Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Who Are Star Seeds

Sources of Information:
What is a Starseed?: from Starseed Alliance International
The Starseed Experience: Traits and Characteristics: from Dimension 11:11
What are Star Seeds / Starseeds?: by Paul McCarthy: from
Are You A Starseed?: from In5D
What and Who Is a Starseed?
Starseeds are individuals that originate from far-distant stars and solar systems, planets, and galaxies. These highly evolved souls carry a plethora of wisdom and special abilities that hibernate deep within the core of their being. All starseeds are encoded with activation encryptions that will unlock their knowledge and talents at a pre-determined or spontaneous time on earth, it is important to know that the retrieval of this information is to be utilized for very specific purposes.
Most starseeds feel a sense of misplacement, like they were "aliens" dropped here on Earth without a compass, so they harbor a sense of emptiness and longing to find or go back to their "true home." Starseeds often ponder if perhaps their mother ship landed on Earth, they ventured out to explore the planet, and the ship accidentally left them behind; like the "ET phone home" syndrome. The notions of extraterrestrials, space travel, supernatural forces, psychic endeavors and multi-dimensional spirit connections, are very customary and real to them. Television shows and movies such as Star Trek, Star Wars, SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, ET, and others, provide a sense of comfort, familiarity, and association for the lonesome starseed that yearns to connect to his/her true home.
Many starseeds have very unique and striking physical attributes such as alien-like facial features, a-typical physical body structures, elongated necks, larger eyes, oddly shaped skulls, or angelic faces. Starseeds tend to be "space hybrids," as they carry DNA from the various universes and dimensions they have traveled in their many past incarnations. Starseeds have existed and lived in a host of other dimensions, planets, and star systems. They may have lived other lifetimes as angels, fairy's, elven kind, elementals, ET's, galactic beings, or any combination thereof. When they incarnate as humans, they retain this DNA that has been encoded into their form as well. Not ALL starseeds obviously appear alien-like, but even if they appear like an average human, they have probably been told they either resemble an angel, fairy, elf, or ET perhaps at some point in their lives. There is just something unique about the way they look. Look at the faces and physical forms of many Hollywood stars, and you can distinguish who are starseeds. Some are more obvious starseed looking than others, but starseeds are sprinkled throughout the famous humans of today. These "stars" love the phrase, "You could be a star someday." Well, starseeds actually see this statement as a fact of their primary soul, so of course, they truly are a star!
Starseeds have an inner knowing that Earth is not their primary source of existence or identity. They feel like foreigners on this planet, and they find the behaviors and customs of our world to be perplexing, irrational, and even absurd. Starseeds innately have extraordinary intuition and psychic abilities, and they are very adept and attuned to concealed agendas and conspiracies of earthly societies, however, they are not always aware of their specials gifts. In fact, many starseeds live in a walking sleep-state for most of their lives. Fortunately, all starseeds have a built-in alarm clock that is meant to awaken and activate them from their slumber, to remember who they are and why they have come to the planet, and thus accomplish their duties which they in fact volunteered for upon their prior incarnation.
A starseed's primary goal for "landing" on a planet is to bring their unique and distinctive abilities and wisdom to planetary civilizations, for the purpose of serving in a humanitarian capacity, and uplifting the planet to a higher ascended status. They are very "old souls" that have been through numerous incarnations throughout our Universe and beyond. They beat to a resonating pure sound of The Creator's Light, and have responded to the call for mastery, vision, wisdom, and creativity to be "seeded" upon and into the very mysteries of existence that beckons to the depths of their soul. The journey of the starseed is to pave new pathways, transport progressive innovations and technologies to the planet, harness new healing modalities, and seed advanced frequencies of light, all for the growth and expansion of both the planets and souls who inhabit them. Starseeds have a unique ability to be able to shift their consciousness at a rapid pace, so once activated; they can make stellar advancements in all core areas of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes of existence. This includes barreling through their own limitations, fears, patterns, and other earthly obstacles much more swiftly than other Earth humans. This is due to the starseeds past familiarity with the processes and practices of raising vibrations and frequencies to other planets, stars, and galaxies, while on assignments in other lifetimes.
Starseeds carry the "seeds" of light. They are the indigo's, the forefather's, the innovators, the galactic ones, the star ancestors, and the true teachers and inspirations of ascension. But, whatever you want to call them, one thing is for certain…starseeds are powerful beyond measure; they shine a magnificent beacon of light and love to propel us all into the Golden Age of inspiration, creativity, innovation, and advancement.
The Starseed Experience: Traits and Characteristics
This is a descriptive article and list of some of the most common and also unusual characteristics and traits of a starseed soul. While this information can be used to recognize if you are a starseed yourself, it also explains some of the unique experiences and personality quirks that are most generally shared among starseed individuals. The list describes physical symptoms and signs common with star seeds as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that are part of the starseed path and outlook on life.
If you or someone you know is a starseed they may resonate with most if not all of the starseed qualities and experiences listed here.
