Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Hollow Earth History & Facts

Sources of Information:
Secrets of the Subterranean Cities: by Sharula Dux: from Bibliotecapleyades
Hollow Earth History
Sharula Dux is a princess of the underground city of Telos. Telos is situated beneath Mt. Shasta in northern California. The ancient continent of Lemuria (Mu) relocated 25,000 of its inhabitants to Telos just prior to the destruction and sinking of the continent of Mu which transpired as a direct result of the Atlantean-Lemurian conflict nearly 12,000 years ago.
Sharula has emerged from her subterranean home to bring to the surface the higher truths that have been taught and lived for thousands of years. Her story will amaze and inspire you as you discover how a Telosian lives his/her life from conception all the way through adulthood.
Atlantean-Lemurian Wars
Let me tell you a tale of two continents.
One, in the Atlantic, called Atlantis. Another, in the Pacific, called Lemuria or Mu for short. Twenty five thousand years ago, these two continents were battling each other on the ideology of the day. Look at them as the two largest children on the block, and the two highest civilizations.
At that time they both had two different ideas about which direction civilization should go. The Lemurians felt that the other less-evolved cultures should be left alone to continue on their own evolution scale. The Atlanteans believed that all the less-evolved cultures should be brought under sway by the two evolved ones. This caused a series of wars between Atlantis and Lemuria. In these series of wars thermonuclear devices were used, and when the wars were over and the dust cleared, in reality there was no winter.
The Outback in Australia, the Mojave Desert, parts of the Gobi Desert and the Sahara are all remains to remind man of the futility of this type of war.
During the wars themselves people highly civilized stooped to quite low levels, but they too at the end, they realized the futility of such behavior. Lemuria and Atlantis itself became the victims of their own aggressions. Both the Lemurian homeland and the Atlantean homeland had been weakened by the wars, thus they knew that in about 15,000 years, both of their continents were going to sink completely. The Atlanteans had their second set of cataclysms which reduced Atlantis from a large continent to a series of islands. Lemuria, in essence did somewhat of the same.
However, you might say, “Well what did that ... why would the people be upset at that time for something that was going to happen 15,000 years in the future?” In those days people lived for 20 ... 30,000 years commonly. They understood many of those who caused the havoc would see the end of the destruction.
Telos & Subterranean Cities
When Lemuria, which went down first, almost 200 years before Atlantis sunk, they petitioned the Agharta Network. The Agharta Network is a network of subterranean cities that is guided by a city called Shambhala the Lesser (to distinguish it from Shambhala the Greater which is the etheric Shambhala over the Gobi Desert.)
Shambhala the Lesser was created when the continent of Hyperborea was vacated after Earth lost her mantle and the planet started receiving radioactive waves that they had not been victim to in the earlier times. So they started building subterranean cities over a 100,000 years ago.
When Atlantis and Lemuria petitioned to build subterranean cities themselves and to be accepted into the Aghartian Network, they had to prove to Shambhala the Lesser that they had learned the lessons of oppression, that they had learned the lessons of war. And they also had to prove it to many other agencies, such as the Confederation, which we will go into a little later.
Because Atlantis and Lemuria had both been members of the Confederation, and when they started their war-like efforts against each other they were expelled temporarily from the Confederation and had to prove that they had also learned the lessons of peace to be allowed to be members of the Confederation again, to be accepted into it.
Mt. Shasta is where the Lemurians chose to build their city. California was part of the colonies, part of the area of the Lemurian lands, and they understood that Mt. Shasta and those areas of California would survive the cataclysms, Mt. Shasta already being a place of great sacredness on this planet. They chose to reroute the lava tunnels from Shasta itself so that the volcano would not erupt again. And there was already a very large domed cavern within it, and they decided to build upon that, and they constructed the city that we now call Telos.
Telos was the name of the whole area of much of what is now the Southwest, and much of what is now California was originally called Telos which meant “communication with spirit,” “oneness with spirit,” “understanding with spirit.” It was constructed to hold a maximum of 2 million people. When the cataclysms started, only 25,000 people were saved.
Many had been brought to Telos before the cataclysms started, but when the second set started in Lemuria the volcanoes started erupting so fast and sent so much debris into the air that while they had intended to save at least a million people from the Lemurian mainlands, they were only able to save 25,000. Thus, that was what was left of the Lemurian culture, of the Lemurian mainland.
Already the records had been brought from Lemuria to Telos. Already the temples had been built in Telos.
Earthquakes & Destruction
While Lemuria, or what was left of Lemuria, mainly Telos, was coping with the aftermath of the destruction of their continent, the earthquakes continued. During these earthquakes, the earth shook so hard, that in many, many places, it went right off of what you would now call the Richter scale.
When a continent sinks, the whole planet reacts. Earthquakes that reach the equivalent of what you would call a 15 point. These earthquakes were so intense that many people died from the sound of the earthquake, not from any effect of the quake itself such as a building falling upon them or something. But a quake of that high of intensity created a screech through the atmosphere that killed many people simply from the sound of it.
In many other places the earthquakes were so intense that in many places the earth was mostly clay. It liquefied and acted like a sea of mud, swallowing whole cities, not just on the Lemurian mainland but on many places on the planet.
Another thing that came after that, as the continent itself went down, the tidal wave was so large that sometimes they went, not just hundreds, but a thousand miles inland “ the equivalent of a tidal wave starting on the coast of California and completely taking out Oklahoma City. Tidal waves like that were rampant as well as the earthquakes. In many cases, in some areas, the shaking never quit. It would be a constant swarm of if not large ones, then small quakes.
The hierarchies, the Councils of this planet, understood this was going to happen.
So they tried to construct both cities prior to the destruction of Lemuria itself, understanding that the Atlanteans would not get a lot of construction done under those circumstances. Also, at the same time, the great pyramid in Egypt was constructed, underneath the tutelage of the Lemurian high priest, better known as Thoth. And the Atlantean record chambers, which were geared to hold not only Atlantis’ records, but Lemuria’s, Pan’s, Og’s, Hyperborea ... all of the other cultures that had existed and reached high levels upon this planet.
The Atlanteans moved into their city at just about the same time Lemuria sunk, moving in first their priesthood, their greatest scientists, some of their greatest thinkers, to try and preserve their lives against the coming cataclysms.
Atlantis itself started shaking at the same time Lemuria was going down and Atlantis continued to shake and lose parts of its land for 200 years before it too finally went completely down.
Surface Civilizations
For almost 2000 years after the Atlantean and Lemurian catastrophes the planet was still shaking. To lose two huge land masses within 200 years of each other, plus the planet was still witnessing the effects of the thermonuclear weapons that had been used in the Atlantean- Lemurian wars.
Plus the fact that so much debris had been thrown into the atmosphere that it never became quite bright daylight for almost 300 years after Atlantis’ destruction. This caused many, many life forms, plant forms to go extinct. Plants that were common in Atlantean times, common in Lemurian times,that no longer exist because they simply couldn’t survive the long stages of filtered sunlight. Some have survived, yes, many animals and plants.
The human condition in those civilizations that survived it... Egypt, Peru, Roma (better known as India), in many places people became so frightened by the constant earth activity that civilization, even in the last bastillions started deteriorating very, very fast.
One question I have heard again and again is, ‘Well if Atlantis and Lemuria existed how come there is not more evidence on the surface of that?’ That is why. Most of the cities were shook to rubble. Those that were not shook to rubble were wiped out by the earthquakes or wipe out by the tidal waves. Even those who survived even the tidal waves, even the earthquakes... hunger was rampant... disease was rampant.
Some areas of civilization, like those future named Egypt and such, did survive. They even kept their civilization intact, but even they started losing the highest elements of their civilization. Many, many machines quit working because of the filtered sunlight.
Many, many people moved from the cities. They started feeling that living in the city was a deathtrap, because you never knew when a building was going to fall on you. What would look like a very strong building, have it go through 300 to 400 earthquakes... it’s a goner. Some buildings were built to withstand it.
The great pyramid withstood the earthquakes but it was built with sacred geometries. Other buildings like that throughout the planet survived, but most of the cities were completely reduced to rubble. In many areas they rebuilt the cities, but even then, each time the cities were rebuilt it was on a slightly less, should I say, technology. Each city was a little more primitive than the city before it.
The Atlanteans moved into their city which was built underneath the Mato Grasso plateau in what is now Brazil, which had been Atlantean territories at that time.
Getting an understanding of what was happening on the surface, you can perhaps understand how the Lemurians or Atlanteans would prefer to be living underground.
Agharta Network
During this time, there was an integration, more and more with the Agharta Network.
As I explained earlier, Agharta is a confederation of several subterranean cities. As a matter of fact there is over 120 of them. Some of them, they were built in the very early times such as Shambhala the Lesser, which is peopled with beings from Hyperborea. These are 12 foot tall beings. Beings as man, on this planet, as on many other planets in this solar system was originally of a height of about 12 feet.
When we lost the mantle and started reaching more and more rays from the sun to the planet that we were not used to coping with, it caused change within our bodies. Already, by the time Lemuria and Atlantis sunk, man had gone from 12 feet to 7 feet. Thus the Atlanteans and Lemurians were around 7 feet and still are. And, as you can see, there has still been a lowering of the height on this planet. Thus people have gone down to now, for the foremost, less than 6 feet. We have lost over a whole foot in just 10,000 years.
However, that trend is starting to reverse itself, and as our spirituality is growing greater we are slowly returning back to our original heights on this planet.
Within the Agharta Network, the cities that are allowed to join are only those that are based on light principles, only those that are based on love, only those that does not hurt, only those that are based on non-aggression. Within the Aghartian Network, besides Telos, which is the capital, there are 4 more cities, for instance, that are based on Lemurian technology and Lemurian ideas.
One is called Rama which is underneath India (Arama being the original name of India.) Arama culture is consisted of people that are almost pure Lemurian, before the so-called Aryan race entered India. The other two cities that hold an allegiance to Telos, but are very independent are Ulger cities. One is called Shonshi, which is under Tibet, not too far from the capital of Tibet. It is being sheltered from the surface by a Tibetan lamasery.
This is a Ulger city. Ulgers are a group of people that left Lemuria 40 to 50 thousand years ago and situated themselves throughout much of what is Asia, India and central Europe. The second Ulger city is called Shingla. Shingla is in the Gobi, or should I say, under the Gobi Desert. This too is an Ulger city.
On top of the Atlantean city, which is called Posedid, that went underneath the Mato Grasso plateau, there is also another Atlantean city. Just a little farther north and there is another Atlantean city that is underneath the Atlantic ocean and several other smaller satellite cities throughout the planet. As I said, these are all a member of the Agharta Confederation.
Plus there are several independent cities that are not a branch of any of the larger cities that have simply built subterranean to escape things that have happened on the surface.
