Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Galactic Soul Reading Report Policy
How to Purchase a Galactic Soul Reading Report
To purchase the psychic Galactic Soul Reading please use the PayPal Buy Now button in the below section to make the payment. All payments are made upfront through PayPal at or E-Transfer at before the PDF report of the Galactic Soul Origins is sent to the client via email. Once the Galactic Soul Reading report has been purchased please send an email to Ileana at seekingthetruthinreality@gmail to let her know that you purchased the report, then you will be sent a confirmation with the date for when you will receive the Galactic Soul Reading Report by email.

Item Description
Galactic Soul Reading Report:
The psychic Galactic Soul Reading is a PDF report that describes your soul origins like your soul name, higher self name, extraterrestrial DNA percentages, and where you come from like one or two of your past lives, planet(s) of soul origin, your galactic soul families, etc. THE PDF report also includes a section where the questions that you send in are answered psychically in the report in regards to your life or whatever you are seeking to find answers for. The questions should be appropriate to your life and what you would like to learn about yourself or get more clarity on. Anything to do with other people's money, financial records, people's names, bank accounts, or other people's personal information will not be divulged in the Galactic Soul Reading Reports as that is not appropriate to delve into for the psychic report. All the answers that are provided in a psychic galactic soul reading report are from a psychic perspective only not to be used for verification of anything, validation, proof of psychic abilities/accuracies, legal matters, or as documentational information.
For the Galactic Soul Reading Report please include your First and Last Name, Gender and Date of Birth, Month & Year. Be assured, we will keep in complete confidence all of the above information that you share with us.
(Find out about your star origins for past lives, where you lived on planets, who your star family was, what you did for work out in the universe, how long you lived, what you looked like, what were your special abilities and gifts. As well as explore finding answers to questions you are asking about yourself, your life, and mission on Earth or elsewhere).
Are you in the process of awakening on your evolutionary path, you can find out more about this process and how you are experiencing it in your life).
Explore your creative abilities and talents in what you are capable of achieving in this world, find out what goals you wish to accomplish, your life calling, and what your life will reveal about you and your dreams, wishes, etc. This brings meaning in your life and further opens the soul's heart path towards its true destiny on planet Earth. So often when we incarnate onto this planet we forget all about why we are here, and then wonder why we experience a void in our lives. When you start remembering and empowering yourself at SOUL level, then you become inspired from deep within.
The SOUL reading aspect is about you - why you are here, your soul purpose, and mission and specific talents, abilities, gifts, etc. that you anchor into this planet. You are first and foremost a soul who has taken on a physical form during this incarnation on Planet Earth. Your soul is infinite and therefore has immense talents, abilities, and knowledge accumulated from many thousands of lifetimes, in many dimensions and in many forms of life all over the cosmos. When we are born onto this planet, we slip into forgetfulness, thereby forgetting why we are here and often feel a deep void, or have a feeling that there must be more to life than just this. Some feel just lost, and some would just love to know more and empower themselves on all levels by living their highest soul purpose. A soul reading session can help you to find out your soul name, your galaxy of origin, soul colors, helping to awaken forgotten cellular memories which will give your soul purpose, activating talents, gifts, and abilities.
As well learn about spirituality and what it can bring to your life.
There are up to 12 questions that you can ask to be included for your psychic Galactic Soul Reading Report in PDF format and these questions will be answered from my psychic's perspective on the intuitive messages that I receive coming in towards answering your questions.
Any answers provided in the psychic Galactic Soul Reading Reports are from a psychic perspective only not to be used for as a means for a test of any type or testing anything in the questions and answers, your questions cannot be trick questions to test the psychic (the answers to any of your questions are provided from the psychic intuitive messages that are coming in from a psychic perspective only, not anything that you perceive as being the right or wrong answers to your questions based on your opinions for what the answers should be). These PDF report questions and answers should not be used for verification of anything, validation, proof of psychic abilities/accuracies, legal matters, or as documentational information. The answers for your questions are provided from a psychic perspective only from the intuitive messages that are coming in so there are no right or wrong answers here.
There is a zero tolerance policy for any types of bullying, harassments with multiple email complaints of what you think your report should be like or how questions need to be answered, I am not held liable or responsible for such actions by purchasers of the psychic Galactic Soul Reading Report. As well I am not held liable or responsible for any prejudices claimed or complaints filed against me by the person receiving the psychic Galactic Soul Reading Report in PDF format.
I am not held liable or responsible for any impressions, observations, examples, advice, or suggestions that I made or provided in the psychic Galactic Soul Reading PDF report including the example of mentioning archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel as spirit guides, or saints like St. Germaine, I believe that those beings are positive and help us heal, if you do not agree with that please do not mention it to me in complaints or perceived grievances about your report. I am not held liable or responsible for any of your own personal belief systems, opinions, preconceptions, or ideals/ideas in what you think about what was written in your psychic Galactic Soul Reading Report PDF, please do not complain about such things. As well I am not held liable or responsible for anything that you think is inaccurate or wrong in your psychic Galactic Soul Reading Report in PDF format, as this is a psychic soul reading report therefore it is not based on anything that could be construed by you as being right or wrong for your report information and any answers that are provided in this report are of a psychic nature not based on your assumptions for what you perceive as being accurate or not.
There are up to 12 questions that you can ask to be included for your psychic Galactic Soul Reading Report in PDF format and these questions will be answered from my psychic's perspective on the intuitive messages that I receive coming in towards answering your questions.
I am not held liable or responsible for any information included in your report or the 12 questions that are psychically answered. As well I am not held liable or responsible for any dissatisfaction that you have with the final finished product of your psychic Galactic Soul Reading Report PDF that is sent to you through an email with the attached PDF report that you can save and download to your computer/phone.
It takes 2 - 4 and a half weeks to complete your finished psychic Galactic Soul Reading PDF report and you are emailed a due date for when the report PDF will be emailed to you. Then when the report is finished and completed you are sent a second email with the confirmation that the report has been emailed to you with all the completed contents of the report. Both the confirmation email and the website policies state that the psychic Galactic Soul Reading PDF Reports are non refundable as there is a no refund policy for these PDF reports, they are a final sale product so there are no refunds, no returns, and no exchanges for your psychic Galactic Soul Reading PDF Report. Please keep that in mind before deciding to purchase this PDF report for your galactic soul reading as all sales of this product are final, no refunds and no returns.
If you would like some clarification or explanation about any of the answers or information that I provided you in the report please do contact me by email at to discuss this further and I will answer your questions.
Please know that upon payment and/or booking for any services which include but are not limited to energy healing, soul reading or psychic reading session and more, you agree that the energetic healing as well as any messages that you may receive with these services are not to be substituted for any advice, treatment or programs from a licensed medical, legal, financial or psychological professional. We provide no guarantee or implied warranty and will not be responsible for any interpretations or decisions that are made or actions taken by our clients. We are not held liable for any of the services or products that we provide to clients.
There is a no refund policy, no returns and no exchanges for services and products. All purchase(s) are the final sale for the digital PDF copy of your psychic Galactic Soul Reading report, this product is non refundable, non returnable, and non exchangeable.
Policies and Guidelines Information
For all of the detailed information on Messages from a Star Traveler various Business Policies, Guidelines, Code of Ethics, Vision Statement, and Mission Statement please visit the Policy & Privacy Information page link.