Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Plant Medicine & Magic

Sources of Information:
A Dandelion Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach … Here’s How To Prepare: from MyCentralHealth
A Dandelion Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach … Here’s How To Prepare
The Dandelion is a plant medicine that has diuretic properties, it stimulates the formation of bile, cleanses the liver, helps with allergies and reduces cholesterol and is recommended as a dietary supplement for pregnant women and women in postmenopausal states.
The beginning of April is the ideal time for picking dandelions. It is a good time to go out of town, the area far from roads and enjoy the nature and reading.
The whole plant is easiest to pick so that under its root a knife is used to release the root and then take the root of the plant as the whole dandelion with its leaves, and flower because all parts of this wild plant are very healing.
Dandelion leaves (radicchio) can be used in preparation for a salad. It is an excellent combination with boiled eggs and potatoes, and the vitamin wealth surpasses spinach and tomatoes.
A dandelion contains more carotene than carrots and is an excellent source of various vitamins and minerals. The stems from dandelions enhance the dissolution of the gall bladder, regulating metabolism and purify the blood and stomach. Folk medicine recommends them against diabetes and milk from the stems is known for wart removal. Although some believe that the “milk” from the dandelion is toxic, it is not true and the opposite is true. It is very healing.
From the flowers of these plants a syrup can be made, which is sometimes called honey. The syrup cleans and strengthens the blood and digestion, and helps with coughing. Now is the time to step into nature and you can get the dandelion.
Preparation for Syrup:
Pick the 400 yellow flowers of the dandelion. Pour them with 3 liters of cold water and place the slices of 4 lemons and 4 oranges. Leave for 24 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth leaving no crumbs and transfer the liquid in the pot. Add 2 pounds of sugar and, stirring frequently, cook for about an hour and a half after the liquid boils. You should get a thick syrup.
Then reduce the heat and pour the hot syrup obtained in hot jars that you previously sterilized. Close. The syrup is denser in texture and is often referred to as honey. It is excellent for removing the symptoms of colds, coughs, bronchitis. Take a teaspoon of the dandelion syrup as a treatment. It’s great for the kids, so do not be afraid to give it to kids every day until the cold passes.
Tea flowers
You can prepare the dandelion tea. Pick the flowers and dry them on the air. Of the dried flowers make tea and drink it, it should always be freshly prepared. You can also add the honey, which will further enrich the healing properties of tea, but do not forget that the syrup honey should never be put in the tea while the tea is hot, nor should this be done with a metal spoon. Use a wooden or plastic spoon.
Dandelion root cures cancer
The dandelion plant is very healing, not so long ago it was discovered by some scientists who reported that the dandelion root can cure cancer. If we want to keep the dandelion root intact, it should be dry. Before drying, the roots should be carefully peeled and cut into equal small pieces. After that, the dried root of the dandelion can be put out the fresh air to completely finish drying.
The root of the dandelion is spread on a clean surface, in a cool dry place with good air flow. Then the root will be dried for a period of 3-14 days, and you will recognize that when dried it becomes brittle under a person’s fingers. Dry the dandelion root in reserves, the medicinal properties of this dried up dandelion root can last up to a year, along with keeping the jar with the roots in a dry, dark place.
Dandelion root cleanses the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and the lymph system as well as the kidneys. When the dandelion roots are used for cleansing purposes the toxins come out through the urine and they are sent out from the body.
This root is used to treat many diseases, such as constipation, cleanse the skin of acne, edema, etc., cures arthritis, rheumatism, hepatitis, gallstones, etc.
The root of the dandelion is extremely good for women’s diseases, especially in the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the breasts, such as cysts, cancer, various tumors and problems with breastfeeding and breast milk.
The recipe: Mix 30 grams of dried dandelion root with 60 grams of fresh mixture and drizzle with 2.5 ounces of water to which you add a pinch of salt. Allow the liquid to come to a boil, cover the pan and simmer for 20 minutes. After cooking, drain the contents and drink three cups of “tea” daily.
Tea made from the roots of dandelion:
Have the root of the plant be dry, then finely chop and mince. Store powder for future use. On the day drink half a teaspoon with a glass of water.
How Magic Works

Sources of Information:
How Black Magic is Controlling Humanity: by Michelle Walling: from
Magic And Alchemy For Shifting Timelines: by Michelle Walling: from
How Black Magic is Controlling Humanity
In order to explain how our world came to be controlled by a small group of beings we call the Illuminati/Cabal, one should know the truth about black magic and how it is used on us against our free will. By taking away the illusion of black magic humanity can realize how to outsmart, outwit, and outplay the Illuminati/Cabal and other negative groups that want to control humanity. While Pluto is in Capricorn and while we are beginning the Age of Aquarius, now is the time to utilize the light within us to shine in order to rise above in numbers over the few who are quickly losing control.
