Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Electromagnetic Wave

Sources of Information:
Upcoming Wave X: by Milagros Quiñones: from
Description of September Event Horizon, Most Extraordinary Event in History: by Michael Love: from
How Wave X will Affect You: by Michelle Walling: from In5D
“Wave X” Is Not A Mass Ascension Event, It’s A Step In The Entire Process Of Evolution: by Lisa Rising Berry: from
Wave X Misconceptions: by Lisa Rising Berry: from
Light bodies are being re-calibrated – Quan Yin: by Jenny Schiltz: from channelingthemasters
X-wave energy flooding into Earth – Quan Yin: by Jenny Schiltz: from channelingthemasters
Upcoming Wave X: New Powers & Abilities, DNA Upgrade
We are living in the Age of Aquarius now and what was once impossible is now becoming a reality. The electromagnetic wave shift that has approached our solar system is going to be a strong one, and it will alter the lives of many people. Ever since December 21st 2012 our planet and solar system has been in a new area of space, we are now in a photon belt and it is full of energy completely new to us. This is gamma light coming from the central sun, it’s important to note that we are already well inside this cosmic gamma blast referred to as WAVE-X and many of you have been feeling this increase that will continue in its intensity every day until September 28th, 2015. For people who have been resonating close to that of 5D for the last 2 years, improving your lifestyles, and seeking enlightenment, you will be feeling the effects the strongest. Some feel like around 1 third of the population will pierce through the veil in the next 2 months, whilst 2/3 will still feel different, but not gain enough DNA upgrades to experience everything this new energy is bringing in just yet. The entire world is going to be very different soon though. This is not a bad thing at all and we are by no means speaking to any doomsday people here.
It’s like this, you are not leaving 3D! Instead you will continue to exist in 3D, 4D and 5D in the same time-space (now here) and you will be fully aware of your experience in each dimension. Your new awareness will feel like you are merging with other realities and you will develop new abilities.
We are currently experiencing a steady bell curve in gamma light frequency increase as we move into the most intense part of the photon belt so see if you can be aware of its effects on the body, mind and emotions over the next two months!
All of this is happening during a strong Venus retrograde as well and a blue moon in Aquarius on July 31st marks the beginning of this transformation. It is proven that gamma light can instantaneously evolve the DNA of any species into its higher form. You are literally evolving quickly now into the highest version of you! Be sure to go with the flow during August and September, don’t fight the current. Follow your bliss and let go of what is no longer serving you. If you can do that everything will work out fine. All of this is going to come to full accumulation on September 25-28th. After hearing some channeling, reading, and mediating from numerous people we are convinced that many of you will definitely start developing and/or getting strong at your own supernatural abilities. Below is a list of some of the powers you may already have or start to get. This is fun to think about.
Animal Speaking – telepathic communication with animals.
Enhanced Empathy- influencing and receiving emotional energy.
Inter-dimensional Perception- seeing into other dimensions of reality.
Levitation – ability to raise one’s self into the air.
Dreamwalking – enter another persons dreams with your astral body.
Premonitions – having visions of future events.
Astral Projection
Telepathy – psychic communication.
IQ – More brain power.
Precognitive Dreaming – dreaming of future events.
Eternal Youth – bodies don’t appear to age anymore.
Remote-viewing – visualizing events that happen anywhere.
Cryokinesis – ability to control ice.
Pyrokinesis – ability to control fire.
Hydrokinesis – ability to control water.
Electrokinesis – ability to control electricity.
Chronokinesis – ability to change ones perception of time.
Intangibility- ability to pass through solid objects.
Force Field – ability to use the aura for defense and protection.
Biokinesis – ability to control genes in the body to alter your look.
Psychometry – to gain information by touching objects.
Telekinesis – ability to move things with your mind.
Bi-location – ability to be two places at once.
Teleportation – instantly transport anywhere.
Flying – achieved through mastery of levitation.
Quick Healing- your rate of healing will increase!
Mind Reading
Plant Speaking – ability to communicate with plants telepathically.
There are many other abilities we have not mentioned but these are just a few. Basically we are evolving as we receive new energy from space. We have been shifting in consciousness for a long time and now everything is finally coming to fruition! Embrace these changes in yourself and the people around you because we are capable of so much more. There may be beings out there who do not wish this to happen because they will lose the control grip they have on societies but their time is over and they will not be successful at stopping wave x.
Description of September Event Horizon, Most Extraordinary Event in History
Your world is about to change in a profound way over the next two months as a powerful wave of gamma light coming from the Galactic Core, (The Pleroma) impacts Earth and its beings! It’s important to note that we are already well inside this cosmic gamma blast referred to as WAVE-X and many of you have been feeling this energetic increase that will continue in intensity every day until September 28th, 2015.
