Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

The Awakening

Sources of Information:
What Triggers The Awakening Process?: by Gregg Prescott: from In5D
Understanding the Awakening Process: by Scott Leuthold: from
What is awakening? (Excerpt from: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (book): by Eckhart Tolle: from
What Does A Spiritual Awakening Feel Like?: by Lee Standing Bear Moore: from
11 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening: by Jordan: from
8 Clues That A Spritual Awakening is Happening: by Michelle Walling: from In5D
Ascension Blue Chronicles: by Raphiem: from
What Triggers The Awakening Process?
For many people, we have awakened at specific points in our lives in order to help facilitate the awakening process with others, but what events helped to trigger this awakening?
Your Path Has Always Led You Here
Every second, we are making choices that help to determine what future paths we’ll be taking. Regardless of which choice we make, we will always find another fork in the road ahead of us with more decisions to make. Each time you choose a new path, more options become available, but all options will inevitably lead you back to the original soul contract that you agreed to before you incarnated to this planet.
Through your higher self and spirit guides, you rely on your intuition and discernment to help you make these decisions. While at times it seems like we made a few bad decisions in life, none of these choices were a mistake, including any bad relationships we had with others or any other negative event in our lives. Each one of these events has led you to who you are today and will continue to guide you on your life path. The key is to not only learn from these relationships and events, but to forgive yourself and others for any negative feelings that may still remain. This is how your spirit grows.
Some People Just “Get It” Without Being Spiritual
We all know someone who may not be spiritual but just “gets it”. These people tend to have a great compassion for all forms of life and are generally very optimistic people. For example, they may be completely living “The Secret” without having any clue about what the Law of Attraction is. Or, they might not ever seem to take love for granted as they are the first to tell their friends and families, “I love you”. While love is the greatest force on the planet, those who “get it” without knowing it are the unknown soldiers of the awakening process and are influencing more people than they could ever imagine, just by being themselves.
What Triggers the Awakening Process?
For many people, a specific event, video, book or movie led to their awakening process. In many cases, the awakening process began with truth seeking.
Initially as a truth seeker, you may feel upset with how those in power are seemingly working against the best interests of humanity all in the name of greed, power, control and money. You have a strong desire for justice and fairness for everyone, yet you may have an inner desire to see harm come to those who have inflicted injury and death upon others.
For example, while many people know and accept who the “real terrorists” are that caused 9/11, they should all be held accountable but not killed, even though they are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people along with loss of civil liberties for hundreds of millions of people. There is never a good reason to kill anyone and that includes mass murderers, rapists and child abusers. Ultimately, the lesson to be learned is compassion and love for everyone. This doesn’t mean that those who are guilty of crimes against humanity should be let free. They could be used as labor in the rehabilitation of Mother Earth in helping to restore the things that they have deliberately tried to destroy. While the extermination of these people may seem gratifying to some, the act of killing someone would make us no better than them. How would we be evolving spiritually if this were the case?
In time, you are still truth seeking but you are also starting to understand how tyranny and oppression are leading to a greater awakening of people. You still may feel irritated by those in power who continue to work against the best interests of humanity but you are starting to gain a greater feeling of an overall awakening of society.
As we move deeper into the awakening process, we gain a compassion for all lives, as shown with the example of those who are guilty of crimes against humanity. At this point in our spiritual journeys, we are able to read virtually any news headline and are able to see the greater good in how anything negative will lead to the exposing of those who are guilty of crimes against humanity. Please keep in mind that we are entering the Age of Aquarius, where those who are negative will inevitably be exposed for their crimes. We are also in an astrological period where Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023. The last time this astrological event occurred was during the 1776 American Revolution. Pluto always brings about change and the change will be for the greater good!
This will also involve the exposing of those who are corrupt, including politicians, world leaders, banksters, government agencies and religion. When this occurs (and it’s already occurring), please remember to be compassionate. We are currently in the midst of a peaceful global revolution and not one bullet needs to be fired.
Some People Are Born Awakened
Some people innately know why they are here and what their purpose is. Others were born awakened but needed to follow a specific path until the veil was completely lifted, which may have been many years down the road. For these people, introspect can provide this assurance.
For example, a person innately knew there was something “not right” about religion when they were attending Sunday school. This isn’t a knock against anyone who is religious, but for that person’s own spiritual path, they were being led to a greater truth. Many religious zealots aren’t ready for this truth and we respect that, but this was the person’s initial awakening event, even though they had no clue as to why they were feeling this way at such a young age.
Here is another example, around the age of 11, a person ordered a book on black magic because they were interested in astral projection. While the person was still doing all of the pre-teen stuff that boys do such as skateboarding, baseball, football, etc…, the person’s higher self was already communicating with them and they were listening. While the person never learned how to astral project with that particular book, it opened their eyes to a metaphysical world that is much greater than what we can perceive with our 5 senses. As an artist and musician, the person was already using their right hemisphere of the brain which helped to reinforce this new perspective.
Paranormal Experiences
Those who had near death experiences (NDE’s) can attest to the afterlife and our all-loving creator. Many come back with a similar message: Love everyone and don’t take life so seriously.
Many of them were just “regular people” before their NDE’s but now have a new perspective on life. When multiple NDE’s share very similar experiences, it gives credence to what we can expect in the afterlife and proves that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Other people may have seen UFO’s or ghosts which can also change their perspective on life and may lead to their awakening.
One of the questions we like to ask people is this: If a UFO landed in your backyard, do you think the extraterrestrial would have a bible and money?
“How do I know if I’m awakened?”
We have often been asked, “How do I know if I’m awakened?” If you are already seeking the truth or have been led into the metaphysical field, then your awakening has begun. Say if a pole was run, the majority of people could state they awakened more than 10 years ago. In 2nd place was the year 2009, which in numerology equals 11 by no coincidence.
Volunteer Souls
The majority of those who have awakened most likely fall into one of Dolores Cannon’s Waves of Volunteer Souls. Cannon was told by the ET’s during her client’s past life regressions about the waves of volunteer souls who incarnated to this planet because they “heard the call that Earth was in trouble” and volunteered to come here to help raise the Earth’s vibrations.
Many of these volunteer souls lead quiet lives, don’t have any children and never got married because they did not want to accrue any possible karmic debt.
The First Wave of volunteer souls were born in the 1950s and 1960s. These are the wayshowers who paved the way for the next two waves. The Second Wave was born in the 1970s and 1980s and the Third Wave was born from the 1990s through the present and are commonly known as Indigo Children.
For some of these volunteer souls, all they really need to do is exist because their energy is enough to change the world, although they may still feel the need to do something more in this awakening process. Some may not appear to be spiritually awakened but as mentioned above, all they need to do is just be themselves because their light and energy is contributing in a massive way in the awakening process.
What are some of the events in your life that have led to your awakening?
Understanding the Awakening Process
The concept of the term 'Awakening' is one that requires an open mind. Why? Because becoming fully conscious of one's self requires that we shift responsibility for our own existence onto ourselves and away from anyone or anything other than ourselves. Opening our mind to what we may be capable of and the resulting possibilities opens the door to a shift in our reality.