What is magic?
Magic in general is a word that is used to describe the attempt to influence an experience by the use of rituals, symbols, sigils, candles, herbs, actions, gestures, and language. Magic spells, or “spelling” can communicate with consciousnesses of other dimensions and layers within dimensions in order to request help with manifestation. Additions to spelling can include hand mudras, geometric patterns, and rituals comprised of step by step processes that include specific instructions in order to manifest.
Black magic vs. white magic
The difference between black magic and white magic is that black magic infringes upon the free will of individuals and is the misuse of tools that were intended to assist in spiritual ascension, black magic is used with negative intentions and dark energy to accomplish some type of end goal or an achievement. Whereas white magic is all about alchemy and transformation in a spiritual and positive sense, black magic is used for domination, power, and control. As we live in a world of duality, everything has its opposite.
These definitions of magic are derived from what we have been told about it in books and on the internet. There is a deeper understanding of magic that connects beyond our reality. Magic is actually a multidimensional tool used to form the illusion we see, feel, and hear and this power has been hidden from us since the time of Atlantis. It was passed down through several years from priests and priestesses that taught people how to manifest things from the background or formless energy of etheric realms, and universal knowledge.
Magic was intended for use of spiritually minded individuals who had an understanding of the power of manifestation and were able to use it responsibly. Only those of a hierarchy level of priest or priestess had access to this because they had proven their responsibility to use it with permission for an individual and for the betterment of humankind. Although it has been said many times that humans are “all one”, it has also been obvious that we are all at different levels of individual progression and evolution on our spiritual path(s).
How magic caused the “Fall of Atlantis”
The following account of the use of black magic to control humanity is derived from a mixture of channeled messages, books about Atlantis, books about ascension, and an innate knowing that freeing ourselves of black magic programming is what we need to accomplish. Use your own discernment in reading this material and decide whether this is the truth of your reality.
There were selfish and greedy people in Atlantis as well as highly evolved spiritual people just as there are Illuminati/Cabal and Lightworkers on the planet today. Although the human mental body (mind) and the spiritual body were anchored in the fifth dimension, the physical body was anchored in the third dimension. By free will choice, one could explore the fifth dimension while occupying a third dimensional physical space, and others could choose to experience what it was like to vibrate on a lower third dimensional way of life on the planet. These people were split up into groups and colonies across the vast continent.
Something happened in Atlantis that was never supposed to happen in the overall plan of humanity living together as “one” but in individuality and duality. The selfish, greedy people got their hands on ancient rituals used by priests and priestesses and used them in order to further their wealth and power over the people of Atlantis. They intended to take over the whole planet, and by the looks of things today it seems they were successful.
The result of this was a rift through the dimensions that opened up a tear in the lower fourth dimension; the astral realm. This is one of the nastiest places one can imagine and has been likened to “Hell”. Extraterrestrials in the form of reptiles, Earth-bound spirits, and djinn (genies and tricksters) are a few of the culprits here. Beings came through the rift and infiltrated the Atlantis colony, attaching themselves to those of a lower vibration that summoned them and to others that were simply living a lower third dimensional life. They required human blood in order to anchor themselves on this side of the rift, and they used their knowledge of mind control to get the people to give it to them.
They destroyed the civilization in Atlantis with a misuse of technology and they continued their reign as they spread across the planet through incarnation. They were only able to do this by establishing a true pure bloodline from the beginning of their arrival and the ability to project their essence into a human body. They did this with black magic through the use of the blood ritual. This bloodline is highly protected today, as the small core of the Illuminati/Cabal interbreeds with only pure chosen bloodline family members.
Every time there was a chance for humanity to free themselves from this magical illusion, the attempts were thwarted by those of the dark rift and humanity fell further and further into a deep spell that made them think they needed to be controlled and told what to do and how to do it. About 7,000 years ago, the dark beings began destroying as much evidence of the Altantean society as possible, hiding the remnant of any powers of magic from the abilities of average humans.
White magic knowledge was carefully guarded by those called Essenes and the Knights Templar throughout the ages, and were passed down through word of mouth and secret symbols. This was eventually infiltrated by the dark as well, and factions of secret society groups continued to practice dark rituals behind closed doors.
The plan to completely take over the planet was a huge success due to the knowledge of the mind and how to control it remotely through another dimension. By hiding their manipulation behind other minions, these beings controlled humans like puppets on strings and became wealthy rulers and dark lords throughout the ages. Blood sacrifices were necessary for them to stay alive as well as mining low vibrational energy off of humans. Therefore it was absolutely necessary to keep humans in a low state of vibration and to keep the secret of this secret.
