Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Psychic Development

Sources of Information:
List of Psychic Abilities and How They Work: by Jessica Lee: from Psychic Readings Guide
Development Psychic Ability: by Jessica Lee: from Psychic Readings Guide
How to Develop Psychic Abilities: by Jessica Lee: from Psychic Readings Guide
4 Ways to Develop Clairaudience: by Jessica Lee: from Psychic Readings Guide
How to See Your Aura: by Jessica Lee: from Psychic Readings Guide
What is Psychic Development
List of Psychic Abilities and How They Work Having
Having a list of psychic abilities and knowing how they work is a must if you're interested in learning about the different types of extrasensory perceptions or developing your intuitive gifts.
The main types of psychic abilities are what we call the clairs.
These are the ways in which we receive intuitive guidance.
In the physical world we receive information in many different ways. For example, if we wanted to invite you to a party we could:
- call you on the phone
- send you a text message
- send you an email
No matter how you received the information, the end result is the same - you are informed about the party.
It's the same with our intuitive gifts. You can receive psychic messages in many different ways. We call these the clairs: clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognizance.
With a little practice, anyone can learn how to tap in and strengthen their psychic abilities. Even you, of course!
You may have every sense on our list of psychic abilities, or just one or two. With practice, you can learn to develop all your senses. Typically, one or two senses will be stronger than the others.
The Four Major Intuitive Abilities
1. Clairvoyance - clear seeing
Clairvoyance is an inner seeing. It's the most well-known, but least understood intuitive gift on our list of psychic abilities.
We would describe it as watching a little movie inside your head.
Someone who is clairvoyant is not necessarily seeing the future or having dramatic psychic visions like you see in the movies.
Rather, clairvoyance can be very subtle. For example, you may just see a color, a number, or even a symbol. You may or may not understand what these images mean, and they are not always meant to be taken literally.
On the other hand, you may get a full blown premonition. Like the old saying goes, "I saw that one coming!"
Other terms for clairvoyance: third eye, psychic eye, psychic vision.
2. Clairsentience - clear feeling
Clairsentience is the ability to receive intuitive messages via feelings, emotions, or physical sensations. Empathy (feeling the emotions of others) is also a form of clairsentience.
Here's a great example of a clairsentience:
A person’s daughter is a teenager; she's not a professional psychic (though she probably will be one day!).
She is homeschooled now, but she had struggled with going to school for many years. Why? Because she's extremely empathic and clairsentient. She feels absolutely everything and it leaves her feeling exhausted, anxious, and overwhelmed. Whether someone is sad, angry, or ecstatic, she feels it.
You may feel that way, too. Whether you are at school or at work, you may feel drained or pick up on the moods of people around you. You may feel exhausted being around someone who is negative and it may be difficult for you to watch the news.
As a clairsentient, it may be very easy for you to know when someone is lying to you - you can just feel it somehow. And you may even feel the physical ailments of others.
Other common terms for clairsentience: empath, spiritual or intuitive empath
3. Clairaudience - clear hearing
No list of psychic abilities would be complete without clairaudience.
Clairaudience is a way of receiving intuitive messages without using the physical ears. We know, that sounds weird. Let us explain.
Think of clairaudience as an inner hearing. For example, you may suddenly hear that little voice inside you say, "go right!" or "stop!".
When a highly sensitive person - such as a psychic or medium - is clairaudient, they are able to hear things that others cannot, such as spirit voices, sounds, and even music.
For example, spiritual mediums are often clairaudient and can hear words, phrases, and names from those who have passed on.
Most times, the medium will hear Spirit speaking inside his or her own head in her own voice (it sounds like when you are reading silently to yourself). On some occasions, the medium may also hear the actual voice that the spirit had when they were living.
Common Misconception About Clairaudience:
Let's pretend you and some friends think you hear a spirit voice in your house. This would usually not be considered a clairaudient experience because the sound was out loud, for all to hear with the physical ears.
Personally, we feel that clairaudience is the most interesting of all the extrasensory perceptions on our list of psychic abilities. Our favorite memory of clairaudience was when we were doing a reading for a client and distinctly heard the message, Say hi to Bobo! Turns out, Bobo was the family pet.