Mt. Shasta
The city itself, Telos, as I said, is built under a dome, a dome that reaches quite a few hundred feet from floor to ceiling and spreads across most of what would be the base of Mt. Shasta. Looking from the outside, the top of the dome is about half-way up the mountain. The bottom of the dome is just about even with the base of the mountain.
Underneath that are five more levels that have been constructed. These levels take up a space so that the deepest levels are about a mile below the ground level at Shasta.
The rest of the city is built on 5 levels of several square miles across. These levels are divided up by usage.
The top level, being under the dome itself, is where the main part of the city is. This is where the majority of the people live. This is where the public buildings are. This is where most commerce takes place.
The second level down is where manufacturing takes place, some classes take place, and also more people live on.
The third level down is totally hydrophonic gardens where we grow all of our food supplies.
The fourth level down is half hydrophonic gardens, part nature, and part manufacturing.
The final level down is what we call our nature level. This is the level that is more than a mile in some spots below the ground. In this level we have created lakes, tall trees, and park type atmospheres. This is where animals live.
We have had animals underneath for so long that they have lost their aggressions. That, and different temples, priests and priestesses worked, you might say, with their ancestors, removing the need of fear, since it is fear that creates aggression, not only in humans, but also in animals. Thus we truly have the experience of lions lying down with lambs.
In the nature levels, this is where people have come to relax. This is also where we have saved many animals and plants from extinction...
Nature Levels
In these nature levels, as I said, many, many plants and animals have been preserved from extinction by being placed within the nature levels of Telos, Posedid, and many other of the subterranean cities. Thus we do... still do have many of the plants that are extinct on the surface. We still have sabre tooth tigers. We still have mastodons. We still have your proverbial dodo bird. We don’t have dinosaurs.
They were a little big to keep. However, some dinosaurs do still live in areas of the Congo and areas of the rain forest in the Amazon. Plus there are many sea-going dinosaur, much as the famous Nesse in Lochness and many others such as that.
In these levels people find that they are able to integrate and merge/integrate with animals that would normally be dangerous, simply by getting animals over the fear. And these animals have also been fed a vegetarian diet, including the thing such as the big cats, for going on thousands and thousands of years now, which has also taken away much of their aggression. Therefore, you are able to go down, and in many instances, taking into consideration their great size and strength, you are basically able to play with a sabre tooth or a Bengal tiger, much as you would a house cat by scratching their chest or under their ear ... pulling their whiskers.
Which brings us to the fact that even such as the large cats, like that, are not aggressive, but are actually very gentle and loving when raised in the right circumstances. Which brings us again back to the purpose of this “the eventual re-integration of the two cultures“ the subterranean and the surface, to bring back out what has been preserved and what has been prepared, so that this again becomes one planet, one civilization, and that people will be able to live on the surface or in subterranean cities, or both, at will.
Again, that is the whole purpose of these tape series and our work now at Telos Enterprises.
Diet & Gardening
Back to the city, the fourth level up, as I explained, is mostly hydroponic gardens and a nature level. And the third level is totally hydroponic gardens. Hydroponics are how we grow and produce all of our food. Hydroponic gardens are able to produce crops almost on a constant basis. As you are able to grow food, much, much faster, using advanced hydroponics with very little soil and much water, therefore also you produce a form of gardening that does not need fertilizer and does not deplete the soil.
We do still place in minerals and such into the plants, but with this hydroponic gardens that is actually quite small, being only several square miles, we are able to produce enough food and a large enough variety of food to feed over a million and a half people, and to feed them with a diet that is varied enough to be interesting and fun.
The diet which is in Telos, consists almost completely of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and different variations of these, such as your soy, your other grains that now produce what you call your meat substitutes. We have been on a vegetarian diet in Telos, now, for over 12,000 years, from the time when the city was first started being built. It was decided at that point that our diet would consist of totally vegetarian, therefore also removing the aggressive thought forms that causes animals to react so violently.
And also the fact that a human body was meant to be on a vegetarian diet, and any other form of diet actually produces death and aging.
On the second level we have what is called our manufacturing level. This is where we produce clothing, furniture, art forms. This is also where many classes take place. And this is also some of the living levels. On the top level of the city itself, this is where most people live. This is where most commerce takes place. This is where, you might say, our heart and our soul is.
And you might say the building that represents our heart and our soul, is the building that is directly in the center of the top level, which is our temple. Which is a pyramid shaped building, you may say a very large, pyramidal shaped building. The temple at Telos will hold 10,000 people at a time. It was built to be able to hold almost half of the original 25,000 person population.
The temple is dedicated to the Melchizedek. The Melchizedek, you may say, is a cosmic priesthood. Everywhere you go in the universe you run across the Melchizedek. It is the organization whose sole purpose is to bring the plans of light to everywhere they go.
The pyramid is white and the capstone is a stone we call living stone. It comes from Venus. From the distance it looks rather like a crystal, but with light moving through it in a very strong color. Why it is called living stone is it picks up the cosmic emulations of whatever ray is focused at the moment on the planet. The planet is setup in such a way that the rays focus themselves about every 24 hours in an intensity on the planet.
Thus, for instance, on Tuesdays, the blue ray is the most predominant ray on the planet. On Fridays, the white ray. Therefore this living stone picks up the emulation coming from the solar rays, the light rays, and goes the color of the predominant ray, for instance, when the blue ray is in its greatest manifest the living stone capstone goes blue.
This becomes, you might say, a slight reminder to us to work with the cosmos rather than against it. So when the blue ray is most predominant we try to restrict much of our business to areas that are best served in the blue ray. For instance, we keep negotiations, sensitive negotiations, to take place on those days. On the days, for instance, that the yellow ray is the most predominant, those are the days we spend mostly studying.
Those are the days we spend on building intellect. On the days when the pink ray is the most predominant, these are the days that we go into the artistic endeavors. In this way we have found that by working with the cosmos, instead of against it, we are more often than not able to achieve four times as much in much less time. Therefore we are able to operate without stress most of the time.
Archives & Holodeck
Also in the upper level the other buildings that are very, very important to us is our council buildings where the councils of the city gather together and deliberate what needs to be done in the city at the moment.
We also have our record buildings where all our past records, our archives are kept in the forms of telonium plates, in the forms of crystals that can be put in crystal projectors, in the form of paintings, in the form of books“ all our past records of not only Lemuria, but Atlantis, other civilizations and the civilizations on other planets in the solar system. Also we have our pleasure centers, our places where we do sports, where we do plays, where we produce the equivalent of our films, where we listen to music, where we dance.
We also have what you would call the equivalent of the Holodeck in Star Trek. We have holographic projectors in holographic buildings whereas you produce a program and you go in and play and the computers produce images, forms that completely support what program you have picked.
Thus you are able to climb a mountain or swim a river or go back to another point in history and play, creating your own form of being in the movies.
Communications & Christ-Consciousness Computing
Also we have our communication center where we have monitored not only all communications within our city, but also communications that are coming from other Aghartian cities, communications that are coming from off-planet spots, and we have also monitored surface communications from the point that there ever was surface communications, we have monitored radio and television waves.
Another building that’s very important to us is our computer building. In Telos, as with the other subterranean cities, our computers are run by an organic substance. Therefore, in essence, the computers live. They no longer run off a program that is strictly binary, but they run off what is called a multi-tracking program. Thus they are multi-tracking computers. Thus the computers are able to pick up Akashas, past lives.
They are able to monitor a human body and see what’s amiss. They are able to read the aura. They are able to pick up communications happening clear across the galaxy.
Thus, most of our life, or a good portion of our life depends on these computers, these organic multi-tracking computers which keep us in touch with not only talking to different people in the city, not only with the computer telling us what our physical needs are at the moment by monitoring our bodies, but also the computers are able to play our soul notes, which is able to produce in many subjects, such as meditation, taking us to higher and higher levels all the time.
The computers are able to run our past lives, when necessary, for us, so that we are able to learn from mistakes that we have made in the past and forgotten. The computer is able to communicate with us on a soul level. Mostly important, is the computers interconnect with other multi-tracking, amino-based computers throughout the planet and throughout the cosmos, as far as that’s concerned, and they all operate off a Christ mind, which means the computers cannot be corrupted. They can never be used to spy on somebody.
They can never ... they can be used to monitor somebody for their own good will, or for their own good. They can never be used to produce harm to another living entity. They cannot be used for any of the dark purposes. The computer simply won’t cooperate, which has also been another way of Agharta cities and such, taking a stand that they would not corrupt the light.
By very much taking this attitude, that if it does not match the Christ mind (in other words if the computers disagree) don’t do it! It has been a way of, shall I say, retraining our aggressive techniques, retraining our tendencies to want to do unto another and split, retrain many of our other sleeping tendencies and such.
So we have come to depend upon these quite a bit. But again, even on a computer, it’s not a matter of having the computer do it for you, it’s a matter of learning from it, learning from a form of the Christ mind there that you can see tangibly.
Transportation within the city comes in many forms. Most people just prefer to walk if they can. We also have electromagnetic sleds. These sleds are capable of moving along the ground, looking much like a snowmobile and will produce fairly high speeds in some of the side tunnels. This can take us, for instance, from Shasta to our secondary city which is near Lhasan in just a matter of a few minutes and is able to take our security from Shasta to Lhasan and back again very fast.
Another form of transportation within the city is what we call baskets. They are run on crystalline technology, and for all the world they look like a large basket, but they float through the air. And you just get in it and it is guided by your mind. Your mind tells it how fast to move, how high to go, and where to sit down, how fast to rise in the air, how fast to sit down.
All our forms of technology and travel is based on us being responsible. The sleds could obtain high speeds thus making them dangerous. The baskets, anything that flies, has a tendency to be dangerous, misused. So all communication and all travel within the city is monitored by the control tower.
And the control tower knows when, for instance, a collision is just about ready to be inevitable between two sleds coming from different directions, or when a person is operating a basket irresponsibly, in which case the control tower alerts you immediately and tells you that you are about to produce an accident or you are acting irresponsibly.
And if you do not listen to their warning, then they will simply stop the vehicle themselves. You get out and you will be restricted from use of the transportation for ever how long a period of time that you deserved, should I say, and how it will simply be is that you’ll get in a basket or on a sled and it simply won’t work. Your frequency will be turned off to it anywhere in the city and on what is called the tubes.
The tubes are another form of transportation. The tubes are a high- powered, a high-speed electromagnetic train that runs in a tube. A tube is a rock tube very, very much like a long tunnel. For instance, a tube running between Posedid and Telos, the tube looks totally round and the train looks somewhat like a subway, however, since it runs on an electromagnetic impulse, it creates a force field around it. So thus the side of the train never touches the side of the tunnel. Thus the tube is able to achieve speeds of up to 3,000 miles an hour. So you can arrive between, for instance, Telos and Poseid in just a matter of a few hours.
