Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Reincarnation Process

Sources of Information:
10 things everyone should know about reincarnation: from
The Process of Reincarnation: by Adrian P. Cooper: from Our Ultimate Reality (book)
Soul Contracts - Your Life Plan and Relationships: by Michele Miller: from
Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times: by Aletheia Luna: from
12 Compelling Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Several Times: from
10 things everyone should know about reincarnation
Around the world, many people—perhaps the majority overall—accept a belief in reincarnation as part of their religion. Not many people in the West believe in it, though. In fact, many scoff at the very idea and regard it as nonsense. This is largely because in the West we are enamoured with the benefits of scientific knowledge and increasingly sceptical of the old religions—rightly so, in my view. The knowledge science provides can be systematically checked to ensure that it is valid and reliable. This is why it is of such great value. But it is not necessarily the only source of knowledge that is valid and reliable. Besides, what science can see is limited to that which is physical and objective. Reality itself is not necessarily so limited. If we limit our understanding of what reality can be to just what science can see, we are leaving ourselves half-blind. Thanks to a combination of channelled teachings, after-death communications, insights from near-death experiences, reports of hypnotic regression and even scientific research into past lives, it is now possible to put together a very clear picture of reincarnation. Whether one regards such information as factual knowledge or as loony nonsense depends upon one’s openness to non-physical sources of information. Interestingly, in light of this accumulation of knowledge, we can now see that even within those Eastern cultures that believe in reincarnation, many people’s understanding of it is confused by all sorts of religious doctrines that are just plain wrong. So, here are ten things about reincarnation which I think are valid and reliable and which I believe everyone—East or West—would benefit from knowing:
1. The soul exists. All human beings are a combination of physical, mortal body and non-physical, immortal soul. The soul isn’t just a myth or an illusion or a relic of pre-scientific superstition. Your soul is the absolute essence of you — the only true answer to the question, “Who am I?” It is who you always are regardless of how you feel or what you believe or how you perceive yourself. From the body’s perspective, the soul is the conscious, animating life force within it. From the soul’s perspective, the body is a vehicle for inhabiting the physical world and experiencing physical existence. The soul is pure consciousness, pure energy, pure being. It is our innermost self. It exists on a timeless, non-physical level of reality. It is a piece of Spirit or God or Source, a spark of divine light and love, a fragment of absolute perfection.
2. The soul evolves. All souls are on a mission to evolve (grow, develop) through their own experiences and efforts. To evolve as a soul is to become increasingly self-aware and self-capable as a unique expression of Spirit. By evolving, the soul changes in its level of beingness and consciousness, from new-born innocence to greater and greater levels of love, power and wisdom. In effect, that which is created re-joins the Creator — after eons of evolution.
3. The soul evolves most effectively in physical form. Evolution of the soul comes about through choice — making choices big and small, and experiencing the effects of each choice. A soul evolves most effectively by facing and making choices as a separate individual, a distinct physical form. To do so, the soul incarnates — that is, the soul fuses with a human body for a whole lifetime, from birth to death. By doing so, the soul gets to experience being physically limited and physically separated from others and from all-that-is. This is actually an illusion, a trick of the senses, as the soul itself is never really limited or separate. But the illusion creates enough desire, fear and other pressures to cause the soul to experience conflicts and dilemmas and to make choices. It also puts the soul’s own perceptions, feelings and decisions under the microscope, as it were. The experiences and choices of a lifetime serve as lessons for the soul once the life is completed. After death (the soul’s exit from the physical realm), the soul and its guides review what happened during the life and what lessons can be learned from it. The soul not only reviews its own experiences and choices but also discovers the effects of its own choices on others during the life. For example, the decision to steal a sum of money at one point may have caused the victim significant hardship and anxiety. The soul learns that all choices have consequences, not just for the self but for everyone.
4. The soul undergoes the full range of meaningful human experiences and choices by reincarnating. One human lifetime is not enough to experience the whole gamut of life circumstances and to make all choices. For example, the soul needs to experience life as both male and female; as both victim and perpetrator; as both student and teacher… Hence, the soul re-incarnates many times over in order to experience the full spectrum of life. Being human again and again with a different body (and different life circumstances) each time enables the soul to experience the full range of possible perspectives and relationships and all the lessons that these entail. Through many different human experiences, the soul gradually becomes more self-aware, gradually discovers more of its true capabilities and gradually learns how to overcome the illusory limitations of being physical. Generally, the soul learns best through a “compare and contrast” process, not through blind repetition. Hence any given lifetime may be completely different in some way from the last one. From the soul’s point of view, there is little value in repeating the same kind of life again and again (unless, that is, there is a specific lesson within that lifestyle which has yet to be learned — in which case, Groundhog Day is an excellent metaphor). Each human lifetime is an opportunity to learn specific lessons. One lifetime, for example, might focus on learning greater self-responsibility while the next might focus on being kinder to others. If in one lifetime the soul experiences being a man with a lot of power over women, say, it would then be of value to contrast that with the experience of being a powerless woman. The soul has no preference for one side of the equation or the other, since both sides help draw out different aspects of the soul.
