Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Universe Creation

How the Known Universe was Created
The first race known as the EL’s created the known universe with the big bang where a sonic boom generator was used to activate the molecular particles which create matter and antimatter and when fused together this combination makes a universe and planets happen. Human civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy and other solar systems were seeded on habitable planets by the EL’s.
Once the universe was created the EL’s erected a matrix grid around the known universe so it is separated from the unknown universe where the EL’s live. Most of the planets in the unknown universe are cloaked and permission is needed to enter the unknown universe. The EL’s are a 12D to 14D beings who are light beings, they can take on human form when they wish or need to.

Protons and Neutrons colliding together to create the Big Bang with the use of the Sonic Boom Generator.

Sonic blast that created the Big Bang and our Known Universe

Sonic Boom Generator that created the Big Bang
Sources of Information:
Earth’s Quarantine Force Field Discovered By NASA?: by Gregg Prescott: from In5D
Earth's Quarantine Force Field
Recently it has been discovered that there appears to have been a force field placed over Earth, sparking the debate whether our planet has been put under spiritual and physical quarantine to prevent negative races from leaving Earth or coming into our solar system.
It looks like the electron barrier exists in the Van Allen belts, a pair of donut-shaped belts that ring the Earth teeming with protons and electrons.
The Earth’s magnetic field holds the belts in place, but the scientists say that the electrons in these belts - which travel at nearly the speed of light - are being blocked by some invisible force that reminded them of the kind of shields used in television series like Star Trek to stop alien energy weapons from vaporizing starships.
This newly found force field appears to be unrelated to the clouds of cold plasma that were discovered over earth in 2012. Many have speculated that there have been no landings on the moon due to a combination of this quarantine along with the radiation found in the Van Allen Belt.
All of this ties in with the moon, along with stargates and why the quarantine was placed over Earth, going back to the time of Atlantis, alien visitation and genetic manipulation, when the original pursuers of the Serpent Brotherhood destroyed the planet Tiamat, and made ready to leave this solar system and return to their own. They had to leave in a hurry, so as not to be hindered by the cosmic forces which would be unleashed throughout the solar system. Because of their haste, they did not have time to precisely scan the planet Earth, and so they did not locate their enemies hidden deep within the caverns and beneath the seas of pre-diluvian Earth.
The masters of the Nephilim were relatively convinced that even if their enemies were on Earth they could not survive the paroxysms and furor that Tiamat’s obliteration would bring on. However, these unknown pursuers did not just leave our solar system without instigating precautionary measures.
Before they made the journey back to their own planet, they established an etheric barrier around our planet that would be along the same orbit trajectory as the Moon’s around the Earth. This barrier still exists and is utterly impenetrable to the Atlantean progeny, because the technology by which it was erected was of an extremely advanced level.
From that time onwards, the Moon would come to represent (in almost all cultures) arcane powers of protection and magic.
This apotropaic barrier, often referred to as by native peoples as the 'the great web in the sky,' was put there obviously to prevent the Atlanteans from ever leaving this place. The Earth was to be their tomb."
Ashayana Deane believes the quarantine not only involves the veil of forgetfulness but also to disassociate ourselves from our divine spiritual heritage as being part of multidimensional universes of higher-conscious forms.
According to the Wes Penre papers, our planet has been under quarantine since the arrival of the Anunnaki: "By giving himself the rank of King, and his refusal to give his obedience to the Kingdom in general, made the Nibiruan Council decide to put Marduk in the equivalent to quarantine here on Earth.
Does it mean that Marduk is not allowed to leave Earth (which has been vaguely indicated), or is the picture bigger than that.
The Star Elders have said that the whole Earth was put under quarantine, and humans, too, are not allowed or able to travel very far out in space.
The Pleiadians, on the other hand are talking about a frequency quarantine (as mentioned earlier), where our DNA was tampered with to the extent that we have been stuck in this 3-D frequency range for pretty much 300,000 years.
A similar thing is brought up in the Ra Material, where the Ra people are telling us we are put under quarantine by the Council of Saturn, which pretty neatly corresponds to the Nibiruan Council." Some say the Earth exists in a vibratory prison.
"We will use the term blocking and jamming frequencies for simplicity, but our vibratory imprisonment could well have taken the form of closing down the portals and gateways (Earth-vortexes) which link the physical-plane with other space-time dimensions.
Some of these gateways are still to be found, however, at certain sacred places used by the ancients, like Stonehenge, Machu Picchu in Peru, Ayers Rock in Australia, and the former lands of Babylon and Mesopotamia, now Iraq.
The Bermuda triangle is another one of these places, which would explain the many strange disappearances of ships and aircraft, as the gateway opens.
It may even be that these gateways were largely closed down for positive reasons, to prevent more negative ETs from entering this space-time reality. Perhaps there is a jamming frequency that is closing the dimensional gateways, probably both - the precise cause of the prison does not matter so much.
All we need to understand is that an extraterrestrial force from the Fourth Dimension created an information prison by blocking off the higher levels of reality.
The veil came down; a veil of tears. We were, in effect, put into spiritual and mental quarantine where we remain today.
Such a jamming vibration thrown around our planet means that mankind's potential is limited to the levels of consciousness which are within the imprisoning frequency. Any consciousness and knowledge held on higher frequencies outside this vibratory prison has been denied to us.
Having consequently become detached from the higher levels of our own being, in the words of the ancient books, we are "fallen" or "lost souls", disconnected from "the Father".
When the blocking, imprisoning frequency was thrown around this planet, we lost touch with our higher consciousness and, crucially, with our eternal memory.
We forgot who we were and where we came from. Or, at least, the overwhelming majority did.
Those who succeeded in raising their vibratory rate of consciousness on Earth could regain contact with their higher mind, their greater self, and these individuals were sometimes said to have become "enlightened", although the blocking frequency often made such enlightenment a less than perfect connection, even for these accomplished individuals.
Progressively more people are today successfully penetrating the vibratory prison, however, and they are therefore reconnecting with their greater self (higher self) outside of the frequency net.
This accomplishment is being facilitated as the blocking frequency is being dispersed in line with Divine Order, which is, in turn, responsible for the spiritual and psychic awakenings now evidenced all around the world.
Yet only very few have been able to do this until recently, while the majority of human-beings have witnessed their vibratory rate fall and remain in check under the influence of such things as events, religions, wars, and general programming/conditioning, which has encouraged, if not coerced, the race to close down its mind, thereby reducing the vibratory rate of consciousness of the masses.
This has produced a vibratory gap - for some a chasm - between their lower levels of self and their higher self, this cause effect coming from inside the blocking frequency and people’s infinite potential (their greater self) which lies outside that frequency."
CSETI founder, Dr. Steven Greer, believes there's a quarantine over the planet because the Earth's inhabitants are a threat to other forms of life outside of our planet, due to our military aggression all throughout the world. There have been other people such as Andrew Basiago, who claimed to have teleported to Mars via a "Jump Room," thus effectively bypassing the force field over planet earth.
If you were an extraterrestrial visiting our planet, what would you think when you see us killing ourselves over money and oil? Would you wonder why the inhabitant's air, food, and water supplies are all being poisoned, yet no one really stands up against it?
If a UFO were to land in your backyard, there are two things the ET would probably not have:
money and a bible.
In order for us to move forward as a global community, we need to come together as one. Once the bottom of the pyramid unites, the rest will collapse.
In order for that to happen, we must all unite and not necessarily put aside any differences, but to honor and respect those differences in one another because that's what makes us "hue-man".

