Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Temple of Time & Light

The Temple of Time and Light exists partially on the etheric level and on the Earth plane of reality. This temple holds the knowledge and wisdom teachings of how time and light work in the universe, the temple holds the largest universal libraries in existence.

This is how the entrance looks to the Temple of Time and Light. There are large columns and a circular building entrance to the temple doors.

The temple has various different corridors of time and light with columns that have ancient languages carved into them. These ancient languages tell the stories of the breakaway civilizations that have lived on Earth and other planets for millions of years.

This is lady Zoranna, she is the guardian keeper of light. Zoranna protects the various gate entrances to the Temple of Time and Light so beings that are of a negative polarity cannot enter the temple entrances, only beings of the highest light came come into the temple.

The temple has crystal plated guardian rooms where various swords of light which are made from crystalline technology are stored in encased light pillars that have energetic force fields around them that are keyed to the proper guardian life force signatures to release the swords from their security holders.

These are the various chamber room halls that the temple has with intricate arches and ancient magic symbols that protect the temple from unauthorized access and also keep the temple visitors safe from negative outside forces and black magic.

Lady Zelda doing a light magic spell to protect the ancient relics room in the part of the temple of light. In this image Zelda is using a magic wand to create the protective force field in the relics room.

On the left hand side is the sorceress Zoranna the keeper of time and on the right side is Lady Zelda the keeper of light. Zoranna and Zelda are looking at the time dilation matrix device which cloaks the Temple of Time and Light on the Earthly plane from negative energies.

These are some of the light magic rooms in the temple, each room has a different magical vibrational resonance and the energies of the magic are created for various purposes to manifest things in the higher dimensional realms, these manifestations then appear on the physical planes of reality like the third or fourth dimensions. Many of the ascended masters and teachers come to the Temple of Time and Light to gain more universal knowledge and wisdom in order to pass on the new information to evolving races in the process of their various ascension levels in the universes.
In the first image the three glowing yellow triangles are a symbol of balance and unity that is the triforce energies of all the living beings in the universes creating peace and harmony everywhere.

Lady Zelda examining a collection of magical ancient relics that have be brought to the temple for safe keeping. These relics can amplify psychic abilities and can be used in light magic manifestation work to create things in the universe.

This is one of the buildings that is part of the Temple of Time and Light, this is the spirituality wing of the temple where beings learn how to ascend to the higher dimensional realms. The building has a blue glowing light energy around it to heal a soul's life spark energy and to help them realize their truest potential and goals on their life journeys.
The buildings that are adjoined to the Temple of Time and Light look architecturally like some of the temple structures that were built in the time of Atlantean civilization as the Temple of Time and Light mirrors some of the conjoining timeline sequences that Atlantis still exists in today in another higher dimensional aspect of reality.