Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Sacred Tools

Drum Shields
Many spiritual cultures have made drum shields decorated with shells for spiritual ceremonies and as symbols for protecting one's home from bad spirit energies. The drums are made from natural animal skin so they embody the spirit of that animal and the shells come from the sea bringing in peace, tranquility, clean water, the essence of being grounded to nature and mother earth, etc.

Staffs with Crystals and Wood
Staffs that are six feet tall and that are made from natures materials like crystals and wood can be used to gather healing energy and direct it where it is needed like to heal a person, ground the ley lines of the Earth so the planet has calm energy vibrations, and also to provide protection again negative energy or vibrations.
The crystals can be glued to the wood staffs with Gorilla super glue, the five minute dry glue is the best as it dries instantly during the making of the staff and more materials can be added on to the staffs as needed.

Crystal Healing Wands
Crystal healing wands can be utilized to remove negative energies from the human aura field, relieve physical pain, alleviate emotional trauma, and the wands can also charge other crystals with manifestation intention to achieve goals and dreams.
The wands can be made from wood, metal, polymer clay, or even a crystal base. There are various possibilities to explore when creating wands.
Gorilla super glue, the five minute dry time type can be used to glue the crystals onto the wood, polymer clay, or metal base in order to make the wand(s). If gluing crystals inside any type of metal tubing like silver or gold, it is a good idea to use epoxy glue to secure the crystals in both ends of the tubing. Epoxy glue takes about thirty minutes to dry but it is great for making strong bond connections to the base of whatever is being glued.

Crystal Scepter
Crystal scepters are a symbol of protection and they are utilized to bring in prosperity, cleansing the living space of negative energy and instead brining in positive energies, they can also be used ground the ley lines of the Earth during spiritual ceremonies.
This scepter is made out of cherry wood, and painted purple with various crystals on it like clear quartz.

Native American Shamanic Rattle
This is a Native American shamanic rattle that was made with rawhide, leather, fur and feathers. These rattles are used during drumming journey's to call in the spirit guides. This rattle has bells and beads to make a melodic sound.
The rawhide, leather, and fur can be glued onto the rattle stick with hot glue using a glue gun.

Native American Shamanic Talking Stick
Sources of Information:
Talking Sticks: from
Talking Sticks
Talking Sticks have been used for centuries by many Native American tribes as a means of an orderly, just and impartial hearing. Talking Sticks are most commonly used at major events such as tribal council meetings and Pow-wow gatherings and important ceremonies but their use is also extended to storytelling circles and teaching children. Talking Sticks allow people to present and express their Sacred Point of View.
Description of Talking Sticks
The people responsible for holding any type council meetings are required to make a Talking Stick specifically for the event. Talking sticks are therefore made from carefully selected materials that have a special meaning and significance to the maker. The size of Talking sticks is usually taken from the measurement between the elbow to the tips of the fingers. Talking Sticks are usually long, narrow, brightly colored and adorned with furs and or feathers.
Symbolism associated with Talking Sticks
Talking Sticks are decorated with paint, carvings and occasionally wrapped in buckskin, rawhide, or other leather materials. The ornamentation, colors and painted decorations on talking sticks have special meanings, as does the wood they are made from and any fur or feathers that are used. The symbolism associated with the fur, skins, feathers or symbols of animals used in the decoration of talking sticks are also highly significant due to the belief that they bring in the attributes, characteristics and medicine of the creatures to the event.
Talking Sticks Symbolism - Colors
The symbolism associated with the colors used to paint and decorate Talking Sticks is fundamental to the success of the event to bring in specific medicine to the proceedings. The colors are carefully chosen and the following chart provides details of the symbolism of the colors used to decorate and paint talking sticks.
Talking Sticks Symbolism - Meaning of Colors
Blue - Intuition, Prayer, Wisdom
Black - Clarity, focus, success, and victory
Red - Life, Faith and Happiness
White - Sharing, Purity, Spirit and light
Yellow - Knowledge and courage
Orange - Kindship, Intellect and Determination
Green - Nature, Harmony and Healing
Purple - Power, mystery and magic
Talking Sticks Symbolism - Animals
The symbolism associated with the skins, strands of hair or fur and the feathers used to embellish Talking Sticks are also significant. The animals are carefully chosen as a reflection as they are believed to represent the physical form of a spirit helper and guide. The following chart provides details of the symbolism of some of the animals used to adorn talking sticks and the characteristics and attributes it might give to the event.
Talking Sticks Symbolism - Meaning of Animals
Bear - Courage, physical strength and leadership
Beaver - Determination and strong-will
Buffalo - Strength, abundance and gratitude
Dear - Gentleness, grace and survival
Fox - Anticipation, observation and stealth
Horse - Mobility, stamina, strength and power
Raccoon - Curiosity, adaptability and resourcefulness
Porcupine - Innocence, companionship, and trust
Prairie Dog - Swiftness and preparedness
Squirrel - Planning and home life
Wolf - Direction and leadership
Talking Sticks Symbolism - Feathers
The type of feathers attached to Talking Sticks also hold significance and symbolism. An Eagle Feather represents truth and high ideals, the turkey feather is used to bring peaceful attitudes especially in disputes. The owl feather is deemed to be powerful and prevents deception from entering the Sacred Space of the Council.
Talking Sticks Symbolism - Types of Trees and wood
The symbolism associated with the types of wood used to make Talking Sticks is also important. The wood is carefully chosen for its qualities, attributes, strength and spirituality and taken from a tree that has special meaning to the person. Permission is sought from the tree spirit to make the talking stick. The following chart provides details of the symbolism of the trees used to make talking sticks.
Talking Sticks Symbolism - Types of Trees and wood
Birch - Truth, new beginnings and cleansing of the past
Cedar - Cleansing, protection, prosperity & healing
Willow - Wisdom, an open mind, strength of age and experience
Walnut - Clarity and focus, beginning new projects
Oak - Strength of character and courage
Cherry - Strong expression, rebirth, new awakenings and compassion
Pine - Creativity, peace and harmony
Ash - Peace of mind, sacrifice, sensitivity and higher awareness
Maple - The tree of offering, generosity, balance and practicality
Arbutus - Knowledge
White Pine - Serenity
Sycamore - Ambition
Aspen - Clarity of purpose, determination and overcoming doubts
Elm - Wisdom, strength of will and intuition
Beech - Tolerance, past knowledge and softens criticism
Talking Sticks Rules and Codes of Conduct
There are rules and codes of conduct which surround the use of Talking Sticks which make them incredibly useful. Talking sticks provide the way to hold an orderly, just and impartial meeting - even with enemies. Talking sticks are commonly used in council circles to designate who has the right to speak. When matters of great concern come before the council, the leading elder will hold the talking stick and begin the discussion. The rules and protocol followed when using Talking Sticks are as follows:
The elder speaks first
No-one is allowed to interrupt and everyone must listen to what is being said
When the elder has finished speaking the Talking Stick is handed to the next person in the circle
If the receiver chooses not to speak the Talking Stick is passed to the next person in the circle
The stick is passed from one individual to another until all who wish to speak have done so
The talking stick is then passed back to the leading elder for safe keeping
The use of talking sticks allows everyone to express their sacred point of view.

