Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Spirit Guides

Sources of Information:
Contacting Your Spirit Guides: by Lisa Renee: from In5D
Communicating With Your Spirit Guides: from In5D
How to Receive Intuitive Guidance from Your Spirit Guides: by Angela Artemis: from In5D
Contacting Your Spirit Guides
The first level of “Spirit” human support is our personal team of “Guides”. Why we mention it to be the “first level” of communication is that our guides are the closest in frequency and dimension to our physical form. This means they may be felt in our etheric level body and/or communicated within the astral plane dimension. Since these are within the 3rd-4th level frequency planes, they are easier to connect and communicate with for most all human beings. You do not need to be spiritual, evolved or have a special talent to communicate with your “Guide”. Absolutely ALL of us have them without exception and they are always available for you.
Guides may be any type of life form, sometimes they are passed on relatives, aspects of our soul personalities, Angelic Beings, Animals and E.T.’s. We support everyone in utilizing guidance and finding comfort in communicating with their own personal guides.
Before we go on, we do place a warning, your guides will NEVER ask, demand or place fear in their responses to you! If any response or feeling does not feel natural, loving and acceptable to you then stop immediately.
Guide Protocols
First let’s get familiar with the general rules. There is a set of protocols known to all guides that were developed for use in the “Earth Grand Experiment.” Because our planet is located in a “free will” zone, guides are bound by protocols that are designed to honor and protect our free will. Guides may help you work on releasing patterns and blocks. As a result there are many things they can and cannot do.
Guides can give you advice but they cannot tell you what to do.
Guides can only give you information that you request.
Guides are allowed to withhold information when they feel it would in some way hinder your progress.
When asked for a specific outcome to an event, guides can give you the most probable outcome along with other possibilities. They cannot tell you which one will occur as that means that they would have to predetermine what choices would be made, thus violating your free will.
Guides cannot give you information on someone else without that person’s consent. They also cannot give information that is contrary to your belief systems without permission; this may require that you rescind any vows made about what you’re willing to receive/hear.
Contacting Your Guides
Our Spirit Guides are entities – physical and non-physical – who have chosen to aid others on the path to spiritual enlightenment as we are about to Ascend. Most spirit guides have had incarnations on the physical Earth plane, as well as other realms. They, like yourself, may exist there multidimensionally at this time.
Spirit guides are often your polar opposite – the other part of your soul which remains on the other side in higher frequency as your soul experiences in third dimension. Spirit Guides may remain with you for a lifetime, or may come and go depending on your needs and where they are needed.
As they exist in higher frequency – they are beings of light that may physically appear to you in humanoid form so your mind can conceptualize them better. They would generally appear as ectoplasmic forms – but some can manifest in a physical form. We all have spirit guides. Each guide generally comes in for a specific purpose in your life.
Restore you to balance
To help you with the spiritual mission we all feel
Help with your creative work
Show you past/parallel lives
Are deceased relatives or close friends who come to guide or for closure
Extraterrestrials who link you with another aspect of your soul experiencing in another reality
Animal totem guides sharing the wisdom of the astral planes
Your higher selves which are multidimensional aspects of your soul spark, these can be individual beings guiding you on your life’s journey
Some guides stay with you for your entire experience in your present body. Others stay for many years then leave. You can ask a spirit guide to leave if you so choose. You can ask to have another guide brought in to help you evolve. Spirit guides ‘speak’ to you in many ways. Sometimes they are the little voice you hear in your head – your thoughts. Often times they speak to you in dream state, meditation, altered states of consciousness, through the synchronistic things that occur in your life, through such things as art, music, dance, or acting.
If they really want to make a point they will create a synchronicity in your life so you will sit up and take notice. Synchronicities, in general, are experiences created by your soul to bring you into greater awareness of what is occurring in your life. YOU or your spirit guide may create the synchronicity in a higher realm – then you manifest it in 3D. If you meet someone by accident – it is because your soul and theirs has made a decision to meet. There are no accidents.