This great point in humanity’s evolution is known as “THE EVENT HORIZON”. September 28th, 2015 is when this Super-Wave peaks and is the highest energetic frequency ever measured in the cosmos in modern history.
Will anyone actually ascend on this date? Yes! Any light being who is already vibrating close to the 5D frequency of 21 Hertz will pierce through the protective 5D barrier known as “The Great Void” and will be able to experience a sustained perception of the New Earth at this great moment in our history.
Many beings do not realize that this new perceived reality, the new Earth will still be inside a hologram-matrix, however it will be a greatly improved one over the old control grid we have known for over 300,000 years.
The new Earth is still a perceived hologram because being inside a hologram is the only way a soul can be physical and experience the 5 senses, there will be more senses when the transformational shift happens.
The physical part of all this is still vibrating in the 3rd dimension, but think of the 5th dimensional level as being overlaid on top of 3D. The only way to not exist in a holographic matrix no matter how controlling or heavenly it may be is to become non-physical.
You have incarnated here over and over for the purpose of evolving back to your higher nature, but the real reason you keep coming here and will stay here is because you love being physical and experiencing the 5 senses. If only you had a better environment to do this, everything would be perfect! That is what is about to happen!
Something to mention is that there has been a 54 million year experiment going on Earth of continual reincarnation and karma cycles which is about to end at some point with the new ascension wave frequencies coming in, so karma will no longer exist at some point in Earth’s dimensional reality. When these various existence experiments were going on the Earth went from being a 12th dimensional world into a 3D reality since the planet was almost destroyed from the dark technological experimentation. The planet was placed into status mode for a while to save it and went to being a 3D world in order to be able to sustain sentient life forms for future generations.
At the same moment you are experiencing your 3D senses in a 5D light matrix you will be able to move into your light body (The Merkaba) and be able to navigate in the higher realms with no limitations.
“Behold, I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth”. These two things are not the same. The New Earth includes 3D, 4D and 5D and the New Heaven is dimensions 6 through 12 that you can only traverse in the light body.
Human beings are not leaving the 3D dimension completely, at the moment yet, we are moving upwards into the 4D, 5D, and 6D realms, and will be able to come back from the higher dimesions into the lower ones at will as we go through this transformation period of changes. Our DNA is being upgraded as we are receiving light code downloads into our bodies so be are gaining 12 stranded DNA coding instead of only 2 stranded like we have now, this process is making us our highest best and helping to improve our health and emotional state of well being on all levels.
This intense gamma energy is coming in due to multiple celestial and cosmic events all occurring at the same time allowing an incredible amount of cosmic light-data to flow into this system! This is not a bad thing and certainly nothing to fear as these new data frequencies bombard the Earth and its beings!
There will be a level of chaos as this new photon data enters the matrix and is integrated, but it’s after effect will be the gradual transformation of the old control matrix hologram into the new crystalline grid matrix and is what we have worked towards for so long and want to see happen. It is proven that gamma light can instantaneously evolve the DNA of any species into its higher form. You are literally evolving quickly now into the highest version of you!
Some are preaching doom and gloom about all this and there are others who are totally oblivious to what is truly happening.
There are many First-Wavers who blazed the ascension trail for the last 40-60 years who are not oblivious at all to this and are rejoicing because they know what is transpiring. We say ride this super photon wave with everything you’ve got! See this as the beginning of true freedom for Humanity. Rejoice we say! Be impeccable in every area of your life as we move ahead in each now moment as your ions begin spin faster and faster! It’s important to let go of everything that has not served your soul to this point and open fully to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Most of you are already feeling the steady increase of frequency in the body. Many of you have noticed being shifted around to new locations, loss of relationships and material things. In some ways you may feel totally out of place, alone and even lost.
We assure you all that is happening is as it should be, and is a clearing of the old energies that you have held onto so strongly. These lower frequencies have to be transmuted so this divine wave of light and love can flow through the body and ground into the core of Gaia. It is impossible to take the lower frequencies of repressed emotional trauma and errant DNA programming (limited belief systems) into the higher dimensions! These old trapped trauma energies must be released from the body so the light data can flow completely through you and be grounded correctly. This completes the divine circuitry that makes you the super being that you truly are.
The highest level twin flames on the Earth play a major role in “THE EVENT HORIZON”. A great multitude of illuminated twin flame key holders shall lead the way and open the cosmic gates with the intense power of their combined love and bring forth this higher vibrational perception called “The New Earth and New Heaven.”
We as the angels in human bodies came to hold space in our own bodies for this great light for all humanity and to herald this great message! Know that many Star Races are now here for the final curtain call in this great cosmic story you have played an important role in. Great beings from many worlds are here on the edge of their seat to see how you are doing and to see what you will do next. They are applauding you!
