Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

How We Ascend

Sources of Information:
When We Ascend Do We Still Stay On The Earth With Those Who Have Not Ascended?: by Sabrina Reber: from howtoraiseyourvibration
Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels of Consciousness: by PL Chang: from In5D
The hierarchy of ascended beings: by Kim Michaels: from
An overview of the seven rays: by Kim Michaels: from
Witnessing Ascension: by Elena Kapulnik: from Messages from a Star Traveler
When We Ascend Do We Still Stay On The Earth With Those Who Have Not Ascended?
We will talk about personal ascension first......and to be honest with you, personal ascension is an ongoing event. The soul is constantly ascending. At this time on our planet many of our souls are moving into “completion,” meaning that we will be transcending and healing 51% of our karma or distorted energetic imprints that are held within our chakra system. Right now we are experiencing a lot of chaos on the planet because a large portion of us are being purified and our distortions (negative feelings, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, karma etc...) are coming to the surface to be released. Oftentimes, this will surface as irritation, anger, extreme emotional instability, confusion, bodily aches and pains, diseases, etc....not to mention that our spiritual teams are drawing situations to us to help us balance our karma or unbalanced energy from all of our previous lifetimes...we are having to prove that we are learning and transcending the need to re-create additional karma. We are being purified and our vibrations raised high enough for our spiritual self to be able to safely merge with our physical being thereby breaking the seven seals over our chakra system that have kept us limited, veiled and stuck in the reincarnation wheel of duality. When the spiritual self merges with the physical being it is a huge energetic blissful, powerful event ~ many people will call this enlightenment, satori or unity consciousness where we will have the experience of our unity with all beings.... including the Creator Of All That Is ~ this is what we call the FIRST major aspect of ascension where we begin to rise above duality because we will no longer be solely working from the this point our soul will be activated, soul memories returned and our spiritual self, as well as, our ascended spiritual teams will begin working with us to help us assist humanity with their ascension as well. So technically yes, those who have attained personal ascension will remain with those who have not ascended because part of our ascension role is to be of SERVICE to those who have soul contracts to ascend with the planet.
After we go through our personal ascension, we go through a very intense process of grounding the high vibrational energy of our spiritual self into our physical body......after the merging has occurred it will usually take 2-3 years before we are ready to actually step into service assisting humanity. This 2-3 year time period can be intense because the old us is falling away ~ we will continue to ascend in consciousness very quickly, we will be downloaded with information and our entire being will be greatly expanded. This does not mean that once we merge with our spiritual being, we are done with ascension ~ actually the real journey begins. Lots more work will need to be done as we will still have 49% more karma to balance, transcend and integrate within our being. Our SERVICE work is part of this balancing of energy, as well as, us learning how to continue to refine our lower self and its negative behavioral patterns.....we are learning how to be an ascended master. So yes, we ascend in vibration and level of consciousness, we merge with our spiritual self, we begin to work in unison with our spiritual self and spiritual teams, and we continue to go through blissful gateways of ascension and activations all while we remain in 3D with those who have not ascended their consciousness. We do this in service to assist others in preparation for MASS PLANETARY ASCENSION. Usually, people who ascend first have ascended on other planets and they have a soul contract to come to this planet to assist those who have soul contracts to ascend with the masses on the planet. The largest amount of people will ascend in consciousness when the Earth makes her ascension......everyone is being prepared for this NOW.....and some people still may not even be aware of what is going on with them. Their lives may be falling apart and they have no idea why, that is why it is so important for this kind of information to be released so people don’t think they are going crazy when they are really ascending in consciousness with the Earth.