Spirit guides travel interdimensionally. They meet with us at night when we sleep and remove our consciousness from 3D placing it in faster moving frequency – faster than the speed of light – which we call higher frequency. It is here that we work with our spirit guides and plan what we will do in the physical realms when we return to wakefulness – place our conscious mind back in our physical bodies – when we get up and experience the physical world.
Healing Tip:
At bedtime, ask your Guide to escort you to an inner plane healing temple when you are sleeping. Request that you are rejuvenated and revitalized to awaken refreshed in the morning to meet your daily commitments.
Communicating With Your Spirit Guides
Are you frustrated because all your friends are communicating with their Guides, Angels, or Oracles, but you get nothing? The remedy may be simpler than you’ve ever imagined. Here’s how it works.
Everyone has Guides. You don’t have to be “special” or “psychic.” Nor do you “earn” their assistance by something you do. If you’re here on Earth, you’ve got Invisible Assistants at your side.
So who are these Invisible Assistants and why do they help you? Guides are highly evolved discarnate entities who know you and love you. They are indeed your best friends. They know your goals for this life. And they will be at your side throughout all your adventures here to help you have the experiences you came to life to have.
Before you enter a body on this planet, you, like everyone else, works out “rules” with your Guides governing how much, when, and what kind of assistance and guidance you want to receive. This is why some Guides can break into their charge’s awareness at any time, while others are limited to only giving brief answers to specific questions, and still others can bring up any subject they deem useful once a conversation begins. The rules are different for everyone because YOU make the rules.
But there’s one requirement that’s part of everyone’s arrangement: your Guides cannot make First Contact. Once the Inbound Processing into your new earthly body is complete, it is up to you to contact them before any guidance can begin.
Just when that First Contact occurs depends upon many factors: the degree of “Forgetting” you achieved during your inbound processing, your soul’s particular “style” or temperament, and the level of its spiritual evolution and awareness. It’s also greatly influenced by the culture and religious environment you entered, the challenges you face, and, last, but definitely not least, the arsenal of beliefs, behaviors and defenses that your new ego uses to help it stay alive and find love here.
First Contact may occur with the almost-newborn infant’s pre-verbal, psychic longing for relief as it struggles through its mother’s birth canal. Or, it may come in a stricken soldier’s, “Oh, God, help me…” as he lies dying on a battlefield. Or at any time in between. For some, it never happens at all. Many live their entire lives unaware of the love and assistance that’s waiting for them.
It also doesn’t matter who that First Contact is addressed to. You can call out to God, The High Mother, Allah, Aphrodite, Shiva, St. Teresa, the Blessed Ancestors, Kali, Buddha, Jesus, Pachamama—or any other name given to Divinity by the many cultures and religions on this planet. Whatever name you use to call out to the Spirit realm, your Guides will answer.
This is not to say that the face of Divinity you called out to will not also answer. It’s just that now, because you’ve called, your Guides can answer. Those are the rules.
Ideally, we’d live our lives here on Earth in such complete communion with our spirits, souls and bodies that we’d need no assistance from beyond the Veil. We’d feel our spirit’s joy. We’d pay attention to our bodies and heed the messages it sends us about its needs. We’d feel the longings of our souls and act on them, following the soul’s signals to turn ourselves away from pain and toward those things that bring us even more Joy. We’d be faced with challenges, of course—this Game of Life we come here to play would be boring without them—but because we’d be so attuned to the soul, we’d quickly and happily overcome them.
Yes, well, that’s how it’s supposed to work. But here’s what happens when things aren’t working quite that well.
First, your soul will alert your Guides that it requires some assistance in accomplishing its goals. You—the ego, the persona you’ve developed in this life—may be miserable or ignoring soul’s desires or doing things that limit your body (which is your soul’s vehicle here). Whatever the reason, your soul is frustrated because it’s not having the experiences it came to have.
If First Contact has NOT occurred, your Guides can offer no direct assistance. The best they can do—and they can only do it if your agreement allows—is to manipulate your environment in such a way as to prompt you to feel the need to call for help. Some have described this as getting a “cosmic 2×4 smacked upside the head.” And yes, your ego is highly unlikely to regard this new life crisis as “help.” But your soul will. In its view, you’re on the wrong track; you’re wasting its life and it will welcome whatever it takes to get you back on the Right Path.