4. Claircognizance - clear knowing
Claircognizance is the ability to just know something without logic or facts. It may help to think of it as an inner knowing.
Like if you know that you shouldn't trust your new neighbor or get on that airplane, but you don't know why, that is claircognizance. It's an important extrasensory perception, so it makes it into the top four on our list of psychic abilities.
These claircognizant feelings can be very strong. They can also come in the form of intuitive thoughts that can pop into your head at random.
For example, a person’s husband (who is not psychic) was driving on the highway with some co-workers. He says he didn't know why, but all of a sudden he knew he had to tell everyone to buckle up.
Less than five minutes later, their vehicle was rear ended from behind by a car going 64 miles an hour. The seat the husband was sitting in broke in half.
This is a great example of an intuitive thought coming through in the form of claircognizance. The husband didn't know why everyone needed to buckle up - he just knew they had to do it immediately!
But he could have received that intuitive message in another way. He could have had a vision of an accident. Same message, but received in a different manner. That's the concept for you to grasp here today while reading this list of psychic abilities.
Less Common Intuitive Abilities
Did You Know? Clair is the prefix for the French word meaning clear.
Clairalience - clear smelling
Funny name, isn't it? Clairalience is the ability to smell things outside the normal range of smell, such as the perfume of a loved one who has passed away.
Sometimes a person in spirit will fill a room with a familiar smell so that their loved ones know they are around. A person’s sister-in-law would often smell cigar smoke which she associated with her father.
We don't know how our loved ones in spirit do this, but many people find this phenomenon very comforting.
Clairgustance - clear tasting
Last on our list of psychic abilities is clairgustance. Clairgustance is an inner tasting; that is, tasting without actually putting anything into your mouth.
This form of extrasensory perception is sometimes experienced by mediums when they give a reading.
The way it works is pretty simple. When a medium is communicating with a spirit, they may begin to develop a particular taste in their mouth. So, if a person in spirit used to love to eat chocolate cake, a medium who has this sense might taste chocolate cake.
Think of how easy dieting would be if we could all do this.
How to Prepare to Work with Psychic Abilities
It's easy to develop psychic ability when you know where to start and which steps to take. Below is a road map that will help you understand what you need to do to kick your intuitive gifts into high gear!
1. Understand Your Awakening
OK, first things first. When you build a house, you need a nice sturdy foundation for it, right? You also need a nice, sturdy foundation when you are working to develop psychic ability.
In this step, you are exploring your awakening and coming to understand it. In some personal experiences, this can be the most fun and special part of our spiritual journey. It can last for several years while we do the other steps in conjunction.
This is the time when you get to know yourself on a soul level and discover things like who your spiritual guides are.
It’s when you are shedding your old skin and becoming a new and improved version of yourself – You 2.0!
2. Understand the Clairs
There are all different kinds of psychic abilities. These are known as the clairs and they are the ways in which we receive intuitive information.
We all receive psychic information in different ways. For example, a person is very clairaudient (that person will receive a lot of their intuitive information via hearing), but you might be very clairsentient.
When you understand the clairs, how they work, and the ways in which you receive intuitive information, you'll be able to work with your gifts in the most effective way possible.
There are four major clairs:
- clairaudience
- clairsentience
- claircognizance
- clairvoyance
There are also two lesser known clairs: clairalience and clairgustance.
3. Strengthen Your Intuition
The more you practice using your intuition, the stronger it becomes – just like a muscle! So let’s flex those psychic muscles and get them in tip-top shape!
A quick and simple way to do this is to start trusting your gut feelings about people and situations each day.
It's wonderful to develop psychic ability by giving practice readings, but you also want to use your gifts in your everyday life.
Another very effective and fun thing to do is to practice psychic development exercises. These can help to take your abilities to the next level!
4. Meditate Daily
Meditation is important when you are working to develop psychic ability. It helps to quiet the mind and turn off all the jibber-jabber.
When you do this, your vibration raises and allows you to be in a relaxed state in order to be able to receive intuitive information. It's key to psychic development!