As always, no external list, label or definition can always accurately describe with 100% certainty the starseed experience; one must look within themselves and truly remember what they already know. Find what resonates with you and always trust your heart concerning the answers you seek.
Starseed Personality Traits and Characteristics
A starseed has a profound feeling of being very different from other people. Everyone is unique and different from others in some way or another, but for a starseed this feeling begins at a very early age and stays with them well into adulthood. There may be no external cause of this feeling and most have relatively 'normal' childhood and adult lives. But many people see these individuals as eccentric even if the starseed is trying to act 'normal' and blend in. A starseed knows they are different, even if they don't quite know why, and even if they try to 'fake it' they will be unhappy pretending to be anyone but themselves.
A starseed individual may discover that they are extremely sensitive and may have a naturally developed sixth sense; most are highly empathic. Having empathy means that they have the ability to feel or sense the emotions and sometimes even the 'thought vibrations' of other people, especially those whom they are closest to. If they are not aware of the source of these emotions or energies then it can seem as if it is their own emotions they are feeling. Unconscious starseeds who are highly empathic can be easily influenced energetically. This makes it important to learn grounding and shielding techniques so they do not absorb the emotions of others or take them on as their own.
The empathic ability of a starseed (or anyone with the ability) can become problematic if one is constantly bombarded with the energy of other people, especially those who are negative. This can result in them becoming increasingly drained energetically over time. This is often the reason why many starseeds feel more comfortable alone in their own private space and tend to feel overwhelmed when around even small groups of familiar people let alone large groups of strangers. Although some starseeds actually feel better in large crowds such as those at an event of some sort, because this way they feel they can 'blend in' more.
Many starseeds journey through life feeling alienated from others in some way and when involved in even small group settings they often feel disconnected from the others or out of place in some way. Their mind is always buzzing with thought and sometimes they have feelings of anxiety or even boredom. The starseed tends to 'think about what the others are thinking about' and this thought stream can sometimes indicate a strong telepathic ability as well. Starseeds sometimes enjoy simply observing others out of curiosity instead of interacting or being put on the spot. Even the more social and outgoing starseeds will still resonate with some of these qualities and experiences on some level.
It's common for starseeds to feel like they don't have much in common with many other people and sometimes cannot understand why people 'do what they do' and 'like what they like'. They tend to feel much better and lighter in energy when they are around higher vibrational people who are more consciously aware because these lighter individuals seem to just 'get it' while no one else seems tuned in.
In some situations when interacting with others a starseed may find themselves suddenly 'shape shifting' their energy to match the other's so they can 'play along' or understand the individual on a deeper level. This unusual experience is hard to describe but a lot of starseeds may recognize it.
Sometimes there is a desire and need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and from 'normal' people. Starseeds often prefer to be alone not from a sense of depression but out of a sense of freedom and feeling like they are in their comfort zone. They tend to benefit and do enjoy feeling out others who share their own spiritual interests. They enjoy having deep and more meaningful conversations and can get bored with mindless 'chit chat' or shallow conversation.
A common phenomenon among starseeds is frequently seeing the 11:11 or other repeating number sequences appearing on clocks and popping up in other unexpected places often. There is also a peculiar feeling or sensation that accompanies these synchronicities.
The Starseed Child and Young Adult
Starseeds tend to be more shy and introverted as children. They also tend to be highly creative and imaginative on many levels. They can spend hours just thinking and pondering in their minds, and playing in their own 'make-believe world'. Many would rather spend time by themselves, with nature and animals rather than with other children. This can often be due to the feeling of being different from others in some way or because they feel they can't relate to other children. Many tend to be more comfortable in the company of adults and are often considered mature for their age. Even so, many star seed children grow up feeling misunderstood and can carry a heavy sadness in their heart at times for reasons they often don't understand.
Starseed children can sometimes have periods of hyperactivity and if that accompanies any anti-social behavior at times then they are often diagnosed with having A.D.D or autism in extreme cases. Later on in life they can often be diagnosed with having Bi-Polar disorder because of the dramatic swings of emotion, but most of these qualities are due to the starseed's sensitivity to the world around them and empathic abilities as mentioned previously.
As children starseeds tend to be highly intelligent with an inquisitive mind, even if they suffer from poor grades in school. Starseed children are fascinated by many things and may show early interest in various subjects such as art, music, science, geography, history, language, reading, writing and journaling and sometimes poetry. If a subject disinterests a starseed child or if they feel the information is mundane or useless on some level they may tend to 'tune it out' and only absorb what excites their passion and curiosity, often soaking up knowledge and even studying subjects on their own.
Starseed children often have an 'imaginary' friend. Now many children have imaginary friends at such a young age, but for the starseed there is often something unusual surrounding the experience. Starseed children can often create fantasy worlds to explore in their own minds. This is typical of every child to a degree, but even as adult’s starseeds have an incredible ability to visualize and ponder the most incredible things. These images and insights are often very vivid. These mental journeys and daydreams tend to go beyond the stereotypical 'fantasies' of earth and can often feel very real.