Awakening is a term that has been brought to light to describe the shift from complacency, lack of knowledge, and an acceptance that things are not within our own control, to an existence where we become completely self-aware, self-empowered, and achieve a sense of balance with all things. It is the voluntary decision to become a conscious creator of our own lives.
Many of our fellow beings have yet to awaken to this reality and yet, those who are on the path to an awakening, also understand that to 'awaken' is not a destination that one necessarily eventually reaches but rather an ongoing journey full of experiences we may learn from until we finally transition away from this reality.
It has become a common understanding among the scientific community that the world around us (including us) presents itself in the form of energy. Energy is simply vibrational frequency. The walls of your home, the leaves on the trees, animals, water, matter and anti-mater, your thoughts, your feelings, sound, and the colors that make up the spectrum of light, everything is energy.
The frequency at which the Earth's energy vibrates is 16.32 Hz, it was 7.83 Hz not a while ago. Our human brains resonate at the same frequency as that of the Earth. When an individual chooses to become awakened in their own life they are simply selecting a path that may eventually lead them to a balance of mind, body, and soul in harmony with all things.
We find through this process that we can achieve great things. We can choose to be happy, healthy, and full of life. We can choose our experiences and our emotional responses to those experiences. We begin to understand that we need not hold onto beliefs we once held so dear if, in fact, these beliefs no longer ring true to us.
Often times, those who head down this path find that it frees them from pain, suffering, depression, guilt, lack, fear, stress, and those 'rhythms' are replaced with rhythms that are harmonious, resonating an energy that is magnetic. It's simple really. Good things happen when we are free to make choices, and free from the limitations we seem to have placed on ourselves due to the belief that those limitations are unavoidable.
You may experience seeing the number 11:11 frequently. You may find yourself hungry for information, any information, related to finding your own truth about your existence. The more you read, the more you research, and the more you open your mind to every and all possibilities as to why we are here and why you have been given the opportunity to 'experience', the more you will find your true happiness in life. As a result, you will awaken to limitless possibilities in your own life and will feel the desire to pass on to others your happy positive energy. You will feel you are beginning to know and love yourself enough to be able to know and love others.
Awakening is not always a subtle change in your life. It truly is a cleansing process -- both physically and emotionally. Once you actually release beliefs you once held so dear you may find that others around you must make a choice to either adjust to the new you or not. You may be challenged by others with their beliefs that they continue to hold dear. That is ok. To achieve balance with all things we must accept that others have choices to make in their own lives. You may feel a desire to share your freedom of limitations with them and you will have every right to do so if it feels right to you, however, you must also realize that judgment is a belief system all the same. Balance with all things releases us from judgment because we find that we are all here for our own experience. Others may not understand your path. They may judge you. They may apply their belief systems on you, as they have every right to do. The difference is that you now understand that you are free to release those judgments, those relationships, or are even free to simply extend compassion for their experience. You can simply smile and reflect with the realization that everything is simply an experience and you are nothing more than an observer of that experience.
The path to awakening is one that is about you. It is a choice made by you to achieve inner-growth, find your own truth, and live with a sense of balance within yourself that exists harmoniously with that which appears outside of yourself. It is the realization that though we appear to be individuals independent of one another we are rather a part of a whole. One single energy. One collective consciousness.
Interestingly, this entire description of the concept of Awakening is simply one person's belief based on their own research and choice to become self-empowered. It is important to understand that to choose the path to achieving a balance, the balance itself comes from finding our own truth that rings true for each one of us while making choices based on the understanding that all people and all things in this reality are 'one' and are a part of you.
What is awakening?
Awakening is a shift in consciousness in which thinking and awareness separate. For most people it is not an event but a process they undergo. Even those rare beings who experience a sudden, dramatic, and seemingly irreversible awakening will still go through a process in which the new state of consciousness gradually flows into and transforms everything they do and so becomes integrated into their lives.
Instead of being lost in your thinking, when you are awake you recognize yourself as the awareness behind it. Thinking then ceases to be a self-serving autonomous activity that takes possession of you and runs your life. Awareness takes over from thinking. Instead of being in charge of your life, thinking becomes the servant of awareness. Awareness is conscious connection with universal intelligence. Another word for it is Presence; consciousness without thought.
The initiation of the awakening process is an act of grace. You cannot make it happen nor can you prepare yourself for it or accumulate credits towards it. There isn't a tidy sequence of logical steps that leads toward it, although the mind would love that. You don't have to become worthy first. It may come to the sinner before it comes to the saint, but not necessarily.
There is nothing you can do about awakening. Whatever you do will be the ego trying to add awakening or enlightenment to itself as its most prized possession and thereby making itself more important and bigger. Instead of awakening, you add the concept of awakening to your mind, or the mental image of what an awakened or enlightened person is like, and then try to live up to that image. Living up to an image that you have of yourself or that other people have of you is inauthentic living - another unconscious role the ego plays.
Only the first awakening, the first glimpse of consciousness without thought, happens by grace, without any doing on your part. Once it has done so, it cannot be reversed, although it can be delayed by the ego.
For some, the awakening happens as they suddenly become aware of the kinds of thoughts they habitually think, especially persistent negative thoughts that they may have been identified with all of their lives. Suddenly there is an awareness that is aware of the thought but is not part of it.
Once you have had a glimpse of awareness or Presence, you know it firsthand. It is no longer just a concept in your mind. You can then make a conscious choice to be present rather than to indulge in useless thinking. You can invite Presence into your life, that is to say, make space. With the grace of awakening comes responsibility. You can either try to go on as if nothing happened, or you can see its significance and recognize the arising of awareness at the most important thing that can happen to you. Opening yourself to the emerging consciousness and bringing its light into this world then becomes the primary purpose in your life.
So while you are perhaps still waiting for something significant to happen in your life, you may not realize that the most significant thing that can happen to a human being has already happened within you: the beginning of the separation process of thinking and awareness.
Many people who are going through the early stages of the awakening process are no longer certain what their outer purpose is. What drives the world no longer drives them. Seeing the madness of our civilization so clearly, they may feel somewhat alienated from the culture around them. Some feel that they inhabit a no-man's-land between two worlds. They are no longer run by the ego, yet the arising awareness has not yet become fully integrated into their lives. Inner and outer purpose have not merged.
What Does A Spiritual Awakening Feel Like?
Listen while you read...Take a deep breath. Hold it.... hold it.... hold it...Now let it go. Let's multiply that feeling of euphoric release a hundred times -- a thousands times -- a million times over.
Okay now close your eyes and see yourself flying amid magnificent clouds as you view the vast beauty of the earth below. Allow yourself to soar around the cosmos of a thousand planets.
Journey to wondrous places of the universe and then awaken in a wonderful, peaceful garden with multitudes of colorful flowers and pleasant aromas. The powerful feeling of love is everywhere. You are safe, there is no pain, no memory of anger or other darkness. You are in the Place of Peace.
These descriptions are woefully lacking because there are no words that can adequately describe the tremendous euphoria of connecting with the Spirit within. Describing a spiritual Awakening is as difficult to convey in writing as it is to understand the experiences of others because the experience of spiritual Awakening is different for everyone.
