Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Healing Tools

The butterfly bracelet is made of Turquoise stones and the symbol of the butterfly expresses the qualities of expansion, growth, transition, lightness, expression, grace, time, soul aspects, celebration, resurrection, etc. This is a very protective butterfly bracelet, it helps to create positive energies in the living environment and find things that are hidden, uncovering the truth of what is.
Turquoise is a stone that helps to communicate with the truth, filtering the fifth element ether into the etheric body. These stones have the capacity to help in aiding to be able to manifest clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities, as well as opening the third eye and allowing individuals to access past life knowledge.
The jewelry holder stand was made by doing cross beading with rawhide strips on a metal base, wrap around style of the cross beading using a shamanic beading technique.