Planetary Ascension is when the Earth moves up from her current dimensional level into a higher dimensional level. Currently, we are moving from 3D into 5D. The Earth is a highly evolved spiritual being that continues to ascend just like we do. Every 26,000 years the Earth and all beings have the opportunity to make this spiritual leap into a higher vibration. The ascension of the Earth is divinely directed, and we are actually a part of her ascension as much as she is a part of our ascension. The more people who choose to raise their vibration, the faster the Earth is able to raise her vibration. The more people who ascend and merge with their spiritual self, the more LIGHT is anchored onto the Earth because we become a bridge ~ a bridge person is someone who is able to bring in LIGHT from our connection to our spiritual self through our body out into the grid systems of the Earth.....we are one with our spiritual self and one with the Earth....we are no longer in duality blocked from our divine connection to Source. For many of us, this is the true meaning of a who has activated the LIGHT within them, and are therefore able to feed higher vibrational energies into the Earth Grid assisting the Earth and ALL beings rise in vibration as well. Our energy fields actually become planetary activators and we activate others by grounding our LIGHT into the Earth.
From what we understand the Earth and the Creator have decided to wait as long as possible to give humanity ample time to raise their vibrations high enough so our energetic systems will be able to withstand the high vibrational energies that will be dispersed on this planet that will catapult the Earth into the higher dimensions. There is a divine timeline and the divine timing has been set within a specific range. Just like human beings....the Earth has a spiritual self and a chakra system and she too is experiencing her kundalini rising at this time preparing and purifying her system to merge with her spiritual self, which will raise the entire Earth into the vibrations of the 5th dimension. When the kundalini rises in a human being, and we merge with our spiritual self it is an ecstatic, powerful, blissful, loving, light filled event. The feeling is beyond words. We can only imagine the enormity of this event for those of us who are choosing to remain on the Earth and ascend with her. It is going to be the biggest party and celebration in the fact the Earth's ascension will be the catalyst for many other planets ascension as we are all ONE and we directly affect each other.
So right now on our planet we are experiencing individual personal ascensions and planetary ascension......those who have not already purified their energetic system, raised their kundalini and merged with their spiritual self are being prepared NOW to do so. Their enlightenment/ascension may happen before planetary ascension or it could happen at the exact time the Earth ascends.....the majority of humanity will not be ascending off of the planet....we have chosen to remain here to help ascend the planet. Heaven will be made on Earth....heaven is a state of christ and buddhic consciousness where we ALL realize we are ONE, and we express our unity through peaceful and loving interactions. We are extensions of Source, therefore we are gods and goddesses. When everyone has awakened their energy fields to this kind of unity consciousness, we will realize that what we do to another we do to ourselves and we do to the Creator ~ because we are ONE. When we integrate this unity consciousness into our being we will ALL create heaven here on Earth and live in joy, peace, oneness, abundance, health and full consciousness.
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10
"Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.” Revelation 20
(To the Jewish mind the sea was a place of separation and was the place for the dead.....we were not meant to take the Bible so literally. The Bible is symbolic and has deeper meaning that can only be understood with an expanded consciousness.)
Ascension is not a free ride. Those who are choosing to ascend have work to be done. Our energetic systems must be purified and cleared enough to raise our vibration high enough so we will be able to withstand the very high vibrational light that will be vibrating throughout the Universe when the Earth makes her final ascension into the higher realms. Several years ago, we were shown the light that will be dispersed onto the Earth, it is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and it will transform everything in its path. Right now people are working through the emotional clearing that needs to be done in order to clear the density from our being so we can ascend as we are meant to.
Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels of Consciousness
Ascension isn’t only a spiritual concept but is also a scientific process that utilizes the laws of nature to assist spiritual beings to evolve back to Creation in a multidimensional reality system, such as our time matrix. This process allows all souls to eventually evolve and ascend out of time and space to re-emerge with their higher identity of pure consciousness. However, if a soul becomes permanently disconnected to the Eternal Life current of Creation, it may not be able to return to Creation as a pure consciousness being.
The process of ascension involves raising the particle pulsation rhythm of the body, allowing the body to absorb higher frequency into its morphogenetic field and therefore increasing its frequency. The more accurate term for this process is frequency accretion. This process causes the body to become lighter and less dense. Once the body’s frequency reaches a certain level, the body will shed its matter based body and transform into a light based body. Souls who have reached this state of evolution are often called angels or light beings.
