Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

It News

3rd Dimensional Wheels Within Wheels of Hexagram Merkabah
14th Dimension Crystal Lotus Body Diamond Mer-Ka-Bah
Sources of Information:
Mystery of the Wave - X & the Aries Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, September 28, 2015: by Sangeeta Handa: from
October 2015 - Moving Frequencies, Attaining More Light: Diane Canfield: from
Life Changing Events: by Elena Kapulnik: Messages from a Star Traveler
The Grand Awakening: by Lisa Transcendence Brown: from lovehaswon.og
6 Ways To Open Your Life Up To Cosmic Energy: by Anna Hunt: from
Merging with your Highest Aspect – Sananda – Galactic White Brotherhood: by Jenny Schiltz: from Channeling the Masters
OFF THE RECORD NASA Openly Admits Alien Life Exists: Get Ready for Disclosure!: by Ibtissem Menad: from
Mystery of the Wave – X & the Aries Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, September 28, 2015
First we shall talk about the mysterious Wave – X!
Emerging from the most powerful period of the 144th Degree Lion Consciousness of the 8888, August 2015, we have now embarked upon another momentous milestone of the “COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE 14TH DIMENSION”. The Dolphins and Whales are helping birth a new Higher Consciousness within all of Humanity. However, the energy of Wave - X that is going to be released from the 28th of September, at the Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, is of the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS from the 14th dimension, not of the earth dolphins at 3rd dimensional frequency. This is the Cosmic Oraphim Race Line, of which we are originally a part of.
Moreover, the Wave – X of the Cosmic Oraphim Dolphin Race Line is now being released from the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy, of which our solar system is a pivotal part. Just as the 144th Degree Lion Consciousness stemmed from the Great Central Sun (Sirius), similarly this new Energy of the Gamma Rays is going to descend from the second most powerful location of our galaxy, which is the Central Sun or the Galactic Core Centre. This is a Violet Sun of the Pleiades Star System. Its Hierarch is Lord Helios.
Now, we have always been told by the Light to lift ourselves and stay in the Vibration of Love and Joy at all times, irrespective of the karmic challenges and overwhelming drama, and this is exactly what is now going to become easier for us through the release of the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS. This is being referred to as Wave – X only because it has been a mystery till now. However, No longer! We now know what this new energy is and from where it is coming. So we shall not call it Wave - X but give it the respect it hugely deserves by referring to it with its rightful name – The COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS!
The COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS shall open, or remove, the 7 SEALS that were locked into place when we first descended into dense embodiment. These SEALS locked our DNA at the cellular level, dis-abling our capacity to enlightenment, and the Illuminati helped by keeping us in a state of constant and perpetual fear. Our test has been so far to reach the elevated level of 'Love and Joy Vibration' with our 7 SEALS at a locked-in position. The 7 SEALS are: Seal of separation, illusion, duality, self, sin, guilt, and suffering: all of which led us to blindness and fear. Although this was in keeping with the chosen Blueprint of earth - "Total Non-Remembrance of Source", the Illuminati or the Dark Brotherhood made sure these Seals were never unlocked! But, overtime as the danger arose of humanity awakening from its slumber, the CERN was constructed to ensure that the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE 14TH DIMENSION did not touch earth so that the Seals would never be opened! However, the Karmic Ceiling of negative play has been reached and any further investment by the dark forces would only lead to a karmic spill-over that would affect the resonance of the entire galaxy and so, finally the Illuminati have been halted firmly in their attempt to carry on harm and retardation of the growth potential of humanity. The Universe has indeed intervened and are opening the Portal on the 28th of September, 2015, to allow the influx of the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS FROM THE 14TH DIMENSION OF THE CENTRAL SUN!
Now, human DNA can be activated by just a single element! And this element is the Vibration of Love. The Frequency of Love alone is needed to remove the SEALS of Fear. The Vibration of Love is but a Feeling. The Feeling of Freedom! Freedom from fear! The Feeling itself is actually the FREEDOM that comes when the seals, that which have been locking the DNA, are transmuted by the Higher Frequencies of the 14th dimensional Transmutation Energy of the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS. If these Transmutational Frequencies are not employed in dissolving the 7 SEALS, one's that are lodged in the cellular memory, the Freedom of DNA activation cannot occur! Thus, what we need to personally and physically do, in the midst of our body chaos (the hugely challenging body changes and ascension symptoms) and trembling life, is TO BE Loving! The three words have a vibrational significance. TO BE is the highest vibrational state of existence. And Love by itself is the highest vibrational frequency of the Universe. By BEing LOVing to ourselves and all other life forms around us, on a micro and macro level, we are capacitating the opening of the SEALS. For which we must consciously breathe, slowly and deeply. As it is the BREATH that shall activate the Love Frequency through the Feeling of centeredness and calm, in the eye of the storm! Furthermore, the BREATH activates the LOTUS BODY Mer-Ka-Bah of the 14th Dimension.