We say that after the first-wave twin flame key holders go through the 5D veil, they will begin their real work as male/female teams in the greatest service to others, helping the rest of Humanity cross the great Rainbow Bridge. We close in saying it’s important that you take good care of yourself during this great time so that you can be the best you can be for all!
The highest teaching in all universes is this: Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and this is the secret to entering The Kingdom of Heaven. We ask you who the identity of this great God is?
Love yourself with all your heart, mind and soul! There is no other work to do than this! Thank you great ones for coming to Earth on this great purposeful mission. Well done good and faithful ones, enter in. This is your hour to shine. You are the light of this world, as a great master once said. Shine bright for all to see.
This is all very real dear friends, it’s already happening and will happen exactly as it has been spoken. It is beautiful and wonderful and there is nothing to fear. No harm shall come to any of you. Your world will now be set free forevermore! The level of suffering and chaos on this planet cannot be sustained even past another few months! Something has to give at once and it truly already has as billions of Light Beings (YOU) continue to transmit in this Evolutionary Wave of Super Consciousness to transform ourselves and the outward perception of this place into the paradise it was meant to be!
How Wave X will Affect You
Twelve strand DNA means twelve dimensions and more
Everyone has played an important role in preparing for the planet to receive her cleansing Wave X energies. There is no limit to what can be accomplished with these energies. A twelve strand DNA allows twelve dimensions to be accessed, and doors that have been closed for thousands of years will be open. You have to be willing to find the doors and walk through them. You will find that you can return to Source any time you wish to bask in the void of love and peace. After you have fulfilled the emptiness inside of you that always longed to go home, you will gain a whole new appreciation for Earth and the physical body experience she provides.
Advanced Metaphysical abilities
Most people that have intentions to “move into the fifth dimension” will be pleasantly surprised when they will have access to higher dimensions and places in space and time outside of the constraining matrix overlay we have been trapped in. As more people explore outside of the prison walls, the false light matrix will no longer be supported and will dissolve. Access to higher dimensions will not necessarily unfold in linear fashion. As multidimensional beings, we have always been connected to all dimensions but have forgotten how to access them.
Many people who have advanced metaphysical abilities will experience an opening that will allow them to be the teachers of abilities they never dreamed possible. People who are already reaching areas past the astral are going even further. Those who are already channeling information from their higher selves will have instant access to Universal Akashic records. In the very near future, teleportation should be possible through the dematerialization and re-materialization of the physical body as our bodies transform into more of a light body than a physical dense body. Regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body will take care of all diseases and aging. Manifesting anything you need from the background energy will provide for limitless creation coupled with creative responsibility.
Those who have readied themselves for the manifestation of metaphysical abilities through healing and clearing will be able to tap into them with the introduction of Wave X. This is truly an exciting time to be alive on the planet no matter what chaos unravels around this transformation and upgraded capability.
Those who have proven to be negative and service to self will be split from those who operate out of love and harmony. The world will be changed forever, not just a thousand years. How much the world will change will depend upon us, and how fast we get there will depend on how quickly we can dissolve the constraints. How big are you willing to dream?
Will Wave X change the world in an instant? The world has already changed in the future. Outside of time, the world is perfect. The route to merging perfection with the now in physicality and the time it will take to manifest this perfection depends upon humanity. While some people will definitely be changed immediately when the energy wave comes in September, others will struggle to know what hit them. Prepare yourselves now with the intention that you have no limits to what you can do with this energy.
“Wave X” Is Not A Mass Ascension Event, It’s A Step In The Entire Process Of Evolution
As many of us know, there is an energetic event occurring and it will be increasing in the near future. We have been seeing what is known as Aether move in and around our planet for almost a year. This entire process is like baking a cake, as it occurs in stages, and not in just one big event. Right now there is so much talk about Wave X, and it is getting out of hand and unreasonable, just like in 2012. There are so many posts on the internet describing this wave as a mass Ascension event, and this is absolutely wrong. The original person that named and talked about this Wave X “event” NEVER said anything about mass Ascension, and his knowledge which is very based in science is being taken out of context. We are writing today to give you our take on what we have been seeing for many months now. Our side is not from science, but from our clairvoyant ability and astral travels. We came here and walked into this body for the purpose of working on and making sure this planet was ready for the energy it is now receiving. We have been doing this since 2008.
Beginning of the Golden Age
We are in the very beginning of the Golden Age. In order for us to move into this new age of the galactic year, the slate needed to be wiped clean. This whole process has been like baking a cake that started around 2008, maybe a bit before. The first phase was to clean up the upper realms, and a lot of energetic work in the astral and etheric levels was done. The majority of this work was done between 2008 and 2013, and we have memory and a written record in our personal journals of what occurred.