Starseed children often feel more comfortable communicating with animals, nature, trees, and even intimate objects such as stuffed animals or toys when they are very young; some may have a feeling or sense as if these things are 'conscious' and can understand them. It is the 'energy' of these beings and objects that the starseed may be sensing, but with animals and people it can be early signs of an empathic or telepathic ability. Many starseed children, including adults, have a fondness for particular creatures like felines and wild cats, birds such as owls and eagles, and some even like reptiles.
In general, starseed children have a deep connection, love and appreciation of nature and animals. They feel comfortable and energized outdoors in natural settings, and with animals there is always a deep and compassionate understanding for them. Most feel very attracted to the water as well and swimming can be very healing and calming for starseeds.
It is their sensitive nature, compassion and empathy that often inspires starseed children to develop an interest in various forms of healing. Many will continue to develop these healing abilities as they get older or enter into careers involving healing.
In fact, starseeds begin to question what is 'real' even at that very young age. They often ponder or ask deep or serious questions, have a healthy and genuine curiosity about the people around them and the world in general. They may question everything and always want to know 'why' something is the way it is. Star seed children can even ponder the deepest of questions about reality and delve into concepts such as reincarnation and life after death.
Starseeds may have unusual experiences in childhood that they tend to never forget. Starseeds also have memories of some unique or very emotional dreams even some that feel very 'real' as if they are more memories rather than dreams.
Many starseeds remember having a profound or unusual experience around the ages of 5-11 years old that may relate to UFO's, 'aliens' or the stars, while others may have more paranormal experiences with ghosts or shadow figures.
Please note that most of the starseed traits and characteristics are very similar to those associated with Indigo Children and Lightworkers. All of them do share a common purpose on the planet. Many children that are considered Indigo's are actually starseed children, but not all Indigos are star seeded souls. Starseed children share many things in common with Indigo children such as their empathic and introverted nature, but tend to carry these particular traits well into adulthood. Lightworkers are simply individuals who have consciously chosen to walk a spiritual path, to raise their own vibration and to help spread love and light into the world to assist with the ascension process. Anyone, including starseeds and indigos can be lightworkers.
Physical Symptoms and Signs of Starseeds
Starseeds often experience sensitivity to extreme hot or cold (most of them being more intolerant to cold). They either cannot tolerate the cold as much or prefer warmer or even hot weather, or they are more comfortable in colder weather and find heat intolerable.
They may have a high tolerance for pain (or sometimes the extreme opposite and the starseed may be extremely sensitive to pain for some reason). Many starseeds have a high immunity to many viruses that would affect others easily. When they do become sick--which is not that often, they may recover more quickly.
Many have a strong body (no matter what body type they may have) and it is not uncommon for a starseed to have never broken a bone within their life. They often heal very quickly from any sprains or injuries to the body. Even if weak in appearance starseeds can have much physical strength and even an inner strength at exact moments when they need it.
A strange symptom of some starseeds is that they may have a tendency to bruise very easily and often do not remember how they bumped themselves or got the bruise. They might find other unusual marks or scratches on their body at times and not recall how they might have gotten these.
They may have a prominent birthmark or mole somewhere on their body. Sometimes a few birthmarks or freckles that they have are unusual in appearance or even form an unusual shape, design or pattern.
Many starseeds feel an aversion to bright and unnatural lighting. Starseeds find peace and solace in natural sunlight. They tend to have an affinity with nature and many have a fondness for trees in particular, especially willow trees for some reason. Many starseeds feel more at home with plants and animals than with other humans.
Many starseeds have acute hearing or an above average hearing range. They can be extremely sensitive to sound and loud or chaotic noise disturbs them immensely. It's not uncommon for starseeds to sometimes hear strange or unusual high pitched frequencies or tones in one of their ears. This often happens during periods of accelerated soul growth and can even be accompanied by head pressure, tingling, or other sensations that seem unusual in any area of the body. These physical experiences can happen out of the blue and occur for a period of days or a week, then suddenly the symptoms disappear just as abruptly.
A common physical trait found among starseeds is having blond hair, or hair of any color but with a reddish tint. Eyes can vary in color but many will have unusual or eccentric eyes, either in shape or color, but often just in their intensity. The eyes of a starseed can often be large and bright or have a unique spark to them. As a child, this can be even more intense.
Many starseeds have an extreme sensitivity to alcohol, drugs, and typically any medicine, while others tend to have an extremely high tolerance to such things. All such physical tendencies such as these can vary depending on the individual and can fluctuate over time. This is true with most people but starseeds tend to be at a higher risk and must try to avoid withdrawing into escapism involving abuse of any substance (or abuse of anything as a rule) to cope with reality or deal with pain. This can cloud the starseed vision and delay their progress, but if it occurs early in life it can often lead to deep insight and life changing experiences which pave the way for their later awakening. The more awakened a starseed becomes, the less they rely on, desire or can even tolerate certain chemical substances. Most will then continue to make more conscious and positive decisions regarding their health in general.