5. The soul has no nationality, creed, race or gender. There is no such thing as a Jewish soul or a Chinese soul or whatever. We are just souls, and as souls we are free to experience the whole variety of human cultures across the planet. We choose our birth location, race and nationality to suit our purposes for any given lifetime. Sometimes race and creed are a deliberate choice; at other times they are merely incidental to what the life is about. Because the soul learns through a process of “compare and contrast”, one who has just experienced a life as (say) an Israeli soldier might decide to be a Palestinian in the next. There is no such thing as a male soul or a female soul. Gender is a biological phenomenon, not a spiritual one. Human beings are of two sexes and so we have to choose which one to be before each life begins. Because we want to experience, compare and contrast all possible perspectives, we will choose to experience lives as both men and women. We can be male or female as often as we please. We can be male in one lifetime and female the next. Or we can be male for ten lifetimes and female for the next fifty lifetimes. It is all a matter of choice. Even if we have a strong preference for one gender, we will still tend to incarnate as the other gender every now and then, just to maintain a balanced perspective.
6. The soul sticks to one species at a time. Contrary to certain teachings, the souls of human beings reincarnate only as human beings. There may be rare exceptions where one experiments with being a dolphin, say, but as a rule we do not return as insects or cows or blades of grass or what have you. The soul’s mission is to expand in consciousness, and there is no value for the soul already at the human level in experiencing life at a “sub-human” level of consciousness. We are spiritual beings on a human journey, learning to be ourselves through human experiences, human relationships and human choices.
7. Each lifetime is pre-planned. Before taking birth, the soul (along with its guides in spirit) will decide what experiences and choices the life should include. The appropriate circumstances and relationships will be chosen and set up with the cooperation and agreement of other souls who will be involved. For example, let’s say the soul wants to experience being compassionate towards children. The soul may decide that the life to come should include its own childhood experience of abandonment by the mother. This would help drive the personality in adult life to want to help abandoned children. Another soul will then agree, out of love, to be the mother who abandons this soul in childhood. Most major events in life are pre-planned: the birth, the family, the school, the relationships, the career and so on. This includes deaths, accidents and illnesses. There is, however, plenty of room for unplanned things to occur. No plan is set in stone. Agreements do not have to be kept. Choice overrides “destiny”. The body is also chosen by the soul before birth. Souls are aware of which foetuses are viable and which are not, and which are going to be terminated before birth. (Hence, abortion is not really ‘murder’.) Some lifetimes are explicitly set up for the soul to undergo a particular learning experience (such as being a teacher, for example), while some are actually undertaken for the benefit of others’ learning experiences. For example, we might opt to live a life as a much-loved child who suddenly dies while still young, purely in order to help another soul undergo the experience of tragic loss.
8. There is a law of karma… … but it is not like many people think it is. If soul A kills soul B in one lifetime, then in a later lifetime soul B will kill soul A. That is the effect of karma. But karma is not (repeat not) about cosmic justice or divine retribution. From the perspective of Spirit, there is no need for cosmic justice because there is no such thing as cosmic injustice. Karma is really about “entanglement”. If I do something in physical life that violates your free will, we become entangled. We both feel the lack of equilibrium between us. It’s like we have become tied together by a rope. The only way to restore equilibrium is to undo the entanglement—by having you violate my free will in a similar way. That way, we both know from experience what it is like to be both the violator and the violated. Souls tend to commit karmic acts in the early stages of their reincarnations when they have less experience of human existence. Typical karmic acts are: murder, rape, dismemberment, imprisonment, abandonment. In all cases, one person imposes something on another against the other’s will. There is no karmic entanglement for acts that are accidental or not by choice.
9. Reincarnation has a beginning and an end. Contrary to certain teachings, we are not tied to a wheel of endless death and rebirth, to be saved only by renouncing the world and seeking spiritual liberation. The whole journey of evolving through reincarnation begins with us at a certain level and ends once we reach another level. It takes (typically) well over 100 lifetimes. From first human life to last requires thousands of years, depending upon the availability of physical bodies. In spirit, the whole path is clear to us and we know exactly what we are doing. Each lifetime is a deliberate adventure and is undertaken out of love and a desire to evolve.
10. There is no urgency. Contrary to what many teach on the subject, there is no urgency for us to become enlightened, or to complete our reincarnational cycle. It is not “better” to evolve quickly over a few lives than to evolve slowly over many lives. Reincarnation is not a challenge to reach the end of evolution as quickly as possible. We are not “caught” in the cycle of human death and rebirth. The physical world is not a hell-hole to be climbed out of. God is not wishing we would get a move on. From the perspective of Spirit, there is no passage of time. Time is just a perceptual phenomenon for us while in physical form. Souls literally do not care how many thousands of years it takes to get from one level of reincarnation to another. The passage of time in human terms is, to the soul, irrelevant.