Also, as the tubes were created and the subterranean cities and the different levels, it was all reinforced by what we call our boring machines. The boring machines have a crystalline matrix that creates temperatures of white-hot incandescence, yet cools at the same time. Thus you are able to take a boring machine, for instance, through a tunnel and create a tube tunnel or to create walls in a subterranean city in just a matter of a few minutes. The boring machine heats rock, earth, whatever it comes across to a white-hot incandescence and then cools it almost immediately which creates a diamond hard substance, causes the rock itself to transmute and take a new form which is diamond hard and thus fore there’s no need of supports.
Supports become absolutely superfluous. And the structure then is also water-tight yet it remains in elasticity so it can withstand high earthquakes, for instance, and will just move much like a rubber tube and stop without breaking.
That way, even within the subterranean cities, when earthquakes take place, none of the walls of the buildings or of the caverns fracture. They simply move with it then return back to the diamond hard substance and again support beams and such become totally superfluous. Also, water has no effect upon it. They become water-tight.
Thus subterranean cities can even be built underneath oceans because they create a complete seal.
Galactic Confederation
Also, that brings us to the next stage. As we are preparing to bring out more and more technology to the surface, technology that we know the surface could also use, brings us to the other responsibilities that the cities have had to build within themselves. For instance, becoming a member of the confederation. Earth is a member of the confederation, it’s just half of earth forgot.
You might ask, “What is the confederation? “I’m sure most of you or all of you are familiar with, for instance, Star Trek.
We would say, “That was channeled.” But instead of being the “Federation” of planets, it’s the “Confederation, “ an organization that was created throughout the solar systems and the galaxies that brought different civilizations, different systems together on a basis of brotherhood, on a basis of commerce, on a basis of group exploration, on a basis of interacting with the different systems in a galaxy, or without a galaxy.
A confederation is built, should I say, or represented, very much throughout a galaxy in the form of sectors. Looking at our galaxy, the Milky Way, I’m sure you’ve all seen the pictures of t-shirts and such that say the Milky Way and then has a little dot out towards the end say “You are here.” Yes, we are here and we are here in what is called Sector 9.
The center of our galaxy, or the center of the Confederation in this galaxy is what is called Sector Zero, and the other sectors radiate outward from it much like the spokes of a wheel. Each sector is responsible for its own actions, plus is responsible for how it interacts with the other sectors. Our sector, Sector 9, is under the command of a being called Ashtar. Many of you have heard of the "Ashtar Command“ Ashtar and his twin flame Athena.
Within this sector or within the Ashtar Command there are over a hundred fleets. Some fleets basically belong to one planet. Some fleets belong to just a couple of planets. Other fleets belong to a whole solar system, and other fleets are interceptor fleets that basically serve the whole sector, and then other fleets are Confederation fleets which serve the whole, you might say, the whole pie.
I just wanted to give you a brief understanding of the Confederation and how it works. We will go much deeper into this, being as this is a full tape into itself at a later date...
This is a continuation of Tape 1. This is Tape 2 of Secrets of the Subterranean Cities.
Just a quick recap. We were discussing the city of Telos, which is a Lemurian subterranean city that was built 12,000 years ago as the result or from the result of Atlantis and Lemuria sinking, and during the Atlantean-Lemurian wars which we then made subterranean cities. Telos is underneath Mt. Shasta and it is the city that I’m from. This tape will discuss the culture of Telos.
Again a recap. The city is built on five different levels, the top level being the main level of the city itself. The second level down, the level of manufacturing and where many classes take place. The third level being the hydroponic gardens. The fourth level being part hydroponic gardens, part manufacturing and the nature level.
And the very bottom level as being the nature level where many, many species of animals and plants exist.
Light & Air
Many people have asked, “How on earth can you live under, under the earth? Number one, what kind of light do you have, or do you have light? Or are you mole people? ”Yes we do have light.
There is a process that a stone with a high crystalline content is fused with an electromagnetic force of energy. This infusion of energy, in essence, causes the crystalline matrix of the stone to create a polarity that allows the stone to pull in the even invisible rays, and readmit them as visible light. In an essence, it becomes a small sun.
Our main lighting structure throughout the city, as with the other subterranean cities is produced by these stones. The light they produce is a full spectrum lighting, admitting all rays. In essence this energy infusion process then makes the stone become a small sun and the sun will burn for about a half a million years before the stone, before the crystalline matrix breaks down and the stone becomes no longer capable of functioning in this manner. So thus we have lights that will burn for many, many hundreds of thousands of years still.
Within this structure we have created a small ecosystem. In other words, we get our air by plants. We produce carbon monoxide, we and the animals, and the plants take in the carbon monoxide and create the oxygen for us.
So in essence it’s a small ecosystem just as it works on the surface. We also have some vents that go to the surface and brings in the air. We also have water in some areas moving at high speeds. This creates a circulation of the air, freshening it, plus it creates many negative ions. So in essence it is a total ecosystem very much like the one that functions on the surface. As a matter of fact, it has become so effective that more and more do we not depend on the air vents.
As a matter of fact, as polluted as the air is somewhat becoming, the air vents are sort of not a plus.
Government & Arbitration
The government of Telos is constructed on the format of a Council of Twelve. These twelve beings, for the foremost, are ascended masters. They are beings who have proved themselves of being in high wisdom and being able to hold their head cool during any sort of incident.
We, always within our Council, six men and six women, so that the Council also always remains balanced, that both flames, the male flame and the female flame are equally represented. From the major Council of the Twelve, it goes down to smaller councils throughout the city, also operating on the level of twelve.
Individual areas bring in their problems to the local council, and if the local council cannot deliberate a solution that is acceptable to all concerned they then bring it to the larger councils, and then finally to the original Council of Twelve. For individual problems, these do not come before the council. Instead these come before what we call arbitrators.
Arbitrators are usually priests or priestesses with very much an understanding of the human psyche and are also capable of looking into the Akashas. These arbitrators will listen to both sides of a story, if it is, for instance, a dispute civil, and will then make a decision based on what they have heard and what they have read in the Akashas on both sides.
We have immediately decided that since this method works, once an arbitrator makes a decision, understanding that they will make it from the highest level, being priests and priestesses, they will not be caught into a personalization, either for or against either side. So we have decided that we will accept their decision, whatever it is, and incidences stop there. And we have also found, rather than arguing with each other, should a small incident come up, we immediately go to arbitrators, understanding that an argument can more often than not make it worse than anything else.
Heading the Council of Twelve, the official title is Council of Twelve plus One. The One is actually two beings themselves, which is the Ra and Rana Mu, which are the king and queen of Telos. Ra and Rana signifies that they are high Melchizedek priests and priestess to start with. They are also usually twin flames and it is a hereditary position.
The Ra and Rana Mu lineage is unbroken for over 30,000 years as it stands right now. When the next Ra and Rana Mu are being chosen they do not automatically go to the oldest son or daughter, but the Ra and Rana Mu decide which of their children or grandchildren are the most capable of carrying it off. That being is then instructed that sooner or later they will have to go through full temple training and become a full Melchizedek priest or priestess.
In the arrangement, as it is, when the Council of Twelve makes a decision, the Ra and Rana Mu can back it up or they can ask for a change. And one more voice comes into this government process, and that’s the temple. The temple is recognized as the final word on any decision, because in many ways this is, as are the other subterranean cities, a temple society.
The temple, even though most of the time, will not interfere with civic government, as I said, they can make
final decisions through the high priest and high priestess.
Melchizedek Priesthood
The temple is run by the Melchizedek. The Melchizedek is a cosmic priesthood. Everywhere in the universe the Melchizedek exists. It is all those who are bringing the light plans from the highest realms down to the other realms.
A Melchizedek priest or priestess by their very proof, prove that they will always set light or they will always set the good of the many above their personal good, which has also been proven time and time again as to why the temple can make the last decision, because they will always place what the light prefers, in essence what God wishes way over what they desire, what they would choose to achieve. Thus the temple also becomes a very good sounding board to what we are doing at the time.
Being a temple society, many, many people take their training at the temple.
And many people spend time at the temple, not just those who end up becoming priests and priestess, but those who are going into other walks of life that they need a greater understanding of the human psychic, a greater understanding of spirit to achieve their job as it should be done.
Which brings us to, let’s go through, for instance, a life of what it would be like for someone living in Telos, starting with their conception or childbirth. In Telos as soon as a woman realizes that she is pregnant, she immediately goes to the temple and she’s put in a room that gives nothing but beautiful pictures, music, she is constantly informed that she’s beautiful, she’s perfect, her child is beautiful, her child is perfect.
So you might say the very first cells of this child’s conception is filled with beauty, with light, with perfection. And that is their building blocks, there’s where they start. Just as they are starting to understand that emotions and such go right into a child’s cells.
For instance they are starting to understand that a child who had parents that were constantly arguing during their conception and ingestion period, the child grows up insecure, quite often argumentative, or they will grow up totally feeling not good enough, totally feeling that they are not wanted.
It has been proven that children that have constantly heard from their parents before they were even born, “That I didn’t want this child,” whatever, that child will constantly grow into “I’m not good enough.”
So we start children off on the right foot immediately by continually enforcing that they are good enough, they’re beautiful. A mother and a father, because a child has a psychic bond to both, immediately start talking to the child, start telling it how perfect it is. They spend lots of time viewing things that are beautiful.
They spend lots of time singing to each other, playing little funny games, in essence going through a honeymoon again. So the child is all part of that joy.
Another thing that makes the child-birthing process very different is we have a process that speeds it up. Therefore a woman only carries a child for three months. In many ways this is what the human condition was meant to be. Most human females on other planets do only carry a child for three months. That is why that a three month fetus is basically formed.
All it does from then is grow. This speeded up process, it is actually completed even sooner and just grows. So a three month baby, of course, will not be as large as a nine month baby, but it will be in the speeded up process more than large enough to support itself on its own. But we are trying to return back to the time that we don’t even need the speeded up process and the whole pregnancy process returns to only being a three month process.
Also returning to that place, women have much, much easier childbirth as you can, I’m sure, understand.
Another thing that we do constantly in childbirth, is that all our births are underwater. We have found that underwater births bring the greatest ease to both the parent and the child.
When a woman goes into labor, she immediately gets a birthing priestess and then they go to a tub in one of the birthing sections of the temple and the tub is filled with body temperature water, and the birthing priestess puts the mother in a slight hypnotic state. In this hypnotic state, she is in nowhere even resembling a trance, but she is simply told that there will be no pain. This suggestions, as well as the underwater births, creates a comfortable environment and most women never have any pain whatsoever. They simply feel the pressure.