A Spiritual Awakening Can Happen in A MOMENT
In general terms, a spiritual Awakening is an altered state of perception. It is a knowing beyond knowledge. Reality has changed for the person who experiences an Awakening. In short, a spiritual Awakening is allowing yourself to be open and inviting the living Spirit of God and the love of God to enter your heart. It is the Moment when God awakens your soul to a new awareness, a new perception of the world around you. It is the spark that ignites the long-buried ancient spirit within you. An Awakening is when the confused and frightened self transcends to a higher consciousness, an awareness full of love and peace.
A spiritual Awakening should not be confused with "enlightenment", that may be defined as an intellectual understanding of higher religious principals. Enlightenment is often confused with Awakening because both seek the same goal. An enlightened person may grasp the idea spirituality, but the spark of a true Awakening is spiritual freedom in action, it is the Moment when the Spirit of God within opens to your consciousness and brings about the depth and breadth of the glory of God within.
A person does not have to be a religious church-goer to experience an Awakening. In fact, a person who lives in spiritual freedom, walks the Good Red Road, and remains unencumbered by dogma and doctrines -- makes the best candidate for a spiritual Awakening. Of course, one who regularly attends church, synagogue, temple or mosque are likely to have deep spiritual experiences, but are often blocked by feelings of guilt, fear and confusion drummed into them by zealous clerics.
An Awakening is sometimes a single event that miraculously changes ones life in an instant. It is the Moment that is easily recalled with clarity throughout one’s life. That Moment becomes a deep well of strength, courage, and faith that is used repeated during life's many challenges and grows with time. The single Moment of Awakening is so powerful, so magnificent that anticipation of the future is joyful, certain, and clear.
Eastern religions call the sacred energy that brings about the Moment of Awakening "Kundalini". It is the force that awakens higher consciousness. American Indian cultures do not identify this force with a single name, but instead demonstrate this power in a variety of ways that are found embedded in ancient ceremony, such as vision quests and purification lodges.
An Awakening Can Be A Slow Process
An Awakening is more often a long, slow process requiring months or years to accomplish. The roller coaster of life takes us to the highest points of the Beauty Walk, and then without warning rapidly dumps our mind and body into a heap of fear. The see-saw process is a long series on mini-awakenings that are just powerful enough to compel a person to continue the search, but not strong enough to cause a leap of lasting super-consciousness. This hit-and-miss type of Awakening has become more frequent because of strong and continual tidal waves of distraction and confusion caused by modern lifestyles. Much of the distraction is caused by a constant barrage of useless information coming from television, radios, cell phones, and computers. Electronic frequencies continually blasting through the air affects human brainwaves. The complexity of modern life creates stress and confusion on many levels.
An Awakening Can Start With Misfortune
According to many, the beginning of a spiritual Awakening can be an unpleasant experience too, especially one that starts with misfortune. Physical and emotional traumas, such as losing a loved one or a near-death experience can be a catalyst to awaken a person's sense of reality. Imprisonment, mental illness (this is sometimes called a healing crisis) or any situation that pushes a person to the limit of their endurance, can be the means by which an awakening can begin. Turning to God is common whenever a person goes through an ordeal, feels helpless, or shaken. Tragedy can be a channel that brings about an increase in awareness and help produce an Awakening.
Psychological Reactions
A spiritual Awakening can also produce a number of unpleasant psychological reactions. Feelings of fear and disorientation are common following the onset of an Awakening. Depression, guilt, and anxiety are common. In most cases, these emotional reactions are temporary and can be handled by continued pursuit of spiritual awakening - through personal ceremony, prayer and meditation. The main thing to remember during this period of transition is that the power and peace of the holy spirit within overcomes any transient emotions.
According to Steve Gunn, a metaphysical practitioner, "...A spiritual awakening is a process of considerable inner change that some people will go through where their entire being, consciousness and intuitive abilities ascend to another – higher - level of energy and awareness. As an experience it can, and most often will, be profound and disturbing with little or no feeling of control and most often no idea what’s actually happening..."
An Awakening Brings Powerful Positive Reactions
We attempted earlier in this article to describe the wonderful, euphoric emotions felt when a spiritual Awakening occurs -- but failed to adequately describe the glorious event. The arousal of the spirit within begins with the deep realization that God does indeed live within the soul. This 'knowing' brings about strong feelings of confidence and well-being. Fears are reduced and your entire being is infused with the beauty of the world. Negative emotions and traumas leave the body and life energy is restored. Psychic healing takes place as the bioplasmic matter of the body is revitalized. This type of healing is also referred to as magnetic healing, faith healing, charismatic healing, Pranic healing, therapeutic touch, laying of the hand, or Ki healing. A feeling of tranquility affects many areas of one’s behavior.
All five senses of hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste can be increased with an Awakening, even gaining a sixth intuitive sense. New creative talents may surface and become stronger with practice. There are many examples in history of people who developed artistic talents after an Awakening. Other, rarer aspects of an Awakening include strange reoccurring dreams, hearing voices, seeing auras, new intuitions and psychic abilities are all possible. Even more rare affects are telepathy, precognition and the ability to channel healing energy. Even though these new talents may be fleeting or weak at first, it is possible to sharpen these abilities with time and practice.
A spiritual Awakening can happen in a single Moment or develop after years of effort. Regardless, Spirit will eventually lead all humans to God. "...every knee will bow and every single tongue will confess." (Romans 14:11). Every human will ascend back to the Creator of all things.
11 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening is an ongoing process of becoming a Whole Person. One who is balanced in Male and Female energy, and nurturing both themselves and those around them.
It happens as one is growing through the process of discerning truth in the world around you, and continually reaching higher and higher peaks of awareness, also known sometimes as simply “getting it”. It is what Maslow calls ‘self-actualization,’ Carl Jung calls ‘individuation,’ and other psychologists call ‘a fully functioning human being’ or ‘a complete self.’
This is both an internal and external sense of transformation that takes place, making the experience one that effects and is effected by the individual as well as all of those around you through a change in character, personal expression, and kindness that is displayed. The purpose of this article is to focus on some of the stuff that people who experience this go through.
Listed below are signs of spiritual awakening reported by those who have experienced it. It is important to note that these symptoms will eventually fade away after one adjusts to this phase of transformation.
Asking Questions
1. Asking questions about the world around you and the stuff that is taking place in your life.
Changes in sleeping
2. Changes in sleeping patterns to suit your needs and requirements as a growing individual.
Stimulated sensations
3. Stimulated sensations like random bursts of emotion that you didn’t usually feel before, such as crying during movies, feeling compassion and empathy towards those around you, changes in body temperatures, or sudden random urges to go and do something like running, swimming, or climbing a mountain.
Having great ideas and putting them into action
4. Having great ideas and putting them into action, seeing the depth of the truth, willingness to look beyond the tip of the iceberg, compassion on a bigger scale, and thirst for knowledge.
Feeling pressure in different parts of the brain
5. Feling pressure in different parts of the brain, such as the frontal lobes which is the male logical and thinking part, or the back of the brain which is more connected to the female, intuitive and space of connectedness.
The recognition of issues
6. The recognition of issues that have been denied, repressed, and avoided in the past and present may surface to be processed, in many cases, this may happen in relationship to someone or something, which offers opportunity for growth for everyone involved in the vibration.