A final word to add is one more correction to certain teachings: souls do not normally reincarnate instantly after death. Usually there is a period of several years between one life and the next, during which the soul recuperates, considers the lessons learned from the last life and plans its next one. It should come as no surprise to learn that we have had a past life, or even many past lives. The only ones who haven’t lived a previous life are those at the very beginning of the reincarnational cycle. The only ones who aren’t coming back after this life are those at the very end of the cycle. Reincarnation is the norm for all human beings. It is universal. It is what we are all doing here.
The Process Of Reincarnation
Reincarnation is truly one of the greatest of mysteries confronting mankind. Do we really reincarnate, in other words return to Earth for further “lives” on Earth? If so, how many times? Why do we reincarnate at all? Do we have any choice? And many such similar questions very frequently arise.
“Re-incarnate” literally means to “come back in the flesh, “carne” meaning “flesh” in Latin. Reincarnation is indeed very real, with people returning to Earth out of choice potentially many, many times over the course of thousands of years. The precise number of times a person will choose to return to Earth, and over how long in terms of physical time will vary considerably from individual to individual depending on desired and actual Spiritual progress, the need to equilibrate karma and various other factors.
In order to understand re-incarnation or reincarnation we first need to understand the true destiny of mankind. Each and everyone one of us from the moment of our very first “life” on Earth, our very first “incarnation”, has the most sacred mission to ultimately return to, and potentially reunite with our Divine Creator, The First Cause, God. This is the true and ultimate meaning of life. Upon reaching this most exalted and sacred stage in our Spiritual evolution, we will all have the option of either relinquishing our individuality and merging with God, an act often known as “Unity”, or retaining our individuality for as long as we wish to do so. Those who choose to retain their individualities at these highest and most exalted of levels are “God people” residing in the very highest, most glorious Cosmic spheres of life, usually concerning themselves with the ongoing evolution of other beings of planets all over the Universe.
So where does re-incarnation fit into this equation? The physical world, in our case the planet Earth can be likened to a kindergarten, and the very highest spheres of reality, the cosmic spheres can be likened to post graduate University. It goes without saying that no one can attend University without first having progressed through all necessary levels of primary and higher education, thus achieving the necessary qualifications and levels of attainment.
The inner spheres beyond the physical planet Earth are “Mind worlds” where anything desired can become an instant reality. Also in the inner spheres of life, everyone is at exactly the same level of personal evolution, and life is extremely peaceful and harmonious as a result.
Wonderful though these inner spheres surely are, they are not however an environment where important lessons, so vital for evolution to the inner spheres of life can be easily learned. These initial lessons require the characteristics and density of the physical world of matter in order to be effective. As we all know only too well, the planet Earth is populated by people with an almost infinite number of characteristics; temperaments, characters, egos, personalities, beliefs and so on. At the same time the Earth is a physical environment where everything appears to be solid to the five biological senses and therefore requires direct physical interaction.
Everyone on Earth lives within a solid material body subject to the rigours of the physical environment, not the least of which is health, the need for food and shelter and interaction with other people. The physical Universe is a school of learning where everyone must first attain the necessary degree of perfection in order graduate and progress to the inner, more blissful, glorious spheres of life beyond the Astral worlds, which we are told the glories of which are way, way beyond the comprehension of earthly man. Only when such a level of perfection and ennoblement is achieved can true progress be made on the path back to God.
Again it must be stressed that there is ultimately no avoiding this progression of events; it is the absolute and most sacred destiny of every single individual who is living on Earth now, ever was living on Earth and ever will live on Earth in the future without any exceptions; a process which could take aeons upon aeons as measured in earth time. Each separate lifetime on Earth adds to the pool of experience and knowledge required in order to progress to the inner spheres and to transcend the cycle of reincarnation.
Each life and experience on Earth provides a vehicle of expression and personality, the sum of which in the inner spheres contributes to the total individuality.
People often reincarnate to balance the karmic process, setting out life lessons to be learned and experienced, sometimes the hardest life lived with hardship, pain, sadness, hurt, etc. brings in the most richest life experience which can be lived that helps to release karmic contracts, soul ties, etc. Those individuals who can work through this type of programmed karma can help others by teaching and can help to usher in the new Golden Age of Aquarius evolution on Earth to advance to the higher realms of dimensional existence beyond the 3D reality. In this dimesional uplift there will be DNA upgrades made and vibrational energy levels will change so people will be able to self heal, not get sick, and will not suffer from emotioanl trauma.