Now, the LOTUS BODY Merkabah of the 14th dimension of the Central Sun is the state of BUDDHAHOOD - a condition of absolute joy, freedom from fear and freedom from all illusions, a state that enables people to overcome problems and live a life fulfilled and active, fully engaged with others and with society. Rather than stressing the impermanence and the inconsequential need to eliminate earthly desires and attachments. There is no abstinence here, only Freedom. Which, remember is the Feeling of Love indeed!
This is the state of perfect inner equilibrium and outer balance. The outside world may continue to wage wars but the self remains still and maintains a serene balance at the point of a needle thinness.
At first the human body was purely corporeal with the solid mass structure that we have been presently used to in the 3rd dimension that is the reality of this dimension's perception. Now we are moving towards a less corporeal body but with a an altered mass structure that allows the body to do more unusual things such as easily walking through a solid three dimensional wall, levitating, teleporting oneself from one location to another with just a thought visual of where one needs to go. This new evolutionary transformation is taking us towards becoming a purely ethereal body with no mass at all (a spiritual being).
This is the LOTUS BODY, vibrating at the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE 14TH DIMENSION! The Lotus flower has always been of great spiritual significance in Egyptian, Hindu, and Buddhist religions.
Lotus Flower to the Ancient Egyptians: has been known to be associated with Rebirth and Ra, the Sun. For a long time the LOTUS flower had been portrayed in the hieroglyphics and in the art of Upper Egypt.
Lotus Flower Meaning in Buddhism: In Buddhism the LOTUS is known to be associated with purity, spiritual awakening and faithfulness. The flower is considered pure as it is able to emerge from murky waters in the morning and yet be perfectly clean & associated with spiritual enlightenment. The eight-petaled LOTUS used in Buddhist mandalas speaks of cosmic harmony.
The Lotus Flower and its Meaning in Hinduism: In Hinduism it is a thousand-petaled LOTUS, which represents spiritual illumination. Many of the gods and goddesses of Hinduism are linked to the flower, for example the Goddess of Light and Abundance – Maha Lakshmi Ma, is usually depicted as being seated atop a fully opened Lotus flower. Likewise Lord Brahma, the Trinity God of Creation (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva – the God of All That Is in Trinity), is depicted as emerging from a Lotus that crawls from the naval of the sustainer Lord Vishnu.
As the flower LOTUS is able to emerge from muddy waters un-spoilt and pure, it is considered to represent a wise and spiritually enlightened quality in a person; quintessentially signifying the Victory of the Spirit over that of limited human intelligence and knowledge, with full liberation from attachment.
Subsequently, this is a state we can achieve through breathing in of Love and Joy with the inflow of the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE 14TH DIMENSION! This BREATH shall consequently activate the opening of the 7 SEALS, activate thereafter our Junk DNA and all strands of DNA, activate expand and erect the Pineal Gland, and finally activate the Thymus Gland that would inevitably initiate the creation of the 8th Chakra - the Higher Heart Chakra and resurrect thereby, the Three-Fold Flame (located in the Heart Chakra) into the “One White Flame of Ascension” that shall then be seated in the 8th Chakra of the Higher Heart. This shall eventuate when the transmuting energies of the 14th Dimension collapse our Mental/Emotional/Auric Bodies into condensation of One White Body of Ascension. This body corresponds to Ray 4, the white ray of God’s Purity, Resurrection, and Ascension.
The 8th Chakra, which is the HIGHER HEART CHAKRA, is exactly where the Thymus Gland is situated. When you develop your Higher Heart you shall feel that area protrude outward slightly. It is bony on touch.
Now, we move a step deeper into fundamental understanding of the function of the Breath of Love. The BREATH that activates the Merkabah of the LOTUS BODY of the 14th Dimension activates primarily the pre-requisite, that which is the permanent "GOD SEED ATOM" within our cellular body. This step must be understood carefully.