If First Contact has already occurred—or, if the “Cosmic 2×4″ is successful, once it does—your Guides will immediately begin communicating with you. They know your real goals, what will really make you happy. They’ve observed your ego’s needs, motives, hopes and fears, and—appearances not withstanding—they’re not completely unsympathetic to its feelings. They will choose the best strategy and most efficient mode of communication for you, the easiest way for you to “get” what you need to know.
They’ll use dreams, music, colors, “coincidences,” oracles, pendulums, bodily sensations, other people, animals, Nature, automatic handwriting, visions, psychics, even plain words if all else fails—they’ll use whatever works.
You may suddenly notice the words to a song running through your head over and over. Or awaken with a dream that feels “important” in an odd way. Or emerge from meditation with a sudden Insight. Or encounter a stranger who makes an offhand remark that’s just what you needed to hear. You might feel drawn to journal or draw or paint. Or to walk in Nature and suddenly see something in a tree’s shape or rivers bend that perfectly illustrates what’s really happening in your life. Or you may be suddenly struck by bodily sensations impossible to ignore. Or you may be drawn to Oracles or other divinatory tools to clarify the assistance you seek.
Your Guides may, if nothing else works, even “talk” to you in your native language. But unless you’ve become very skilled at channeling, this avenue is usually a last resort because the ego can so easily garble or deliberately obscure their message. Be open to any avenue because they’ll use Whatever Works.
You deserve Happiness. And Peace. And Success. Your Guides are at your side to help. All you need do is ask. Do it today!
How to Receive Intuitive Guidance From Your Spirit Guides
Do you have spirit guides? Do you know who they are? And, why you have them?
We all have spirit guides, whether we know it or not. Our guides are here to help us navigate the physical world and learn the lessons we incarnated to learn.
To connect with your guide follow these simple steps:
1. Relax in a quiet place. Take a few relaxing breaths in through the nose and release the breath through the mouth. Just try to still your mind.
2. When the breathing becomes “natural” speak to your guides. Silently tell them you want to meet them one at a time and that you’re open to receiving their guidance.
3. Silently ask that the guide you need to meet most at this time make themselves known to you now.
4. Imagine (see in the mind’s eye) that you’re walking up a gentle hill in the beautiful countryside. It’s warm and sunny outside. You feel the warmth of the sun on your arms and face. As you reach the summit of the hill you see a small figure in the distance coming toward you on the road. This is your guide.
5. The guide raises an arm and waives to you. You waive back. The guide is still too far to tell whether it is a man or woman. Don’t have any expectations – it isn’t at all necessary that your guide be Native American. Your guide can take any form and be either sex, or without a specific gender too.
6. You keep walking past trees, a small babbling brook and with each step the spirit guide is getting closer and closer and more details are discernible.
7. At some point you’re able to tell if the person walking toward you is a male or female although you can’t make out their facial features yet. You see what they’re wearing and can make out the colors of their clothing.
8. Now you’re face to face. You see them clearly. You both reach out and embrace. You’ve met a personality who cares deeply for you and whose only purpose is to safeguard your well-being. You feel the love emanating from your guide.
9. Now the guide tells you their name. It is…….. You hear their voice it is gentle and loving.
10. They explain how they will help you and may even tell you what your purpose in this incarnation is. Don’t be disappointed if at the first meeting all you get is an introduction. The spirit guide communicates with you and they will guide you whenever it is needed. All you need to do is practice listening.
11. Stay as long as you need to then return to full awareness of your surroundings.
Don’t forget to write down all the information you were given today. Remember you can return to meet with your guide whenever you wish. You can also meet your other spirit guides this way.
Make your first session introductory. Don’t bombard your guide with questions at this time. Just listen. It takes practice and time to get accustomed to working with your guides so don’t try to go overboard the first time.
One word of caution though, we would advise you to get used to working with one sprit guide before you meet the others. The better you get at communicating with the first one the easier it will be to hear the others and not get confused over who is “speaking.”