Vessel of Life Lantern
This is a ceramic lantern that was hand molded and carved with leaves and flowers. It represents hope, beauty, peace and harmony in the world. The colors around the lantern are the bringers of light and wisdom.

Candle Magic
Candle magic spells can be utilized to create a balance in the physical world. This white candle was meant to act as a neutralizer to remove loud noise from the environment in the backyard of a residential home. Three sets of herbs were used in wrapping the candle. The herbs were Allspice, Basil, and Frankincense. As well Lemon and Rose Essential oils were mixed in with the herbs. Herbs and oils act as catalysts to boost the magical energetic properties of word spells and the candle being used along with the spell. Sea shells were also used to create a harmonious balance in creating peace, harmony, and bringing in quietness to the residential home environment.
Humans are creator/builder beings and can manifest anything or everything into their physical realities with just mind thoughts to make it real, the magic helps to bring in this manifestation in a fast tracked way so it is instant on the physical plane of existence.
Description of Herbs and Oils:
Allspice - a catalyst. Works on higher planes for good or evil. Tends to affect the mind and thoughts of the person on whom it is used, for instance luck and success in the form of a brainstorm. Frequently employed in luck, love and psychic areas; also good for money and general success.
Basil - for money and success. Also used for purification and protection and to remove obstacles in love and create harmony. Dispels melancholy and attracts friends.
Frankincense - associated with the male principle as Myrrh is associated with the female principle. A mixture of both in an incense creates a balance. It is a good "white" magical base to receive other herbs or oils. Often used for protection or in money drawing recipes. Long used as a divinatory offering, in consecration and to raise the spiritual vibrations of a place. It aids in meditation and is used to obtain blessings and general prosperity.
Lemon - fiery, zesty, and active. Often employed as a catalyst in luck recipes since it sets off their herbs. Also used for "drawing" or "attracting" something to you. Often used in love formulas both for attracting and repelling.
Rose - love and balance. What you mix with it determines the kind of love and balance.

Sacred Geometry Symbols
This is the Chinese good luck symbol that is on some of the furniture in my meditation room. The circles symbolize unity and the lines bring in the luck.
I have found this symbol to be very protective and prosperous. Many sacred geometry symbols and sigils are found on monuments throughout planet Earth especially at spiritual sites as these places have amplified star gate portal energies as well as vortexes, the symbols help to further add in positive energies to these places.

Herbs are often used in candle magic in order to act as a catalyst in manifesting things from the etheric real into the physical reality. The herbs have a variety of different purposes in what they can do so it is important to research what their uses are and what type of spell are appropriate to incorporate them with. As well herbs are utilized for healing purposes so tinctures and remedies can be made from them to treat ailments and diseases. The herb in the above picture is the water reed, it brings luck, protection, peace and prosperity to the home.