Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Unknown Universe

The Unknown Universe
The Unknown Universe is inhabited by races who live in 12D and higher dimensional planes of existence. These races were the first, second, third, fourth, etc. beings that are the ancient creator beings who seeded the Known Universe and then went back to their own higher dimensional worlds. They have the capability to take on human form in physical bodies but they mostly exist as energetic light bodies made up of star energy. The EL's were the first race who lived in the Unknown Universe and created the holographic structure of this space.
When higher dimensional beings enter the unknown universe they will encounter the Voltron Singularity and the Synarian Photon Matrix. There are four major tests of worthiness and two sub courage/strength tests that beings need to pass before they can proceed to travel through unknown space.
The Voltron singularity acts like a time loop in space and when ships enter it they are sent back to normal space, the beings on the ships need to activate their internal body time codex’s, which act as chronometers in order to find the correct frequency to be able to successfully enter the singularity again to get back to the unknown universe to continue their journey in EL space.

Voltron Singularity
The Synarian Photon Matrix emits a blue electrical charge wave which can damage ships unless the ships warp drive engines made from plasma matrix or crystalline matter can be configured to the right frequency emitted by the photon matrix, the frequency is created by using binary codes to attune either the plasma matrix or crystalline engines on ships.

Synarian Photon Matrix

Electrical Voltage Charge of the Synarian Photon Matrix
How the Star Traveler Exists in the Unknown Universe
When the star traveler enters the unknown universe she or he does not need a ship to travel in space. The star traveler uses her or his light body with light waves around her or him to travel in a cosmic light frequency wherever they need to go. People can use their third eye to be able to activate their astral projection capabilities to go into space.

Star Traveler Light Body with light waves

Third Eye Light Frequency to enter the Unknown Universe

Matrix Grid seperating the Known Universe from the Unknown Universe
Alantra the Unknown Universe Guardian
In the unknown universe the star traveler has a female identity called Alantra who serves on a starship that changes forms and can take on any type of form it needs. Alantra is the guardian of the Matrix Grid and she was part of the team who used the Sonic Boom Generator to create the Matrix Grid. One of Alantra’s job duties is to guard the matrix grid and make sure that only the worthiest of beings can enter the unknown universe. She does intelligence gathering, space exploration, and keeps guard of the knowledge repositories of both the Known Universe and the Unknown Universe.
Alantra has light purple skin that sparkles with dark purple and red hair. She is a space warrior and can enter any time dimension in either known space or the unknown space at will.

Alantra Guardian of the Known Universe and Unknown Universe

Holographic Matrix of the Unknown Universe