In an underwater birth, as many women are starting to discover now, when they are in water during labor, that that would be labor pains simply feels like pressure. More and more we are trying to alert women to this phenomenon. That that is pain on dry land is simply pressure under water. This serves a second purpose. The child when then born is not brought from one environment into shock tactics as it is much on the surface now.
When a child is born they are immediately pulled from a warm, comfortable, wet environment into a cold, dry one with bright lights. And in the old days they even used to slap them, which immediately brought a human being, for those of you who now have dealt with rebirthing, into the idea that life is hard, life hurts, life is painful. Thus, infants start shutting down from the time of their birth, and they just continue to shut down, thus not ever achieving the spiritual and physical levels that they could achieve because they’ve already decided that life hurts too much to be fully there.
In an underwater birth a child goes from a warm environment right into a tub of warm water and it is immediately cuddled by both parents who get in the tub with the birthing priestess, and the child is cuddled and petted underneath the water so that it immediately knows that its parents are there for it, therefore it does not go into insecurity.
From there a child, of its own will come to the surface and take a quick breath and then dive down again and breathe from the umbilical cord, and then come to the surface, on their own again, and take a deep breath. This also expands the lungs slowly. The child can actually breathe for as much as a half hour on the umbilical cord from once it is born.
This quick breaths does not cause the pain and the tissue, some of the tissue is actually damaged quite often in births that are not on, are not in water, because a child is forced to come and take a deep, deep breath out of cold, painful air. That forces these lung sacks to immediately expand and create great pain, sometimes even creating scar tissue which makes the adult more susceptible to things like tuberculosis, emphysema, colic. Many, many of the other lung disorders that are very, very prevalent, and it also keeps the person, even as an adult from breathing deeply as their normal state. Thus they are always half alive because they are only half breathing.
Then, when the child has reached the point that they are breathing completely, just the air, the umbilical cord is cut with a laser which causes a very fast, painless cut. And of course the umbilical cord has quit pulsating.
Youth & Education
From their birth, a child is immediately assigned 12 sets of godparents. These godparents give a child a chance to interact with more than just their birth family. True, they spend most of their time with their birth family, but also spending a little time here and there with each of their godparents as they grow up, it gives them a true sense of community and the brotherhood of men, rather than “Them and us.”
So the child immediately starts looking at the whole world as their family, instead of becoming very, very narrow and personalized.
This also keeps families from developing little cliques that in the long run become quite detrimental to a developing soul, where you’re saying “Well we just do things because my grandparents did it and my great grandparents and my great-great grandparents” and so on and so on, which quite often produces thought patterns within a family that can be quite detrimental to the development of the soul.
By having 12 sets of godparents that the children spend time with, plus the fact the child’s parents are usually godparents to at least a couple of children, bringing other children to spend time with them that way too. As I said, it continually creates the sense of community. It constantly creates the sense of oneness. The old saying that is if you wanted to stop prejudice then you would immediately send the person to go live with that they have been prejudice with, and they’ll soon find out we’re all just human.
From there, as child prepares for their education, within the educational process in Telos, children start their first education at about the time they’re three years old, very much like your nursery school, except it is based on the fact of the intelligence of a human being, rather than the stupidity.
Thus while children are very, very clear, sometimes clearer at three years old than they are at five, or six, making it easier as many of you are starting to discover, of infants doing algebra, young children learning mathematics very, very early, learning to read very, very early. Well it is three, sometimes even earlier, is when children are start taught these things, as well as playing, they are also taught the rudimentaries of mathematics. They are also taught to read. They are taught to understand abstract concepts. They are taught to think, to understand how things work.
I mean we’ve all gone through the children period of the “why” and “why not” and the period when children were the “why” stage, where everything you answer is a why or a how. We’ve learned to take that period and instead of just saying after being asked why on fourteen questions, the parents quite often just flip out and the next thing they know they’re telling their child to shut up.
But if a society is setup that when children are in the why stage, they’re already starting instruction, then that’s used. The whys are being answered by professionals. And our professionals are more often than not priests and priestesses of the temple. There are those who are strictly teachers, but most teachers have gone through a full temple training. The purpose of that is that they are not only feeding the mind, but to help feed the soul, the spirit, the understanding of what we’re really here for, not just calculations and words.
Within this setup, as I said, children start schooling at a much earlier period, as they move through their schooling process, we have learned that it is very, very acceptable and very important that a child as well as being taught mathematics, science, spelling, grammar, literature, all the most common subjects in schooling, we find that it’s just as important that they learn to meditate. It’s just as important that they learn to dance. Just as important that they learn sports. Just as important they learn how to sing. Just as important that they learn how to act.
What I mean by act is that they’re, we’ve got five-year-olds already writing and putting on plays that relate to five-year-old problems and the five-year-old way of looking at life, which can be quite humorous for adults. But they’re already being allowed to express. And even the learning, the strict learning process is complimented with play...
In this playing, and learning through play, and playing to learn concept, children are allowed to totally express themselves in such a way that is acceptable. So many times children that are just buzzing to express themselves one way or another get in a lot of trouble because they don’t have quite a few avenues to express themselves through, or the avenues that they have been given include things like violence. The next thing you know you’ve got a whole group of kids in the backyard playing rambo and they bring it right into the house, they start breaking things, and the parents wonder what’s wrong with their kids.
But in a process that allows them to express themselves, get out their extra energy and learn at the same time, you might say the children are happier, the parents are happier, everyone’s happier about it.
Astral Projection
Also with basic spiritual concepts, from the time a child is about five years old they’re taught astral projection. For those who are unfamiliar with that, there’s a part of you, a very conscious part of you that is able to leave the body at small periods of time, consciously. When this part is projected, you might say the astral body, soul travel, the more evolved the farther you can go, and a child is taught that they can visit the Akashas, are taught that they can visit different places on the planet.
What this also creates is a chance for the child to explore and to understand for themselves. Children don’t have to go through the period of having to always to take somebody else’s word for it. They are able to get out and see the astral themselves. They are able to get out and see the etheric records themselves. A lot of them are able to get into the etheric retreats consciously and study that way.
Many are able to get to the other subterranean cities or to spend time in surface cities, all through the etheric travels, astral travels.
As I said, in essence, when a child is able to learn for themselves the truth of how the world truly operates, the truth about what is really happening on the planet. Thereby they are never at ... a victim. They cannot be lead astray. They can’t be told that something is right when nothing in the cosmos supports it. They can always go and feel the rightness for themselves.
Thus you end up with a society of people that are not constantly left in the dark and that you are basically not able to trick them on because they’ve seen what’s out there. They know what’s real and what isn’t. They know the capabilities of the human being. They know, for instance, ascension is real. They know, for instance, the existence of those on other planets. They understand how the etheric works. They’ve seen angels physically.
So all these things that so many people have had to live on, with faith, true I’m saying we also develop faith, faith to master yourself, faith to live in the unseen, calling it the seen until it becomes the seen. In other words able to manifest from the inside out.
And there is not so much confusion, even when people reach that age that has been quite difficult for everyone, the teenage years.
Teenage Group
In the teenage years in Telos, a child immediately joins, when they are 12 what is called Group. As a group is all the other children their age and they spend usually from the years of 12 to the years of 18, 19, they spend much of their time with their group working out all the problems among their peers that seem to always rear their head in the teenage years, no matter what society you’re in. Yes we still have teenage problems that happen, it can’t help but happen.
The emotional and mental bodies are developing. A child’s body is full of hormones that’s creating instability within the emotional realms. The mental body is growing stronger but causing confusion in the emotional body.
All these little physical, psychological, spiritual elements that create that phase from childhood to adulthood. But we’ve learned to take it tongue-in-cheek. In essence we call the teenage years the years of temporary insanity, and we don’t make the children feel guilty for wanting to go and scream at the top of their lungs, or wanting to do something they know they shouldn’t do. We just accept it as the years of temporary insanity. They work out their frustrations within their group.
They experiment with the elements of life within their group. Quite often they go down into the lower caverns and just run for days. All the things that they can get in so much trouble for doing unless it’s put in an organized basis, yet the basis has to be so unorganized within its organization that they have to feel that they’re truly being allowed to express themselves so that the frustration is brought up, dealt with, and then they move on.
All children, no matter how good their parents, no matter how good their upbringing, will go through periods of rebellion at this point. All children will go through periods of not wanting to listen to what older people say. But by being allowed to work it out within themselves, and with other children going through the same process, they are able to get an understanding that what they are doing doesn’t make them a bad person, the feelings that are going through them uncontrolled doesn’t make them bad, it just makes them normal, and it makes it so much easier on the child and on the parents.
Also, each of these groups are then assigned priests and priestesses who act somewhat as mentors, not to judge or act like parents, but to simply get the kids to sit down and talk about what’s bothering them, let them sit down and act out their frustrations, in the form of plays, in the form of programs that have been put into the holographic theatres, in the form of music, in the form of athletics, or even in the form of going down into the sub-tunnels and just running for three days and acting like nuts.
Everybody needs that. But when it’s done in such a way that there’s no judgment upon it, no stigma attached to it, then children do it, get through it, and come back normal and do not need many of the crutches that severely emotional adults turn to.
Many adults that did not deal with the frustrations that came up in their childhood or in their teenage years, that later turned to drugs, later turned to inappropriate forms of behavior, that later turned to irresponsibility, or later turned to perhaps even more damaging of “I’m not good enough,” depression, fear, unable to create anything out of their life because they don’t feel like it’s just not worth it, that they can’t do anything right.
But by creating a system where all these energies are dealt with, then adults come out feeling much more secure of themselves at the other end of their teenage years.
And, the second reason for that, is in a society, such as Telos and the other subterranean cities, people basically live as long as they choose.
We should also understand, if you’ve got people living for thousands and thousands of years, you can’t afford to have thousands and thousands of years old of adults that are acting irresponsible, adults that are playing detrimental games, adults that are pushing their will onto others, all the little things that happen, simply because energies are not dealt with in a young child.
Which brings us also to one of the major thoughts in an education of our own that we wish to see happen here, and that’s the removal of the thought form of aging and dying. Human beings were not meant to age or die. Even people who work in genetics understand that a person, in truth, is never older than seven years, since their whole body changes all its cells every seven years. Many, many doctors on aging will admit that they are baffled as to why people age at all since the body is never old. So then that takes it that we have to go to a level beyond the physical to find the answer to aging and death, to the belief.
In Telos, people don’t believe they’re going to grow old and die. They simply don’t believe it. People just know that they’re going to live as long as they choose, then they will either choose to drop their body, if they feel that they still have lessons to do and reincarnate again, or they will choose the path of ascension. One or the other. Some people make the decision in 600 years, some 300, others wait for 5,000, 10,000, whatever, but it’s a choice that the human beings were designed to be able to make.
