had been as a soul in a past lifetime. Our souls can carry cellular memories and experiences from past lifetimes that can correlate with what we are experiences in our current lives.
Is my "higher self" only in this lifetime? What is the difference between the soul and spirit? My dog is now in "spirit" form, right?
The higher self is the overall essence of everything you have ever been and experienced while the soul is what you are now in this body, the energy that is sustaining your current life time. Those who have passed on to the other side are in spirit form like a dog for example.
So my soul in this body is different than in previous life times?
In each life time the soul can be slightly different or have a variety of changes depending on what incarnation you are choosing to experience, for example your life can be simplistic and easy or it can be complex and full of various challenges, again this depends on what your soul wants to focus on in each life time in order to grow, learn and expand in its wisdom process.