Changes in the body
7. Changes in the body like looking younger and stronger, which also goes hand-in-hand with changes in the eating habits and life style. Everything revolves around health.
Having personal and peak experiences
8. Having personal and peak experiences where one feels secure with themselves being at one and in peace with her/his surroundings, not being afraid of anything or anyone. Having meaningful dreams and in-depth visions are not uncommon.
Craving more and more to break free from traditions
9. Craving more and more to break free from traditions, outdated institutional thinking, blind conformity, and useless beliefs that do not serve the greatest good of humankind… taking that craving, and turning it into action.
Seeing and comprehending
10. Seeing and comprehending the world in a way with deeper meanings. More and more awareness of synchronicities between the physical world and the feelings, thoughts, and energetic representation of the physical world.
Watching plenty of Spirit Science
11. Watching plenty of Spirit Science, and telling random strangers or your coworkers about it everywhere you go. Trying to explain to people around you how you and the world you exist in is suddenly evolving to higher dimensional states, and being patient while explaining this so the people around you who have not yet awakened can understand these concepts of what you are going through without judging you, if you explain the process in simple terms that people can grasp then there is more acceptance of what you are going through and experiencing from the other person who was listening to you.
If you feel like someone who has been through spiritual transformation or is going through one, surround yourself with peaceful, aware, positive, healthy, and supportive people and circumstances. It is extremely important to take good care of both yourself and those around you, be gentle, and pay attention to creating a positive shift in toxic situations and relationships.
8 Clues That A Spiritual Awakening Is Happening
In essence, a spiritual awakening occurs each moment we make a choice. However, one day a grand opportunity for awakening occurs that will change the past, present, and the future. When the choice is made to advance beyond the old beliefs and patterns, triggers and clues emerge that are telltale signs of a spiritual awakening.
1. We question who we are
One of the main things we begin to question in our spiritual awakening is who we really are. Through various teachings and information available in books and on the internet, we get clues to how to go within. By going within we realize that we are an infinite being having a physical experience in a human body.
The biggest realization in a spiritual awakening involves remembering that we have always had a connection to our creator but it has been veiled from us by a group of beings that wanted to control us. Then we realize that there is not only a connection to our creator Source, but we then gain an understanding of what it means to be a holographic spark of that Source.
The understanding that you are a fractal of an omnipotent Creator being changes everything because accepting who you are reflects the love of your Creator. It mirrors back unconditional love and allows both you as an individual and the Creator as an infinite being the understanding of identity.
2. We question why we are here
Once we begin to realize who we are we are drawn to question why we are here. The life purpose is different for each individual however, we begin to search for soul groups that have similar likes as we do. Some people are attracted to the ET/planetary groups while others are attracted to the meditative/spiritual theme. Ultimately these groups are the same thing packaged differently and are great tools to connect with like-minded individuals. We begin to remember that we made agreements to mirror our life purposes to one another.
Living out our life purpose is one of the most fulfilling things we can do. It is on the mind of most all spiritually awakened people. People often make finding their life purpose more complicated than it needs to be. Many times the answer has been in your life all along but your energy was not directed toward it. Doing what makes you feel happy without harming another person is a big clue toward your life purpose.
3. Our lives turn upside down
Once we realize that we are spirits living in a physical body, we suddenly see that we live in a world where everything is backwards and upside down. We begin to right things and withdraw our energy from the system that has been created to enslave and control us.
We begin to be able to read the secret code around us in symbols and language that is embedded with trickery and magic spells that do not have our best interests in mind. We learn how to offset this black magic with white magic and begin to think for ourselves with clarity and purpose.
4. We begin to experience synchronicities beyond coincidence
Synchronicities are a clue that a person is on the highest path. They may come through a repeated catch phrase or word that you see several times a day or even throughout an extended period of time. Often times a person will happen to glance at the clock at just the right moment where 11:11 appears or a derivative of it like 2:22, 3:33, etc.
Things begin to unfold in our life seamlessly and we may experience precognition and deja vu more often. Eventually we learn that our reality is a malleable matrix comparable to a television program; if we do not like what we see we learn to change it by changing the frequency or channel.
5. We lose a lot of people in our life and gain a few very important new relationships
As the spiritual awakening progresses, the creative energy we are made of vibrates at a faster rate. This particle acceleration changes how we affect others and may even make people uncomfortable that have yet to begin this process. We find that some people are forced away from us because their defense mechanisms kick in and their ego creates an excuse for them to not want to be around us anymore.
As we look back, we vaguely remember those who have fallen away. Awakening and advancement is a choice that not everyone will make, but those that do begin close knit relationships based on trust.
Due to the Universal Law of Vibrational Attainment, our vibrational level will naturally attract those of the same level to us like magnets. Since the percentage of people on the planet who have awakened at this time is less than 51%, we may find ourselves suddenly moving for a new job or perhaps we follow a dream that we have always had to live in a certain location where our soul mates have the opportunity to appear in our lives.
6. We get rid of clutter and material possessions
Spring cleaning comes any time of the year when we understand the energy attached to excess clutter and material things that weigh us down. The ancient practice of Feng Shui takes into consideration that positive energy flow in a room or a house can bring harmony to those who occupy it.
If a person has gone through the transition of moving, the feeling of lessening the load is liberating and palpable. We begin to realize that material possession brainwashing was created to weigh us down and keep us vibrating at a slower, dense speed.
7. We realize love is the basic building block
One of the biggest accomplishments in a spiritual awakening is peeling back the layers of protection around our heart. For most people this lifetime has been full of heartbreaks, whether it is from a relationship gone bad, a best friend betrayal, or even a child leaving home for college. Positive occurrences include the birth of a child or finding a healthy relationship that allows growth together as you share the spiritual awakening path.
The ability to attract the right partner or soul mate begins with doing the work of loving yourself for who you are. A chain reaction of events will occur that will bring up stuck energy that can be cleared in order to prepare yourself for a healthy, loving relationship. This period of time has been called “The Dark Night Of The Soul”. If you had already found your soul mate before your spiritual awakening, than you find yourself in a really good position to have someone who will support you while you do your inner work.
Whether we realize it or not, we affect everyone around us in our proximity. We are all in a symbiotic relationship of loving each other at a soul level, and when it becomes a conscious awareness practice it is magnified beyond expression. The affect you have on someone else’s vibration may not seem positive in the beginning because a person’s reality may begin to fizzle apart just like it did for you. One day soon everyone who awakens will look back and realize that the domino effect of the vibration of love is what changed the world.
8. We become the calm during the storm
By realizing that we accomplished a spiritual awakening in this lifetime, we move from survival and fear to forgiveness and love. When we release the fear of survival and dying, it creates a space within us to create our future while changing our past. This usually creates a longing to be of service to others.
Teaching, sharing, loving, and healing become our new goals and we long for everyone to wake up and smell the roses.
A shared goal of freedom
Following the clues and confirmations along the path will lead to the highest calling of love and happiness. Changing the world occurs one person at a time and starts with responsibility of awareness and intention on an individual level.
