Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Life On Andromeda Biosphere Ships

Recently Aya the Star Traveler went back on the Andromeda Council Primary Biosphere ship and experienced what it was like to live on the ship a couple of days. The following images are likenesses to the form fitting uniforms the Andromeda Council crew members where while they are on duty and what their ship environments look like.

Aya is the Star Traveler dressed in the white suite uniform, here she is talking with her male soul mate Tenai, and one of her friends who she is stationed with when on duty. The uniforms are designed to be body forming and adjustable in various shapes and sizing when worn on the body.

Aya discussing research plans in how to calibrate the teleportation pads for timeline shifting into looking at different future timeline streams.

There are various slip stream teleportation rooms on the Andromeda Council Biosphere ships that allow for time travel to the past or the future as well as seeing how new universes, star systems and galaxies are created in space continuum. The teleportation pads are powered by mini crystalline engines and light spectrum pyramid generators.

Aya running to catch the elevator in order to get to one of the teleportation rooms for a scheduled mission test to see how the calibrations worked for the new slip stream technology of quantum leaping to future timelines.

Aya and her research team heading up to the teleportation room to see how their research is progressing towards integrating the slip stream technology into the teleportation pads.

Aya and her research team getting a medical checkup after successfully testing the slip stream technology on the teleportation pads and doing a quantum leap into a future timeline. In the medical bay the healing green light lasers are realigning the research team’s auric fields from the electric quantum time energy leaps that they did so their auric fields do not have excessive electrical charges in the body’s organic systems.

Aya and her friend Larina having lunch in the ship cafeteria after their research work is over for the day and they are off duty.

Aya and Tenai spending some private quality time together celebrating the success of testing out the slip stream technology.

This is an image of what an Andromeda park looks like on the biosphere ships. There are living bio crystals in the parks that create the green space environments where the ship crew can relax and spend time together as well as animals grazing in the park by the lakes and ponds.
The Andromeda Council biosphere ships have various living environments that can look very different from each other in appearance depending on which types of species is living in individual habitat areas on the ships. The Star Traveler visits the areas on the biospheres that are designed for fourth and fifth dimensional human beings so things look similar like they might on Earth sometimes. Other races on the biosphere ships have habitats that look very different than that of human environments, this changes from habitat locations.