Humans are connected to the planet as we are made of her elements, just as humans and the planet are connected to their Creator Source. Due to the infiltration of these beings who cast darkness across the planet, the Earth fell in her vibration at the time of the fall of the Atlantis civilization. Some say that Earth volunteered to lower her vibration in order to quarantine the mix of beings from other dimensions because that was never supposed to happen and had never happened before. Furthermore, there was a plan put in place by her and her Creator to allow the experience to occur but the plan would allow her to rise again in dimensional levels. This would require humanity to use their free will to choose to rise above fear and control into love, and to remember who they are as a spark of their Creator.
Fast forward to today’s reflection of what is happening. The mind controlling of humanity has become like a computer program where thought is manipulated. Various forms of technology are used to insure humans do not wake up from this control. They do not want humans to realize that their higher minds exist in a higher plane of density and that they have always had access to this higher self. They also keep them from realizing that although they are told they are free, quite the opposite is true. Mind control and manipulation of illusion is the form of black magic that is controlling humanity today.
What can we do to reverse black magic?
When a human has an awakening experience and realizes that they are a spirit incarnated into a human body and have probably incarnated many times on the planet, he or she realizes that the spirit never dies. This begins to dissipate a fear of dying and opens the door to many questions about our existence. When one steps through the door and realizes that almost everything in our reality was devised to manipulate us by keeping us in fear and low vibration, the answer to reversing this programming becomes simple.
Knowledge of who we are as multidimensional beings of light trapped in a lower vibrational experience is the beginning of learning how to raise your vibration in order to free yourself from the hidden illusions of black magic.
As we enter the Age of Aquarius we are entering a window of time of about a thousand years where the Earth will raise her vibration back out of this reality with the help of light beings that have incarnated on her who are carrying as much light as they can possibly hold, thereby anchoring light into her body. All incarnations are said to have been in preparation for this lifetime in which the Earth has received enough free willed light to help her shift into a higher dimension once again.
The dark beings will not be able to exist on her anymore due to the Universal law of Vibrational Attainment. Not only will this help planet Earth but is it said that these beings infiltrated other parts of the Universe and a galactic war between the dark and the light has ensued, that includes time travel and time rifts. By repairing the rift that occurred from its origin, the dark will be cut off once again from affecting the fifth dimension via third dimensional connection.
Discerning the truth for yourself
There are many spiritual and metaphysical explanations of various levels and terminology which explain what we are doing on the planet at this time. Some use various ways to explain the things that have been described in this article using different words or spelling. Some are propagated lies created to mislead. But one truth seems to make sense over everything. Our planet is being destroyed by a small group of wealthy “elitists” that come from a very controlled bloodline. They have an agenda of planned genocide even if it means having to eventually live underground, taking their slaves for food with them.
No matter what they are called, we feel like we have been led to an awakening that they feed off of humans and they have lied to them in order to get them to keep complying. That is the simplest way to explain it without stories of Atlantis or explanations of Golden Ages. The simplest way to solve it is to remove your energy from the experience.
Stop giving your energy away
Some people are pulling their money out of banks and others are not paying credit card bills, fines, and tickets. Some people are trying to live “off the grid” and are starting communities where they can grow their own food and barter without money. Some are selling their houses to avoid paying mortgage interest or taxes. Many are realizing that materialism is one big trap and are letting go of things that weigh them down. People who once worked in an Illuminati/Cabal field such as banking, oil and gas, media, etc. are finding other careers. Many people have stopped watching television and have even removed them from their homes.
There are a number of ways to consciously pull yourself out of the system that has a hold on the majority of the planet. Realizing what the system is comprised of, making conscious choices to remove yourself from that system, and helping to educate and support others is what has been termed “peaceful non-compliance”. This is one of the basic things that will remove your energy from their grasp. Just like cutting energetic cords from other humans, the energetic cords can be cut from the system designed to harvest our energy. Without energy, these beings cannot survive.
The final countdown
The rest of the solution is deep introspection and reconnection with the higher part of yourself that exists in another dimension. As a multidimensional being of light having a human experience, we forgot that we have always had this connection. Fear closes the energetic centers of the body that allow this connection, therefore fear has been used as a weapon against us.
Love opens all of the doors and in concert with raising your vibration you can begin to bring more of your soul essence of light into your body. This is the secret solution that we knew we would begin to remember. We have the ability to vibrate ourselves into a new reality where fourth dimensional astral beings do not exist in our consciousness. By moving our consciousness within, our external world will change around us. This is what you came into this human form to do.