A majority of starseeds even as young adults are night owls and enjoy staying up later than the average person. There is a peaceful feeling of solitude and clarity that starseeds feel at night. Those who do sleep earlier may find themselves suddenly awakening for no reason often around 3 am. Many starseeds have unusual sleep patterns or find that they can get by on less sleep than the average person, but still there are periods where they may feel extreme fatigue and need more sleep than usual.
Starseed Dreams and Visions
Many starseeds have reoccurring visions and dreams which feel like daydreams but have more substance and feel more 'real'. It's as if there is a movie playing in their mind's eye and they can play the role of themselves and even the other characters in the daydream, complete with thoughts and emotion. It feels as if they are recalling a memory or projecting a desired event into the future.
Dreams and even visions can include fragmented memories of people, places or events that seem vaguely familiar to them but whom they have never met in person. Often these dreams or visions actually manifest or come to pass indicating a clairvoyant ability. Some describe it as a feeling of 'remembering the future'.
Many experience reoccurring dreams of flying and may have had a few out of body experiences throughout their life. Many have the ability to have lucid dreams or have experienced astral projection.
Starseeds often experience missing time, or periods where time seems to either slow down or speed up considerably. Although, this is an experience that is happening to most people at this time on the planet as our perception of reality and time changes and consciousness expands.
Characteristics and Traits of Star Seeds - Exploring the Heart and Mind of a Starseed
Starseeds often feel that they may have a special purpose or role to play in their life. They often have a desire to 'heal or save the world' when they take a look at the many problems. Some have a desire to 'straighten out the many problems' in society and on the planet or have Aquarian ideals (and many are the astrological sign of Aquarius), feeling that they have unique or unconventional solutions to these issues--and often do. Although sometimes starseeds feel alienated from others and society in general and often find human behavior puzzling and illogical, they still can feel compassion for humanity and a sense of unity with them.
Starseeds often experience synchronicity in their life especially during times of transition or spiritual growth, either during extreme high vibrations of energy or during extreme lows. Seeing the 11:11 on digital clocks, and other double digit repeating number sequences suddenly 'pop up' in unusual ways when least expected is quite common. These experiences can help trigger the star seed to awaken more fully by paying more attention to how the inner world is connected to the outer world.
On a subconscious level starseeds often feel that something is 'about to happen' soon on the planet and that great changes are to be expected very soon. It is a feeling that something is speeding up and coming to a head or climax. This tends to be part of the starseed mission for incarnating on earth. During these great times of change they sense that they may somehow have a role to play, even if this just means gathering information of some kind or raising their own personal vibration and the vibrations of other people. This in turn can affect the entire planet energetically on a collective level. Eventually the starseed becomes more fully conscious of their purpose and can feel the waves of energy and shifting of consciousness that is now occurring on the planet.
Some starseeds may have a strong aversion to strong sexual joking or references, racial humor or foul language in general. Words carry a vibration and often starseeds can feel this and they can feel uncomfortable around people who constantly use negative words or obscene language, even jokingly.
Most starseeds are extremely intelligent and may have an above average IQ. Even as children they may have a love of learning and enjoy games, puzzles, riddles and anything that may pique their interest. Many have a knack for analytical thinking and details but can also understand abstract concepts and have an appreciation for beauty and art.
Many Starseeds grow up with a strong interest in music and art in particular, and often enjoy writing and drawing or any form of artistic or creative expression. Most of them are avid readers even at an early age.
Even at a very young age starseeds can be avid readers who love to absorb material of any kind from fictionional fantasies and novels to self-help books and non-fiction informational books. They love to learn and soak up knowledge on many different subjects, often causing them to become 'jacks of all trades but masters of none'. It is just that starseeds have such a unique and wide variety of interests and so many things fascinate them. They have the ability to absorb information quickly and many are speed readers and have excellent ability to retain, sort and organize information in their heads.
Starseeds tend to have an aversion to mundane types of employment or 'dead end jobs'. They get bored by repetitive tasks unless it involves something they are passionate about. Starseeds dislike working for others and want to 'be their own boss'. This does not mean that the starseed is lazy or dislikes work, but simply that they would prefer to get paid doing something they love or put their heart into and in areas where they are talented, can work independently, or are making a difference somehow.
The Interests and Inner Nature of A Star Seed
Even from a young age starseeds may have a natural desire and even ability to heal. This is partly due to their empathic nature but also because of a sincere desire to assist others. They may have an intuitive sense of what needs to be balanced in someone or even a situation to achieve wholeness and well-being. They can often feel the pain of another as their own. This natural desire to help and heal often draws them to healing practices and even unconventional healing methods. They may develop an interest in natural or alterative healing such as with the use of herbs, crystals, reiki, etc. Many enter careers that involve healing in some way, even fields such as counseling.
