Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Higher Dimensional Beings

Higher Dimensional Beings
Higher dimensional beings have transcended the denser energies of the lower dimensions like the 3D and 4D and have moved into the higher dimensional levels, so many of them no longer need food or physical bodies to survive as they exist as pure light energy out in the universe so there are no limitations on psychic abilities or any other powers that can exist.
Characteristic Abilities of Higher Dimensional Beings include the following:
Being able to physically or energetically travel from lower dimensions into the higher dimensions, this includes having a light body without needing to have a physical form or a ship to get to the locations.
Transforming the physical body into light energy – this could look like white or blue orbs flying in the air where the being has shrunk itself into a smaller energetic state in order to be able to travel around beyond the speed of light instantly.
Advanced extraterrestrial beings can change their physical appearance into other forms of life by shape shifting. Some of the higher dimensional ET’s living in the 12th dimension and higher choose to not have corporeal bodies and exist as pure light energy.
Higher dimensional beings can create bio-living spaceships, as well as planets with mind form thoughts by combining thought forms with etheric energies coming from the universe in order to manifest something into the physical reality of existence, this includes changing the physical characteristics, of living environments, objects, space time, etc.
Being able to time travel at will to the past, present, or future with just a mind thought, having the ability to change space matter so timelines shift in different directions and the course of history is changed.
Higher dimensional beings can open any types of star gateway portals whether they are natural by finding the energy matrixes of the portals on planets or in space in order to open the portals and travel to other galaxies or open portals that are created by technology. Many advanced beings can create worm holes and black holes in space in order to move ships, planets, etc. out in space. These beings are consciously and technologically more advanced by thousands of years beyond Earth standards so they can travel through space and time in the blink of an eye without necessarily having to overcome gravity, the limitations of rocket fuel, or even the scarcity of physical materials which could not easily withstand the heat of the sun or the extreme cold of deep space. Their minds can simply create the energy they need to travel more than 9 billion light years before they are 9 billion years old, this way space travel is commonplace to the higher dimensional beings. The higher dimesional beings highly developed intuition can understand the strange math that allows thought to travel as a wave and to form more cogently in material form on the other side of Pluto or other far off galaxies without needing huge space ships to travel in the universe.
Having telepathic abilities to reach through time and space in order to communicate with lower dimensional civilizations existing in the 3D or 4D realities.
Being able to teleport the physical body from one location to another on a planet, as well as teleporting to other planets without needing star gate way devices, basically having the ability to dematerialize oneself (the molecular and genetic structure) and materialize it all physically in another place.
The ability to naturally make oneself invisible by changing a beings auric field vibrational frequencies in the body so the crystalline body vibrates at a different energetic frequency of a higher dimension so the being cannot be physically seen by other individuals especially on the lower dimensions. Basically the higher dimensional beings are cloaked and totally invisible to the naked eye and all other technologies.