At first there was only Light everywhere. Nothing else existed in contrast. This was and is the Creator Source of All That Is. One day, the Creator decided to experience Itself from the outside, as it could not experience Itself simply by being exclusive. Therefore, it allowed sparks of its Energy to leave itself and venture beyond to create at will whatever it wanted. Lord Metatron is the Archangel who is the Lord in charge of the first light to leave the Source. Now, the Spark as it left became an Individualized Presence from which all its creation stems. This Spark is the original Monad Self. It then joined a number of other Sparks and formed a Monad Family. This Monad Family was allocated a Ray of God (and so we have a Monad Ray). This is from where it all began for us! The Monad then created a Soul, and this soul went out and joined another few souls and formed a Soul Family and received a Ray for its group (and so we have a Soul Ray). This Soul then created 12 souls from within itself, each of which went into various embodiments at different timelines of realities. One of which is you (the Physical Ray). So we all have a Monad, a Soul, and 12 oversouls. We have each in allocation a Monad Ray (that indicates to which Monad family we originally belong), a Soul Ray (this is where we find our Soul Family of Soulmates), a Physical Ray (on which we descended into form), a Personality Ray (that indicates our complete persona, also how we appear to others), a Mental Ray (that confirms why we think the way we think), and our Astral or Emotional Ray (the Ray we are when we leave our body at night and travel).
Now, in an unawakened being his soul connection maybe at its minimal level nevertheless the GOD CELL ATOM remains untouched and pure. It is never diminished nor destroyed. It is a Permanent God’s Cell and though inactivated it remains intact. The GOD CELL ATOM (God Seed Code) contains the Blueprint of the Divine and of our Monad. It is located in the cellular area of our Higher Heart complex of the thymus gland. It is that which contains the whole story of universal creation within itself. It contains within itself, in the most refined form, the building blocks of all creation. It also contains the blueprint or the template for what God-Source intends to create. Moreover, the energy in the GOD CELL ATOM is not linear, as on earth time, but exists and operates on the Circular Timelessness of No Space. Moreover, the GOD CELL ATOM houses within itself a Flame of Amoraea, which is living spark of God Consciousness.
Now, when we evolve, and as we evolve, we bring into our bodies higher and higher percentages of our original Soul. Which at the start is only 1/6th of an inch in connection. But, to attain full enlightenment we must bring into our body the fullest expression of our Monad Self.
The COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE 14TH DIMENSION is here to enable this to eventuate. This is the mission of every light being who is aiming for Ascension with the Physical Body. The BREATH is the technology to pull in the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE 14TH DIMENSION that shall allow the full entry of the Monad Self into physical body. Once the Monad of the Self connects with our body and enters our cellular structure it shall immediately connect with the Permanent GOD CELL ATOM, which shall therein come online. The activation of our GOD CELL ATOM will cause changes in our heart patterns, our hormones, and our endocrine biorhythms like a domino-effect. This GOD CELL ATOM is what contains the BluePrint of God Consciousness, the Blueprint of our Monad and the Blueprint of our Crystal Lotus Body. This is what the Illuminati never wanted! They have tried so hard for millions of earth's existence to prevent God's Light from ever entering the GOD CELL ATOM! They knew, if that happened, their reign on earth shall end in a blink of an eyelid!
When the GOD CELL ATOM shall get activated, the Three-Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom, & Power (which has already reached its full bloom of 30 feet+ by the full entry of the Soul of the now enlightening human) would begin to spin at God Speed and turn the Three-fold-Flame into "ONE WHITE FLAME of ASCENSION" (Ray Four). This would then rise from its location of the Heart Chakra into the realm of the Thymus Gland and initiate the 8th Chakra of the HIGHER HEART. The Ray of Amoraea thereafter, embodied in the GOD SEED ATOM, would in turn spin the 3rd dimensional 6 Pointed Star Merkabah of the human at such Goddess Speed, that the hexagram would hurriedly convert into a DIAMOND MER-KA-BAH OF THE CRYSTAL LOTUS BODY of the 14th Dimension.
The Amoraea Ray is the Holy Spirit of God (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) that can only be ignited by the full entry of our Monad Self. It is the Monad Spirit that, which when enters our cellular body, connects immediately with the GOD SEED ATOM and activates its Amoraea Ray that which in turn causes the activation of the Higher Heart, the One White Body of Ascension and the Diamond Mer-Ka-Bah, our Diamond Light Body of Ascension! This is the State of BUDDHAHOOD then achieved!
When we wish to locate our true blood light family, it is our Monadic Family that who’s Monad Ray is the same as ours. This is the highest truest family to which we fully belong and must return to. Moreover, when we reach this level of enlightenment our human blueprint is superimposed by our Monadic Blueprint of Universal Imprint. And that is when we enter the Divine Plan of God for earth!
The COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS makes its grand entry through the GANESHA PORTAL, that which has already opened on September 23rd Equinox, at the exact time of the last 4th TOTAL LUNAR BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE. With this ends the two year Blood Moon Corridor of 2014-2015!
