Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Mars Restoration Project

Martian Lifetime
During one of my life times that I lived on Mars, I was a gate keeper, my job was keeping track of ships coming in through the Martian star gates. I would calibrate the Martian clock towers in the town squares to correspond with the timing process in opening the wormholes in the various star gates on the planet. In this lifetime I was a female and had two children a girl who was twelve years old and a boy who was fourteen years old. I also had a warrior priest husband who served in the Martian law temples. He was a fierce man who had tribal tattoos as symbols of his service to the Martian Ruling Council of Elders.
Who is Currently Living on Mars
The planet Mars currently has human bases which have people who were transported from Earth to inhabit these installations, as well there are reptilians living on the planet, small groups of grey aliens, and the original Mars colony group that survived the atomic bomb explosion that happened on Mars millions of years ago. All these groups live in underground dome cities in the center and close to the surface of the planet.
Terraformation of Mars
During one of my astral trips to space, I saw four spherical terraformer ships that are possibly of Zarian origin approaching Mars to begin the process of transforming the planet to have a full atmosphere, water, trees, plants, and eventually animals again. These terraformer ships emitted plasma and organic substances onto the surface of the planet to help start the terraforming process. Note: Future Project.

Spherical Terra-former ships emitting plasma and organic substances to terraform Mars so there will be a breathable atmosphere with trees, plants, and water eventually on the planet.

Terraformation process on Mars with a new city being built

Martian underground dome city

This is a Martian bio-dome city on the surface of the planet with a self-sustaining breathable atmosphere inside the plexiglass like shield dome.

A Martian green house and a hydroponics garden, as well as parks and green fields around the green house.

Map of how most solar systems look like in the universe