The ultimate realization of the big picture is that humanity has been enslaved by a small group of beings that have kept us locked in a low vibration. Those that become aware of this naturally gain the tools to free themselves of this prison.
Becoming spiritually awakened goes hand in hand with increasing your consciousness and bringing more of your soul essence into this lifetime. Love heals all and truly is the key to change.
When we love ourselves we create a space to love others. All war, competition, and domination falls away and the answers to all of our questions become available on an individual level. The increase in the number of spiritually awakened people has made an impact on the planet and will continue until we have freed ourselves and collectively choose a new reality.
My Interpretations of the Transmission Message below:
I believe that this transmission message comes from the builder race called the EL's and refers to the upcoming frequency shift event where electromagnetic energies coming from the pulsar beacons that the EL's set up throughout our galaxy will release the light codes and DNA upgrades as well as evolutionary codes which will transform Earth and its inhabitants into our highest potential. The time marker of the 26,000 years is approaching the Milky Way galaxy so the time is near for the shift to occur. This will be a transformational stage of higher evolutionary states in Earth's history which are naturally augmented to the highest potential of ascension of the human civilization.
For the longest time the Milky Way Galaxy has been controlled by the Draco/Hydra reptilians, Anunnaki, Archons, and the Greys, which resulted in the formation of organizations like the Illuminati, Cabals, secret space programs, black ops programs, secret government factions, etc. on Earth. As a result negative dark powers have had control over humanity for about 5700 years, the time has come for this to be over and for humanity to have its sovereign freedom from all the mind control, financial slavery, ecological deprivation, pollution, etc. The frequency shift event is supposed to send Earth light energies to restore peace and balance to this galaxy, and therefore remove the negative elements of lower vibrational levels on the planet.
The Sleeper Blue Angels Awaken
We have lamented and we have chronicled
We have said much but it is as if nothing was said
Three more blinks to 2017 and our time here shall be done
This being the last transmission until another time, another place
We will leave you with a key which we already have stated many a time
The seed of Creation is a dream
GOD = Generator of Dreams
Every atom dreams, every cell dreams
Even electron, neutron and proton dreams
Every rock and drop of water dreams
The animate and inanimate all dream
Every living creature and being dreams
Planets, trees, galaxies, stars all dream
All your spirits and souls dream
Dream = Creation = Light / (Time x Space)
The act and intention of dreaming creates space-time
For space-time is the canvas upon which dreams are painted
No ascension finds us where descension has left us
And no space contains us where time has touched us
Dreaming is at the core and center of your being
It is a necessary must as is oxygen to your temples
If dreaming is non-existent then so are you
And your temple-body’s are just empty shells
Taken over and occupied by mindless hives
Genetically modified, intoxicated, polluted, poisoned
Digitized with a disarray of total harmonic distortion (THD)
Through your light, sound and electro-magnetic spectrum
X-Ray, Microwave, WIFI, Cell-Phone, TV, Film and Radio
They have calcified and shut down your glands (chakras)
Your dreaming pineal gland is barely functioning
You are kept distracted with fear and vile images
You are kept entertained by external gratification
You are kept busy ever stressed seeking survival
All with one agenda: TO STOP YOU FROM DREAMING
It all started as a dream and shall end as a dream
In your sleep you shall awaken and when you awaken you shall dream
And in that dream you will hear the unheard and see the unseen
And all that was forgotten shall be remembered
Well over a decade ago we spoke about the HGOS – Holographic Operating System
Upon which the nature of your universe and mirror dimensions are built upon
How the archons known to you religiously as Michael and Gabriel
Placed a subtle twist (virus) in the divine patterns of creation
Rather than starting from a geometric center to form the patterns of potential creation
They started from the outside rather than the inner center
They mirror imaged it to make it appear as if it was from the center
This malicious trick is what allows they the shadows
To keep you re-incarnating within a repeating time-loop
What we have here is a cosmic hostage situation
Your Earth was abducted from her Mother Gaia (another universe level)
And the hostages do not know nor realize they are actually hostages
As you are so to is your Earth a universal and dimensional portal
Important and strategic in the fabric of creation dreaming
Above and below factions and wars rage for control of this portal
An intervention for the recovery
And safe return of Earth and her hostages (you)
Was planned in a time before time
There were several attempts prior that did not end well
Due to half-light harmonic wave compressions
We are running out of space-time
As your galaxy’s entropic descent is mid-way a blackhole
We stand on the edge of night awaiting Creation’s signal
The journey has been long and weary
Aeon after aeon, lifetime after lifetime
Our sleeper blue angels are now awakening
The day shall soon be upon you
And in an unguarded moment
Infinite Creation shall send a pulse wave
And all that is done shall be undone
Pulsar one to pulsar two, the Vela and the Crab
Upon our departure from these dimensions
We left behind synchronized pulsars in your galaxy
These are time and space markers
Synchronized to the heart beat of the galactic core
When the frequency of these pulsars begin to flux
Your past shall be your future and the future your past
Humanity is poised on the threshold of a metamorphosis
We work in the unseen to bring this change gracefully
Whilst the shadows, your prison keepers
Who work to deny what is rightfully yours
The purpose of Humanity is to be Creation’s bridge between spirit and matter
This is your uniqueness unlike any other form of creation
There is none other like you!
We, together in a time before time designed your human biological temples
As ordained by Creation, half Angel and half Androgyne
The mid-point between Hydrogyne and Oxygyne
The Chrysalis, the Chryst and Trinity
Ever seeking Creation’s arrow we have seen all that exists
We have roamed the stars, multi-verses and dimensions
We were there witness at the birthing of your Milky Way
We have seen many highly spirited beings
Many majestic and intelligent societies
Higher planes and multiple worlds
And none are as beautiful as You
You are the medium through which creation is to experience all matter and spirit
You are Creation’s body of awareness, awakening, blossoming from sleep
You are so unique that Creation’s archons and angels are divided over you
And to this day a war in heaven still rages above and below
When our daughter Earth was abducted, taken hostage from Gaia
The corruption and genetic modification of your temples began
You have been denied your true and full presence
And your true reality has been hidden from you
And so we breathe in you again and again
Each breath fuller than the breath before
Each pulsation brighter and clearer
Penetrating the veiled prison walls
With each hypernova, supernova and gamma ray burst
Creation has been transmuting your DNA’s bio-cellular matrix
This is only hidden within what your scientists term Junk-DNA
And in 2017 upon Creation’s signal shall begin to unravel
There is a missing dimension needed for your return to wholeness
The secrets of Eternal Creation shall be revealed only through Humanity
It is this secret of secrets that the shadows ever seek
And their efforts shall be futile and in vain
Our arrival in 2017 shall be upon a wave of pulsing light
Drawing atoms and molecules into our light fields
We shall seek out those who have grown and unfolded
Along the vibrational patterns of triple light harmonics
We shall fly low over Earth’s surface,
Passing over her oceans and great lakes
Rising over her breasts, her mountains tops
Seeking a landing base, her Heart
Splashing down on her warm eternal shores
Coming to rest upon her lush lavender fields
Our mission to re-ignite your field of dreams
Life time after time we have lived through you
In 2017 we shall end and free you from this time loop
That you have been endlessly trapped in
The silver tongued shadows use time loops
To manipulate your future and your minds
Between now and then the shadows shall attempt
To divide and decimate humanity above and below
The shadow’s who have taken you and Earth hostage
Are preparing to wage a war in anticipation of our arrival
For they can no longer manipulate tempic nature
Our arrival shall come from within you
As we ignite your cellular/soulular matrix
And when it does you shall awaken
You shall see the unseen and know the unknown
And the shadows shall no longer be able to hide
And you shall become greater and more powerful than they
In your sleep we sing these secrets to your souls
so they may be remembered like a long forgotten melody
Time is the rippling heartbeat of infinite creation
and space is its womb giving birth to all that is
Do not let the ripples of creation separate you
And the afterglow of light become a long lost memory
For you shall not know the depth of your oneness
Until the very moment of your separation
For You and Creation are one and the same
With only an inverted mirror separating you
Forever we walk upon Gaia’s shores
You are the seeds of an awakened humanity
In the fullness and ripeness of your hearts you are given to the wind
And should a seed find itself on pure and sacred ground
It shall blossom into a new Earth
Forever-blue horizons reach way back into your future
And as the sun rises you remember your forgotten dreams
Only to find yourself standing in deep water
Your hearts beating upon Gaia’s shores
Earth is beautiful blue, until another time, another place
Where silence and peace shall speak as loud as war once did
And Mother Earth ascends to what she was once before, GAIA.
