Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Sphere Being Alliance

Areia has the ability to open up natural star gate portals in space and time, she does not need a ship in order to travel in space as she can become light energy and travel anywhere she wishes.
Karaia has the ability to bend time and space in order to change various timelines so they are positive instead of negative.

Sharinda is a nature and environmental healer, she helps to clean up living places and return them to vibrant life.
Sphere Being Alliance Emblem Symbol

Eron monitors the evolution process on different planets and what types of cosmic energies are coming in to upgrade the species genetic structure and DNA sequences.
Ashlar gathers information about how karma affects the 3rd to 4th dimensional races and what they need to do in order to evolve to the higher dimensional planes of existence on their evolutionary paths in life.
The Sphere Being Alliance consists of the 9th to the 28th dimensional guardian races who watch over evolving species who exist on the 3rd to the 5th dimensions. When needed the Sphere Alliance does provide planetary and galaxy shielding from outside negative ET forces and also helps to buffer the ascension waves or energies that are coming in from the galactic center in order to upgrade the human species genetic codes and DNA. The Sphere Alliance has many different sized sphere type planetoids that do the galactic work that was described in the above paragraph. These spheres can link up together and create electric energy grids that have the ability to change timelines from negative to positive as needed.
The Sphere Alliance has both female and male representatives that protect the evolving species of many different planets in the universe.

Since the Sphere Being Alliance guardian races are higher dimensional beings they can travel both to the future and the past, they are able to open time corridors and portals in space in order to be able to travel to far away galaxies and multiverses at quick rates beyond the speed of light. This allows them to assist other races to remove negative ET's and entities from planets or galaxies that have been severely effected by the dark outside forces who wish to stop evolution/ascension on progressive worlds.