A large amount of starseeds have an attraction to the colors indigo and purple, blue, green and especially lighter and softer colors such as sky blue, teal and lavender. Starseeds feel attracted and drawn to the energy and vibration of nature and natural weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, lightning, waterfalls and the ocean surf. All of this is about energy and these particular things have a higher frequency or faster vibrating energy. There is powerful energy in nature and colors even carry particular vibrations and energetic impressions that can be felt by starseeds.
They have an inner knowing to 'do what is right' even if these things were not taught. Starseeds are often highly intuitive or have some psychic ability that may not even be realized as they had these abilities since a young age and they have become part of their everyday experience.
They also tend to have prophetic dreams or visions that later come to pass. Sometimes these dreams and visions are not always literal or direct and can appear symbolically as metaphor.
Most if not all starseeds are strongly attracted to space, and love to observe the stars, planets, moon, etc. and feel an inner 'calling' or connection to the cosmos. They often feel a deep sense of longing, of want to 'leave and return home' but they just don't know what home is. Sometimes they feel like a stranger in a strange land.
In general starseeds tend to have a strong attraction or interests in scientific fields such as astronomy, quantum physics, biology, chemistry and even archaeology, psychology. They may also have an interest in philosophy, metaphysics and of course various subjects related to the paranormal, occult, new age, spirituality, esotericism and mysticism.
No matter what the spiritual or religious belief (or lack thereof) that a starseed has, and no matter what they were taught to believe as children regarding any spiritual or religious concept, there is an inner sense, knowing or belief that there is indeed an all-powerful being or Source -or- that there is creative universal force or unifying energetic presence that all is a part of as a whole. Starseeds can sense this unity in nature and when around other aware souls. Their attraction to the cosmos allows them to see the 'bigger picture' and they explore profound concepts in their mind even at an early age. They understand on a deeper level that there is a non-physical reality that extends beyond what we merely see with our five physical senses.
Starseeds tend to have a sometimes obsessive desire to search out the missing elements of spiritual teachings that are not found in religion. They may see or search for similarities and parallels in various religious and spiritual teachings and seek to find the unifying and underlying principles with them. This results in many not conforming to one specific religion or set of spiritual beliefs, and instead exploring many different philosophies such as eastern philosophies to more western esoteric teachings.
Starseeds may feel drawn to various different ancient symbols and may have an intuitive understanding of their meaning and what they represent. They are attracted to these symbols often because of a strange sensation they get which often feels like a 'knowing or memory' of what the symbol represents energetically, despite what the symbol is being used for.
Most starseeds are attracted to the mystical side of life and nature and feel drawn to ancient cultures, sacred sites, and monuments such as stonehenge and the pyramids. Many resonate and feel a sense of familiarity conerning certain ancient civilizations or periods in time such as Atlantis or Lemuria; many feel or recall memories of past lives during those times.
Relating to Being a Starseed
If you can relate to most of these traits and characteristics, feelings and experiences then there is a very high chance that you are a starseeded soul. If you couldn't relate to most of them this does not necessarily mean that you are not a starseed, but either way every individual still has a very important role to play during this time on the planet and all can assist in ushering in the new age. If you resonated or have experienced all of these traits then you may be a fully awakened starseed.
Remember that no list of traits, characteristics or 'symptoms' can fully describe an individual who may be a starseed or determine for sure if they are. Many of the traits and experiences listed here can descibe anybody from any walk of life, but sharing most of these characteristics and resonating with the concept of starseeds while experiencing a 'gut feeling' about this is a strong indication. Still, it is not something to run around and share with everyone as many people (even non-awakened starseeds) may not understand such concepts and may just think you are strange (of course starseeds are pretty strange!). Being a starseed is often something that you will just 'know' on a deep inner level of your being and your own personal experiences and inner guidance will speak for itself.
Whether you are in the process of awakening or are fully awake, keep up with your spiritual work on an inner level. Follow the synchronicities because they will guide you. Continue to open and expand your mind and your heart and no matter what unexpected circumstances happen in your life, and especially when you are in low spaces of depression, feeling alone or misunderstood, never forget who you are.
The Starseed Soul Path on Earth
From a young age starseeds experience a sense of being alone or separate from others in a way that seems to go beyond just the typical alienation a child or young adult might feel among their family or peers. Some remain isolated or introverted even into adulthood, feeling a sense of being different or not fitting into the world. A starseed is often puzzled by human behavior and motives in general, and they find society to be illogical at times. They are often reluctant to become involved in the many formal institutions of society either because of a streak of rebellion and non-conformity, or because such systems and institutions don't interest them or even make sense in some way. Although this can describe a lot of people in general, starseeds often see what is beneath the surface and can discern hidden agendas and motives of either institutions or governments; they often know when an individual or entity does not have their best interest at heart.