It’s an Aries Full Moon and Total Eclipse. An Aries Full Moon is very powerful and fiery that is balanced however by its opposite polarized sign of the Libra. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth's dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of North and South America, Europe, Africa, and western Asia.
It is through the chaos of the present momentum within our bodies, that we shall find the light within! The key to ignite such passion of Total Enlightenment, however, has not yet been experienced through this vehicle of our choice. The clearing and purification phase, which has indeed been on the agenda since the last few weeks with the opening of the Lion Consciousness Portal from Sirius, is now approaching its end and a New Era of Enlightenment is entering our cognitive reality! We are rising from the shoulders of the 144TH LION CONSCIOUSNESS OF SIRIUS to the Altar of THE COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE 14TH DIMENSION OF THE CENTRAL SUN!
The BREATH of Love, Joy, Freedom is the technology to take in the COSMIC DOLPHIN CONSCIOUSNESS so remember to start breathing slow and deep from now onward.
October 2015 - Moving Frequencies, Attaining More Light
September came in with a bang and the energies that were brought in with WAVE X are still here. These waves are more subtle than in the past. These are waves of higher awareness. Each wave brings us closer to our authentic self and who we really are. Each wave breaks down more of the matrix so we can see the truth of what is taking place and what has gone on. As we align with the TRUTH, we then align even more with our higher selves and Christ Ascending Consciousness.
The Gap
There exists A GAP now as these waves come in. The ones who have committed to the ascension process versus the ones who have not joined the party yet. With some we can see this gap widely. With others, the gap is smaller and even though they may not outwardly have joined the ascension there is still common ground. Some of this happens because as we raise our consciousness we see the best version of some of the people. We no longer have to lower our vibration all the time now to talk to a person still in the Matrix. We now can find common ground with everyone yet we are aware there is still a gap to contend with. We are more compassionate now when faced with the gap in consciousness.
Higher Awareness
This higher awareness of the new wave frequencies takes us to places we could not have imagined in the past. We now think back to the past and wonder, was that really me that lived that life? Why didn’t I handle things differently? It seems bizarre to think back and remember the person we used to be. It seems so long ago and in a different reality, not this one. We have elevated to a new awareness now as the higher frequencies continue to bombard us with New Light Waves.
Our waking moments have taken on a dream like quality to them. Everything is possible in dreams and now in our waking life, it seems the same way. It is similar to having a lucid dream where we get to control the dream and manifest the best outcome for us. All of our dreams can now come true. We now have the reality upon us, that with inspired action we can manifest our dreams.
Now Moment in Time
As we said earlier, it seems like the person that we were in the past is not us anymore. This is happening because we are accelerating NOW into the moment of now. Now is all there is. What does it mean to be fully in the moment of Now? It means the past and future do not exist and all we have is the present moment. We are not upset over anything in the past because we have done the inner work required and eliminated the karma attached to our past experiences with others. To be fully in the present moment also means we do not multi task. If we are talking to someone we put everything else aside and give that person our full attention. This is the way of the higher realms, to show gratitude and respect for other beings. When we are in the NOW moment we are singly focused on only that moment and what it will bring into our awareness and how it can expand and lift us.
What we are feeling now
We now are going through upgrades that are unlike the upgrades of the past. It is like a jet taking off, we are reaching higher dimensions each day but are not necessarily in much pain over it. Walking in two worlds is how it can be described. Many introspections are still taking place to release past karma. Understanding why someone behaved the way they did in the past and having compassion for them instead of blame. We are accessing Claircognizance more and more, the inner knowing about things in the past, present and future.
Here are our suggestions and the intel we are getting to pass on to everyone to make this ride easier:
Eat a lot of plant food. Organic. Incorporate it into your meals if you are not used to eating it. You can add vegetables to any meal including noodles and it adds clean flavor, nutrition and LIGHT to your food.
Ground every day, with bare feet to the ground, it is not enough now to walk around in bare feet outside or to garden.
Drink lots of water to keep hydrated, we notice dehydration now sets in very quickly with our increased frequency. Get plenty of iron and protein in your food, spinach and beans are good choices.
Look for and notice any strange events happening like for example things appearing in the house that were not there before. These are signs of changing timelines. Some people are seeing mists now everywhere. People’s eyes are so blurry these days it is hard to see anything on our computers. These are all signs of upgrades in frequency and building the light body for the higher dimensions.