The slow and fast version of ascension
Most human beings haven’t healed their DNA and body to the point where they can ascend nearly instantly. As a result, they will have to take the slow route of ascension. The slow route involves slowly absorbing high frequency healing energies of the Universe that are available since the galactic alignment of 2012. The fast route involves using Earth’s natural star gates (chakras).
If you are ready for star gate ascension, you will be drawn to certain things that will help you prepare for it. Unfortunately, most of us will not be able to ascend using natural star gates, because we have not prepared our light and physical bodies for ascension. To be able to ascend using natural star gates, we must activate certain portions of our junk DNA and raise our frequencies high enough to handle the frequencies in higher dimensions. If we cannot raise our frequencies in time, we will be unable to ascend using star gates because our bodies will disintegrate if we try to do so. There are natural star gates all over the planet Earth, time is currently speeding up which is a sign of the ascension process happening on the planet, time should slow down somewhat againe closer to the end of 2017 when the Earth and its inhabitants have ascended into their crystalline forms.
The hierarchy of ascended beings
As explained the material realm was created by beings in the realm right above us in vibration. Thus, these beings are what we normally call ascended masters. The masters also use the name “Ascended Host,” and this refers to all beings in all spheres above us. However, many of these beings do interact with us here on Earth.
So from our vantage point, we can talk about several levels of the hierarchy that exists in the sphere right above ours. Let us look at the most well-known:
Newly ascended masters
When a being ascends from the material world, it usually takes some time to explore its new self-awareness and the spiritual realm to which it now has conscious access. Yet some masters have already been involved with teaching human beings before they ascended, so they may indeed immediately begin to fill a teaching position.
The Chohans
As described there are seven spiritual rays, which are the basic energy spectra from which the material universe is made. In order to walk the spiritual path and qualify for the ascension, we must attain mastery on all seven rays. Thus, we can see the spiritual path as a structured process, where we learn from each of the seven rays.
To facilitate this learning, each ray has several ascended masters who are seeking to help us pass the initiations represented by their ray. The leaders of this group of teachers is called the “Chohan.” Thus, each ray has a Chohan, who is kind of like the headmaster of a particular school.
The Chohans normally present themselves as masculine or feminine. Not all chohans have a counterpart of the complimentary polarity. For example, a masculine chohan may not have a feminine counterpart, either because the feminine counterpart has not yet ascended or because it has moved on to other realms and is not directly working with Earth.
An overview of the seven rays
Why would you care about the spiritual rays? These are the basic reasons:
Everything you do is done with the energy of one or several of the spiritual rays. The entire material world is made from the seven rays.
Every limitation you face is created out of a perversion of one or more of the seven spiritual rays.
The ONLY way to transcend a given limitation is to free yourself from a): the belief that created the limitation and b): the low-frequency energy that has been generated.
The ONLY way to transform the low-frequency energy that is created by perverting a given ray is to invoke the pure energy of that ray. Any ray is the anti-dote to the perverted energy from that ray.
In summary, only by knowing the spiritual rays can you effectively identify and overcome the limitations you face. The following is a description of each ray and its pure qualities as well as the perversions. Each of the rays has certain spiritual offices, held by ascended beings:
The Elohim represents an office held by the beings who actually built the material universe.
The Archangel is an office held by beings who serve as messengers or intermediaries between the spiritual and the material realm.
The Chohan is an ascended master who is primarily working on helping unascended beings walk the path of initiation that leads towards the ascension.
Color: Electric blue
Corresponding chakra: Throat
Elohim: Hercules and Amazonia
Archangel: Michael and Faith
Chohan: Master MORE, also known as El Morya, Morya, Master M, M, or Bapu.
Pure qualities:
Traditionally as the ray of power and will, yet from a deeper understanding the first ray represents the creative drive. This is the desire for self-expression, a willingness to experiment, even when the outcome of the experiment cannot be known ahead of time. Also a willingness to flow with life and learn from every experience. The first ray gives rise to the sense that everything matters, that life is exciting and that the individual truly can make a positive difference. The first ray is also the key to your willingness to work for raising the whole, instead of raising only yourself.
