Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Policy & Privacy Information to Know

Here is some important information to know about Messages from a Star Traveler Policies, Guidelines, Code of Ethics, etc.
There is a no refund policy, no cancellations, no returns and no exchanges for all sessions, consultations, courses, workshops, services or products. If you need for some reason to rebook the session, consultation, course, or workshop please let me know by email so that we could reschedule if needed. There are absolutely NO refunds once you prepay for a session, consultation, course, or workshop. Before purchasing a session, consultation, course, workshop or any products on this website please consider to take the time to read the link to our policies and guidelines on why there are no refunds or cancellations for services and products on this website. Online Link for the NO REFUNDS AND NO CANCELLATIONS Policies & Guidelines: Explanation of the no refunds and no cancellations policy on the website
Terms of Service Agreement Policies
If you wish to cancel your session, consultation, course or workshop for any reason or you are unable to work with us that is fine, but please do be aware that if you let us know by email correspondence that you are cancelling your paid and booked in session, consultation, course or workshop for whatever reason there will not be a refund issued for you choosing to cancel your session, consultation, course or workshop since we do have a no refund and a no cancellation policy as per our website guidelines.
Please be aware that there is 48 hours provided for any reason to reschedule a booked session, consultation, course, or workshop if you cannot make it to the appointment on that day and then rebook the session, consultation, course or workshop for another time, the payment price for a paid session, consultation, course or workshop is non-refundable. This is not a refund cancellation policy, therefore it cannot be used as such. Session rescheduling can be done 3 times within the same year for the particular session that needed rescheduling and after three booked rescheduled sessions the session cannot be rescheduled again and it is non refundable nor can the session be rescheduled for next year.
Please note that there are no refunds for missed sessions, consultations, courses or workshops. As well there are no refunds for email failed to book sessions, consultations, courses or workshops. It is the responsibility of the client to contact the practitioner by email to notify them that a session, consultation, course, or workshop has been purchased either through PayPal or E-Transfer so your appointment for the above items can be booked in by the practitioner for your online Zoom sessions that you as the client will receive.
All the online Zoom sessions, consultations, courses, and workshops are in Pacific Time Zone, please convert your session appointment into the appropriate international time zone that is the equivalent of Pacific Time so that the date and time of your session corresponds with Pacific Time.
The client's name, email address, and phone number needs to be included in the contact information when they send the practitioner their email confirming that they have purchased a prepaid session, consultation, course, workshop, service or product, all the contact information needs to be correct in order to book in the session, consultation, course, workshop, as well as receive the service or product that you purchased. There are no refunds for failed to book prepaid sessions, consultations, courses, workshops as well as prepaid services or products that are electronically undeliverable due to invalid contact information for emails, phone numbers, contact forms, or lack of a response from the buyer when attempts have been made by the practitioner to contact the client for booking in sessions, consultations, courses, workshops, or to deliver electronically to the client the purchased digital services or products by email or google drive downloads. The client needs to please respond within a reasonable time frame to the practitioner's attempts to contact them to book in the prepaid sessions, consultations, courses, or workshops as well to provide proper contact information (email address) so the practitioner can deliver electronically the digital services or products by the valid email address that the client provides to receive their digital service or product via email or google drive downloads. The practitioner is not held liable or responsible for any digital services or products such as course materials, reports, videos, books, meditations, etc. that cannot be electronically delivered by email or google drive downloads to the buyers due to invalid email addresses provided by clients, there are no refunds provided for products or services that cannot be electronically delivered due to invalid email addresses.
If the client does not respond within a reasonable amount of time (one week) to the practitioners email(s) in attempts to book in the prepaid sessions, consultations, courses, or workshops that were paid through PayPal or E-Transfer as a result there are no refunds for the paid sessions, consultations, courses, or workshops that were failed to book in due to a lack of a response from the client in providing no answer to the practitioner in regards to failing to book in the sessions, consultations, courses or workshops for the provided availability dates offered by the practitioner to the client.