Pay attention to all the small things that happen. Everything important is always in the details. Work to increase your awareness and become super aware with every interaction and every place you go. Go into the observer mode and just watch the Universe around you unfold. When we are in this state every day we become part of the unfolding harmony and we work with the Source with no resistance.
Some people’s feet have been very hot and can range from freezing cold to hot. This is mostly the soles of the feet. Heart racing and heart palpitations are another symptom. This can be very annoying when trying to sleep and we feel our heart racing. For some sleep has been sparse and more energy on the rise. With more light comes more energy and bliss.
Light Body
As we move further into the transformation of the light body, our physical bodies will indeed feel more LIGHT in form. Light in the physical sense, less dense and heavy and light in the spiritual sense as if we are floating on air. There are many others in the light body dimensions that exist in 5D and above. Many Star beings exist in these dimensions as we will. We will take our place among them, as it is meant to be.
As we progress into the light body, there is more bliss to be felt. We have noticed now that the bliss comes more often. This is how anything starts, it starts slowly and then builds. The bliss is no different. We will soon be in a state of bliss perpetually. The 3D issues will seem like a faraway land that we do not deal with anymore. Indeed it is already starting!
We have now reached the middle of the Ascension process and are coming in for the home stretch. We will continue to feel increases in energy and symptoms of these increases. The more sensitive a person is, the more they will feel the waves, download and upgrades. To increase sensitivity, work to get out of 3D matrix thinking. This dumbs down our awareness and sensitive nature. The more we can honor our feelings, the more we can make progress within our higher selves and soul.
Life Changing Events
Have you ever felt that there is something extraordinary happening around you and to you but you cannot always figure out what it is? Your life suddenly changes and you start to wonder what is going on with you. Sometimes this happens suddenly like a switch being turned and now you are tuned into a new frequency of reality. There is a feeling of someone or something trying to connect with you on a deeper higher dimensional level that feels familiar yet a bit strange, like a voice speaking to you in your head trying to give you good advice on things that could help you to potentially make better decisions about something, or a knowing that something is not quite right and to try doing what is planned a different way. That voice might be your higher self which is a multidimensional being that is a version of your advanced self-living in another dimension trying to help you when needed. As well this can be your intuition leading you on ways of making more productive choices that will create positive results in your life.
At times individuals who chose to incarnate to Earth have missions on this planet that need to be completed and the person is awoken to what they wanted to do on the planet when their time is right, the veils of forgetfulness are pealed back and lifted in layers in order to remember who we are as star beings, star seeds, guardians, or wanders coming to Earth to do something profound and important to help people or the planet during this time of change from a 3D reality into 5D existence.
Many people are in a transition stage right now having a knowing that something is waiting for them to discover, find out and learn about in their lives. They might not know what that something is in the beginning but they want the knowledge to figure it out so there are questions to which we try to get answers. Sometimes we have flashes and glimpses of our previous lifetimes, concurrent lives, and even future lives from the universal knowledge that we receive through informational downloads from the universe, this information can show us symbols, letters and numbers that have specific meaning in our lives right now in how we structure our lifetime, these are remembrances of the cosmic beings that we were, are, or could be. This could lead us to go on a spiritual journey of self-discovery in who we are, as well as sometimes make contact with benevolent ET races, spirit guides, etc. who may provide us with the profound answers that we seek in finding out who we are and where we belong in the universe. Some of us may feel like we are suddenly strangers living on Earth or we may have felt like that half of our lives, knowing that we are searching for our life purpose in the world, wanting to do something different or explore new possibilities of doing things in the world to make it a better and safer place for everyone.
At times our lives expand and we start to look within ourselves and to others who share similar experiences to our own to discover what is happening to us in this new way of existence we are living in. It may seem strange and out of the ordinary yet it can be extraordinary as we are embarking on new chapters in our lives that can take us on amazing journeys of self-discovery making anything possible that otherwise was impossible before. The world is not black and white, it is open ended where anything and everything can happen is you choose to have an open mind that believes in who you are in exploring all the possibilities in what life has to offer. We are higher dimensional beings, the builders and creators of our realities, we can make positive changes in ourselves, as well as the world thereby creating good outcomes with timelines that are stable with benevolence and light ahead in our futures. This is the world of many possibilities we have now entered with our eyes open, being awakened to the fact that we are not just 3D beings but much more, capable of going to higher realms of existence accomplishing our dreams and hopes for whatever we are doing in this world.
We are free and we make our own futures, there is no need for fear or doubt anymore to stop us from creating great outcomes in the world. There are many doors and opportunities waiting for us to explore their potential as we are the bringers of hope and light on Earth.