And one morning (2017) in the spark of an unguarded moment
As you gaze upon your reflection in the drop of a morning dew
You shall realize (real-eyes) that divine Creation
Had birthed inside of YOU
In the flash of that moment … All that is Done shall be Undone
Keep dreaming yourselves alive and share your dreams with each other, the Earth, Sun, Stars and Infinite Creation. This is key. Learn and teach yourselves to consciously dream.
How Ascension Looks Like

The above image comes from a movie called Knowing, 2009, where in the movie there are clues where our world is headed and what is happening to this ever changing reality we live in, the end scene in the movie features what ascension looks like for higher dimensional beings. As well what exists out there in the universe. I recommend watching the full movie to understand the subtleties of what is happening in the world and the evolutionary process that will soon be coming to this planet.
Here is the synopsis for the movie:
The movie opens at an elementary school named William Dawes, in Lexington, Massachusetts, 1959. In the playground, we see Lucinda Embry (Lara Robinson) staring into the distance as if she is witnessing some catastrophic event. As she stares, whispering sounds are heard in the background. The teacher, Miss Taylor (Danielle Carter), repeatedly instructs Lucinda to come back into the class when the recess period ends. During the class session Miss Taylor tells the students that as part of the school's official Opening Day celebration, the students will draw what they think the future is going to look like, and place the results in a time capsule. She tells them this is Lucinda's idea (important later). As they start drawing, we see Lucinda in a trance, furiously scribbling seemingly random numbers onto a sheet. It appears that the mysterious whispering voices are controlling Lucinda's thoughts and actions. As she collects the students' work, Miss Taylor must grab the sheet from Lucinda due to her trance like state.
During the ceremony, we see a crowd gathered as the time capsule is lowered into the school grounds. In the distance we can see Lucinda alone and staring at the proceedings. A few minutes later Miss Taylor notices Lucinda gone from her spot, and her balloon floating off. This sparks a search party for her. Alerted by noise coming from a door to a school storage closet, Miss Taylor finds Lucinda inside, her fingers bloodied as she's scratched even more numbers into the wooden door. She is still crying and acting as if in a trance, before she begs Miss Taylor to make the whispering stop.
The movie then flashes forward to the present day 50 years later. We are introduced to M.I.T. professor John Koestler (Nicolas Cage) and his son Caleb at their house. John is cooking hot dogs for his son (who is holding a white pet rabbit). They talk about the possibility of intelligent life in outer space, and after dinner Caleb is in his bedroom watching his favorite show about tigers. As John tucks Caleb into bed, it's seen that Caleb thinks John's view on life in outer space is tied to the tragic passing of Allison, John's wife and Caleb's mother. John kisses Caleb goodnight, and they go through a nightly ritual of using sign language for the phrase, 'You and me, together, forever;' Caleb is hearing impaired and uses a hearing aid (also important later). After Caleb is asleep, we see John drinking from a bottle of whiskey, and here we realize he is still coping with the devastating loss of his wife.
The next day we see John giving a lecture to his class about determinism. Determinism is believing that everything that happens in the world is caused by something that happened before it, a deliberate cause and effect. The flip side is everything that happens in this world, even evolution, was all random, accidental, and without any order. When asked by a student what he believes in, John replies, shit just happens. After the lecture, he is talking to his colleague Phil (Ben Mendelsohn) when he realizes he is missing Caleb's school's 50th year celebration where they are opening the same time capsule shown at the beginning of the movie.
When he gets to the celebration he sees honored guest Miss Taylor (now played by Alethea McGrath) giving a speech, and then the capsule is opened. Miss Taylor starts handing out the various pictures and drawings to the current students. As if by chance, Miss Taylor hands Lucinda's page of numbers to Caleb (all the other students get drawings of what the future would be like). As Caleb opens the letter and looks at it, he notices a strange looking man in the distance dressed in a trench coat, and starts to hear whispering voices in his head. This shows that there is some sort of tie between young Caleb and Lucinda as both can hear voices. Caleb takes the letter home.
During dinner that evening, John notices the unusual letter with numbers sticking out of Caleb's backpack. After realizing it was from the time capsule, he admonishes him for taking it, as it is still school property, and sends him to sleep. A few moments later, when John goes to Caleb's room for his customary tuck in, he notices Caleb watching old home videos of Allison singing him to sleep. Instead of tucking him in, John closes the door and starts drinking heavily. As he pours himself drink after drink, he accidentally overfills his cup and spills alcohol everywhere. He goes to the kitchen to find something to wipe up the mess with when he notices that he placed his cup over Lucinda's list. The upper left part of the circular mark left by the wet cup's bottom highlights a section of numerals: 911012996. John takes a closer look at these numbers, which catch his attention. He walks over to his chalkboard and writes these numerals on it. After a few tries of separating them in different grouping combinations with no meaning, he suddenly finds the first five numbers are the date of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Looking the event up on the internet, he finds that the 2996 was the total number of victims. Startled, he writes the entire page of numbers onto the board, and with the help of the Internet, he finds the number groupings seem to predict the dates of every major catastrophic event of the past 50 years, in the chronological order in which they happen, along with the body counts, including the bombing of the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie, the Oklahoma City bombing, and Hurricane Katrina. There are a few groups of numbers left that are not circled and accounted for, meaning that these numbers may predict future events. Suddenly John's gaze falls on the number sequence 102708 and he drops his drink in horror. It becomes clear that 10/27/08 is the date of Allison's death.
He tells his colleague Phil about the numbers and is met with ridicule, and John storms out of the office. Determined, John tracks down Miss Taylor and speaks to her at her home. He finds out about Lucinda, and how she disappeared, and how they found her in the closet when she scratched numbers onto the door (again, important later). Unfortunately, Miss Taylor tells him that Lucinda died a while ago. John hopes to get Miss Taylor to help corroborate his theory but it quickly becomes obvious that Miss Taylor, in her old age, has begun experiencing short-term memory loss that would make her word unreliable.