Starseeds are usually highly intelligent and creative, intuitive and have a developed sixth sense; they are also sensitive to their environment and feel a deep affinity with nature and the cosmos; they can be highly empathic with other people and animals as a result.
All of this can lead to them feeling overwhelmed by all of the information and energy present in their physical environment resulting in negative escapism or indifference, or it can pave the way to inner exploration and a spiritual journey on a path of self-awakening; when a spiritual awakening occurs the veil is partially lifted and the individual will begin to remember the wisdom of the soul and perhaps why they have chosen or were sent to experience physical life on earth.
Starseeds are sometimes referred to as 'old souls' having experienced many previous incarnations on planets other than earth, although some may have had past lives on earth as well. The universe is magnificent and vast beyond our comprehension and life is possible even on planets in distant galaxies beyond our own milky way. The soul can inhabit many forms and the human body is not the only biological form that exists. But no matter what form a soul experiences in a lifetime, a starseed is somewhat unique because the soul of that individual has experienced a majority of their physical incarnations in societies or star-groups that are very different from earth. A soul retains memory of its experiences and incarnations because it is all part of learning or evolving process, but starseeds may have voluntarily chosen to incarnate into human form on earth at this time in order to assist with the planetary ascension process--or even just to experience it on some level. The star seeded soul may retain a memory of these other lifetimes and soul experiences through unusual and recurring dreams, visions and a sense of just 'knowing' without being able to explain how they know of these other places. A starseed soul may have even experienced lifetimes in other dimensions beyond the physical third dimension or in other parallel realities.
Being a starseed does not mean that an individual in their current physical human form was once walking or floating around on planet Neptune before deciding to take a vacation to earth.
The Starseed Awakening
A starseed will incarnate into the same physical conditions as any other human on earth, sharing the same original divine origins and purpose on a higher level of being. They are born into complete helplessness and amnesia concerning their own identity. However, the genes of a starseed are encoded with information pertaining to their paricular origin and purpose that is designed to 'active' at a possible pre-determined moment in life or after a process of self-healing and inner spiritual work.
Many starseeds will experience the 11:11 synchronicity as a type of 'wake up call' to their soul purpose and mission. The starseed awakening process can be gentle and happen gradually as one walks a spiritual path of self-exploration, or it can be very dramatic and abrupt, sometimes occurring during a major transitional phase of their life.
Whichever way the starseed awakens, the soul memory is restored in varying degrees depending on the particular level of conscious awareness or depending on their particular path and mission. The goal is for the starseed to eventually become fully conscious of their purpose and mission on the planet and to continue to do the soul level spiritual work that is necessary or required. Their personal connection to their Higher Self is also strengthened which allows them to be guided by their intuition and inner knowing and through synchronicity.
Most fully awakened starseeds are benefited with the ability to rid themselves of limiting behavioral patterns and fears that might take earth humans many lifetimes to accomplish. This is possibly because starseeds may have had similar missions on other planets or in similar physical densities and could be quite familiar with the various procedures and techniques necessary for raising one’s personal vibration, or consciousness.
Types of Starseeds
Star Seeds are beings that have experienced life elsewhere in the Universe on other planets and in non-physical dimensions other than on Earth. Star Seeds may also have had previous life times on earth. There are three categories of Star Seeds as follows:
A typical Star Seed may have lived 5-50 life times on Earth. Some of these were preparation lifetimes which included periods of acclimatization to being a human being on Earth and the development of the life missions leading to the climax of these activities in this current lifetime. Earth represents a place of service more than a place of learning for these Star Seeds who have already achieved higher consciousness on other planets. As there were fewer lifetimes on earth compared to the average human being, this leads this group of Star Seeds to retaining some of their extra-terrestrial abilities such as with Healing, Telepathy, Channeling and with general higher consciousness qualities. I call this group the “New Age” Star Seeds as they often come to Erath at times of rising spiritual awareness as this is the environment that their gifts can be recognized and when they can truly help others. Many of the Star Seeds reading this book will identify with this category.
Old Soul Star Seeds have usually had hundreds of life times on earth going back to the beginning of humanity and even the beginning of the planet. These are the Guardians of earth and have strong links to Sirius which is the spiritual guardian of earth and humanity. Their Life Missions are tied into the long term evolution of earth and humanity and this is why they have willingly incarnated on earth so many times in order to fulfil these projects. They have often performed the roles of Spiritual Teachers, Shamans, Prophets, Light Workers (especially with earth ley lines and at sacred sites), Temple Guardians, Healers, all kind of leaders such Kings and Queens and as The High Priest and High Priestess. These Star Seeds hold the wisdom and spiritual knowledge of the ancients as it has been used on earth. This includes the human knowledge of astronomy, astrology, runes, numerology, certain healing modalities, light work and spiritual ceremonies. This will be the last lifetime as a human being for many of these old soul Star Seeds who are completing the cycles of lifetimes on earth and all the project and work included in these cycles. These Star Seeds have often mastered the ability to hold a balance between being grounded and being spiritually aligned. This is why they still resonate with their extra-terrestrial origins even though they have lives on earth for so many life times.