Privacy Policy
At Messages from a Star Traveler we understand the importance of confidentiality. We have taken strict measures to insure that your personal information is protected and secure to the best of our ability. With every step of the work done we take complete consideration that is being given to security measures. We understand and know that there are others wanting your private information and why we take such lengths at insuring your confidential personal information.
1. A Special Note About Children
Children are not eligible to use Messages from a Star Traveler and we ask that minors (under the age of eighteen (18) do not submit any personal information to us. If for some reason parents of children contact us for information or services on behalf of their children then adult supervision will be required at all times.
2. Information Messages from a Star Traveler Collects
Our primary goal in collecting personal information from you is to provide you with a smooth and efficient experience while you are using Messages from a Star Traveler website services, and to keep you informed of opportunities available on those services. This allows us to provide services and features that are most likely to meet your needs, and to customize our service to make your experience easier and quicker.
When you are using the Messages from a Star Traveler online Contact form, we may collect an email address, Client name, phone number and other personal information that is listed in the Contact form. Messages from a Star Traveler will only use the information you provide to us by filling out the Contact form or through email in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Messages from a Star Traveler does monitor and record the content of any session information done online through Zoom for the booked sessions. This is done for archival purposes only in order to be able to provide the client with a record of their video if it is requested.
Other than the profile information submitted by our Members, and except as noted herein, Messages from a Star Traveler does not disclose any personally identifying information to other Members without your permission.
Messages from a Star Traveler may contain links to other sites. Our business is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. We encourage you to review the policies of these sites.
Messages from a Star Traveler may use certain information collected from our Members in aggregate form to tailor our Members' experience at the Site, showing you content that we think you might be interested in, and displaying the content according to your preferences.
If you send Messages from a Star Traveler email correspondence, or if other Members or other third parties send us email or other correspondence regarding a particular Member's LLC we may collect such information.
3. Our Disclosure of Your Information
We do not sell, rent or trade any personally identifiable information to third parties. In addition to the other circumstances of disclosure described in this Privacy Policy, Messages from a Star Traveler may disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties if you opt-in to having your personally identifiable information disclosed to such parties. When you consent to disclosure to such third parties, such third parties may use your information in accordance with their privacy policies, which may be less restrictive than this Privacy Policy.
Messages from a Star Traveler may also disclose your personal information to appropriate authorities and to banks or PayPal that is associated with your Member information in order to prevent or report suspected fraud and illegal activities, in order to prevent harm to any persons or if Messages from a Star Traveler believes in good faith that the law requires it. In some cases, the government can compel the disclosure of information about you, and Messages from a Star Traveler will need to comply, in which case you authorize it to do so. You also consent to Messages from a Star Traveler disclosing information about you in connection with disputes involving other Members, and to actual or potential parties to a lawsuit or action that Messages from a Star Traveler is or may become involved in for example, (a) if Messages from a Star Traveler is required to do so, (b) if Messages from a Star Traveler reasonably believes that such disclosures will potentially mitigate its liability, or (c) for Messages from a Star Traveler to enforce its rights. Messages from a Star Traveler may disclose some personally identifiable information to vendors and third-party service providers in connection with communications and payments to Members and other aspects of operating and promoting Messages from a Star Traveler Site and Advisory Services. Third parties will be under extensive confidentiality restrictions.
Code of Ethics
Messages from a Star Traveler is a company that believes in providing the best service available to their clients. We have a variety of gifts and different style to help the client with their booked session needs.
A Psychic Reading is a sacred connection with our clients.
We operate in the Light, fully with the intention of Universal Love, and Spirit.
We believe and trust the Light, the source of our creation, inspiration and guidance.
We reveal the truths as it is revealed to us.
We are fully present with our client, giving our attention, our discretion and our integrity.
We will not judge our client's choices, lifestyle or circumstance. We offer no personal opinion or perspective.
We respect our client's privacy and honor their trust.