Soul Contracts - Your Life Plan and Relationships
Each of us have a life plan, an agreement we made before coming into being. You incarnate on Earth, at this time, and in this body for a higher purpose. You have a mission, we all do. You made an outline before you were born, a divine blueprint of sorts, which included the life challenges, the encounters, the lessons, the people, and your surroundings that you would experience. This was a promise you made to yourself so that you could come to grow and learn. Think of Earth like a big school, but we don’t ‘fail’ our tests because even if we are perceiving something as failure, it is all meant to occur for our greater growth.
The divine blueprint or contract lies within and you’ve carried it with you since birth. It holds the answers to all life’s challenges or questions. The answers are within and are designed to assist you in your journey of discovering your higher self, to break through the veil of illusion and to facilitate the realization that you are god and god is you. And with that understanding your blueprint will become much more clear.
When we learn from our experiences we evolve as beings and begin to reconnect with our own divinity. In-between lifetimes we think about things we would like to learn in order to facilitate our soul’s evolution. Maybe you want or need to learn more about compassion, gratitude, speaking your truth or just sharing with others. This is also where soul contracts with others come into play. Be it a soul-mate, a best friend, a mother, a father, a co-worker or boss, they are all your teachers, but they are also your students. The contracts go both ways, for it’s a growth that happens together, one might be aware and one might not be, either way the energy exchange occurs. If one of your lessons was to grow with a partner and discover the truths of a relationship then you and another soul could have agreed (before you came to Earth) to experience this as a married couple.
However, it is important to remember that even when a soul contract is made it’s not necessarily written in stone. We all still have free-will. You and your partner may have pre-arranged, in the spirit world, to be married on Earth, but without a time-frame because marriage is an experience that free-will can change. Sometimes you and your partner learn what is meant to be learned. Therefore, the journey of marriage is complete and divorce occurs. Or maybe, consciously or subconsciously, you’ve chosen to stop working on those lessons and want to try it again in the next lifetime. If your partner is leaving you, it could also be because you’ve chosen to experience rejection or abandonment for your growth.
This is where some start to wonder, why would I choose to experience cancer or watch a loved one die? Why would I want my sister and I to be abused as a child or to grow up poor in a foster home? Why would any negative experience be for my greater growth? This is why many people begin to get angry at god or blame god for the issues of life. But these experiences have been created by us, we are One with god/universe/higher power because we are god and god is us. Once this is realized experiences can shift dramatically. The physical manifestation of our soul contract or our subconscious creations we manifest on Earth can feel extremely difficult, like signing up for a class but not realizing you’ve got the hardest teacher on campus. Keep in mind that your soul and your guides know you can handle it. Keep in mind that your teachers and you are one.
Once we are born we pretty much all of us forget these contracts. The physical body is dense and one of the greatest lessons on Earth is just learning to be a human. And although challenging at times, it also brings the great joy. This is why turning inward, realizing we were lost, or coming home to ourselves feels like we are finally free. That is ultimate spiritual growth. Embrace the journey you’ve created and are currently creating for yourself. It’s a temporary experience, pour your love on it and live it because it really is for your greater good. Besides, who knows you better than your own soul?
Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times
When we understand reincarnation as the maturation process, or evolution, of soulful energy, it follows that some of us have intuitively experienced different things in our lives that reflect on the age of the energy known as our souls. It is commonly believed that many of our personal characteristics, experiences and capabilities in this life reflect on whether we have lived before on earth and elsewhere in the universe. It is thought that the more we mature, the more gifted we are in certain areas of life and the more frequently we have ‘spiritual’ experiences.
The truth is that all of us have most likely reincarnated, however some of us have gone through this cycle more than others and therefore experience many of the following characteristics:
1. Recurring Dreams
Dreams are reflections of the unconscious mind, and while repetitive dreams may sometimes signify trauma, fear or issues that your brain is trying to process (“unfinished business”), repetitive dreams can also potentially be reflections of past life experiences. Many people claim to have experienced certain events, seen particular people or gone to specific places frequently in their dreams that feel very familiar, and somehow recognizable. For example, some people may often have recurring dreams of a 15th century castle that they have a distinct feeling of knowing very well, yet they have never seen or been to this castle before in waking life.
2. Out-of-place Memories
There are many recorded instances of young children who have out-of-place memories that later prove to be oddly accurate in detail. While out-of-place memories could be due to simple fantasies, misunderstandings or an incongruency in the ability to remember, there is mounting evidence that suggests out-of-place memories could reveal connections to past lives.
3. You Have a Strong Intuition
Intuition is the ability to balance the conscious and unconscious mind and to tap into our deeper wellsprings of primal wisdom and innate knowledge. It is said that the more we soulfully mature, the more we are closer to returning to the ‘source’ (known also as nirvana, eternity, oneness) from which our Souls come from, and from which the collective unconscious – a body of universal knowledge – exists.