If you are doing nothing else to develop your abilities, at least start meditating. It’s free, easy, and only takes a little time each day. As a super cool bonus, it will help to relieve your stress (and we could all use help with that).
So forget about the grocery list, dishes, and the in-laws coming over for dinner later, try to relax and meditate for a bit.
5. Practice Giving Readings
You know that little expression “practice makes perfect?" Well, the same holds true for developing psychic abilities.
You can read a million books to build your foundation - and that knowledge is great and important - but nothing takes the place of practice. Practice is what fine tunes your skills, helps you understand where your strengths and weaknesses are, and makes you a great reader!
6. Read Books by Trusted Authors
Now we are going to totally contradict what we just said and tell you to read, read, and read!
It won’t take the place of practice, meditation, or any of that other important stuff, but it will give you a nice, solid understanding of what’s going on.
And you know what they say: knowledge is power!
7. Group Work
If you have a spiritual church or New Age store in your area, give them a call and find out about taking one of their psychic development classes.
Working with a group is fun and gives you the opportunity to learn about:
- working with the energy with others
- using your gifts in a safe environment
Some groups you'll click with, and some you won't. Keep trying different ones until you find one that feels good for you. Over many years people have probably sat in on over 100 groups, and they have learned something from each one.
Some groups can be a lot of fun and can make you feel very comfortable. In other groups, people will learn what they don't like. The most important thing is to find what works for you.
8. Work With a Mentor
All of the things we talked about are fabulous and essential to developing your gifts. But if you are really serious in your journey to develop psychic ability, you'll want to find a good mentor.
As we know, psychic development is a huge topic that has lots and lots of layers. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming working through it all and knowing what to do next or how.
We know from experience how many questions come up when you are on your journey.
A coach can help you to expand your gifts beyond your wildest dreams, and keep you going in the right direction. They also help to kick your butt when you slack off, and pick you up when you are down.
How to Develop Psychic Abilities: Easy Exercises You Can Do Today
Learning how to develop psychic abilities is easier than you might think. Today, we're going to talk about strengthening your clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience.
These exercises are simple, but they are the building blocks of expanding your gifts because they strengthen your ability to receive intuitive information. With a little practice and patience, you'll be well on your way towards increasing your gifts!
Psychic Development Exercises for Clairsentience
Clairsentience is a way of receiving intuitive information via feelings. Empathy is also a form of clairsentience.
A fun way to increase your clairsentience is to practice psychometry. Psychometry is learning about objects through touch by reading the energy on them. It's a great way (and was our favorite way) to learn how to develop psychic abilities. Follow these simple steps:
1. Ask someone to bring you small objects that you can practice on.
2. It helps if the items are small enough to fit in your hands. Jewelry and keys are great, as metal holds energy well. A piece of jewelry that has been worn a lot (such as a wedding ring) will have more energy on it than something that is rarely used.
In some of the criminal investigations that psychic people worked on, they also used clothing that was unwashed. Honestly though, especially if you are just starting out learning how to develop psychic abilities, a small metal object will be best.
3. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Rub your hands together a few times to get the energy moving. You may feel a tingling sensation in your hands.
4. Take the object in your hands and close your eyes. Continue to relax and start to take note of how your body feels. Do you feel anything? See or hear anything? If not, it's OK, there's no right or wrong here. If you feel stuck, try asking yourself some questions such as:
- Does this object belong to a man or a woman?
- Is the owner of this object happy or sad?
- Does this person have any children?
- What kind of work does this person do?
- From which era is this object, is it old or new?
5. Write down anything you feel even if it seems silly. Don't filter anything. The point of this exercise is to get you used to receiving energetic impressions. If you are working with a partner, you can start telling or voicing out your impressions out loud.
6. Ask the person who gave you the object for feedback to see if they can validate the things you felt, saw, or heard.
Note: Even if you don't have a partner to work with, this is still a great exercise to practice when learning how to develop psychic abilities because it helps you to get used to sensing and reading energy.