We will provide spiritual direction and clarity in an objective manner.
We seek to enlighten, educate and empower our clients; we cannot solve all problems nor will we encourage them to become dependent on our services.
We honor our connection to the Universal Light and treat that connection with love, respect, reverence and peace.
Messages from a Star Traveler provides energy healing, psychic readings and various other services and products that strive to create learning growth opportunities for our clients so that they can further discover who they are and what they wish to accomplish on their life journeys.
Please know that upon payment and/or booking for any services which include but are not limited to energy healing, soul reading or psychic reading session and more, you agree that the energetic healing as well as any messages that you may receive with these services are not to be substituted for any advice, treatment or programs from a licensed medical, legal, financial or psychological professional. We provide no guarantee or implied warranty and will not be responsible for any interpretations or decisions that are made or actions taken by our clients. We are not held liable for any of the services or products that we provide to clients.
Ileana the Star Traveler is not a doctor or medical professional and cannot diagnose or treat any condition from a medical perspective. Ileana is an energy healer and does energy healings which help in relieving pain for the body & organs, managing symptoms of illnesses, helping to heal emotional issues, and releasing blockages. Ileana does not provide or make any guarantees for curing diseases or ailments.
Mission Statement
Messages from a Star Traveler is a website that believes in providing the best service available for its clients. We have a variety of gifts and different styles to help clients find answers and guidance during their booked sessions.
As a psychic reader we want to empower ourselves and others to build healthy boundaries, learn more about ourselves and our destiny, and to achieve a well-balanced life with the choices we make. We encourage people to be the best that you can be and not to fear the obstacles that we must overcome.
Constructing or rationalizing a win, win situation is our primary focus for all parties. Analyzing and accepting the ramifications of our actions, admitting and accepting the responsibility of our actions, is the higher purpose we strive in achieving during sessions.
Loving ourselves and treating ourselves in a healthy fashion will be demonstrated in the words we use and in the actions we take. Hopefully, avoiding perils when we can and making choices that reflect the love that we have for ourselves and the people around us.
As an advisor we strive to continually grow as people, focus on the issues at hand, and make recommendations to steer our friends into pathways that are enlightened and positive. We do this by encouraging and demonstrating honesty, ethics and morality.
When it is a situation of standing up for ourselves, we try to always do so in a respectful manner. We understand that we are not here to be used, manipulated, or driven into a life of negativity. Our challenge is to create a lifestyle in the light and help guide others towards that loving light and avoid obstacles with a firm and honest hand. Balance will be the key to maintaining the life style we desire and fulfill our destiny objectives. Both of which we would like to demonstrate and teach others in the sessions.
Vision Statement
Messages from a Star Traveler is a company that believes in providing the best service available for its clients. We have a variety of gifts and different styles to help clients find answers and guidance during their booked sessions.
Our long term goals are to provide an avenue of ethics and morality to the metaphysical industry. Many people lack the knowledge or experience working with various psychics or the phenomena of getting a reading. This site wants to teach, empower, and educate how to get the best reading possible and determine if the advisor is the best one for you.
Many years of study and analyzing has gone into a psychic and her/his readings. There are so many different types of readers along with the different styles that are applied to various individuals. The three dimensional interpretation that transpires out of a reading will either enhance one’s life or create more challenges. That is why we want to educate the public and optimize their chances of getting the best reading possible. We also go beyond the third dimensional interpretation of things and explore the higher dimensions of 5D and up, since on occasion we may offer insights from ET contact experiences if that is what is needed in a session depending on what is happening with client’s life and situation.
The advisor on this site takes their job seriously and wants to learn, grow, and help others. Since psychics are getting a voice in society, our goal is to be accurate, healthy, and well delivered with what we are doing in helping others. We want to put forth and fine tune the professionalism of our industry standards and create some sense of creditability. Thus, our goal is to reach, teach and show how a "psychic life coach" can enhance one's steps through life.