Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams


The book about Decoding the Mysteries of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Atlantis and Ancient Civilizations explores how Atlantis was created, what were the lands of Lemuria & Mu, who was Thoth the Atlantean, how extraterrestrials were connected in influencing the ancient human beings on Earth, and exploring the deeper secrets of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. We will also explore the Halls of Amenti to discover what this dimensional realm is and where it exists while we study the hidden wisdom within the Emerald Tablets to see what Thoth will teach us about the secret world of metaphysics, alchemy and energetic soul connection to the universe and the other worlds around us. Let us go on a magical journey of soul exploration connecting with the ancient knowledge of Atlantis and Lemuria while we explore the hidden history of our ancient past as we connect with our current present as the energies of Atlantis and Lemuria are returning into our soul consciousness with divine wisdom teachings to help us to remember the eternal creator beings that we are in manifesting a beautiful future in our lives and soul existences.
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Book PDF Price: $25.00 USD
Decoding the Mysteries of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Atlantis and Ancient Civilizations
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