Tip: Vintage family photos or family heirlooms are a lot of fun to practice on. You never know what you might learn about grandma! You might also enjoy visiting antique stores to see what energy you can feel on the objects!
Hide and Seek
Take an object that has a lot of energy on it, like your keys or a piece of clothing that you've worn a lot. Ask a friend to hide the object, then step outside while they do.
When you come back inside, see if you can connect with the item and feel where it is located. Ask yourself questions about the item such as:
- Is it upstairs?
- Is it up high or down low?
- Is it hidden under something or placed on top of something?
- Is it in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc.?
- Was it hidden in the house or outside the house, front yard, garden, backyard, etc.?
Imagine you are connecting with the energy of the item to find it, like a homing in beacon. Once a person found their "lost" cat stuck in a bedroom closet using this technique.
Psychic Game for Developing Clairvoyance
When people ask us how to become clairvoyant we tell them that they need to start working on visualization. Believe it or not, simple visualization techniques, such as the one we're going to talk about now, will strengthen your clairvoyance.
1. Have a friend take a tray or something similar and place five objects on it. The items should be different from each other. It's also helpful if they are things you've never seen before. We want to stretch those psychic muscles as much as possible. No peeking.
2. When everything is set up, study the objects on the tray for 10 – 20 seconds then, have your friend completely remove the tray with the objects from view.
3. In your mind, imagine each object and where it was on the tray. Visualizing the objects in your mind is the key to this exercise. Write down as many items as you can recall in your mind's eye. The more detail you can remember, the better. For example, if there was a candle on the tray, you could write down something like cream colored candle with a wick that has never been burned before.
As the game gets easier, continue to challenge yourself: Try recalling 10 objects in the same amount of time or five objects in half the time, etc.
Working alone? No problem! Lay out five playing cards and study them for 10 - 20 seconds. Cover them, then visualize what they were.
How to Develop Psychic Abilities: Clairaudience
4 Ways to Develop Clairaudience. Clairaudience is one of the four major types of intuitive abilities.
Clairaudience is defined as clear hearing (see below). It is one of the four major ways to receive intuitive information. It's a wonderful intuitive ability to have!
Clairaudient messages can come from your Higher Self and your spiritual team: spirit guides, loved ones in heaven, and even angels. You may hear words, phrases, music, or sounds.
Psychics and mediums are often clairaudient and receive intuitive information and messages from spirits for their clients via this modality.
Clairaudience: From the French word clair which means "clear" and the word audience meaning "hearing." Also known as psychic hearing or inner hearing. It means hearing things outside the normal scope of awareness.
What's it like?
- Clairaudient messages are usually heard internally, with your inner ear, inside your own head. Spirit communicates telepathically, so that is the reason for this.
- It's usually subtle and sometimes (especially when first experiencing a psychic awakening), it can be difficult to distinguish between these intuitive messages and your own thoughts. Don't worry, it gets better with practice.
- It may sound like when you are reading silently to yourself, though you may also hear things that sound different from your own voice, such as a distinct spirit voice or music.
- Clairaudience can be external, too, though this is not as common. When this happens, it's often because your spiritual team needs to get you an important message, such as "look out" ASAP!
- When you hear your spirit team externally, it can be startling because the voice may sound distinctly different from the physical voices we're used to hearing. Yet some people that have had this experience really enjoy it and wish to have it again. If you're one of those people, you may already be receiving clairaudient messages with your inner hearing (most common), but you just aren't aware of it. Practicing the exercises below will help:
Example: Someone’s strongest intuitive ability is clairaudience. When that type of person is giving a reading they will often hear names. That person will hear the information very clearly in their mind, but it is in their own voice. Some people also receive auditory impressions which come to them in the form of blocks of thought - they sound like very strong messages that the person knows is coming from spiritual guides and ascended masters.
Ways to Develop Clairaudience
There are some simple ways to increase your psychic hearing. These exercises are easy, but they will help you to become more clairaudient. Just remember to practice, and, more importantly... have patience with yourself. Okay, here we go!
Why do these exercises work? Think of your body as an antenna. Your antenna 'picks up' psychic/energetic signals using its extra senses, such as clairaudience.