4. Déjà vu
We’ve all experienced déjà vu before at some point in our lives. It’s that bizarre feeling that somehow we have already experienced or lived a moment in time before. Often déjà vu comes spontaneously, and is triggered by smells, sounds, sights, tastes and various other sensations. While some claim that déjà vu is a neurological dissonance, others claim that déjà vu reflects the possibility of other dimensions (i.e. parallel universes), and still others believe it is revealing of past life experience.
5. You’re an Empath
Empaths or intuitive empaths IE’s absorb the emotions, and in some instances the physical pains, of those around them literally empathizing, or directly feeling and experiencing what others experience. While identifying as an Empath and absorbing the emotions of others could be seen in some instances as a psychological form of avoidance to bypass one’s own problems and pin the blame on others, in other genuine cases it can be seen as a sign of a soul that has undergone many previous reincarnations and has refined to the point of transcending the individual self and it’s problems, extending to others as well.
6. Precognition
Also known as ‘future sight’ or ‘second sight’, precognition is the ability to obtain information about future events that isn’t usually available. Precognition can be experienced through visions, physical sensations and feelings as well as in dreams. While considered quasi-scientific by some, to others precognition is a very real experience and could indicate the maturation of soulful energy.
7. Retrocognition
You probably guessed it! Retrocognition is the opposite of the above precognition, and refers to the ability to obtain information not usually available about past events. These past events could be in your own lifetime, or sometime in the distant past. Of course, retrocognition unlike precognition is not easy to prove or verify, however, for those who have genuinely experienced it (and have been able to honestly verify it), this ability could also be a sign of soulful reincarnation.
8. You Feel Older Than Your Age Reflects
Some people are perpetually “young at heart” even into their later lives, and in the same manner, some people just seem to have been born with “Old Souls”. The experience of feeling older than your age reflects is commonly associated with having reincarnated many times over and this is echoed in the “Soul Age” theory where there is a certain progression of soulful development: from Infant Souls, to Awakened Souls. For example: if you have reincarnated a few times on earth, this would be reflected in the age of your energy, and in this life you will display many primitive and child-like characteristics. If, however, your soulful energy has reincarnated many times over, you will display many matured and wizened characteristics. If you feel older than your age reflects you might be a Mature or Old Soul.
9. You Have a Great Affinity for Certain Cultures/Time Periods/Environments
It is said that having a great, unexplainable attraction for certain cultures or time periods is a kind of past life “residue” reminiscent of a certain place, culture or environment that your soul may have experienced in past lives. For instance, you may have an inexplicable affinity to Asian culture, Celtic artifacts, or the 19th century.
10. Unexplainable Fears or Phobias
As touched on in the last point, many believe that certain memories or experiences can pass on or leave “residues” in our childhoods and adulthood’s from past lives. Whether this is true, or is simply a form of problem bypassing, many believe that we can experience the echoes of past traumas in our own lifetimes in the form of unexplainable fears and phobias. Examples can include: the fear of drowning, the fear of certain types of animals, the fear of certain places, the fear of particular numbers, colors, objects, and so forth.
11. You Feel as Though this Earth Is Not Your Home
The yearning to find your ‘home’ can be seen as a reflection of the desire to return back to the source (oneness, consciousness, divinity). Many people feel this yearning to be reminiscent of an athlete running a long race and longing to reach the ‘finish line’. In the same manner, Souls that have reincarnated many times over express this basic need for finally completing the cycle and returning home. Feeling that this earth is not your home is often accompanied by chronic feelings of tiredness and wariness for life on earth.
12 Compelling Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Several Times
Reincarnation is the belief that when you die, your soul is funneled into a new body. Some belief systems say you could be reincarnated as anything – a grasshopper, a tree, or even better: a cow. Other systems of belief think that we may reincarnate as people over and over again. There are theories as to why this process exists, but no one knows for sure. That said, what are some of the signs that your soul may be reincarnated?
1. You keep having the same dream
Dreams are a reflection of the things you see in your life. Did you know that, even if they seem very unfamiliar, every face in your dreams is one you’ve seen before? It’s that fact that compels us to add recurring dreams to this list. Do you have strange dreams that happen over and over again in the exact same way every time? Do people and places in these dreams appear to represent a particular period in history? Do you ever die in this dream? It might be a sign that your soul is recalling memories from a past life, one that your current incarnation didn’t experience but your previous one did. Of course, it’s not a sure fire sign of reincarnation. Yours may be a new soul still.
2. Your intuition is strong and incredibly useful
Intuition stems from the ability to tap into wisdom and knowledge that isn’t readily available for us to articulate. Sometimes these bits and pieces of wisdom come from experiences you’ve had already in your life, but that isn’t always the case. Those of us who tend to be wise and in control may simply be more soulfully mature. If you have a strong intuition, it may be an indication that your soul springs from a well of past experiences just waiting to be tapped into.