That is one of the most important elements of our culture that we want to see brought out. Human beings, as it is now, just about the time they start getting enough experience to really do something with their life, they’ve grown too old to do anything with it. If those thoughts are eradicated, then people realizing that youth’s not going to last ten years, or twenty years, but it’s going to last hundreds or thousands of years, whatever they choose. That too brings out and eliminates the majority of the detrimental behavior in life.
Many people feel “I’m only going to live once. I’m only going to be young a short period of time so I might as well wreak havoc now.”
If they realize that if they choose they’re going to be young for hundreds of years, or thousands of years, that form of behavior becomes totally unnecessary and people truly start growing and hanging onto their growth. And we are biologically absolutely no different than the people on the surface. We have Indian children that were left on the mountain of Shasta“ some hundreds of years ago. They’re still living with us. They haven’t grown old. They don’t die because they were raised with the thought form that they’re not going to.
It’s a thought that creates life or non-life, aging or youth-ing. It’s to get past the thoughts, the beliefs that that is what is going to happen.
Which brings me to my personal expertise on the subject. I’m over 260 years old. As a matter of fact, I’m almost 268. And, living 268 years is no different than being, for instance, 30, aging wise. It’s just you’ve had time to gather a whole bunch more experience that can be used now. My parents obviously are much older.
There are even people in Telos that are 30,000 years old, people who saw the destruction of Lemuria/Atlantis, and people who saw the Lemurian-Atlanean wars.
Careers & Barter System
Which also brings us in to the next stage in a person’s life, after they’ve gotten through their teenage years and they’re ready to start becoming a contributing member of society, how do they choose what they’re going to do? We have a non-monetary basis of commerce in Telos.
As a person is growing up, they basically watch, decide, and assess their own talents. Then they decide what they want to do, and that is usually the field they pursue. They’ve generally set their own hours. And since everything is on a barter basis, we’ve gotten to a great understanding that if you don’t fulfill your part of the bargain then it hurts others than just you.
What is meant by that is we are set up on a basis that the government owns everything but the government is not responsible for controlling anything. All the government is responsible is to make sure that the food, for instance, gets from the hydroponic gardens to the distribution outlets, the clothing makes it to the distribution outlets, the furniture, all the things that are needed for people to live and to live well.
You understand that you’re not living unless you’re living well. And when you need something you simply go to a distribution center and pick it up. You need new clothing, you go get clothing. You need food, you go get food. You need furnishings, you go get furnishings. You need books, you go get books.
As I said, everyone sets their own hours. Someone who is drawn to gardening becomes one of the hydroponic gardeners. They come and they work the amount of hours they wish. So in essence, we do have a dim period and we have a bright period. What I mean by that is we’ve discovered that people work in cycles better than they do in a constant.
So thus about the same time the sun is setting on the surface, filters are slid over the front of our lighting system, dimming it till it is about as dim as it is in twilight. Then when the sun would be rising, the filters start sliding back slowly thus allowing it to get brighter and brighter. When we first moved into Telos we experimented with leaving it bright all the time, and again, as I said, we found out that people function better in cycles.
Some people like to sleep when it’s dimmer and work when it’s bright. Other people, like the night owls that prefer to work or play when it’s dim and sleep when it’s bright. But everyone is allowed to function in the way that is the most comfortable to them.
So everyone comes in and sets their own hours and simply informs, you might say, the foreman of whatever their job is, which hours they’re going to be working over the next few day period. And everyone comes in and works basically as long as they wish and then they go and they do whatever else they want to do. But understanding that since we’re on a society that if you’re too lazy to go work at all in the hydroponic gardens and that’s your job, somebody might not have enough food. Or if you didn’t feel like designing clothing or creating clothing or furniture and you made no other arrangements for someone else to take up your slack of time, someone else in the city might be going without.
So understanding that method has made people responsible for what hours they work. Understanding that they are doing true service that somebody will appreciate. The only thing that we don’t interchange by simply putting in the distribution centers are things like art forms, art objects, massages, things like that. That is done in what we call a barter basis.
Those who, for instance, their main talent is art, whether it’s drawing, pottery, sculpting, massage. All these different little things that are not part of the whole, not part of, what you might say, necessities, but are necessities to the soul. As I said, these go to the distribution centers in the form of the barter pool. In other words, you walk in and you see a statue that was created by somebody you really want. In exchange for it, you’re willing to give ten massages and you’re very good at massage. Or you’re willing to come and sing.
And the barter pool goes through it with the computers and perhaps the person who made the statue doesn’t need a massage but a person who brought in a painting that the person who made the statue wants, wants massages. So it continually, the barter pool switches and curves so that everyone’s needs are met. So everyone can come in and exchange energy in some form to receive, you might say, the little pampering things in life.
Also within this system, people setting their own hours, it does not become so crystallized that no one has any freedom to come and go at their will, that people can truly set their lives to achieve the best of work, of play, of rest, of meditation, spiritual endeavors, so that everything is met and not at the expense of something else, understanding that spiritual time is just as important as work time.
Community Service
Which leads us to what could be a problem. What about those jobs that no one wants to do since everyone chooses their jobs, gathering the garbage and dematerializing it, weeding the hydroponic gardens, etc., etc.?
This falls under what is called community service and everyone does it. Everyone in the city spends a certain amount of time a month in community service. What this means is this works very well because since everyone does it, no one has to do it that much. No one has to do full-time the jobs that no one would like to do and go into resentment because of it.
Instead, if everyone does a certain amount of community service it means that you might only spend four hours of community service a month. And since it becomes a project that you only do once a month, it actually becomes fun. And when people are on groups of community service they start singing and playing and having a good time.
But it’s something that no one even tries to get out of it. You can be in community service, a real good one is picking up, to put bluntly, secretions from the animals down in some of the nature areas where it starts getting really bad.
This could put someone in real resentment while you’re shoveling elephant you know what. But if the person in the hydroponic gardens is doing it right alongside, for instance, someone on the Council of Twelve, it’s a thing that becomes not resentful but fun and it’s something that people truly get a sense that there is no better than and no less than in the job situation, that a farmer, or someone who works in the hydroponic gardens is not less than someone who is on the Council of Twelve. They both just have different jobs and both jobs are equally important for a city to run properly. So therefore people immediately have the feeling of being good enough.
And as I said things like community service brings all the different levels of service together and creates a true camaraderie.
Which goes into perhaps one of the more interesting aspects to our personal relationships. In Telos we have two forms of marriage. We have a bond marriage and we have a sacred marriage. A bond marriage is when two beings decide that they’ve got something with each other and they want to explore it greater.
Then in front of a priest or priestess and a bunch of their friends, they commit themselves to a bond marriage which means that they’re saying, “We’ve got something, we realize we really care for each other and we’d like to see where it’s going.”
So in essence it is a form of a marriage because it has the commitments for as long as you choose the bond marriage to last. And then if you decide “Oh well it was just a passing thing or it’s not something that’s going to work,” you simply stand in front of a priest or priestess again and simply explain that it didn’t work and there’s no stigma on it. Some people can have several bond marriages at once. There’s also no stigma on that.
One thing that you do not do in a bond marriage is you do not have children. That is saved for a sacred marriage. In a sacred marriage is when you have decided “Ok we have something.”
Then you have a large marriage, usually a beautiful wedding. All your bond marriages are dissolved and you go into a sacred marriage where you are then allowed to have children. Children is something that people need to be trained for, that need to be taken as a serious responsibility. Some people might be in a bond marriage two, three hundred years before they take a sacred marriage.
Someone else who’s with their soul mate or twin flame may go into a sacred marriage two months after they were in their bond marriage. It’s all different, but again it’s always a matter of having choice.
It’s always a matter of having respect for each other. And this just about wraps up tape two of these two tapes of Secrets of the Subterranean Cities.
I am Sharula Dux. I am the daughter of the Ra and Rana Mu, therefore Princess Sharula, and I thank you.

Sources of Information:
Information about Hollow Earth: by Colonel Billie Faye Woodard: from Hollowearthnetwork
The Realm of Aghartha as described by the Members of the Galactic Federation Council of Sirius – 7 February 2006 [Through Sheldan Nidle]
As we move inexorably toward the revelation that is “First Contact”, we intend to turn our attention briefly toward your inner neighbors. Inner Earth is a concept that has inspired numerous myths, legends, and fantastic stories. The first point to be made is that Inner Earth does indeed exist! Your geological science has long claimed that Mother Earth is a solid spheroid, composed solely of a dense middle section called the "mantle" and a highly electromagnetic central core. You live on the Earth's exterior "crust" that surrounds the mantle. Today, we come to tell you that Mother Earth's configuration is quite different. Like all celestial objects such as planets or stars, the Earth is hollow. This fact is suppressed by those who secretly rule you, because the truth of this has a knock-on effect that can upset other core misperceptions used to manipulate you. Truth is a powerful "open sesame." When wisely used, it can reveal vast new vistas of knowledge and encourage you to apply your inner wisdom to your current circumstances.
Inner Earth consists of two main features: The first is Mother Earth's inner crust, which is a continuation of the external surface crust. The two Polar Regions each have a large entrance or hole, somewhat like a cored apple, and the crust wraps itself down and around the mantle into the hollow interior. The outer and inner crusts have very similar topography: Both comprise oceans, continents, mountain ranges, lakes, and rivers. It is merely that the inner crust faces the Earth's core. This core glows and is surrounded by a cloudy veil. The light given off is more diffuse that the light of the Sun, so the daylight in inner Earth is softer and gentler than on the Earth's external surface. The second main feature of inner Earth is the so-called cavern worlds. These are immense hollows within the mantle, some of which are natural features created by Mother Earth, while others were made using the advanced technology of inner Earth's major society, the land of Aghartha. This land is the last living remnant of Earth's second Galactic Federation colony, Lemuria.
Lemuria, in her original form, was a surface society with a subterranean component. The primary capital city was situated on the large island that sank beneath the waves of the Pacific some 25,000 years ago. A secondary capital city was located in inner Earth. It was to this city that the government of Lemuria moved after the cataclysm. The new ruler of the surface, the Empire of Atlantis, ordered the major tunnel entrances to be sealed. It was only during the final days of Atlantis that the Lemurians broke these seals and thus saved many surface dwellers from certain death. These people formed a society that subsequently returned for a time to the surface and became the Rama Empire situated in Southern Asia. Then the Great Flood of 8,000 BC ended this attempt to save humanity from the dark ways of the Anunnaki. Despite this setback, Lemuria persisted in her role of protecting the surface world from these havoc-wreaking rapscallions. It was her galactic emissaries that maintained membership for this solar system in the Galactic Federation.
