Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Holographic Technology

The Andromeda Council and other ET Federations have holographic technology that can replicate furniture, living spaces, food, ships, body parts, etc.
This technology can create virtually anything that is needed for human life and daily living needs on ships and planets.
In this image there is a holographic projector that is creating a living computer intelligence that is sentient and capable of thinking and interacting with human beings.

The holographic technology uses natural source energy from the universe to create various things that are made in the replicators like say for example instead of using electricity to power the replicators the vibrational energy fields created by the cosmic web, or a sun power the replicators. As well there are holographic emitters that can create different environments in a space setting like a jungle, oceans, forests, etc. that are living environments for people to inhabit on space ships and biosphere planetoids traveling out in space. Even living animals can be genetically replicated.

Holographic Replicator, this technology can create clothing, furniture, ships, body parts, living spaces, and virtually anything that exists in physical realities.

Holographic replicator to create body parts for surgeries. The replicator is programmed with DNA sequencing that creates the body parts associated with an ET races specific genetic blueprint.

Holographic Replicator that creates ships for deep space travel. It takes ten to twenty of the mini-replicators to be stationed in a circular shape in order to creator a large space ship. The replicators have programmed schematics that are input into the system in order to create specific shapes and sizes for the ships.

A living space with furniture and rooms that was created with holographic replicator technology, the replicator created both the rooms and the furniture that went into this home space. Replicators can create various structures for homes and other environments.

This is wearable holographic interactive modules that allow people to see events happening in real time anywhere in the cosmos, it is like watching a live event happening right now. These holographic modules allow in person conferences and calls to go through no matter in which part of space beings are in, distance is not an issue as these communication devices allow virtual interaction even deep out in space.
Virtual information can be accessed through the wearable holographic interactive modules as they are like mini computers storing lots of universal data on all types of subjects.

To see the full version of Our Futuristic Technology presentation please click on the above PDF file to get more details and clear information.