Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Searching for UFO Proof

When looking into the UFO phenomenon how can proof be provided for various claims of siting UFO's in the sky, having contact experiences with ET's, or even participating in the Secret Space Programs where people are beamed on ships or off planet on bases.
Stories are being told all the time of seeing UFO's or secret advanced military or SSP craft. How can anyone tell the difference of what is a non-terrestrial craft and what is a SSP/military advanced craft? There are many different shapes and configurations to the advanced craft seen flying in the skies of Earth.
As an ET contactee, abductee, and also a participant of being a part of an SSP group specifically the Planetary Corporations otherwise known as the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) I have been beamed up on ET ships as well as have been taken up on ICC vessels, and bases on the Moon as well as Mars. The triangular craft are the advanced stealth vehicles used by military, SSP factions, and the Earth Alliance or Earth Defense Force. The more advanced craft called the Chevron's can leave the planet and go above Earth Space or other planetary bodies so they can travel certain distances out in space.
There are many of the USAF anti-gravity propulsion TR-3B triangular craft which are used as spying stealth technology to monitor the various military industrial complex assets on Earth who are on missions, as well as keeping an eye on ex-SSP assets who have become whistle blowers or insiders disclosing information about the Secret Space Programs and other top secret projects.
So when someone asks for proof of whether an individual sees UFO's, is an ET contactee, or abductee, how can you provide proof to validate one's claims. It is not easy to provide validation for such stories, especially if someone has said that they either were or still are a part of an SSP group. Sometimes an image of a photograph taken featuring a craft that is not easily identifiable as a plane, helicopter, or other known flying object in the sky can then potentially be used as proof of evidence to corroborate one's claims for having ET contacts, being abducted by aliens, or having associations with SSP groups.
The UFO craft are usually soundless as they do not make noise, and travel at high speeds in the sky as well they can cloak themselves in shielding that prevents them from being spotted by radar. How then can images be photographed of these stealth UFO or military/SSP craft, simply taking a picture of a red blob or colored streak of light(s) in the sky is not proof that a UFO was seen somewhere, the advanced craft should have some unusual shape to it in the sky that differentiates it from being a plane, helicopter, etc. The shape of the craft should be somewhat clearly visible in the image, and the photograph should not look PhotoShopped or faked with alterations to the image. Having a good telephoto zoom lens is a must for taking images of UFO's or advanced craft as posts of these pictures can come out looking blurry if not taken correctly on the spot.
Sometimes even when the images are photographed correctly not everything can be clearly seen in terms of what objects were flying in the sky so cropping the photos and then using various filters can help to define the shapes, and colors of the objects that were photographed to determine what type of craft was flying in the sky at the time the images were taken.
From personal experience the camera setting on a digital camera should be set on manual while taking images of UFO's or having a still camera could also work well for capturing photos of flying objects in the sky. As a researcher investigating the UFO phenomenon it is important to ask people photographing UFO's what type of photographic equipment they use in order to take their pictures of flying craft or which video cameras had taken the real time video footage of whatever had been flying in the sky at the time. Usually in the digital world a decent DSLR with at least an 80 mm lens or 125x zoom lens camera will take clear photos of objects in the sky, these photos have more clarity and less blurriness then if using a smart phone to take your shots with. If someone does not want to explain what type of equipment they use for their UFO photography or for video then they are probably trying to hide something in terms of what they were photographing probably not UFO's. As well having the person explain their photography or video techniques for how they took pictures or videos of the craft also helps to explain the whole process of how the images and videos were obtained in the first place.
Positioning of UFOS in the Sky

When UFO images are being photographed in the night sky the question comes up is there any focal point ratio of other objects near the UFO craft that is also in the image to determine how up in the sky the UFO actually is. In this image there is a power line where the UFO craft are flying in the night sky so the craft are up high in the sky but still within photographic range of an 85 mm Nikkor zoom lens to be photographed.
Sometimes there are no focal points when UFO images are taken or even if there is video, it is just the night sky or just the blue sky during the day. There are many different shapes of UFO craft, some can be spherical, round, triangular, square, cubed, etc. The craft can be manmade special projects government operated vehicles that are stealth technology, covert Secret Space Program craft which are antigravity propulsion operated just like the special projects government craft but more advanced systems. As well it can be ET craft that utilize interdimensional technologies to build their craft so there are no seams or engines on the craft as they are created using zero point energy sources and metallurgic components that come from other galaxies.
From recent experience photographing UFO craft of triangular chevron shapes, the observation has been made that it helps if there is some kind of a focal ratio point of reference to where the craft are located in the sky, so it does not look like the UFO is just floating there in dark space.
These days with programs like Photoshop and video editing tools, it is easy to manipulate, change, or fake images as well as video footage of UFO sightings so photographs and video of UFO craft should be examined to see if any manipulation was done for forgery or cloning stamps.

Authentication of UFO images and video is necessary in this day and age of technological graphical advancement because if it looks too good to be true it probably is manipulated in some way. Most UFO images or video are not perfect, they have noise and grainy pixilation in the background showing that the images or video were taken spontaneously, therefore not being staged for the perfect shot.
Sometimes images of UFO craft will also be cropped to provide a closer look at what the craft looks like since the image(s) can be taken from far away in terms of their positions in the sky. It does help if the UFO craft photographs are as clear in focus as possible since blurry images reduce the credibility of what the objects actually look like in their shape(s).
The above examples of UFO craft images have a distinct shape of being triangular (chevron), clearly outlining that the images are in focus so it is easy to see what was photographed during the night in the sky.
When photographs are taken of UFO images there can be different colors of lights flashing on the UFO or there is a pattern of yellow lights that blink in and out every ten seconds, it all depends on what type of UFO is flying in the sky.
So far what has been photographed as UFO images has been typically of night footage but there are images of UFO craft which have been photographed during the daytime.