The Grand Awakening
The Grand Awakening shall now occur for the masses that have not fully awoken to consciousness yet. This will be an inner awakening to follow the last many months of external wake-up calls that have been occurring in the physical realms. These multiple timelines move further into integration at a higher frequency now. What “would have been” is no longer, for those timelines will cease to exist.
Everyone will physically now be moved into a higher dimension than they were before. This will be different for each, for embodiment dictates what physical dimension one experiences in their physical. Everyone now has different physical realities, with the ability to change timelines instantly through that which they hold inside.
This mass wake-up call will be to show all what they could not see/understand before. This inner awakening will open hearts which activates consciousness and removes the final veil of amnesia that’s been lingering until now. This is what all have awaited, this is what all came here for. This is the game-changer for all of HUmanity now.
Confusion is the state that occurs when one starts to wake up. Those that were tolerable to the old ways will now take being fed up to the place of not participating/supporting that anymore. Those who could not see before, will be shown, what is within their grasp to assist them with changing paths. There will be much work to do to repair the damage done thus far. Yet this is the turning point. Yes, we did it and it is done.
LightWarriors and LightWorkers, now you bring your A-game, now it’s time to step fully into your roles. Your playing in the old ways of lack and not sharing will not be tolerated anymore. Your own separation that was still left must completely go. Your lack of support for others doing this work must be released from within you and to fulfill your purposes and mission you are required to support each other to work together as one. Let your last bit of hesitation go.
Release the belief that you are not supported, are not enough and do not have enough. Remember Who You Are Fully From Inside and step into this with your entire being, with every aspect of you and with all that you have NOW. You cannot lead as a WayShower if you cannot do it first yourself. This is YOUR final wake-up call as well.
Everyone on LightShip Earth now shall experience that which was not vibrationally achievable before. These blasts of light shall continue to increase and get stronger to bring all into alignment for this huge dimensional merge/shift.
Sacred honor is now required from all from within. That which you are here to DO is your priority now.
6 Ways To Open Your Life Up To Cosmic Energy
As mainstream science starts to more-openly recognize the effectiveness of practices such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture and so forth, more of us are learning that we are energetic beings, who must consider how other energies affect our well-being. As believed from an early age by Taoist Masters in China, and later proven by quantum physics, we are all connected; even through the outer reaches of space and time, we are all connected to the “Way” of the cosmos, the Tao.
With this knowledge, it is up to each of us to decide if we want to connect to the flow of this loving energy that surrounds us, or do we ignore it and close ourselves off from it. The cosmic energy will keep flowing, without judgment, either way. If you decide that yes, you want to invite this positive energy into your life and bathe in its abundance, then here are some ideas on how to rekindle your relationship with the cosmos.
1. Assess the Level of Negative Energy within You
Sometimes we don’t even realize how besieged we are with negativity. This can be self-perpetuating and can attract the wrong situations and wrong people into our lives. To help you assess your level of negative energy, here are some assessment guides. Find a quiet space and look inside. It all begins with self-awareness.
Do you complain? All the time or just sometimes?
Do you often discuss what’s wrong in the world more than what’s right? This includes the ‘terrible’ weather, ‘horrible’ traffic, ‘idiotic’ government, ‘lousy’ economy, ‘stupid’ in-laws, etc.
Do you criticize? All the time or just certain people?
Are you attracted to drama and disaster (can you unglue yourself from the TV when there’s a news story of a disaster and can you avoid getting involved in the lives of dysfunctional celebrities?)
Do you blame? All the time or just certain situations?
Do you believe that you have no control over most of your results?
Do you feel like a victim? Do you talk about people doing things to you?
Are you grateful for what is or will you be grateful when things finally start going right for you?
Do you feel like things are happening to you? Or do you feel that they are happening through you?
It takes courage to be honest to yourself and accept if you are overly negative. You create your life experiences. The cosmic energy around you will guide you through these experiences, but it is up to you to experience them in gratitude. Along the way, being grateful for what is happening, both the good and the bad, will invite more positive energy into your life
There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. – W. Clement Stone
2. Limit Ego Self-talk that Criticizes and Doubts
Most of us, at some point in life, struggle with the negative thinking and judgment of the self-talking ego-mind – “Nothing good will ever happen to me,” “I could never do that,” “I’ll never find the right job.” At times this ego-mind is loud.
Sometimes it can even be harmful – “I’m a horrible person,” “I don’t deserve happiness” – filling you with misguidance and doubt. Without limiting this negative self-talk, you will disengage from the ever-present flow of Qi – cosmic energy – that is available to you. You must take control of your thinking, calm and rebalance your thoughts and reaffirm your bond with the cosmos.