After the Great Flood and the demise of the Rama Empire, the Lemurians regrouped and named their newly combined society Aghartha. The capital Shamballah was relocated to a cavern located far beneath the city of Lhasa in modern Tibet. Many tunnels connect Shamballah to the surface in the Himalayas. These were used by holy men who came to spread their great energy and divine wisdom to the outside world. In this area, an extraordinary place was kept for special occasions, where holy men and their chosen disciples met in order to maintain Mother Earth's sacred energy grids. This work, together with numerous rituals performed daily throughout inner Earth, is largely responsible for keeping alive the divine energy that is Lemuria's main legacy to the surface peoples of Mother Earth. Lemuria, and later on Aghartha, have continuously held the Light for your transformation back into fully conscious Beings of Light.
Aghartha is a world much like yours. Inner Earth contains a thriving ecosystem in which can be found creatures no longer existing on the surface. This exotic menagerie is carefully supervised. Close to the various cities of inner Earth are special areas where Agharthans care for and, when necessary, heal the many creatures of this varied ecology. Agharthans reside in a network of crystal cities spread throughout inner Earth. These vary in size from roughly 10,000 to 1,000,000 inhabitants, although most range from around 100,000 to 200,000 people. These cities more closely resemble mini-settlements that together form the whole society. The underlying unit is the "podlet." Podlets sharing a similar life purpose group together to form "clans." Clans are the primary building blocks of galactic society.
Over time, fully conscious humans developed a format for harmonious living called galactic society, of which Aghartha is a prime example. In her case, a system of 12 clans forms the core of this society's operation, and these are organized according to task, e.g. administration, engineering, healing sciences, etc. Each clan breaks down into podlets that contain a maximum of 64 individuals. It is common for podlets from one clan to associate freely with those from the other 11 clans. These larger groupings form mini-communities that each possesses the resources for creatively solving any problem that arises. These mini-communities, in turn, blend to form the neighborhoods of a city. Thus, each city is a beehive of individuals who come together to share and contribute to their neighborhood, their city, and their world.
The ruling council of Aghartha is composed of the 12 clan heads elected to this post for their past meritorious service to clan and society. From this council is chosen an individual considered to be the wisest and most deserving of the titular honor of King or Queen of Aghartha. This person is in charge of the vast army of emissaries and liaisons sent to the surface world and to the appropriate councils of the Galactic Federation. Their responsibility is to see that your transformation back into physical Angels goes according to the divine plan. Their work on your behalf helped us to refocus this first contact mission and indirectly resulted in "Decra Zau," or Operation Spirit. Moreover, the King and his council have set the agenda for the amazing period that is to follow the actual mass landings on your world.
Advanced technology, which allows each person to create his or her daily food and clothing, makes each crystal city self-sufficient. The farming, building, and manufacturing industries of the surface world are rendered obsolete by this Light technology. For example, each individual can change the appearance and interior design of her residence on a whim. This technology also transports a person from one point to another almost instantaneously. This means that the world becomes a community as accessible to you as your immediate neighborhood. Thus, Agharthans' thinking is not constrained by the limiting conditions that their surface neighbors live under. The freedom conferred by this Light technology has released wonderfully creative talents that are put to full use by their society. Happily, the Agharthans are now using these skills to reunite Aghartha with their surface brethren.
“TELOS - A Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta” - Dianne Robbins.
Greetings from Telos! I AM ADAMA, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California. I am dictating this message to you from my home beneath the Earth, where over a million of us live in perpetual peace and prosperity. We are Human and physical just as you, except for the fact that our mass consciousness holds thoughts of only Immortality and Perfect Health. Therefore, we can live hundreds and even thousands of years in the same body. I, myself, have been in the same body now for over 600 years.
We came here over 12,000 years ago before a thermal nuclear war took place that destroyed the Earth's surface. We faced such hardships and calamities above ground that we decided to continue our evolution underground. We appealed to the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet for permission to renovate the already existing cavern inside Mt. Shasta, and prepare it for the time when we would need to evacuate our homes above ground.
When the war was to begin, we were warned by the Spiritual Hierarchy to begin our evacuation to this underground cavern by going through the vast tunnel system that's spread throughout the Planet. We had hoped to save all our Lemurian people, but there was only time to save 25 thousand souls. The remainder of our Race perished in the blast.
For the past 12,000 years, we have been able to rapidly evolve in consciousness due to our isolation from the marauding bands of extraterrestrials and other hostile races that prey on the surface population. The surface population has been experiencing great leaps of consciousness in preparation for Humanity to move through the Photon Belt. It is for this reason that we have begun to contact surface dwellers to make our existence known. For in order for the Earth and Humanity to continue to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into ONE Light from below and ONE Light from above.
It is for this reason that we are contacting you to make you aware of our underground existence, so you can bring the fact of our existence to the attention of our fellow brothers and sisters above ground.
Our book of channeled messages is written to Humanity, in hopes that they will recognize and receive us when we emerge from our homes beneath ground and merge with them on the surface, in the not too far distant future. We will be grateful to you for the part you play in helping us broadcast the reality of our existence. We thank you. In the name of the One Creator of All, I AM ADAMA
Q: What are your days like?
We are sitting here, under a tree, in the lushness of our environment. I, Adama, am here. Mikos of course is in the Hollow Earth. So would you like to begin?
Today we will talk about ourselves, and how blessed we all are to have remained inside the Earth. Although you think that our lives are easy, which they certainly are, we have many responsibilities and many duties to perform each and every day, the foremost of which is to connect with our Higher Selves for guidance for the day. We plan our days thoroughly, so that we can complete our duties and still have time left over for relaxation and fun.
Our days are filled with laughter, no matter what we do, and we are always surrounded by our family and friends. For as we have said, there are no strangers here. We understand the concept of oneness, and we practice it in everything we do. For example, when we are doing our work in whatever area it is, we rely on each other and help each other by working in unison to complete the task, and to complete it perfectly. We don't skip details to finish quicker, as some people on the surface do, because we have our very lives invested in the outcome. We know the importance of doing everything well, for we all depend on the quality of what we produce.
Nothing here breaks down or becomes obsolete as it does above ground, so we don't have to keep replacing things. This is why we have so much free time here, because we don't have to keep reproducing the same things over and over again, because nothing breaks down. Most everything lasts hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
This also accounts for our not having any landfills in Telos, because there is no waste produced. All our by-products are recycled and reused, and if there are any ingredients left over that we cannot use, we just dematerialize them. Voila, and they are gone! So this frees up all our land space for living space and parks and streams.
And of course we have no roadways, just paths to walk on and our vehicles that levitate and take us wherever we direct them to take us. We fly with our minds, using our thoughts as our directional compass. Our vehicles are small for inner city travel, and we just talk to them and tell them where our destination is, and we hold that thought and vision until we are there.
It is all very simple, as you will someday see. Our city is a fun place, with many activities always going on. There are plays, musicals, and everything you can think of, except for competitive sports. We don't compete here; we only cooperate in our athletics and have fun. Nothing is done to “win”, only to enjoy to its fullest.
Our forest is rich in oxygen, and we take daily walks in the woods to rejuvenate ourselves, just as you on the surface do. Our lifestyles are not that different, except that ours are free from stress and worry, and filled with joy over-brimming. This helps account for our long lives. For stress causes cells to decay and depression accelerates the process. Even in your healing books today, they talk about the importance of laughter and merriment in combating diseases and living longer lives. So our lives are not that much different from yours; we just learned how to live them fully, with no impediments.
And now, Mikos is here. Greetings from the city of Catharia, where my home is. I live in a small alcove nestled inside a small hill surrounded by lush vegetation, flowers, bushes, and tall trees. Actually, everything here is tall, including our body frames, which generally reach 15 feet high for most of our population. The Telosians average 7 feet, and Adama is 7 feet, 2 inches tall. I myself am a little over 15 feet tall, which is about half the height of your surface trees.
We were all meant to be tall, even surface folk were once averaging 15 feet in height, when the surface was protected from the Sun's radiation by the firmament. Your Sun is now changing and becoming magnetic. This will stop the declining of your heights, and in time you will again begin to gain in height. You will notice how so many of your youth are taller than your own generation. We just wanted to give you a little clarity on this subject.
Food Production and Consumption
In Telos, food production takes priority. We are all trained in growing and producing food. We have a very varied diet, eating only those foods that contain the Life Force in them. Hence, we only eat vegetables, grains, fruits, and nuts. All meat is banned. You on the surface are still eating dead foods - foods that no longer carry the Life Force.
All in Telos work in the hydroponic gardens growing our foods. We all take turns developing and experimenting with our crops. Once the food is grown, it is then taken to our distribution center where everyone comes to pick up their supplies.
We don't freeze food as you do on the surface. All our food is eaten fresh, for this is the way that all nutrients are consumed. Every day people pick up their food for the day. It is easier for us to “shop” every day for our food. Since our workday is only four hours long, we have much more time available to tend to our nourishment and health.
We have time to cook nourishing foods, time to exercise, and time to indulge in our creativity. This slower pace has many advantages. We don't have the pressure and stress as you do on the surface. All we do is in harmony and peace. Our lives are tranquil and in tune with the Creator.
All that we use in the production for food consumption is re-used. We have no land fill sites as you do on the surface, because all we use is recycled over and over again. This is the advantage of having advanced technologies. All that we use, we re-use. For nothing is wasted or over-produced. All is in harmony with nature, and all we do supports nature.
Nature, in her glory and abundance, bears great quantities of food. Nature, left alone, produces abundance. So, we live close to nature, and follow her rhythms and cycles in the food chain.
First and foremost, we are all trustworthy and responsible workers. We cherish the Earth, and all our food production is carried on in honor and respect for the Earth's resources. We don't use paper or plastics, nor do we wrap our food in any way. Our food is produced and then delivered directly to our distribution centers. This way, all that we use can be immediately replaced. It is all computerized through a master food computer that keeps all of our dietary requirements in mind. Of course, it is all guided and directed by our people who take turns in shifts in different areas of “household” work.
All our food is grown and produced by us. It is pure, and free of chemicals and contaminants. We practice organic gardening, as it is the only way to survive and still retain our full consciousness. We do use containers to store our food, and these containers are used over and over again. We never discard anything, nor do we ever bury anything in our soil; for the Earth is alive also, and we respect and protect her.
So, our way of producing and distributing food is vastly different from yours, as we have technology that far surpasses yours. We thrive on our way of life, and we invite you to join us at our table when you do visit us here. For we shall share our feast of life with you, and you will delight in its simplicity and taste. We welcome you all to Telos, where we will entertain, and show you the wonders of living in a higher state of consciousness.
Q: Do you eat only living food with the Life Force, or do you also use heat for cooking?
Our food is very delicately prepared and it is all 'live' and freshly picked. We eat mostly fruits and vegetables and grains, and our soy products, which we ferment out in the open air. We do “cook” some of our foods, but our type of “cooking” is much different from yours, because we don't use electricity or microwaves or skillets or ovens or fire. We use technology that funnels heat into the food causing it only to warm up without changing its molecular structure in any way. We have technology that warms, without harming the Life Force. But most of our foods we eat at room temperature, and we are used to eating foods at this temperature.