Now, keep in mind that when we hear psychically, it is much different than when using our physical ears. The sounds are much more subtle. So, by stretching our physical hearing, we are teaching ourselves to hear those more subtle signals as well.
1. Listen
The first thing to do to develop clairaudience is to use your physical ears to listen to the sounds around you. See, we told you it was simple! Close your eyes right now, as long as it is safe to do so.
Really tune in and focus on all those little sounds that you normally don't pay attention to. What do you hear? Try to differentiate between each unique sound.
For example, right now we can hear:
- a bird chirping in the distance
- trees blowing in the wind
- the 'whoosh' of roller blades outside
- a hockey stick hitting the pavement as a child zips by
- an airplane overhead
- cars in the far distance
- the hum of our refrigerator in the next room
- Various conversations in the house and outside
- Music playing somewhere either indoors or outdoors
Okay, we think that you get the point. Really though, go wild with this. The more you can stretch your hearing, the better. What do you hear on your right? You’re left? And all around you?
Once you've practiced this a bit, we think that you will be surprised to find how much it helps.
2. Practice with Classical Music, Meditation or Metaphysical Music
We suppose any music is fine to try this exercise, but if you can get your hands on some classical music, meditation or metaphysical music, those are and can be the best choices. Why? Because it's all instrumental, and has vibrational sounds that have energetic frequencies that are tuning you into the higher dimensional realms and it will be easier for the sake of this exercise.
Sit comfortably, start up the music, and focus. Really listen carefully. Choose one instrument, or vibrational sound frequency of whichever music you select and focus in on it. Do you hear a violin, what type of frequency sound do you hear, theta, and beta? If so, focus in on that for a few moments so that you hear the sound of the violin or the frequency vibration above all the other sounds.
If you are having difficulty, just breathe and focus. Now choose another instrument or vibrational frequency note. Is there a flute? Trumpet? You get the idea.
3. Imagine the Sounds
This is a great way to stretch those clairaudient muscles! Just as we did with our clairvoyance exercise where we imagined things in our minds eye, we are going to do the same thing with our psychic hearing.
All you need to do is to sit comfortably in a quiet room and use your imagination. Try imagining sounds, such as:
- the sound of a guitar or other instruments playing
- a favorite song playing in your head
- the sound of a loved one’s voice
- the sound of a baby laughing
- the distinct sound of a tool, such as a drill or jackhammer
Practice this for a few minutes each day until it's easy for you to imagine the sounds in your mind.
4. Meditate
Meditation is essential to developing psychic abilities, including clairaudience.
It's a time for your mind to be at rest, and to clear away all the clutter that has accumulated. You wouldn't let your house fill up with clutter (at least we hope not!), so don't let your mind, either. Practice meditation about 15-30 minutes per day if you can.
Once you've got the hang of meditating, you may want to start asking questions during your meditations. Crystals like clear quartz can help to become calm and grounded in order to enter a meditative state. As well crystals act as natural amplifiers to boost people’s intuitive skills and abilities, which in turn add more energetic amplification to psychic abilities.
Ask your guides and your Higher Self any questions that you may have, and ask that the information be received via clauraudience. It may come in the form of a word, song, sound, etc.
Remember: Have fun with these psychic development exercises! Don't put pressure on yourself. Just relax, enjoy the process, and let things unfold.
And please note, any information that we receive in this manner is not scary and will never tell you to do harm to others. If you are hearing voices in this manner, please seek medical help, for this is not clauraudience.
Here is an example of clairaudience, someone tells you all the time that you could hear an ant walking by. That person’s auditory perception may not be that good, but it's pretty darn strong.
So what's the best way to develop your clairaudience? It's easy: Start listening! Be aware of the distinct and individual sounds that are around you, particularly in your environment. Seriously, it's that easy.
Our daily lives are so busy that we instinctively tune everything out as we focus in on what we have to do. We don't know about you, but it seems as though we always have a million thoughts racing around inside our head. So instead of tuning everything out, soak it all in! Here are some tips to get you started right now:
- Waiting in the car for the kids to get out of school? Use that time to practice learning how to develop psychic abilities. Listen: Do you hear birds? Cars going by? Kids singing outside?