New Star Seeds have often had few or no previous lifetimes on earth. They are attracted to Earth and humanity at this time of Ascension as it is easier for them to integrate with humanity now than at previous times. They also have many important gifts for humanity and roles to play in this time of great change for humanity. Their energy fields are quite pure and expansive as they have not experienced the process of becoming dense through living on earth before. Even though they have amazing gifts, they can find it hard to integrate within humanity which is so different from the Star Beings and worlds that they represent. They simply have no experience of the lower consciousness of humanity. The New Star Seeds are often young and some see them as Crystal and Rainbow Children. Some are the Seeds of Ashtar. This lifetime is often the beginning of future cycles of lifetimes on Earth and so they are preparing for future lives and future missions in this lifetime.
The motivations for all Starseeds to come to earth are to help and serve mankind as well as planet Earth. These beings very often have gifts to share with others such as in the areas of healing, channeling and spiritual education. There is a strong desire in Star Seeds to help others and usually there is a plan made prior to birth as to how this may be manifested and expressed when they become a human being. The details of this plan are called the Life Missions and represent potentials for individual Star Seeds and not certain destinies.
For Star Seeds it is important that they reconnect to their star origins and star connections as this brings them a sense of identity and belonging which may not be available in normal life on Earth. It is also vital for Star Seeds to fulfil their personal life missions on earth. Not only are Life Missions the reasons for Star Seeds being on earth but they also bring the sense of satisfaction and healing that many Star Seeds are looking for. These are the shared and common desires of Star Seeds. Where the reasons for Star Seeds to come to earth involve learning, it is often to sample conditions for growth and experience that do not exist elsewhere.
Common characteristics of all Starseeds:
A deep interest in spirituality
The ability to spiritually grow rapidly when needed as if they have done this before
A realization that earth is not their true home
They feel drawn to outer space, the stars and science fiction
Personal Qualities such as being artistic, being sensitive and possessing higher consciousness
Star Seeds can have difficult and challenging lives
They sometimes have dreams or memories of places not on earth
They sometimes have experiences of physical and non-physical encounters with star guides and UFOs
They often have noticeable gifts in the areas of healing, channeling and psychic sensitivities
The Star Masters consider all human beings on earth to be Star Seeds as they point out that the physical human body is also extraterrestrial in terms of its building blocks such as DNA etc. It is considered that the Human Body contains Sirian and Pleiadian DNA as well as from other sources. As such from this perspective we are all Star Seeds and as we all come from God so there is no difference between us. And so why are so many Human beings on Earth not interested in the Star Seeds and Star Master subjects?
The majority of human beings have different reasons for coming to earth when compared to typical Star Seeds. Theirs is the path of spiritual learning and spiritual evolution through the Earth School of Learning. Many souls choose to incarnate on Earth many times (up to 200) in order to complete the spiritual learning that is available here. Not all lifetimes within this cycle are experienced exclusively on Earth and there may be some life time’s elsewhere in the Universe where healing and restoration take place. These are not remembered by human beings consciously. However the density of Earth is such that repeated incarnations here often results in human beings losing their awareness of spiritual realities and their spiritual gifts. The physical plane of Earth dominates their consciousness to the point where they cannot even imagine extra-terrestrial realties. For these Humans their focus is needed on everyday “earthly” matters and this is why they are not drawn to the Extra Terrestrial subjects. They need to learn how to master the lessons that the earth plane has to offer and this consumes their time and energy. And as such they are deeply consumed by the illusions of separation and lower consciousness that exist here. In this lost state the extraterrestrial origins have been forgotten and so there is little interest in this subject. In a way this state of forgetfulness serves them as they are allowed to focus intently on whatever the themes of their life are, without distraction from other realities and past extra-terrestrial connections.
These definitions are not here to divide people and create hierarchies. No one is implying that anyone is better or worse than anyone else. Star Seeds are very often humble and do not appreciate themselves or their own abilities. We use these definitions to help Star Seeds to understand why their experience of being a human is often different from everyone else. This helps them to come to terms with who they are. This is so important as many Star Seeds acknowledge that they feel different from others and this brings them much loneliness and pain. Often they blame themselves and feel as if it is their fault for not fitting into their family and society in an easy and enjoyable fashion. Nobody likes to feel separate from others but this is the shared experience of many Star Seeds. The sense of separateness does not have to be. The whole Star Seed story is rich and beautiful. It is however the human condition which is full of illusion and suffering. Once the illusions are seen through, reality changes for us all and we can choose a different reality full of connection, freedom and joy.
In addition the term “seed” implies that the Star Seeds are contributing something that will grow and assist others here on earth. Indeed many Star Seeds carry high spiritual energies and consciousness which are contributing to the ascension of consciousness in individuals and in humanity as a whole.
Are You A Starseed?