For example this article is magic. It has spelling which puts an idea of freedom into the human consciousness field through knowledge. It is a powerful tool and is designed to open the doors for you to explore this topic further with guidance from your higher self. We all came here with a plan and with help in unseen realms that we call our spirit guides and angels. Ask them to help guide you to the answers within. This will lead to answers outside of yourself in the form of articles, books, and eventually a direct connection to your own soul who has all of the answers you will need to find your wings to free yourself.
Magic And Alchemy For Shifting Timelines
Magic and Alchemy are possible from the manipulation of the dream through mentalism. The realization that all of our reality is occurring in the mind allows the exit from the matrix through the understanding of the big picture. Time travel becomes possible as we lift ourselves into another reality where time is fluid and changeable.
Understanding of the structure of the holographic illusion that we are in will help us to remember how to manipulate our reality. We are dreamers dreaming inside of a construct, which has universal principles. We chose to dream for experience and to take that experience back to Source. Our external reality reflects our mind within. On a fractal level, as above, so below. We are everything and everything is us.
Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. In our reality, energy is made up of waves of light, sound, heat, consciousness, and electromagnetic fields oscillating at various frequencies. The dark agenda vibrates at a slow frequency. In order to change our reality, we need to vibrate above that frequency while existing in the construct.
Our universe has polarity - Negative and positive, love/fear. In order to change the fulcrum from a dominant, controlling and negative polarity steeped in fear, our oversoul sent a fractal of itself here in a body in this lifetime. This fractal, our current consciousness here in this body, serves as the “boots on the ground” and the eyes and ears of our oversoul.
The oversoul’s goal is to raise the consciousness and vibrational frequency of the body in order to activate the cell’s “junk” DNA. The planet is also vibrating at a faster rate and humans are being helped to keep up with that frequency. Each person that raises their frequency contributes to the overall polarity of not only the planet, but the Universe as well.
Time is only relevant in the third dimension. Time was created to experience this slow vibration reality. In a positive reality, experiencing time isn’t such a bad thing. However in a negatively controlled reality, time can be manipulated and humanity can also be manipulated to steer toward a particular timeline.
This reality is created in cycles within cycles. The good news is that we are at the end of a grand cycle that allows us to exit one reality and enter another if we choose to. Planet Earth has chosen this timeline and we have the choice to join her. Alchemy is required to change our cells from carbon based to crystalline, and to consciously transmute negative energies and thought forms to positive. We do this through a mind that is run by the heart vibration of love rather than the ego’s fear mode.
By realizing that through the principle of vibrational resonance and the law of attraction, our actions have an opposite and equal reaction and we draw our reality to us through our thoughts, actions, and deeds. In order to change a reality that is not desirable, we can do the work to change our thoughts, actions, and deeds.
We are a fractal of our oversoul and have the ability to connect to other aspects of our oversoul. When we connect to other aspects, we can consciously work on transmuting lower energies for them just like we are doing in our physical body. When we accomplish this, our oversoul becomes more positive and whole and allows the universe to be more positive and whole.
We are doing this work whether we realize it or not. If we consciously work towards the highest and best timeline we will get this accomplished faster than others. It hasn’t been an easy road but we have been collectively forging forward each day. We have found ourselves battling other aspects of our oversoul (past life energies), third dimensional programming, black magic, and triggers that try to keep us at a low vibration.
Some magic tools that can be used to recant spells, black magic, programming, and hitchhiking energies are repetition and incantation. Every day as you awaken you can say what you want to happen in your reality. You can also call on the highest aspects of yourself for help, as you are the eyes and ears and you have the free will to change what’s above by being below or inside.
For example, here is a magic spell that can move you toward the goals mentioned in this article:
“I now call on my higher self, guides, oversoul, and Source to help show me my highest and best path, and to assist me in transmuting all lower vibrational energies that I am connected to. I am open to receiving the highest energies of Source into this body, which I imagine now coming into my body and burning away all that is not in my highest and best good. I also connect with my oversoul’s other fractals, or my past and future lives, and I send forth this Source energy to cleanse all that is not in my oversoul’s highest good. I am ready to serve and I am grateful for the opportunity to be in this body at this time in the unfoldment of the Universal plan for ascension”.
Some of the oversoul fractals inside the construct have gotten lost and have inadvertently agreed to stay in the construct, not knowing there was an exit from it. We are awakening to who we are and why we are here. Most of us are here to exit this construct through vibrational resonance alchemy and magic, and to bring as many fractals as we can with us.
When you realize that you have the power to influence your reality in the highest and best interests of all, you can begin to stand in that superhuman power to create the reality you want. The highest vibrations of love and gratitude can be magical for you as you heal aspects of your oversoul. Time will become fluid and you will have the ability to go back in time to affect the now and the future. Raising your vibrational frequency above the lower 3d and astral realm will make you invisible to those who wish to siphon your energy. Magic will then begin to sparkle in your world and affect everyone around you.