(The First Ray is working to transform the aggressive human from domination to the will to do good.)
The perversion of the creative will is a fear of the unknown, which is expressed as an ability to abuse power in order to control one’s circumstances, including other people. There is a fear of engaging in activities where the outcome cannot be predicted or guaranteed, which obviously stifles creativity. People with perverted first ray qualities are often engaged in a variety of power games with other people, all based on the desire to control the outcome. This is an attempt to quell the very life force itself, which always points towards self-transcendence, and instead protect the separate self and what it thinks it can own in this world. This can lead to a sense of ownership over other people, which is one of the major sources of conflict on this planet. In milder cases, people have a fear of being creative and a sense of powerlessness, feeling that nothing really matters and that an individual cannot make a difference - thus, why even bother trying.
Color: Golden yellow
Corresponding chakra: Crown
Elohim: Apollo and Lumina
Archangel: Jophiel and Christine
Chohan: Lord Lanto
Pure qualities:
Traditionally seen as the ray of wisdom, illumination and self-knowledge. Yet at a deeper level, it is the ray that empowers you to see that the separate self is unreal and that separation is an illusion. It is through the second ray that you can experience the underlying reality that all life is one, because nothing can be separated from the omnipresent Creator. Openness to a higher understanding is also a quality of the second ray, as is the realization that there are many valid expressions of truth that all point to the same underlying reality of oneness.
The perversion of the second ray is the false wisdom, which thinks it knows everything or has an ultimate truth. This illusion is based on the central illusion of duality, namely that “reality” can be divided into separate compartments and that the separate mind has the right and the ability to decide which is true and which is untrue. The perversions of the second ray can be seen in people who are absolutely sure that they are right - especially those who have become fanatical – and are willing to force others into compliance. Another perversion is intellectualism, where people can argue for or against any idea without ever going beyond the idea to a direct experience of the Spirit that is beyond words.
Color: Pink
Corresponding chakra: Heart
Elohim: Heros and Amora
Archangel: Chamuel and Charity
Chohan: Paul the Venetian
Pure qualities:
Traditionally, the third ray has been seen as the seat of love, compassion, charity, appreciation for beauty and selflessness. Yet a deeper understanding is that the third ray is the seat of balance.
Love can be seen as the balancing force in life, the force that balances the two basic forces of creation, namely the outgoing (masculine or Father impulse) and the contracting (Feminine or Mother impulse). If these two forces are not balanced, there will be a tendency to take one of them towards the extreme. This means that anything which is created from imbalance will either be taken too far and thus blow apart, or it will not be taken far enough, and thus will not come to fruition and will eventually self-destruct through contraction.
The pure third ray qualities give you the ability to experience unconditionality, namely the one reality that is beyond the two extremes created by the dualistic mind. You can feel when something is dualistic, even though you may not yet have a detailed explanation. You simply sense that conditionality is not “right,” because you experience the unconditional nature of God/reality in your heart.
Third ray qualities lead to a deep inner sense of oneness with all life, which gives rise to the ability to discern when something feels right (because it seeks to raise all life) or feels not right (because it seeks to raise one part of life while putting down another). It is through the third ray that you can know what is the right thing to do, even if you cannot yet explain why through the mind. It is also through the third ray qualities that you can sense when something is driven by a selfish impulse, which gives you the power to balance yourself.
The primary perversion of the third ray is a lack of balance, but this can be expressed in many subtle ways. One way is what many people call love, but which is really a possessive attempt to control others. In extreme forms, this can be expressed as hatred and the desire to punish or destroy those who refuse to be controlled. For example, many people fall in love but then begin to express a sense of ownership towards the person they claim to love.
Another perversion is the firm belief that the ends can justify the means, meaning that because a person loves this superior cause, it is justified to force or kill other people in order to further the cause. This perverted form of love has caused some of the worst atrocities in human history. Few people are harder to convince than those whose outlook on life has become unbalanced by fanaticism. It is what causes people to believe that in order to demonstrate their love for God, they have to kill other people.
