Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Light Body Activation

Asarians Activating a Light Body
The Asarians are a 5D - 10D race from the Antarus star system, inhabiting the planets Elusianaris and Delantium Major. Currently the Asarians are going through the process of transitioning from a physical body into building an etheric hybrid human/light body which will be translucent and can take on human form when needed. This light body is being designed so the Asarians can transfer their soul cores into these bodies and ascend into the 11th dimension. To activate the new light body there needed to be a circle around the octahedron and the merkaba as well as a string binary code of 000666000 to create the power source of the inner light that empowers the light body and makes it function. The Asarians are white beings who have an energetic light glow about them and they are adaptable at using any type of psychic abilities that exist in the known universe.

This is what the Asarians look like in their light bodies
Building a Light Body

Step One
Octahedron Base
Step Two
Octahedron starting to merge with Merkaba

Step Three
Octahedron merged with Merkaba, ready for DNA sequencing

Step Four
Light body receiving DNA activation binary code to animate power source of the octahedron and merkaba merge
DNA Activation 000666000

Step Five
Octahedron & Merkaba power source connecting with seven chakra energies to animate the light body

Light codes and DNA sequencing being accepted into the newly formed merkaba light body form. The seven spiritual rays of light are usually encoded into the light body when it is completed, this makes the light body be able to access any type of universal knowledge in existence.

Step Six
All energies of the light body have merged together and light body has been powered up to function
Step Seven
Soul transfer into light body is complete, can use all psychic powers

Step Eight
Soul life force connecting with the love energy of all that is in existence

Step Nine
Having the ability to reprogram the light body’s DNA sequence to look like anyone or anything. To be able to access un-limitless information from the universe, as well as to be everywhere in the universe at the same time as a multidimensional being. Being able to use the languages of the light to program DNA coding sequences to eradicate diseases and selfheal the light body.
Explanation of the Light Body Model Steps: The various steps in the light body model are connected with light energy activations of being in tune with the higher self as aspects of the diamond energies, crystalline vibrations, and merkaba frequencies are like a bridge for the physical body and the light body to be balanced cohesively together.
The light body may have a connection with energetic geometrices like the shapes of octahedrons, tetrahedrons which can function on the multi-dimensional levels as forms of light body vehicles, which are like layers of energetic light fields that help us to astral travel, visit other dimensions, parallel realities, or universes.
Each light body is unique to the soul consciousness and the living essence it is connected with vibrationally.
There are DNA original blueprints in the physical body and the soul essence of the higher self has the ability to access the genetic blueprints in order to activate the light body connections that living beings have.
Each living being may have different experiences in how they perceive seeing or activating their light bodies in how the soul consciousness understands the energies it is connected to in what is being felt, seen, explored, etc., it is like going beyond the five senses where the intuition grows in layers of light frequencies, and taps into source creation.
Note: Building light bodies is done on an organic level through etheric ways, there is no mechanical technology involved in this process, as AI programming causes interference in spiritual growth and natural evolution of the soul or spirit as it is called. Evolution is a totally natural growth process in the cosmos, it is not altered or enhanced by technological means of speeding up this process. As well there are several different types of ways or models to create light bodies, which are unique to each soul's evolutionary process.