Do you have an obsession over the stars and outer space? Have you ever experienced prophetic dreams or visions? Do you have a fascination with ancient symbols?
Starseeds are simply those people who either have been awakened to Spirit or have bloodlines from ancient days which connect them to visitors from the stars. There are people of starseed origin that are just people. They may have more insight and longing for things of spiritual nature, and a deep respect for the creation. As there are different races of people, and differing ranks of spirits, so also are there different types of starseeds. There are those of unions with higher dimensional beings, those of unions with angelic spirit beings, and those of unions with reptilian beings: these latter often being bred through genetic manipulation in secret experiments using technology and genetic information taught by reptilians.
True starseeds in harmony with the Creator exhibit certain personality traits and manifestation of powers inherited from their ancestors. There are many lists of starseed traits made by people suspecting such a heritage, but these often have combined the traits of all type of Starseed, including those traits inherent in reptilians.
Some of the traits of true starseeds who are in harmony with the Creator are such:
1) An aversion to bright unnatural lighting, yet solace found in natural sunlight.
2) An aversion to reptiles, amphibians, and snakes. [Reptilian seeds often are obsessively attracted to these however.]
3) Sensitivity to extreme hot or cold.
4) An extreme sensitivity to pain.
5) A feeling of being very different from most others.
6) A memory or memories of a profound experience around the ages 5 to 9, usually having something to do with “aliens,” UFO‘s,or stars. This could also include spiritual visions of earth creatures or people.
7) An obsession with the stars and/or outer space.
8) Having an “imaginary” childhood friend that seemed to speak of its own accord, as if they were a separate entity. This
sometimes continues into adulthood.
9) Attraction to the colors green, blue, and purple, especially the lighter/softer colors such as sky-blue and lavender.
10) Acute hearing/above average hearing range.
11) Extreme sensitivity to excessive or clamorous noise.
12) A driving need to get away from “normal” people to either be alone, or seek out someone who shares your interests in
spiritual matters.
13) An inner desire and knowing to “do what is right” even though these things were not taught, but often feeling trapped as a
child and expressing ones self in ways that are troubling to others.
14) Hyperactivity as a child.
15) Extreme sensitivity or extreme tolerance to alcohol, medicines, drugs.
16) Creating within ones own mind “fantasy” worlds that often include alien life, journeys to other planets, and places beyond
the stereotypical “fantasies” of earth.
17) Dreams involving flying in bodily form or astral projection.
18) Prophetic dreams, visions, or mental suggestions that later come to pass.
19) Being empathic.
20) Having a desire to heal.
21) Having a desire to try to “save the world” or straighten out problems in the world.
22) A solid belief that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing deity, even though you may not have been taught about “God.”
23) Having a nagging feeling that most religions, both orthodox and unorthodox, are missing some key elements in their
24) An almost obsessive desire to search out the missing elements of spiritual teachings not found in religion.
25) Missing time, extra slow time, or speeding time.
26) Having experienced being in one place, then in the blink of an eye being somewhere else. [teleportation/bilocation]
27) Knowing you have been in a certain place, but others who you saw in the same place claim you were not there.
28) A connection to animals that is above average.
29) Telepathic communication with animals.
30) Attraction to birds of prey such as Hawks and Eagles.
31) A special attraction to cats – all cats seem to be your friend.
32) Attraction to “power animals” such as Bear, Wolf, or Buffalo.
33) Aversion to city living – strong desire to live in a rural and natural environment.
34) Knowing something is gravely wrong with society without having this knowledge preached to you by doomsday prophets, or
conspiracy theorists – you see it yourself and evaluate it within your own mind.
35) A very deep inner pull that seems to constantly make you aware that you are more than you are, and you need to be
finding out what and why.
36) Extreme aversion to violence, fighting, and war.
37) Having a deep desire to form a union with one person of the opposite sex for life. Even having this urge as a child.
38) Having an awareness of romantic attraction and love prior to the age of 10.
39) Having blonde or red hair in your gene pool [even if your own hair is different].
40) Being attracted to either very pale complexions, or olive/reddish complexions.
41) Having an above average IQ.
42) Aversion to either extreme male dominant religion or extreme female dominant religion – knowing there is a balance.
43) Attraction to powerful things in nature, such as thunderstorms, lightning, waterfalls, and surf.
44) Attraction to ancient symbols.
45) Being an avid reader who “drinks in” knowledge quicker than the “average” person.
46) Having an interest or attraction to such fields of science as archaeology, astronomy, or quantum physics.
47) Aversion to mundane employment, repetitive tasks, “dead-end” jobs. Not satisfied with working for others, but more than
willing to work doing something [which you have yet to discover, but know is out there].
48) Aversion to sexual joking, racial joking, or foul language.
49) Expectation of great changes upon Earth in the near future.
50) A nagging suspicion that you are more than your parents offspring, that you have some unfulfilled mission, and that the
implications of these matters have powerful and eternal consequences for both yourself and the Earth.