Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Space Uses?
A Sacred space is a place you may wish to go to and seek refuge, calm, tranquility, to commune with your Creator, or your spirit guides, or you may wish to meditate.
When creating a sacred space there are a few rules here, other than to serve the highest good, make your sacred space is your own, make it a sanctuary from the pressures of daily life, a place that helps you to feel calm, and at ease with yourself and those you may wish to share the sacred space with.
The sacred space should be somewhere that is quiet and should not have any clutter in the area, it should be clean and tidy as this area promotes healing, and relaxation.

Having appropriate furniture is important for a sacred space or a meditation area. Smaller spaces will need to have medium sized furniture that will fit into the space being used. If there is a larger space available then bigger furniture can be utilized in the area. I have learned that even the smallest space can fit everything that needs to be there as long as the person respects the environment they are working in. A color theme is also vital when planning to create a sacred space somewhere. For this meditation room I used a light orange color to provide a calm grounding energy offering peace, tranquility, and happiness towards a bright and successful future in my life.

When creating a sacred space spiritual objects can be added to the environment like crystals, rattles, statues, and staffs to make the area feel welcome, peaceful, and safe to enter when meditating, relaxing, or doing any type of spiritual work in your sacred surroundings.