- Sitting and waiting at the doctor’s office? While you're browsing through magazines in the waiting room, listen to the sounds in the office. Do you hear someone typing on a keyboard? Papers being shuffled?
You can do this exercise whenever you have a few moments. After some time, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised at how strong your auditory abilities become.
As you can see, practicing how to develop psychic abilities can be fun and stress free. Don't put undue pressure on yourself to master everything right away. Play around with these games/exercises and work with the one that you find most enjoyable!
How to See Your Aura
Ever wonder how to see your aura? Curious about what color it is? Perhaps blue, red, or orange! This simple exercise will teach you how you can see your own aura without expensive aura photography equipment.
What is an Aura?
If you’re not familiar with what an aura is, it’s an energy field that surrounds all living things. Humans have an aura, as do plants, trees, and animals.
It’s a vibration they’re putting off to those around them, to the Universe.
Think about this: have you ever had someone walk into a room and you immediately sensed happiness and joy? Or worse, you picked up on their depression or anger without them even speaking a word? That was you sensing their aura. You may not have seen it with your physical eyes, but you felt that energy.
When you know what to look for and how to do it, you can learn how to see your aura, too! The best part is that you don’t have to be a spiritual practitioner to do this. It’s something everybody can be taught.
All it takes is an open heart, open mind and a willingness to keep practicing until you develop what’s known as your third eye skills.
How to See Your Aura
The following exercise may seem easy, but it is one of the best ways you can learn how to see your aura. It may take a little practice, but it does work.
1. Find the right lighting – This is super important. Some people choose to wait until evening when it’s just getting dark. For us, this works best, and we think it's more fun, too.
Others choose to use natural daylight. You can always try different options out and see what works best for you.
2. Relax – The biggest key to being able to see your own aura is the ability to relax. Light some candles (remember, if you use candles you don’t want a lot of them just enough to give off a little light in a dark room), turn on some low background music, do whatever you need to do in order to get into a state of relaxation. The purpose of this is to also clear your mind. Without a clear and open mind, it will be difficult to focus.
Now, you’re ready to do the exercise that will help you to see your aura. Follow these simple steps:
3. You can do this one of two ways: 1) Place your index fingers together, or 2) place your index finger and thumb together.
Aura is known to be “sticky” so start rubbing your fingers together. As you continue to do this, take some deep breaths and focus on your fingers.
Tip: When we first started doing this, we kept wondering why we were not getting any results. After all, some of us are mediums who are clairvoyant, clairaudient and all that good stuff. This should have been easy-peasy, but all we had were sore fingers!
And then we realized that we were rubbing too hard and making friction. Don't do that. What you are doing essentially is pushing your fingers together (that's important- you want pressure) and sort of massaging them together without creating a ton of friction.
4. Keep pushing and rubbing your fingers together until they feel "sticky." In other words, you'll feel like one of your fingers is stuck to the other one. You may even have a sensation that your two fingers are now one.
5. Once you get that “sticky” feeling, slowly pull them apart so that there’s some space (about 1 cm) between them. Keep focusing on that area between the fingers and notice if you see a color or even a sort of ‘fog’.
Or take your index and middle fingers putting them together, then touch your third eye chakra, and apply a bit of pressure that will often help to begin to activate the third eye and open it up to be able to start seeing then eventually reading auras. In the beginning have your eyes closed for about a minute while holding the fingers to the third eye chakra, after a minute open your eyes and beside a mirror have a look at what colors your aura is. Do this exercise for about four minutes.
If these exercises didn’t work the first time, don’t get discouraged. Remember, it does take practice, especially if you're not used to relaxing. These tips might help:
- Let your eyes and fingers rest for a little bit and try again.
- Try these exercises when you are in a relaxed state, not when you are rushed and frazzled.
- Remember not to make a lot of friction when doing these exercises.
Keep in mind, there are other exercises you can do too. These were just two examples of how to see your aura. Developing your psychic abilities overall will help, too.