Color: Brilliant white
Corresponding chakra: Base
Elohim: Purity and Astrea
Archangel: Gabriel and Hope
Chohan: Serapis Bey
Pure qualities:
Traditionally, the fourth ray qualities are seen as purity, hope and self-discipline. Yet at a deeper level, the fourth ray is the interface between your Spirit and your physical body and the material world. The question asked at the level of the fourth ray is whether you will allow the material world to have power over your Spirit, so you limit your expression in this world. The question is whether you believe the current conditions in the material world are real, permanent and unchangeable, or whether you are willing to unleash your creative power in order to accelerate the material world – the Mother element - beyond current conditions.
The fourth ray qualities empower you to avoid being trapped in the illusion, that the appearances in the material world are real or permanent. You will thus be able to avoid being trapped in an endless cycle of seeking to fulfil lower, bodily, carnal or human desires. Instead, you will see this world as only a tool for your growth in self-awareness. This means you will effortlessly avoid activities that do not serve this purpose. Yet this has a deeper layer of understanding, as you will realize it is not a matter of avoiding all human or physical activities - it is a matter of spiritualizing them.
The last illusion to overcome on the spiritual path is the idea that there is a division between the spiritual and the material realm, between spiritual and material activities. Instead, you will be able to remain in oneness, making anything you do a spiritual activity. This will then serve to fulfil the purpose for taking embodiment in the first place, namely to accelerate the vibration of the entire material universe to a higher level, where it can become a permanent part of the spiritual realm.
Traditionally the perversion is seen as impurity, and chaos. Yet at a deeper level, the perversion is the sense that current conditions are real, are the way they should be or are beyond your power to change. You begin to think this world is separated from the spiritual realm, perhaps even that it belongs to the devil and that you should leave it alone, not seeking to change it.
You might even believe you have no right to be a spiritual person in this world or that you have no right to express your spiritual powers in this world. Instead, you think you should accept current conditions and adapt to them. As the ultimate perversion, you might even believe that you are an entirely material being, a product of the material universe - that you have come from dust and that to dust thou shalt return. In this state of mind, there is, of course, no hope of acceleration to a higher state. Yet given that life itself is acceleration into more, this is a state of mind that Jesus called “death,” meaning spiritual death.
Color: Emerald green
Corresponding chakra: Third eye
Elohim: Cyclopea and Virginia
Archangel: Raphael and Mother Mary
Chohan: Hilarion
Pure qualities:
Traditionally, the fifth ray qualities are seen as truth and vision - yet vision of what? The fifth ray is the seat of single vision, as illustrated by Jesus in the remark: “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” The single-eyed vision is the Christ vision, which sees beyond duality. This is based on the realization that ANY expression of “truth” in the material world is less than the Spirit of Truth, and thus one must look beyond ANY outer expression in order to experience truth.
When one does, one sees that all divisions are unreal, and one sees the need to raise all life. This gives rise to Christ discernment, the ability to instantly identify and see through the lies of duality, that always seek to raise up one part of life by putting down another. This is exemplified in the situation in the Garden of Eden, where the Serpent said to Eve: “Thou shallt not surely die,” thus inserting the element of doubt in her consciousness. The fifth ray qualities empower you to see through this serpentine logic. You can also see that all appearances in the material world are only temporary, and thus you can hold the immaculate vision for people or conditions to be transformed.
The perversions are lack of vision, a lack of ability to discern between the one non-dual Truth and the many dualistic “truths,” leading to doubt and a sense of hopelessness or the sense that there is no truth. It is also the belief that there is only one truth, and that it is our truth. Also the sense that because we have the only truth, we are locked in a battle against those who promote another thought system, and that it is necessary and justified for us to criticize or even destroy their system. People who are critical of other people or ideas have perverted the fifth ray qualities. Another perversion is the tendency to say that if people do or believe certain things, they are bad people - failing to see beyond temporary appearances.