3. Some of your memories seem like they’re out of place or don’t fit
This happens to children in particular quite often. Kids are a lot closer to the crossing-over point for a soul than adults are, and they’re often able to recall things from past lives much easier. As a kid, did you have memories you couldn’t quite place? Did they take place with people who aren’t actually a part of your current life or in a period of time that doesn’t include the time you’ve been alive? Having out of place memories is common in people who have had past lives. The more past lives you’ve had, the more these memories may occur. The brain can play tricks on us though. So be careful not to rush to judgement on this one.
4. You routinely experience déjà vu
This happens to everyone at some point or another, right? We not talking about the occasional bits and pieces of déjà vu we experience. We mean déjà vu that is clearly an indication that you’ve been somewhere before, met someone before, and it impacts your knowledge of certain things. People who have been reincarnated may visit an unfamiliar city or country and know exactly where things are and how to get around. People who have been reincarnated may know an older person – even their name and background, even though you haven’t actually met in this lifetime.
5. You’re strongly empathic
Empaths are people who aren’t able to shake the feelings of others terribly well. Highly empathic people may have trouble being in a crowded space full of people. They often directly feel the experiences of the people around them. Sometimes people use empathy to forget their own problems and deal with other people. But it could be a real sign that your soul has had previous incarnations and is more geared toward healing the world than the self.
6. You often experience precognition
Precognition, also called future sight and second sight, is the capability some of us have to obtain information about events that will happen in the future that isn’t generally available to us. One experiences precognition through visions, feelings, and sometimes dreams. Some consider it to be pseudo-science at best, while others experience it as strongly as any of our five senses. In either case, it’s a sign that the soul has grown mature and is full of insightful energy.
7. You also experience retrocognition
Easy enough: retrocognition is the polar opposition of precognition. Retrocognition allows you to access information and details from past events that aren’t generally available about said events. Retrocognition is incredibly difficult to prove, unlike precognition. Regardless of how well you’ve been able to prove it to others, genuinely experiencing retrocognition is a strong sign that you have lived past lives.
8. You’re “wise beyond your years”
Are you young at heart? Or were you like us? Our mother always joked that we were an old man from the day we were born. We didn’t engage in nearly as many childlike activities as a young man or woman would and preferred to have deep conversations with the adults in our life. This experience is called the “Soul Age” theory, which theorizes that souls that have been reincarnated many times acquire age that breaks through in our personalities. If you’re a new soul, you’re more likely to be young at heart for the rest of your life. If you’re an older or mature soul, it means you may have been reincarnated many times. One isn’t necessarily better than the other.
9. You have an exceptional draw toward certain times periods and cultures
When you were a kid, did you have a draw to any time period or culture? Did you love the 1950’s? Did you feel deeply connected to other cultures, current or no longer in existence? You may even have a strange, strong draw to a certain type of work or employees of a particular profession. These affinities may be a sort of residue of a past life that was probably a pretty happy one. If you weren’t happy, you likely wouldn’t pine for it in this life, right? Immerse yourself in that time period or culture. Learn what there is to know. You might take some profound wisdom away with you.
10. You carry with you fears that you can’t explain
Some have a bizarre phobia of having organs removed from their body. They nearly fainted in a hospital years ago when a good friend of theirs had his appendix removed. Is it possible that this person died on the operating table? Another close friend of someone has always been deathly afraid of fountains and still, calm waters like lakes. Is it possible that he drowned in a past life? If you can remember places from your past life, and your past life comes through in your dreams, there’s no reason to think that the fears you held in your previous lives might still haunt you today. Meditate upon your fears and confront them. Break that cycle so your soul’s future incarnations don’t have to be afraid, should your soul continue on.
11. You don’t feel at home
Not just in your home, but in your town. In your state. Even in your country, continent, or culture. You just don’t feel quite right about it. Yearning to feel like you’re home may be a sign that your soul had a love for a certain culture or period in time that it no longer gets to have, or that your soul may pine for the oneness that it occupies before being planted in a new body. Souls that have been around for a long time may feel a deep desire to go back to the collective pool of souls on the other side.
12. You made no strong connection with your parents
This one is almost exclusively experienced in children. As a child, you might love and respect your parents, but you don’t have that pull toward them. That unconditional love and appreciation for them. Why? A previous incarnation may have died young, and it simply misses its parents from that time. Have you had dreams about having other parents? Could you recall their names and where they lived? Or did you never really have that close fondness with your parents? It may be a sign that you’ve lived once before.
And that wraps it up. These 12 signs we’ve talked about may be a firm indication that your soul has lived many times. Of course, there’s no guarantee that there is any type of incarnation. But one thing is for sure: this universe is filled with mysteries as numerous as they are baffling. In our lives, we must never stop asking questions about ourselves and the things around us.