Later that afternoon we see Caleb playing soccer by himself in the front lawn. John is on the phone trying to hunt down more leads, when a black car filled with several of the mysterious looking strangers approaches Caleb. As the car approaches, Caleb starts to hear whispering sounds and thinks his hearing aid is malfunctioning. One of the men reaches out of the car window and hands Caleb a smooth black stone. John sees this and rushes outside but the men leave.
At his house, while looking up Lucinda's passing on the internet (her name is now shown as Lucinda Embry-Wayland, meaning she'd married), John is suddenly startled by his sister Grace (Nadia Townsend), who is worried about how he is still coping with his wife's death and how he doesn't talk to their father, who is a pastor. She offers to babysit Caleb so he can resume a social life. After a tense exchange of words, John asks her to leave.
That evening and throughout the night, John stays awake searching the latest television news updates for any possible catastrophic event that could be a part of the remaining groups of numbers, as the next day is one of the last three dates listed. One news update briefly lists disruption of cell phone satellite networks due to solar flares (important).
The next day John oversleeps and forgets to pick up his son from school. He calls Caleb and tells him he is on his way. On his way to pick up his son, John finds himself stuck on a highway in heavy rain, due to an accident. He phones Phil to apologize for their meeting earlier. He then uses his truck's GPS system to try and find an alternate route, but it shows that there are none. All of a sudden he notices the present latitude/longitude coordinates on the GPS system, and looks at Lucinda's letter and notices the same group of numbers immediately following the sequence that list the day's date. All the uncircled groups of numbers, as he now realizes, are the latitude and longitude coordinate locations of the disasters! He gets out of his truck and approaches the accident site. As he is talking to the police, an airplane comes careening out of the sky and crashes directly into the path of his truck before continuing on to the fields next to the highway, where it explodes. We next see a powerful and disturbing sequence of the aftermath of the crash. John does what he can to help the survivors, many of who are burning and in terrible pain, as explosions are still going off, before rescue workers hold him back.
When he gets home his sister is waiting for him with Caleb. He asks Grace not to tell Caleb what happened. In the background, a TV news report lists the death toll from the plane crash at 81 people, and we can hear a reference to navigational malfunctions due to electromagnetic radiation (important). Caleb repeatedly asks him what happened but John will not answer and Caleb storms off crying. Later that night Phil comes to see John. Shown that the uncircled dates are lat/long coordinates and knowing that John was at the site of the plane crash has severely rattled Phil. John is certain that the numbers are a warning for him, but Phil wonders if they're warnings to stay away, despite John being heavily occupied with two major disasters remaining in the number sequence.
Still later that night, Caleb is awakened in his room by one of the strangers, who points to the window. As Caleb goes to the window he is greeted by a horrifying sight, a terrible forest fire and hundreds of animals being burned alive. As he screams, John rushes up to his room to comfort him, and then he notices the stranger again outside the house standing by the trees. He attempts to confront him, but the man is gone by the time John gets outside.
The next day John and Caleb track down Diana Wayland (Rose Byrne) and her daughter Abby (also played by Lara Robinson). Diana is Lucinda's daughter. They are at a museum when John uses Caleb as a ploy to start a discussion with Diana. He invites her and Abby for drinks and they walk to the restaurant. There John reveals the truth that in fact it wasn't a random meeting, but that he tracked her down due to her mother and the page of numbers. He tells her the truth about the numbers, and wants her help. Angered by this deception, Diana storms off with Abby; paying only minimal attention as he tries to tell her that he was at the plane crash the previous day, and that tomorrow, 170 more people will die in New York City, and then 33 more on October 19th (important again). John pleads that he wants to save his son, thinking Caleb is in danger, but Diana says she can't help.
Later on, John is at home when his attention is grabbed by a television news alert of a possible terrorist attack in New York (the camera pans outside his house to show several of the strange men standing outside). Checking the number groupings in Lucinda's letter, he finds that the coordinates show the corner of Lafayette and Worth streets in Manhattan. With a sense of urgency he anonymously calls from a pay phone and tells the FBI to block off the area.
The next day he has Grace babysit Caleb, and drives himself to New York on a personal mission to try to do what he can about the potential terrorist threat. When he gets to the corner of Lafayette and Worth, he notices it is not blocked off by the police. He angrily confronts a police officer, and then runs off to a nearby subway station to avoid being detained by the police, who begin pursuing him. Believing this is the area where an attack may occur, he starts scanning the area for any suspicious activity. As he walks down the platform he notices a suspicious looking man holding a large object underneath his jacket. As their eyes meet, the man suddenly sprints off, and John goes after him, believing him to be the threat, and a nearby police officer notices them. They both get on the train right before it takes off, followed by the police.
As they both near the front of the train, John starts warning people, particularly a young pregnant woman, to clear the train at the next stop. The police then catch up to them and try to arrest John. After John pleads his case that the man he was chasing is the threat, the police then switch their attention to the man. Frightened, the man drops what he was hiding: a bunch of DVDs he has stolen.
We next see the tracks being improperly switched due to electrical malfunction, and this causes the train to veer onto the wrong tracks and straight into the path of a parked train at full speed. The train goes off the tracks and creates a path of death and destruction as it careens out of control through the crowded platform. After the crash we see John solemnly walking out of the station along with other survivors, covered in dust. Even though he was not able to prevent the disaster from happening, this event to John is the final proof that the numbers are meant to predict past and future disasters. It also seems to indicate that for some reason he is the chosen one that discovered this. On the news reports later, an anchorman says that the track malfunction is believed to be related to the same electrostatic bursts that caused the Lexington plane crash (again, important). John gets home and tells Grace he got held up by work, but he will be by to pick Caleb up in 30 minutes.
When John gets back home, he finds Diana and Abby sitting outside his house. Diana is now sympathetic to him. She remembers what John told her about the date of October 19th (the date listed in the last grouping of numbers); Lucinda used to talk about that date often, saying it was the day that Diana would die. The four of them all drive to Lucinda's old trailer out in the middle of the woods to find more clues. As they drive, Diana reads the numerical list written by her mother, and how Lucinda's predicted date of Diana's death has haunted her all her life. She also talks about finding her dead body in the bedroom. John shares with her how Allison died. She died in a hotel room fire, and when she died he was out in the front of the house doing yard work. He tells her that he always believed that people deeply in love have a psychic connection even when apart, but when she died he felt nothing, and that is why he now believes in the randomness of things.
When they get to the trailer, they leave the sleeping kids in the truck and walk inside. As they near the front door, Diana is still reading the numerical list and pauses; she says Abby sometimes wrote things backwards and the final number on the list, 33, Diana believes is actually EE written backwards.