Color: Purple and gold
Corresponding chakra: Solar plexus
Elohim: Peace and Aloha
Archangel: Uriel and Aurora
Chohan: Nada
Pure qualities:
Traditionally, the primary sixth ray quality is seen as peace, but it is a “peace that passeth understanding.” Thus, it is an inner sense of being unmoved by the dualistic appearances that are pulling at one from all sides. It is the ability to stand in the midst of a raging conflict and feel the stillness within. It is the ability to feel the pull that seeks to draw you into an unbalanced expression of anger, yet you can remain cantered and decide that you do not want to go there.
When you have this peace, you can then give truly selfless service, because you will intuitively work to bring harmony into every situation. And of course, harmony is the key to helping people see beyond the dualistic struggle and find common ground. A person with developed sixth ray qualities is always looking for common ground and has an ability (especially when the upper chakras are also pure) to draw people towards common ground.
The immediate perversion of the sixth ray qualities are anger and agitation, expressed as a very aggressive drive to force others to change or to punish those who resist. It is a non-peace that also passeth understanding, because there is no way to reason with a person who has perverted the sixth ray qualities. They act blindly on their feelings of rage, and they will time and time again do or say things they regret later. They will even do things that everyone knows is wrong, yet be completely blind to it at the moment.
Another perversion is what some see as peace, but it is truly passivity, the unwillingness to take a stand for anything. Thus, people with this perversion tend to act as victims, who can only react to external forces and refuse to take responsibility for their lives. There are also people who lose individuality and become part of a “mob mind” that acts blindly or blindly follows a strong leader. Another perversion is a blind sense that violence and warfare can provide viable solutions or that in some situations they are the only way to react, even justified ways to react.
Color: Violet
Corresponding chakra: Seat of the soul
Elohim: Arcturus and Victoria
Archangel: Zadkiel and Amethyst
Chohan: Saint Germain and Kuan Yin
Pure qualities:
Traditionally, the seventh ray qualities are seen as freedom, forgiveness and justice. Yet a deeper understanding is that the seventh ray is the seat of your playfulness, your willingness to approach life according to Jesus’ statement: “Unless you become as a little child, ye shall in no way enter the kingdom.”
When you embody the pure seventh ray qualities, you feel that you live in a world that is basically good, and you are here to express yourself and play with what is available. You are not worried or anxious about life or the future, and you trust that Spirit will protect you and that the Mother will nurture you. Thus, you feel a sense of bubbling freedom and a desire to experience what the world has to offer and to add to it through your own creative expression.
The primary perversion of the seventh ray qualities is a tendency to take life very seriously. This can be expressed as a perversion of both freedom and justice, which combines into the sense that you live in a world where everything is a struggle, perhaps even a struggle against a force that is unjustly seeking to take away your freedom.
Take the old saying: “Laugh at the devil, and he runs away from you.” There is a truth here, in the sense that if you take something too seriously, you give it power over you. Of course, one might say that there are many things in the world that are seeking to limit your freedom and that are unjust, so does that mean you should not take them seriously? Yet there is a balance, where one realizes the truth in another statement by Jesus: “Be ye wise as serpents, harmless as doves.” There is a fine balance between being naive to the temporary conditions in the world and taking them so seriously that you think you cannot feel free until they are changed.
The extreme perversion of the seventh ray is the epic mind-set, where one thinks the world is locked in an epic battle between good and evil, meaning that anything can be justified in the fight to destroy evil. This leads to complete insensitivity towards life, which has led to some of the worst examples of human cruelty. Yet, as with everything else, insensitivity towards others comes from an insensitivity towards oneself.
When you have perverted the seventh ray qualities, you tend to think that the problems in the world exist because other people don’t take them as seriously as you do. As you overcome this imbalance, you realize that the conditions are still here because people take them too seriously, thus thinking the conditions of the material world have power over their Spirits. In reality, we are all spiritual beings, and one of our ultimate tasks on earth is to demonstrate that we will not allow material conditions to limit our Spirits and their expression in this world. Allowing our higher selves to express themselves through us is the key to freedom, and it is the playfulness of the divine man-child, who knows he or she is one with the Father - and with God all things are possible.