3. Use Affirmations to Free Yourself from Negativity
At times, we have to motivate ourselves daily to face negativity and address its sources – the ego-mind, stressful lives, the crazy world, etc. Here are some ideas for daily affirmations – you can learn the ones that resonate with you and ones that are most relevant to your life, or think of some of your own. Keep them written, visible and say them out loud.
What other people say about me is their problem, not mine.
I am free to be me.
Life isn’t perfect, but my life is surely great.
It’s okay to have down days.
Even when I’m struggling, I have so much to be grateful for.
Every experience is just another important lesson.
Not everything is meant to stay.
Being wrong is the first step to being right.
I do not need to hold on to what’s holding me back.
My happiness today is simply the result of my thinking.
Who I spend quality time with matters.
Drama and judgments are a waste of perfect happiness.
Most people are judging me far less than it seems.
I can make the world a happier place.
The work is worth it.
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” ―Wayne W. Dyer
4. Release All Restrictions of the Body/Mind/Spirit
The energies of the Sun, the Earth, the Galaxy and the Cosmos influence us through higher dimensional subtle energies on the physical, etheric and spiritual levels. It is easy for us to get stuck in the physical plane and believe that all that matters is what we experience physically. Yet, our energetic field and our spirit are also communicating with cosmic energy.
By remembering this connection to the greater cosmos in each of the layers of the True Self, encased in our human form, we help open up the line of communication with higher energies of the Universe. And in this, we experience a deeper transformation on all levels – in body, mind, spirit and soul. Practices such as yoga, tai chi and qi gong, although typically used by people for exercise and lowering stress, can help you realize the True Consciousness beyond the fear-based 3D world. Additionally, specific practices that focus on opening up the heart chakra energy center, Anahata, are effective at increasing the heart’s capability to assimilate cosmic energy. These include different types of concentration techniques focused on the heart and reciting the Lotus Sutra.
“Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
5. Cleanse Your External Space
Much of our effort to connect with the cosmic energy flow requires inner focus, some quiet time of reflection and solitude in a safe environment. Here is where cleansing our external living space of negative and stale energy becomes just as important as clearing our inner space.
You often hear ideas such as de-clutter, let go of unneeded stuff and rearrange your furniture to create more space. This is both practical and effective in helping you feel lighter and more positive.
You could consider putting a little more effort into the cleansing process by smudging the areas where you spend most of your time, such as your home, office and car. Smudging allows you to clean out your energetic field, creating space for a new, more balanced and healthier you. The process can be kept simple, with only four tools:
A bundle of white sage – representing EARTH
An Abalone seashell – representing WATER – for catching ash from the sage bundle
A feather or feather fan – representing AIR
And FIRE for lighting the sage
You can also use bells and chimes, recite mantras or prayers, sprinkle pure salt in the corners of each room, and use natural incense.
Creating a living space with less negative energy is important, but don’t forget to venture outside. Reconnecting to nature while you retreat into a place of stillness, with fewer people, less electromagnetic pollution and no media, can help you open up to the natural flow of the Universe. It gets you to disconnect from your regular pace of life, so you are more in tune with yourself.
When getting out is not an option, consider creating a quiet space where you can retreat during times of introspection and reduce electromagnetic pollution in your home.
6. Practice Authentic Meditation
Meditation starts with a short daily practice that for some of us means just relaxing our mind or sitting still. The more meditation one does, the more cosmic energy one receives – this energy will flow through the entire mind/body/spirit of the True Self. With consistency, a meditation practice blossoms into longer and longer stretches with less and less thought, where we become open to the insights of the Universe and gain clarity that enriches our lives.
The process of bringing more cosmic energy into your life will harmonize and balance your connection with the Tao. This is a fundamental relationship and interaction in all of our lives. It is up to us to decide how deeply we want to benefit from this relationship and if we are ready to expand our awareness of it.
Merging with your Highest Aspect – Sananda – Galactic White Brotherhood
The accumulation of energies is pushing each person to raise their vibration and merge more completely with their soul source; their higher self. Every being on earth at this time is affected by this shift, all in varying degrees. None are left out of these energetic changes, this includes the earth, the elemental kingdom, your plants and fauna, as all beings have agreed to partake in this incredible journey of soul growth. How each of you is affected with depend upon the work that has been done previously.