Sources of Information:
Say No to Reincarnation and Remeber Who You Are!: by Stephanie MacDonald: from
Say No to Reincarnation and Remember Who You Are!
How is forgetting helpful to one's growth? How does something horrible happening to you due to misdeeds from a past life teach you anything when you have no memory of what you did? How can you balance the scales when you have no idea what's on the other side? But yet you keep reincarnating over and over again and accumulate more and more lessons to learn from these past lives. So now you have all of these lessons you need to learn, but you get to have ZERO memory of failing any tests to begin with. It makes no sense at all. Yes, our lives are "blinks" in the big scope of Everything and our life purpose IS experience as ALL is just "the Prime Creator" experiencing itself in Infinite Many-ness, so having 100 reincarnated lives "in a row" is nothing in the big scope of existence; even the so-called forgetting could be chalked up as "just another way of Source experiencing itself;" HOWEVER there is no way of getting around the fact that FORGETTING HINDERS PROGRESS. Forgetting hinders the ability to turn knowledge into wisdom!
Now if you have an open mind and want to take a look at this rabbit hole, here is a theory as to why reincarnation happens. It is no secret to those who have looked beyond what they have been told and realized that there appears to be a Control Game on Earth. The Elite, the Anunnaki, Illuminati, Archons, Cabal, Draco Reptilians, as well that written in ancient/sacred texts...whatever you look at or however you look at it, it all points to certain groups of beings that strive for the ultimate power, wealth, control, and nowadays it would appear that those "in control" keep us "dumbed down" by psychic attacks, feeding us false information, poisoning our water, food, & "medicines" - maintaining manipulation with "mainstream" media, and teaching us lessons of inaccurate history while keeping the majority of the people just able-bodied enough to work their lives away to make those already on top even more rich and more powerful while others are used as pawns to "get certain points across."
It appears the aim is for people to remain asleep enough to not look within or any further than what their government, school, and media are telling them to believe. We always have someone to listen to. Someone to follow. Something to do to distract us. It is part of the "agenda" to think that we need their help, purposely creating countless situations for us to think there is someone to "fight," something else that needs to be worked on, something else is wrong. This gets the majority of people to essentially agree to the "problems" and through which by agreeing to the problems, we basically agree to "sell ourselves" to serve THEIR greatest interests, to fight their battles, and never serve our own individual highest goods, but rather the illusion of it. As long as the world is a scary place and people think that we need "Big Brother's help" and his "protecting," people will continue to work for an agenda and a false-belief system, and not for themselves. And that's why so many people never "find" themselves or start really remembering who they are at the core of their being; they've lost themselves by serving and helping everyone but themselves believing it is what they must do. People buy into this duality of good versus evil, they buy into the illusion and utterly forget that they are Sovereign. We are above and greater than everything we've been conditioned to believe on this planet! Through Source we know that ALL is ONE and it is through this knowing that we open our awareness to our innately Infinite potentials of energy.
The energy of our essence of our souls, is pure and we create it by just being and "those behind the curtain" need such energy to sustain themselves since they have so far removed themselves from Source. They create situations to take ours away in ways both seen and unseen since they cannot create their own energy like we do. They take our power away to make themselves more powerful...the more you look into it, as crazy as it sounds, one cannot help but see puzzle pieces fall into place.
These days, it appears as more people awaken, the more we will see destruction, disaster, and false panic in such ways to create the additional energies needed to "feed" on and take power from, and in attempts to make us go on thinking that we need their "help" and "saving." Thing is, we don't need anyone to save us. We save ourselves. These "tragedies" that may come to happen, won't continue forever. Consciousness is changing. It has to, as the only thing constant is change. It is through this "saving" of ourselves, through this awakening and expanding of consciousness, that we help to "save" others as well. In actuality, us saving others is just showing them that they can save themselves. The more that scale tips in favor of self-realization, the more these old systems will collapse and die off and the veils put in place will fall further away. Once people on a large scale realize who and what they really are in this very convincing illusion, they cannot go back to sleep, and this is happening more and more than ever before! So what happens when 5D consciousness inhabits a 3D/4D material Earth and just enough of her inhabitants, well this is "the Shift" or "the New Earth" we've been hearing about. This is how we "win."
Okay back to reincarnation...think about this...
Most people with near death experiences talk about seeing a white light. A tunnel. Spirit Guides. Angels. Loved Ones. It all feels so "familiar"...many say they are shown a movie of sorts of their lives where they experience things from other perspectives and are overcome with such guilt and really do want to have "another chance" at another life to "make it right." Hence we AGREE to reincarnate and therefore AGREE to this effed up Earth reality, that is how they get away with not violating free-will, they use their tricks of the light to convince us of having these feelings of remorse and get us to agree to their "rules" in order for use to go back and "make things right." We go back again and often in groups (this is where soul families come from and why it is so important for soul families to awaken and work together, to create collectives and expand them as morphogenetic fields of thought containing similar vibration/frequency which allows more people and "soul families" to "tap into" it, allowing our "fields" to connect and fill and surround the planet).