Corresponding chakra: Secret chamber of the heart
Archangel: Uzziel
Chohan: The Maha Chohan
The eight ray is called the Ray of Integration, because it requires you to integrate the positive qualities of the first seven rays. This means you must have transcended the perversions of the first seven rays, or they will pull you away from integrating all rays.
The Archangels
One branch of ascended beings who are not created to take embodiment is the angels. Angels have many different assignments, but from our vantage point, the most helpful is the angels assigned to helping us grow. These angels are also organized according to the seven rays.
Groups of angels are often referred to as “bands,” and each band has a leader, with the title of “Archangel.” Thus, there is an archangel for each of the seven rays. The archangels are always masculine, but they also have feminine polarities, called the “Archeia.” For example, the feminine polarity of Archangel Michael is Archeia Faith.
The Elohim
The material universe is created from the energies of the seven rays, and this is done by reducing the vibration of the rays by a certain factor. A mental blueprint is then superimposed upon this energy in order to form the basic structures that make up the material universe.
The beings who initiated and oversee this process are often called the “Elohim,” but they can also be called “God and Goddesses.” Again, there is a masculine/feminine polarity at this level. For example, the Elohim Hercules has a feminine polarity named Amazonia.
The Central Sun
The highest level of ascended beings known to us is represented by two beings, called Alpha and Omega. It is sometimes said that they reside in the “Central Sun,” but this is not a physical sun in the material universe. It is a “place” in the spiritual realm.
As explained, there are six spheres above our level. Each sphere forms a hierarchical structure, somewhat comparable to a pyramid. In each sphere, there is a central sun in which resides two beings, named Alpha and Omega. In the very first sphere, there is the ultimate level of Alpha and Omega, namely the beings who are direct expressions of the Creator.
However, it is important to understand that what is given here is a linear representation, and the linear mind is not capable of grasping the non-linear reality of the spiritual realm. Thus, it is important not to place too great importance on the words or their interpretation. To truly grasp the non-linear reality of the spiritual realm, one must experience it directly.
Other titles in hierarchy:
Gods and Goddesses
Although the Elohim are sometimes called Gods and Goddesses, there are other ascended beings who have attained themselves to the level represented by a God. For example, there is a Goddess of Liberty, a Goddess of Justice (Portia) and a Goddess of Mercy (Kuan Yin).
Solar Logoi
Each planetary system has a sun and each physical sun has a polarity of two solar hierarchs, who are making it possible for the sun to be the open door between the material and the spiritual realm. If energy was not constantly streaming into a planetary system from the spiritual realm, no life would be possible in that system. The hierarchs of our physical sun are named Helios and Vesta.
Lord of the World
For each planet, there is a being who holds the office of Lord of the World. This is a being with Buddhic attainment, meaning it has mastered space. Thus, this being literally holds the spiritual balance for the earth to exist in space. The Lord of the World for earth is Gautama Buddha.
Planetary or Individual Christ
For each planet there is a being who holds the office of Christ. Regardless of the sectarian nature of the Christian religion, “Christ” is a universal word that signifies oneness between the Creator and its creation. Thus, you can ascend only by attaining the Christ consciousness and overcoming the illusion of separation. When Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father save by me,” he was not talking about his outer person but the Christ consciousness. Currently, Jesus is holding the office of Planetary Christ for earth.
Cosmic Christ
For each planet, a master holds the office that represents the universal Christ consciousness for that planet. Lord Maitreya holds this office for earth. He was also the master depicted (in distorted and primitive form) as the “God” in the Garden of Eden. The reality behind the myth is that Lord Maitreya was and is the overseer of the spiritual schoolroom (sometimes called a Mystery School) in which life streams are prepared to take embodiment on earth and deal with the initiations represented by the density of this realm.
World Teachers
These are beings who oversee the general progression of humankind’s consciousness and determine how to best teach people the universal lessons. They also determine which new teachings are to be released, based on the progress (or lack of it) in the collective consciousness. This office is currently held by Jesus and Kuthumi.