Quarantine Force Field Existing around Earth

Wormhole Bridge Way Portal between the Known and Unknown Universe
There is a type of wormhole bridge way portal between the known universe and the unknown universe on the other side of the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies.
Only beings that are close to full ascension or who have already ascended can cross this wormhole bridge way portal to reach the highest levels of the 12th - 24th dimensions of the unknown universe.

How Universes are Formed
The above diagram models show how universes are created, and how they progress in their evolutionary patterns throughout the ages of timelines. There are quantum fluctuations, cosmic microwave energies, dark matter structures, and singularities that help to create universes and space matter where galaxies form then star systems, along with planets that sustain life forms.

Cosmic Web
The above two images are diagram models of the Cosmic Web that exists in the universe, this web keeps all space matter stable in terms of galaxies, star systems, and planets have formed in the universe. As well the cosmic web allows to create natural star gateway portals out in space for safe and easy travel for spaceships that visit different galaxies. The cosmic web is made of quantum energies and solar frequencies that emit light which creates various dimensional realities in space and time.

Gravitational Corridors for Interplanetary Travel
These are gravitational corridors or space tubes that act as gravitational gulf streams which are created from complex interplay of attractive forces between planets and the moons. The corridors allow space ships to enter them when the corridor's time slip stream opens every couple of hours and the craft can due interplanetary travel or also go to other galaxies much faster than just travelling through normal space.
The space tube pathways connect sites called lagrange points where gravitational forces balance out for quick and safe space travel. Basically the idea is there are low energy pathways winding between planets and moons that would slash the amount of fuel needed to explore the solar system. These are freefall pathways in space around and between gravitational bodies. Instead of falling down, like you do on Earth, you fall along these tubes. Each of the tubes starts off narrow and small and as it gets further out it gets wider and might also split.
These space tubes are like star gateway portal systems where there are many different tubes and where there is a trajectory tube opening up that is free in passage meaning other ships are not coming out from it, then a ship that is orbiting a planet could slip stream through the tube and end up at another planet within less than an hour in local space and a couple of days for other solar systems.