Once we're back on Earth we can change roles from mom to daughter, sister to grandpa, school teacher to neighbor, and so on and experience "the other" perspective so we can "balance our karma." So not only do we agree to come back after being deceived with "lights of loved ones" we often come back at lower advantages and extra struggles t pay some karma back, but that in all "reality" it just creates further separation and more "hard-times" since you don't remember why you're here or what the hell you're supposed to do! The weaker and more confused you are (ESPECIALLY mentally and spiritually) the easier you are to control, so yay, "those in control" now have more low vibrations and negative energies to feed on to keep them going and further push their agenda. They can remain in control of all their energy-source "slave batteries" who work for them and they are getting us to AGREE to it!
We may not see the bars and seemingly have space to roam, but they know that if we could SEE the bars we would be far less productive, so it is set up in a way that we think we're free, we think we are making the choices, but more often than not people in general aren't working in their own personal AND spiritual best interests, they have quite simply been tricked into thinking they are just another mindless cog in the wheel, or turn that forgetfulness into greed, or do their best to "commit no sin" but yet all are made to forget who they truly are, often having series of unfortunate events happening to serve to keep them feeling lost or defeated or in need of one more dollar or acquisition or in need of some kind of help or are always waiting for "something," all the while at the same time are being sprinkled with just enough "victories" to keep them going and working. But working for and toward...what? Perhaps we should ask ourselves "Who am I working for and what am I working toward?" Along with, "Who is really benefiting from my work?"
Most people are beat down and tired long before any "finish line" appears and come back to do the same thing over and over without any end in sight, except for those handful of "Ascended Masters" - it just seems pretty strange and indicates that something must be "suffocating" something that more of us are not waking up to this level of awareness that is already innately ours to begin with! What could possibly do that?! Mass Manipulation over many generations. It is very easy to see how "the cycle of reincarnation" can easily happen under such conditions and why it is time for Mass Awakening. The end of reincarnation can end either Individually or Collectively and this liberation comes from simply remembering who and what we are.
I don't ask anyone to just blindly believe this, if it resonates, it resonates. The "proof" is to simply take this information with you at the time of you physical death. CHOOSE to not go to "the light" which seems to be nothing more than deception, "a trick of the light" as a reflection of the "trick of consciousness" in this world - and knowing you as the powerful spark of divine source that you are, make the choice to reunite with YOUR Highest Self/Oversoul and CHOOSE where you wish to go. We are each a part of the "infinite many-ness" of "Prime Source" here at this time to experience this spark of divinity within human bodies. Within that space, we also have free-will and the power of manifestation and creation. That is a beautiful thing!
Therefore because I know who I AM, I know I would NEVER choose to reincarnate on a dualistic planet with AMNESIA to balance shit I don't remember anything about. I would NEVER choose to do "multiple rounds" on a planet where people are being intentionally poisoned, killed, starved, raped, tortured, manipulated, animals and wildlife abused, to be born as a number sequence, to go to schools where you are forced to accept someone else's "truth" and graded on it as a basis of your future worth, and from there go to work for paper money for nearly the rest of my life to pay for stuff that I don't even need to make someone else rich and have more influence over what I say, wear, do, eat, drink, etc., to finally grow old as well as riddled with disease and sickness on more pills than I can count that only serve to mask my symptoms instead of curing my illness...This is total madness!
Perhaps that in fact IS the whole point of it all here...But it is not MY point, it isn't ME, and I have a feeling it isn't most of us either! And perhaps that's EXACTLY why we are here! To wake up and say NO this isn't okay and show others how to as well simply through our example and by sharing (but not forcing) our truth!
Of course "stuff" can be enjoyed while we are here, but it may be crucial to remember it's all ultimately worthless as none of it can be taken with us (the story of detachment: enjoy it, but know that you don't need it!) But sadly, too many people are distracted by a whole plethora of "shiny things" and this is what ultimately "keeps those in control going and their traps still working."
What we can do is gain knowledge and turn it into wisdom, partner that wisdom with spirituality and take our power back; wake up from the illusion and make our own choices. The game board may still be on the table but we don't have to play it. However we should learn the rules of the "Earth Game" aspect of this current reality so that such rules can be properly broken. Let's share THAT with others too, in addition to all the Love & Light! To sum it up, it's like this:
If "everyone is doing it" it makes me take less interest in it because I find it to be less original and genuine. If "everyone walked that path," it makes me less likely to want to take it as my own. If "everyone believes this certain thing to be true" then I am most likely to want to investigate WHY. So if everyone over the years seems to be told to "go to the light," then I am going to be more inclined to want to turn around and see what ALL my options are and I hope you do too.