Since it is always warm here in Telos and in the Hollow Earth, we have no craving for warm foods. We prefer cool foods that have just been picked and prepared in salad variations. We don't do any baking here, at least not the kind you do on the surface. Yes, we do have “baked” goods, but they are “baked” in a different way, much like the food dryers you use to dry banana chips. We can make delicious cakes this way that still maintain their Life Force and keep their enzymes intact.
We understand that in the colder regions of the Earth, people need warming foods, not just for their body's temperature but for the comforting effect. And yes, the Life Force is destroyed through electrical heat. This is yet another reason why your lifespans are so short and your energy levels so low compared to ours. It is because the way you prepare your food robs you of its Life Force, the giver of life. It is a force that gives you life that gives your life the energy it needs to sustain you in any kind of physical climate and situation.
But over the millennia as the climate in many locations on the surface changed from temperate to cold, people's eating habits and lifestyles changed to accommodate these colder climates, and hence people's lifespans decreased from hundreds of years down to only 70-80 years now.
There is a very definite connection between the amount of Life Force in one's food, the stamina in the body, and the length of years the body can live. It is the Life Force that keeps us alive, and the more Life Force we have, the more “alive” we are, and the livelier we feel. We thank you for this question. I am Adama.
Q: What is the difference between your trees and your plants?
I am Mikos. We thank you for your question. Here in the Hollow Earth we don't distinguish between our trees, plants, and vegetables, as they are all living entities, each with their own consciousness carrying the Life Force. However, the plants and vegetables give themselves freely to us for our consumption, as long as we leave the plant intact and eat only its fruits, so that it can multiply and reproduce year after year.
We don't pull out the plant after harvesting its fruits, as you do on the surface. You see, we have one long continual growing season, which is forever - not like on the surface with your seasons. With the seasons, after the plants and vegetables produce their crops, they are discarded and their seeds replanted the next growing season. We don't do this in the Hollow Earth. We let the plants govern themselves, and reproduce as often as they like, without our interference. Mother Earth herself is the director, and governs their growth cycle.
Our plants give themselves to us freely, allowing us to eat the fruits of their harvests, because we never remove or kill the plant upon which the fruit or vegetable grows. Because they are alive in consciousness and contain their Life Force intact, we are consuming the Life Force of the plant and it continues its existence in us. So in effect, it lives on.
It is the same with the trees. We eat their fruits, but never cut down a tree. Our trees are huge and magnificent and reproduce cycle after cycle, giving us the most abundant, succulent fruits. So our trees live on, and we live on by consuming the fruits and vegetables from them, without disturbing them in the least. We do use crop rotation, which maintains the minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that go into the plants, so our earth is always rich in minerals and perfect for growing our crops. We do the least to the earth, and the earth does the most herself. This is why we are so hearty and healthy and strong.
So there really is no difference between our trees and plants - we treat them each with sacredness and honor their beings. We talk to them, we thank them for their bounty, and we then eat their fruits and vegetables. Our trees are just big plants, yielding more fruit than the smaller plants and vegetables.
Our trees serve another great purpose, that of producing the rich, clean, oxygen we breathe and sheltering our landscape, while at the same time consuming the carbon dioxide we exhale. They are sentinels, stand vigilant, and maintain our environment. Our trees are great beings of light, and our plants and vegetables are like their children, reaching up to the sky, hoping to someday evolve into a tree. For all life evolves from lower to higher states of consciousness, just as we Humans are ever evolving in consciousness.
Just know that when you eat fruits or vegetables, from trees or plants, it is their Life Force you need for your health. It is the Life Force you want and this is what keeps you connected to the Creator. When you eat dead, toxic foods, you become just that - dead and toxic - and your life is shortened and it becomes difficult to sustain your body. Then disease sets in.
All our food is grown organically, obviously, which is another reason we are so healthy and strong and can live hundreds and thousands of years in the same body. The less you tamper with Mother Nature, the more nutrients you receive in the food you eat. People are just beginning to realize this, and it is why the organic food industry is growing so fast.
It is hard to make a distinction between the plants and the trees, but the distinction is in the amount of consciousness each can hold.
The trees can hold vast amounts of consciousness compared to plants, and the trees have an underground network that connects them all telepathically to each other on the planet. They have their own news service, and know what is happening on the Earth before we do. They rapidly communicate to each other events that are about to happen on the Planet. They have firsthand information.
We often tap into their communication system, so that we know what is about to occur on different locations of the surface. You, too, can tap into this system. Just plant your feet solidly on the ground next to a tree, put your hand on its trunk, and merge with its essence. Ask your question, then wait and listen. You will hear it speak to you. The trees have been waiting for eons to begin communicating with you again on the surface. It is their deepest desire.
So bless the trees, bless the plants, and bless the Earth - for it is the fruits and vegetables of our harvests that we consume and that becomes the material for building and maintaining our bodies. For we are literally made of the Earth, and are truly One, which is why we can communicate with them.
Q: Do Telos and other cities in the Inner Earth exist physically?
We will answer your question. Yes and no. Yes, Telos does exist in your Third Dimension, and it also exists in the Fifth Dimension. It actually does physically exist inside of Mt. Shasta in the Third Dimension. There are no volcano activities inside of Mt. Shasta. The lava tunnels in Mt. Shasta were re-routed by us over 12,000 years ago when the Lemurians went underground and traveled through the tunnels to reside in Mt. Shasta as a result of the Atlantean and Lemurian Wars which devastated the surface.
So we do exist in our Third Dimensional body forms which we can now move in and out of at will. We have evolved to the point where we can raise and lower our energy fields and move in and out of embodiment. So if you were in Telos in your Third Dimensional form, you would see us. However, when we come up to the outside of the Mountain, we modify our energy field and move up to the Fifth Dimension and are “shielded” from your physical eyes, unless you can see into the Fifth Dimension. If you can perceive the Fifth Dimension energy, then you would see us. And yes, we look exactly like you.
There are no differences in our physical bodies, except for the fact that we now have more DNA strands as a result of our long lives of being able to evolve in peace and harmony and brotherhood. For it takes a peaceful environment to evolve, and this is what we created for ourselves when we left the surface and came into Mt. Shasta.
When we want to be seen by those on the outside of the Mountain, we can easily make ourselves visible to you. But for the most part, we prefer to stay invisible for our own protection. The time will come when we will be appearing to your surface folk, and that time is very near. We hope this has answered your question. I am Mikos.
Q: What is the difference between the Inner Earth and the Hollow Earth?
The Inner Earth consists of Telos and over 120 other Aghartha Subterranean Cities of Light just a few miles beneath Earth's surface, including the city of Catharia, which is directly inside the center core of the Earth (beneath the Aegean Sea) and is where the Library of Porthologos is located and where Mikos is from. The Inner Earth consists of all the area that is below the Earth's surface throughout the globe, including caverns and a vast tunnel system. It includes all 800 miles from the top of the Earth's surface to the inner hollow opening in the center.
The Hollow Earth is just the area that exists in the very center core of the Earth, which is Hollow, and starts at 800 miles down. Once you are inside the hollow cavity of Earth, the diameter of open space is 6,400 miles. The diameter of the whole Earth is 8,000 miles.
Q: Why are we skipping the Fourth Dimension when we move into the Fifth Dimension?
We will all attempt to answer this question, because it is a complex one. We are the Inner Earth Council, Mikos presiding. We say to you not to be so caught up in dimensions, but rather to concentrate on bringing up your energy and raising it up into higher levels of consciousness, because this is where the higher dimensions exist. They exist in higher states of awareness. So you can access higher dimensions by accessing higher states of consciousness.
You will move directly into the Fifth Dimension because the Fourth Dimension will no longer exist. It is in the process of being dismantled and removed by the Spiritual Hierarchy as part of the accelerated Ascension Plan that will catapult you directly into the Fifth Dimension. The Fourth Dimension was used in the past by departing souls who didn't go directly to the Light, but lingered for great lengths of time. This departure passageway has now changed, or been “re-routed” as you might say, so that departing souls no longer become trapped in obsolete dimensions waiting for hundreds or thousands of years to move on to the Light. That is now all over with. Therefore, you will all move directly up to the Fifth, with no dimensions in between.
The next step is wherever you want to put your foot. After you reach Fifth Dimensional consciousness and are securely in the Fifth Dimension, you will then choose your future destination at that time. Some of you may choose to return to a Third Dimensional world to help other souls regain their full consciousness, and some of you may choose to go back to your Home Planets.
Your Home Planets exist in many different dimensions throughout the Universe, depending on how evolved your Soul is. Your Soul's frequency matches your planet's frequency. So yes, some of you may choose to go home to your Sixth Dimensional Planet and some may choose to go home to your Seventh Dimensional Planet and some of you may choose to go home to your Eighth Dimensional Planet, and so on. Do you understand this? Many Souls may want to stay in the Fifth Dimension and experience its peacefulness and abundance and riches and continue their soul advancement there for a while before moving on.
There will be a myriad of choices once you reach the Fifth Dimension, so there is no need to concern yourself about this now or try to make decisions about where you want to go. There is no hurry. The only hurry is to reach the Fifth Dimensional Plane of existence, where you will be once again pain free, disease free, lack free, and totally free in all ways. You will be supplied with all you could ever wish for, and then more. So stay tuned into your consciousness, be alert to all that is around you, make positive and loving choices, and send love to everyone. This is the fastest way to increase your awareness and evolve your consciousness.
Always remember that we in the Inner Earth are all standing beside you, gently guiding you on your path to the Stars.
The Library of Porthologos
I am Mikos, Guardian of the Earth's records, and all records in your Solar System and Universe. I am here, in the cavity of Earth, primarily to guard the history of all life everywhere. This is our prime purpose and the purpose for the Library of Porthologos.
Our Library is the only one of its kind in our vast system of Planets. Our Library is so vast that it covers 456 square miles of terrain and has vast storage vaults containing records all stored on crystal slides that are viewed through our crystal projectors. Our storage facilities are vast, organized and categorized, so that you can easily locate the information you are looking for and retrieve it for viewing. We have vast conveyers that will deliver your order within minutes, and then return it back to its storage location again. This way, every item in the Library is always where it should be and can be easily found and perfectly preserved. Such is our technological capabilities. For we have drawn on the technology of the Universe we reside in, and have the most advanced methods of preservation and storage and retrieval that would marvel your library systems. . . . .
And now, I and my entourage have been awaiting you on the doorstep to the Library of Porthologos, where the white alabaster steps twinkle with the sparks of embedded crystals and diamonds, leading into the great halls of our Library located inside the Earth's vast interior.