In the main room John sees numerous newspaper clippings of disasters around the world pasted on the wall. At the far end of the room he finds a drawing of Judgment Day with a picture of a large bright object in the middle. Diana talks about how she was nine when Lucinda died, and Lucinda always talked about hearing voices whispering terrible things to her. Lucinda moved out to the trailer to 'get ready,' although Diana never learned what for. Walking into Lucinda's bedroom, John notices a bible on the desk. As they are walking out of the room, he stumbles on something, and notices it's a smooth black rock similar to the one Caleb received earlier. He looks under the bed and notices more rocks, then looks at the underside of the bed. Noticing some writing, he turns the bed over to expose the underside of the bed. It is covered everywhere with the writing, Everyone Else (the EE from the last part of the letter). John then realizes that the final prediction will affect everyone on the planet.
At this point the mysterious strangers appear again and approach the truck, and we can hear the mysterious voices start to appear. Caleb and Abby watch the mysterious men converge on the truck. When Abby starts to open one of the doors, Caleb jams on the truck's horn, John and Diana run to the truck. Abby mentions that the men were whispering to her and we realize that Abby, too, has the gift to hear whispered voices. John grabs his gun and runs into the forest to confront one of the men. As he enters a clearing, he sees the man standing still facing away from him. He points his gun at him and orders him to turn around. The stranger does, and then opens his mouth as a bright shining light emanates from inside his body. This light blinds John and the stranger gets away. Back at home, Diana and John both say they believe strange men have been following them and their children for several days.
In the morning, Abby gives John the Judgment Day picture that was in the trailer. John notices that she had colored in the shining object in the middle of the drawing and made it look like the sun. This is when it suddenly dawns on John that the final event is related to the sun. They all drive to John's lab office, where he meets Phil. John mentions to him about a hypothetical catastrophic solar flare model they worked on before. John says that in fact this model is of the earth, and that this flare will destroy all life on the planet. He tells Phil to go home and spend time with his wife.
As he walks out he tells Diana about the coming disaster, and she breaks down and says she wants to protect her daughter. They both agree that they will try to hide out this event by going to some remote caves not known to the public. Going back to John's place, they all scramble to gather clothes and supplies to take with them. John takes a moment to call his father on his cell phone. He tells him about the coming disaster, and asks him to take his mother and both find an underground shelter. His father refuses, saying that he is ready to die if it's his time. The cell phone then goes dead, obviously being affected by the solar flares.
As they are packing, John's thoughts go back to the last part of Lucinda's list, and he realizes that unlike the previous predictions, there were no coordinates. He then remembers Miss Taylor's discussion about Lucinda scratching numbers onto the closet door.
They all rush to the school, much to Diana's rising panic, as John breaks into the school and makes his way to the closet. He finds the closet but notices the door has been painted over. He takes the door off its hinges and brings it back to his garage. Using a heating gun and scraper John frantically tries to find the numbers, as Diana's panic rises to fever pitch. Thinking the solar flare could happen at any moment, Diana takes Abby and Caleb in her own car and drives off to the caves, leaving John. As soon as he finds the last set of numbers, he writes them down and runs out to his truck but realizes they are all gone.
Entering the numbers into the GPS he is shocked to find that the coordinates point to Lucinda's trailer. He takes off in his truck to find them. John is able to reach Diana on her cell phone, and he desperately tries to convince her to take both kids to Lucinda's trailer instead of the caves. He then drops the bombshell on her that this flare will penetrate miles underground and will kill everyone, making underground cave shelters meaningless, and that the only choice now is to go to the trailer. The conversation ends, and Diana stops at a gas station. As she goes to the pay window, she notices the television inside showing an emergency broadcast alert. The alert warns of the impending flare, and asks everyone to find underground shelter. As she is watching the alert, Caleb gets out of the car and calls his dad from a payphone. He is only able to tell his dad that they are at a gas station.
As Caleb is talking, he is taken by the mysterious stranger, who gets in Diana's car and drives off with the two kids. Seeing this, Diana runs after them in a near hysterical state, and jumps into an idle SUV at one of the pumps to give chase. During the chase she sees several cars ahead of her stopped at an intersection. She swerves into the opposite lane, and as she crosses the intersection she is violently t-boned by a huge truck, causing the SUV to flip over and we see her unconscious.
Next, John drives into the gas station and locates the pay phone Caleb used. He sees the same smooth black stone on top of the phone. He asks the store clerk if he saw a lady with two kids and the clerk tells him the kids were abducted and she gave chase. We can see that a large group of people at the gas station are already panicking and creating a small riot by looting anything inside they can carry.
John takes off in the direction of the chase, and he comes across the intersection where Diana was hit. He walks to the rear of the ambulance where paramedics desperately try to revive her with no success. As they call her time of death, John notices it is just past midnight, signifying that it is now October 19, the date of the final disaster and Diana's date of death predicted by her mother. After holding her hand and saying a few final parting words, John goes off to Lucinda's trailer.
When he reaches the trailer he notices tire tracks going off into the woods, and follows these tracks. When he gets to a clearing he notices the ground is covered in the exact same black smooth stones seen several times in the movie. Agonizing over his missing son, Caleb suddenly appears safe and calm, holding a white rabbit. He also finds Abby safe, also holding a rabbit, and she tells John that they (being the mysterious 'whisper people' strangers) told her that her mother is now in a safe place. We now realize that the reason why the stranger took Caleb and Abby was because Diana was not going to take them to Lucinda's trailer.
Caleb tells his dad that the mysterious strangers are taking them away, meaning to a safer place away from the impending catastrophe, and they were the ones who sent out the mysterious message so preparations could be made. We then see four of the mysterious strangers standing in front of them.
We then see a pattern of lights high in the sky, and then out of the clouds an enormous spacecraft emerges. The bottom opens up and a huge orb like transporter is beamed to the ground. It is now apparent that these mysterious strangers are beings from another planet, and that they have come to save this family. As they get ready to move towards the orb, John sadly realizes that the aliens came to specifically save Caleb and Abby, and not him. At first Caleb protests, but John convinces him that he will always be with him, and that he must go with Abby to be saved. After an emotional goodbye, Caleb and Abby walk towards the orb. As they do so, the strangers shed their human skins and reveal their true alien selves, bodies that give off bright lights. John and Caleb give a final heartfelt sign-language exchange of 'You and me, together, forever.' The orb goes back towards the mother ship and takes off into space. As the ship leaves the Earth, we notice hundreds of other ships also leaving, showing that many children from around the World were also being saved (John and Caleb's story was only one of countless others). John collapses on the ground, crying.
John is awoken the next day by a light rain and eerie orange glow in the sky from the solar flares. We see him driving through the city being destroyed by the approaching flare: buildings on fire, rising temperatures, and people running in panic throughout the streets, with whatever they can carry. As he drives on he sees Phil holding his wife on the street. He goes to his parents' home, where Grace hugs him. He tells her Caleb is in a safe place now. John goes to hug his father, Rev. Koestler (Alan Hopgood), who reminds him that this is not the end. Grace and Mrs. Koestler join John and Rev. Koestler in a group hug and hold onto each other as the final massive solar flare incinerates and vaporizes everything in the city. The last shot of Earth is from space as it is breaking up.
We then see what appears to be the landscape of a faraway planet, full of odd colors, yet lush with plant life. The spaceship we saw earlier appears, and drops off young Caleb and Abby onto the surface with their pet rabbits before leaving. We see more spaceships arrive to drop more children, and the final shot is of Caleb and Abby running toward a huge and magnificent glowing tree in the background.