Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

What I Have Seen

Altaris Planet in Pleiades

Planet Altaris in Pleiades Star System
This is the planet Altaris in the Pleiades. This planet has vibrant forests with tall trees that glow green, lush streaming waterfalls, and various types of glowing flowers on the planet including bright blue in color.
When people go running in the forests they run at the speed of light and there is a green energy that the people are enveloped in that provides them with the fast speeds to run long distances.
When traveling to Altaris I usually hear running water, then a waterfall energy portal appears in front of me, and when I walk through what feels like the water white light I am transported to the planet. This waterfall portal energy has healing properties, if I am feeling tired or in pain, the white light and the sound of running water heals me on a physical and an emotional level. The waterfall white light star gate way portal would appear in my closet at about 1 - 3 am in the morning, I would hear the water gushing and this is how I knew the portal appeared. When I would walk out from the portal on Altaris the portal would appear in a tree to materialize me so I could walk out from the portal into the forest.
Below are images of some Shen women friends that I met while on my trips to Altaris, I ran with the women for two days none stop, with the green auric energy allowing me to surpass the speed of light.
The Shen first contacted me telepathically at my home before any physical travels were ever done through the waterfall portal to their planet Altaris. In my telepathic communications with the Shen they had told me that I had visited Altaris before in my previous life times as the Star Traveler, and that the Pleiades star system was very familiar to me as I had lived there numerous times before.


The Shen are 6th dimensional beings who live on the planet Altaris in the Pleiades. These beings can run at fast speeds and also float in the air as needed. The Shen are part of the Pleaidian High Council.

On the planet Altaris there is another species that lives there called the Valla, they are an 8th dimensional race and they can fly and teleport from one location to another at will.

Spy Master Lillian of the Zarian Council
Lillian is a human hybrid Zarian Council Spy Master, she goes on missions to determine where there is corruption on worlds that have illegal corporations doing business that is unsanctioned. She spies on the corporations and records the information to be presented in the light council courts for tribunal proceedings to bring down the corrupted corporations.
Lillian likes to play the violin as a hobby when she is between missions and on her vacation from being a spy master.
The Zarian’s are a 9D and up race, they inhabit four planets in the Seraphus star system, which is located on the border perimeter of known space. The planets Anasym Alpha and Denuneb are within the boundary of known space and Claretus Minor and Calantrus Prime exist within the unknown space sector.

Aquatic Civilization Near Atlantis
During the time of Atlantis, 26,000 years ago there were aquatic races that lived nears the waters of Atlantis and often came to the island city to visit the universal knowledge libraries, receive crystal healings, etc.
The aquatic races had the abilities to shift water, control weather patterns, and could harness electricity with their psychic abilities.

Universal Guardian Ashar
This is the Universal Guardian Ashar, he comes from the planet Aianaris in the Pleiades Star System. Ashar helps people who have awakened and are going through their journey on the Ascension process. He helps people to activate their psychic abilities and shield them from negative beings so the people cannot be influenced with dark light technology.

Universal Guardian Bashira
This is the Universal Guardian Bashira who is from the Zarian Council, she comes from the planet Saera in the Altan Star System. Bashira helps people to transform their genetic DNA structure to activate having a light body and not being fully coporeal anymore so a person can be partially etheric and partially having a solid form.