The Karmic Board, Lords of Karma
The ascended masters seek to teach us at two levels. One is that they give us spiritual teachings and encourage us to use them for self-observation, leading to self-transcendence. The other is what is called the “School of Hard Knocks,” where they allow us to experience the physical consequences of our state of consciousness. This is what is popularly called “bad karma.”
Overseeing the karmic aspects of teaching is a board consisting of 8 ascended masters. It is important to realize that despite the popular concept of “bad karma,” karma never has the purpose of punishing anyone. The purpose is only to teach those who have made themselves unreachable for a spiritual teaching.
As a result, the Karmic Board can withhold the descent of a person’s karma, if they estimate the person has learned or is close to learning the associated lesson. On the other hand, they can also accelerate the descent of karma for a person, who is in a negative spiral and is abusing other people.
The Karmic Board performs a very complex task of not only looking at each individual life stream embodied on earth but also looking at groups and humanity as a whole. They determine who is allowed to take embodiment on earth, and they sometimes decide that a certain life stream has misused its opportunity and will no longer be allowed to embody here.
The Karmic Board also teaches in a more direct way when we are in between embodiments. Along with other spiritual teachers, members of the Karmic Board help each life stream determine the specifics of its next embodiment, based on an evaluation of which circumstances best help that life stream learn its lessons and express its divine plan (the gift we came to bring).
The current members of the Karmic Board are: The Great Divine Director, The Goddess of Liberty, Pallas Athena, Nada, Portia (Goddess of Justice), Kuan Yin (Goddess of Mercy), Elohim Cyclopea and Vajrasattva.
Dhyani Buddhas
In traditional Buddhism, these are considered “primordial” Buddhas, meaning they have never taken embodiment as did Gautama. There are six of these in the ascended realm, and they each represent the anti-dote to a specific spiritual poison. By invoking the Presence of the Dhyani Buddha, you receive help in transcending the poison.
NOTE: In terms of all of the above positions in hierarchy, it is important to keep in mind, that these are offices. As it is on earth, an office is held by a specific person, but that person can be replaced by another person over time. Thus, the Archangel of the First Ray is an office and has throughout time been held by various beings. The same is true for all other offices. In fact, as we ascend, we have the potential to fill some of these offices. This might explain why various spiritual teachings associate different names with these offices.
Witnessing Ascension
On October 25, 2015, I was reading about the shroud of Turin and I was taken into the past to see how Jesus of Nazareth was resurrected or ascended. After Jesus was crucified he was taken into a purification cave chamber in one of the tunnel systems underground in the Earth. Jesus was not completely dead when he was covered in the Turin shroud and left to pass on. He had been left to lie wrapped in the shroud for a day still being alive, he was bleeding from all his crucifixion and torture wounds.
When the one day of suffering had passed in the shroud, Jesus started glowing with these pure ray lights of spirituality. The lights were blue, purple, and white in colors, at this point while being lifted up and surrounded by these lights Jesus started to go through the process of his body dematerializing into the light body sequence and he left the Earth. The bright glow from the rays of spirituality left behind an imprint of Jesus's body in the shroud of Turin, the lights were strong in their vibrational frequencies and that can leave a body shadow of someone’s image likeness on material like a transference of sorts in silhouette form.
This process was like becoming one with the sands of time when the physical body has ascended into the etheric realms of different cosmic realities, existing on the higher dimensional universal points of being.
A few days before seeing this vision I was dreaming about the ascension process of how the physical body transitions into its light body. This was the story that was told to me.
Bones of my body, flesh of my body, Clear and release, what is no longer needed, Becoming purest of light, as the sands of time, Let go of the denseness that is holding you back, Freeing the soul to wander the stars, Returning to clarity and the space beyond, Where destiny awaits your eternal embrace, Soar high on the world breezes, Let the air take you to newfound places, Body and soul free to be what they are meant to shine, The light being bright from up high in the sky, On the eternal road of our ascension, Spanning the various dimensions, Where destiny awaits your eternal embrace, Your truest surviving face of the ages, On the new path of your life pages.