At this time many of those previously unaware are beginning to feel the stirrings of discontent, of wanting more meaning and peace in their lives. It is during this stage that one may experience great disruptions in their life. For some this can be in the form of job loss, a relocation, relationship change, even the loss of loved ones. While this may be difficult for the person to understand, these changes are helping to remove all layers, belief systems and personas that were adopted while living on earth. All that is not in alignment with the authentic self must leave. It is through drastic changes that one begins to question all around them. How long this phase of growth lasts depends solely on the person and how easily one is able to let go off all resistance. Some are able to hear the slightest soul whispers and act on that impulse, others may need much more encouragement. Understand that there are no right or wrong ways for one to awaken. Each path, each choice is an experience that provides soul growth. For those of you who are awakened, we are asking that you help lead your brothers and sisters, by being supportive and compassionate. This is a time in which healers in all forms will be greatly needed.
Some have already experienced drastic change in many areas of their life and are now on the path of incorporating all the aspects of their soul. Each person on earth has aspects within of the elemental kingdom, the angelic realms, their guides and the masters. As one grows on this path they incorporate the aspects of each being that has helped them on their journey to self. Each aspects allows you to remember more of your divine nature and your magnificence as you return to source. This process for some is quite easy and for others it is difficult. It depends on how one is able to flow with changes and is able to release all that is not in alignment as you realize the full scope of your soul. Identifying with only one aspect will not allow you to grasp the full potential of ALL THAT IS. Understand that you are all of these things and yet none, just as you are an individual, yet you are all ONE.
Others are merging the final aspects of their soul and in doing so are finding they no longer have the higher self-outside of them, but firmly anchored within. It is during this phase that one becomes the master walking on earth. The soul will anchor in layers and emerge more and more as one understands and clears their patterns and all that is not in alignment. It is during this time that all that is previously understood and believed will be challenged. What was once believed as truth is no longer accurate. Each will be called to master their own thoughts and in turn their manifestation of the hologram around them. For some the integration of the higher self can be anxiety inducing as one must go within for guidance and trust all they are feeling instead of looking outside one’s self. Never before has trust been as important as it is now. We are asking that these souls step into their leadership roles and help guide others through the energies.
All of these phases can be physically draining as the body is receiving upgrades to all the systems and releasing unwanted mental and physical density. For many the upgrades to the electrical system can cause flu-like symptoms. It is very important to stay hydrated at this time as a well hydrated body is able to handle the upgrades much easier. Sleep when called is also essential for the changes taking place. It has been agreed by all on a soul level that the light codes coming into earth will continue and each one will help move all to their intended goal.
OFF THE RECORD NASA Openly Admits Alien Life Exists: Get Ready for Disclosure!
Most people ‘in the know’ realize that NASA is just part of the military industrial complex, but a recent open admission on mainstream news that “there are indications of alien life” is likely the beginning of a bid to get your undivided attention before full-forced disclosure ensues.
Most people already believe what NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan states:
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years.”
It isn’t going to take that long if we open our eyes.
Stofan goes on to say:
“We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
What we’re going to understand is that our ‘secret’ government has been hiding this fact for ages. In an effort to transition the US and other countries through its reach to a cabal-run oligarchy, our shadow government has been lying about off-planet corporate slavery rings, alien abductions, benevolent beings who can only do so much until our collective consciousness elevates, and much, much more.
William Cooper, among others, tried to disclose the true purpose of NASA, but he was exterminated. His death, among thousands of others, will not be in vain.
We will learn that aside from extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet and many different ET races tinkering with our DNA over millennia, there are ancient humanoid races that are more than 10 million years old.
We will learn that a recent computer hacking retrieved millions of government and corporate personnel records, some say as part of documentation for Nuremburg-like trials, will begin soon against those who have mind-controlled, enslaved and tortured us. Undeniable photos of UFOs were also unearthed.
We will also learn that chemtrails and GMOs were the LEAST of plans made for us ‘sheeple’ and ‘useless eaters’ by a Luciferian cabal, and that President Harry Truman signed a document with certain ETs that allowed the ‘elite’ to conduct highly technological experiments with intelligence gained from these ETs in exchange for looking the other way when certain humans were abducted for ET experiments.
We will learn that we are not helpless, as we have been programmed to believe. We are, in fact, a rare humanoid race that has an incredible range of emotion and creative power. We will learn that our minds and emotions can either fuel chaos on this planet, or restore it to its rightful place of peace and cooperation, of care for others at least as much as ourselves.
We will learn that our ascension into infinitely peaceful beings is indeed possible, and it has been described in countless books, many of which have been suppressed along with UFO information.
NASA is telling us now that the likelihood of alien life is a ruse. Be sure to remember those who have been executed to try to prove this information to us decades ago, and to use discernment when the truth is finally revealed.