Harmonics Crystal Chamber

Hexagon Floor Plan of Harmonics Crystal Chamber

Floor Mandala Pattern
Sources of Information:
Crystallarium of Abiquor: by Arachanai: from
Harmonics Crystal Chamber
As the Star Traveler I got to go to Agartha in Hollow Earth, under Mount Shasta California and see the Harmonics Crystal Chamber. This chamber helps to keep the balance and harmony on Earth so the planetary tilt axis stays even and so that the geothermal core of the planet does not overflow with magma and become too hot. The harmonic crystals in the chamber can remove genetic defects, realign DNA codons, and cure any diseases, as well as remove any emotional or physical traumas that the human body experiences. In the beginning the harmonics crystals were created in Atlantis and were housed there, before Atlantis sank the crystals were moved to Agartha in the new crystal chamber.
The floor-plan of the Harmonics Crystal Chamber is build on a hexagon (beehive pattern), guided by the Flower of Life pattern. One hexagon represents a chamber where there is a crystal (all different purposes in each chamber). The Hexagon has six corners and represents harmony, balance, sincerity, love, and truth. The spiritual meaning of number Six also deals with enlightenment; specifically “lighting” our path in areas we require spiritual and mental balance. Each of these shapes is created from perfectly equal parts. This mirrors the underlying meaning of six as a symbol of perfect union, and the energetic emblem of soulful integration. The Hexagon also represents community and efficiency.
In this particular hexagon crystal chamber the floor has a Mandala pattern. In the middle of the chamber stands a big Lemurian Crystal. Above the crystal is a glass dome and it is stained with a Lotus Flower. The glass is frosted, but it is a sort of material that would reflect the vibrations and colors of the crystal. Also the walls around the chamber are made from glass with the frosting on it. There are doors in this chamber that have an equilateral shape, and the doors are decorated with some kind of plant material.
The crystal is embedded in a circle of earth, surrounded by a circle of grass, surrounded by a circle fountain, as well as more crystals forming a circle beyond the fountain. Spiral spheres hang above the Lemurian large crystal and there is water coming from above the dome, going into the circle fountain base. Between the doors are blossom trees and against the wall is also a circle waterway which is surrounded with green plants and grass.

Woods Sprite at Rain Ceremony
On August 20, 2015, I was doing a Rain Ceremony with melodic singing and also drumming with Native American Light Language. The singing and drumming amplified the green Earth energies and I was able to see into the 5th dimension where there was a Woods Sprite watching me and my friends doing the Rain Ceremony. The sprite glowed with blue and white energies.

Sulfur Demons
There are Sulfur Demons living under Yellowstone Park and on November 1, 2015 they wanted the active volcano that is near the park to erupt by blasting the caldera dome top from the volcano. It took two hours to stop the demons from making the volcano fully active and to rebuild a new caldera as the demons ruined the original one. Some sulfur demons have red, yellow or purple eyes and they smell of sulfur and burned smoke.

This is a second species of the sulfur demons that looks less like human hybrid demons since this species has horns and purple skin. These demons prefer not to come to the surface of Earth and spend most of their time underground, the more human looking demons come to the planet surface.

An image of what the sulfur demon's home dimension looks like underneath of Earth. It is very hot there and smells of sulfur.

When a sulfur demon dies it becomes like a frozen statue made of stone and eventually the statue breaks apart and becomes dust.
Sulfur demons do not like to be near water as it burns their skin and can kill them if they are sprayed with large doses of the water.
Most sulfur demons like to cause trouble in the forms of natural looking disasters on Earth when in fact it is the demons creating the problems. The sulfur demons are smart and have been living underneath the Earth in their separate dimension for a couple of thousand years now.
These demons do not want change or progress to come to Earth so they are hoping to cause enough destruction on the planet surface in order to be able to stop the upcoming ascension process from happening into the 5D way of life.

After the encounter with the sulfur demons was over the Arcturian Starship Athena came when the sun was rising to cool down the land around the Yellowstone Park and to heal the damage done by the demons. I met one of the Arcturian pilots of the ship named Athor, he coordinates clean up missions and damage control on planets from the ship.
Athor is 6'0 tall and he has blue skin and blue eyes, his aura glows blue/yellow as he is a kind and compassionate soul. The Arcturian Athor is a 9th-10th dimensional being, the blue Arcturians can range in height from 6'0-6'6 tall, sometimes even taller, some of the Arcturians are ET/human hybrids so they feel deeper ranges of emotions.