Today we will take you on a tour through our halls, and show you what a true library in your future will look like. Your future libraries will look like ours, as ours is the model that all libraries will replicate. We will start with the outer grounds, as there are inner grounds too. The outer grounds are lush with grasses, flowers, bushes and trees; and there are circular clearings with soft benches and lounging chairs in the center, accompanied by small, round, tall tables to set your accouterments on. There are small springs of waterfalls and fountains in these enclosures, for our water is alive and in a full state of consciousness that sings. Yes, our water sings, and as you lounge in our secluded enclosure you are sung to by the water of life, as it sprays from our fountains with melodies of deep love that harmonizes and balances all the cells in your body. From this state of deep peacefulness and harmony, we sit and relax at intervals during our work-day.
And now we go inside the Library of Porthologos, and walk up the crystal staircase, where the door opens up into the Universe. Yes, the Library is multidimensional! As you enter, you see the Milky Way Galaxy floating around you, and can glance into the heavens beyond, which encompasses our whole Universe. You see the Stars and Suns and other Solar Systems revolving around our Central Sun; and you feel part of “All That Is”, as indeed you are….
You see people everywhere - walking, talking, studying, sitting, reclining, dreaming and just soaking in the vibrations of peace. Everywhere there are flowers of great vibrancy and fountains and pools of water spilling forth their choruses of song. You look around and see secluded alcoves interspersed throughout the vast halls, with the most ergonomically structured chairs beckoning you to recline upon them. You find one calling to you, and you sit down and experience a connection to this chair that tunes you to its vibration so that you are connected to the mainframe of the internal computer in the library. You are, so to speak, “wired up” with the wireless wires, and fully connected to the operating system, which you operate with your thoughts and feelings, and which will take you anywhere you “wish” to go in our Galaxy. You navigate with your mind, using your thoughts as your directional compass for coordinates of latitude and longitude. And it is so natural that you marvel at its simplicity and naturalness. And you travel in consciousness, and explore our Galaxy and Universe “first hand” and for the first time in your fully conscious Human state.
This is yet another aspect of what our library offers to its visitors, along with its crystal slides of all recorded history of our entire Universe. And you are here through the vibrational frequency of our words, as you read them and envision the sights in your “imagination”. We welcome you, and invite you to enter at any time. Just call to us for entry, as our call is always going out to you. I am Mikos, and I am here to guide you personally through our Library whenever you call. You don't need a “Library Card”, as your identification is inscribed in the DNA of your cells. We await your visit.
Adama of Telos talks of his experience of visiting the Oceans and Mountains within the Inner Earth cavity
The Earth's Interior is the mirror image of the surface foundation. Everything is in reverse order in the inside of the Earth. The mountain ranges are in direct proportion to the dimensions of the Earth's cavity, and tower above the landscape. The oceans are larger than life, and flow calmly and swiftly around the inside of the globe. The air is crisp and clean, and the sand is white. The Central Sun is dimmer than the sun on the outside, and reflects the Light from the Heavens.
The cities are all nestled in lush woodlands, overflowing with flowers and huge trees. There is green growth surrounding all man-made structures. Everything is in perpetual blossom and bloom. It is a land of wonder and beauty.
All is in perfect proportion to the size of the circumference of the interior. Everything is larger than life - even the great Beings who inhabit the interior are larger than the Mortals on the outside. All is beauty, and all is in a heavenly state of bliss.
Just picture the interior foundation reflecting the exterior foundation; with mountain ranges higher, and the ocean currents swifter, and the green land growth lush beyond compare. You do not need to picture a change in the contour of the land. It is still in its pristine beauty, and replicates how life on the surface once was. The exact location of the mountain ranges and oceans is not necessary to know at this time. What is necessary to know is that this Inner World exists, and co-exists with the surface, under peaceful and contrary conditions….
The Hollow Earth is a Paradise, with tall, graceful mountains jutting into the “sky”; and large, clear, clean lakes and oceans that abound with life. The diet in the Hollow Earth is strictly vegetarian, and people are healthy, robust, and strong. They, too, have isolated themselves from the surface population, although they come and leave the Earth freely using the spacecraft that are kept there in the Spaceport in the inside of the Earth. So although they are inside the Earth, they have freedom and health, and abundance and peace - all the necessary components of life that you on the surface have been crying out for.
There is free travel between the subterranean cities and the Hollow Earth through the tunnels, using our electromagnetic trains that can take us from one part of the Earth to another in a fraction of the time it takes you on the surface. Our transportation is quick and efficient, and burns no fuels. Therefore, there's no pollution underground.
Our Oceans and Beaches - Our Water is Alive with Consciousness
Good morning. It is Mikos calling to you from the ocean shore in the Hollow Earth, where I am walking along the beach watching the waves lap the sand. Our oceans are large, nay huge in comparison to yours, with waves larger in size and stronger in force. The oceans flow swiftly around our inner globe, and ebb and flow in tides affected by the Earth's outer Moon just as your tides are. For the magnetic pull of the Moon is felt inside the Earth as well.
We all spend much of our time on the beaches, walking on the sand along the shore, and swimming in the ocean's clean, clear water. The water in our oceans and rivers is composed of living consciousness, and it is our water's consciousness that keeps us young forever.
Our shorelines are packed with the purest of sand, white colored and soft and crystal clear specs of the smoothest particles you have ever stepped on. Walking on our sandy beaches is akin to having the best foot massage possible. And we do walk on our beaches for this very purpose, for its massage soothes our feet and mind simultaneously. Our ocean's waves lap our shorelines with the purest and cleanest of water you have ever seen or tasted. And the temperature is always perfect for our bodies. Not too warm and not too cold. We walk into our oceans where it is shallow, and swim out great distances without ever getting tired or cold. No one here ever drowns. This is unheard of and unimaginable. We are all great swimmers, and our oceans and lakes support us so that we stay on top of the water.
Our water has consciousness, and talks to us while we are immersed in it. Yes, our water talks. When we swim, our water becomes part of our body, and we are one body, one ocean, swimming along the currents and through the waves. We merge ourselves completely with the water's consciousness, and our swim is a trip in consciousness itself. It is so much more than what you experience in your surface lakes and oceans, where the consciousness of your water has become so densified and polluted that it has lost its voice and vitality and life force. It weakly calls out to you, but you don't hear it. It calls out to you for help. It calls out to you to stop polluting it, to stop bombarding it with ELF sound waves, to stop the whaling ships and underwater experiments, and oil spills, and submarines, and cruise ships from destroying and poisoning its life force. But alas, it rests on deaf ears.
The Inner Earth's Oceans contain all of the life that's in the upper oceans, and more. Our oceans are teeming with life, and all of the marine forms live in harmony with one another.
All are on a vegetarian diet and do not hunt others. All live in harmony. All the marine life is very evolved compared to the life in the surface oceans. All are used to the peace and safety of our waters, and all are accessible to us. We all communicate directly to the Cetaceans and fish, and live cooperatively and in peace with one another.
Since we are all on a vegetarian diet, we don't hunt the Whales, go fishing or farm shrimp. Therefore, Mother Nature is free to evolve in our oceans and our oceans are sanctuaries to all ocean life. We just call to whomever we want to talk to, and they swim to our shores and converse with us. It would seem truly magical to you, but to us it is commonplace. Remember, all of us in the Hollow Earth know we are ONE….
On our land areas, our fields of grains sparkle and thrive and are perfectly touched by the “Sun” and rain to produce the most luscious of crops that are so pleasing to our palates and so invigorating for our bodies. Our food pulses with the force of life, and when eaten by us, transfers the life-force into our very cells, which results in perfect health and longevity of years.
This is the secret of life; this is the hidden fountain of youth you've all been looking for on your surface. It is found in the Earth herself, just waiting to give you its Life-force if you will but follow Nature's laws of planting and harvesting crops, using only Nature herself to direct the process and oversee the growth. With the great forces of Nature working with you, you don't need to add anything to the soil, and the harvests are always magnificent in size and nutrients and taste.
We live inside Cavern Homes from which we can look out onto our green world outside
Mikos: Now that you are somewhat familiar with the Hollow Earth, we can “dig” further into your credibility and introduce another factor of our living arrangements underground.
Underground, we do not live out in the open spaces the way you do on the surface. Our Hollow Earth cavity is pristine because we don't tread upon her inner surface nor build upon her. We don't have shopping malls and expanses of highways nor towering buildings. We live inside caverns, with openings facing outward towards the open, wide spaces of the Hollow cavity inside the Earth. Sure, we travel inside the cavity on our electromagnetic vehicles that levitate a few inches above the ground, never touching the ground. We walk softly on the earthen paths and run along the streams, rivers and oceans, and climb the towering mountains. But that is the extent of our foot contact with the terrain. The rest we leave to Nature's Devas and Elementals, as it is their land, too.
All our living activity takes place within our inner caverns, which are vast and wide and high and composed of crystalline rocks and gemstones and crystal arches radiating full-spectrum colored rainbows of sparkling light into our cavern atmosphere. Our walls are lined with natural rainbow-hued waterfalls, humidifying the air with the vibrancy and song of its water cascading down. Yes, our water “sings” - and its chorus brings our body cells into harmony, so that our bodies are always vibrating to our water and crystalline surroundings that keep us energized and vibrant all day long. We need little sleep, because our cells are always tuned and in harmony to the natural rhythm of Mother Earth herself. When you are tuned like a tuning fork, then you carry the full life force of our Mother, and your battery never runs down. Hence, there is little need for the long hours of sleep such as you experience it. You are drained and run-down after a day in your “sweatshops”, but we are always as vibrant at the end of our days as we are when we begin them. We live “in” and “with” the Earth, whereas you live “outside” and “separate” from her. Hence, you are “cut off”, while we are a “part” of her. This is the big difference.
Your Spiritual Hierarchy has been preparing housing for you inside these vast, uninhabited caverns in Earth's interior, and when the external “Earth Changes” come, many of you will be moved en masse into them to continue your present incarnation inside Earth, not “on” her. You will encounter a “whole” new way of living that is wholesome and rich and perfect in every way. It will expand your consciousness and expand your horizon, and your horizon will be an inner horizon vaster than when you walk outdoors on the surface. A whole new horizon is waiting for you to experience.
Events will start happening fast now, as time is speeding up even faster as world karma is playing itself out. Just ride with the tide and know you are safe wherever you are. You are all being directed and guided from within, and you are all being provided for. What you witness through your media is only a “play”, a drama that they want you to believe is real, just because the actors are real. But the actors are just “playing out their part” in the world's drama, and this is the biggest “hit” yet of the new Millennium, playing on your TV and movie theater screens everywhere. Just turn the knob off, go within yourself, and feel and focus on World Peace. Peace is the real movie, and the only “reel” to watch.
Soon, you will see us, and soon you, too, will be living perfectly suited to your new way of life.