Now, the stage was set for a clean state to be created, and the void of creation was brought to the planet. It was the black Genesis energy, better known as Aether. This occurred at the end of last year.
The Aether moved in and covered our entire planet. Aether is the 5th element and is a black and purple color, and we have written quite a bit about this subject. We saw this move in on the astral during one of our experiences there and wrote about it. This huge event went mostly unnoticed, except by one other clairvoyant writer. We am sure a few others noticed, but we are unaware of who has the astral eyes to see this. The next phase was for the black purple Aether to turn a bright Gold, which it did around April of this year. The Aether transformed into Azoth, also known as fire water. This amazing element has not been experienced on this planet for thousands of years. It is the element of the Golden Age. It represents everything in infinity, which is why the first letters are A and Z. The beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. This year is an 8 year…the year of infinity. We also wrote about this…. So, 2015 was the perfect year for the energy of Azoth to make its appearance.
The last thing that occurred we have not talked about for fear that most will not understand or will think that we are nuts. Our entire universe and beyond moved to a completely higher level of existence. The easiest way to describe what happened is to picture us below an energetic plane of energy. This is where we have been for thousands of years, this is where we fell too. We have been living in an upside down world, where things just don’t make sense…violence is entertainment etc…. Now, that the Azoth is present, we moved above that plane and we are in a new neighborhood. It will take some time for all of this to filter down into our physical world, but it will happen. Our reality is shifting to a right side up view.
What is Wave X Really
Now, this brings us to what has been called Wave X. This “wave” is one of many huge increases that we will experience now that we have moved above the plane. What is being called X, is just the first. Each age in a galactic year last for about 2 thousand years, and this is the first major increase. You can image how many will occur in the next 2 thousand years! But for us, since we have been living in an upside down world, this first one is the biggest. We have been in darkness and deep density for too long, so any increase will be huge. We don’t like the word wave, because it makes it sound as though nothing was here and now the wave brings it all. We are receiving an increase in what is already in place. It’s the next step in our cake baking process. The Azoth will be turned on for the first time by the sun’s rays. This is what is being called Wave X.
How Will This Wave Effect Humanity As A Whole
This will not create a mass ascension, rapture etc… All will receive this turned on energy of the Azoth, but not all will be able to use it. Azoth is an equal opportunity employer, but you have to work for it. If you have done your physical inner alchemy then your body will vibrate at a level that will turn on your dormant DNA that will give you the ability to obtain “gifts”. These gifts are just new ways of living, its evolution. People when they are ready will learn how to see clairvoyantly, and will see beyond the veil, they will see the Azoth for themselves, which is like seeing God. It’s the best we can describe it from our experience. The other clair abilities will follow, such as clear smell, hearing etc… Other new evolution abilities will include levitation, creating and manifesting from the Azoth and many more. Each “gift” vibrates at a different frequency, and as you raise your vibration each one will be flipped on. Now……it is entirely possible for someone to have one or more of these dormant abilities turned on and not realize it. Once it has been turned on, then it is your responsibility to learn how to use it, and this takes practice. Again, you will get out of this new energy what you put into it. No one will do it for you. Many will live here and die here without knowing what they have received. Unfortunately this will occur until we are farther into the Golden Age. So, don’t be expecting your neighbors to be manifesting items from the Azoth like you may be able to. We will still need to continue to live from our hearts. Which is a requirement for these gifts to be used in the first place. You cannot create anything wrong when it’s done from the heart. Your heart does not know duality, only the mind does. If an individual is still stuck in the dramas of the mind, they will not obtain the higher abilities such as manifestation.
Large Global Awakening?
Will this Wave X event create a global awakening….yes and no. Yes, all will receive this energy, as all are ready for it…yes, it will force them to see things differently…will they be at the same level instantly as those that have read this article to the end? No…. Will those of us that have been working hard on our inner alchemy be ascended to a higher location to live free from those not as far on the path? No…. We are all Gaia’s children and she loves all of us, we will still be expected to co-exist and assist those that are just “waking-up”. Being of service to others is why you are here, especially if you read this article in its entirety.
Wave X Misconceptions
(Rising Frequencies) There are many discussions about what this Wave of energy is going to do for us, and what can we do to prepare for it. So many are waiting with great expectation for this energy to arrive. When in reality, humanity and the Earth have been preparing for this for the past 26,000 years. It’s been an ongoing process, and the energy has always been here. This Wave X energy, which is referred to as Azoth is first and foremost an internal event. “As within, so without.” It is a major amplification of what has been coming in for some time. There are some misconceptions that we feel should be addressed, so we don’t have a repeat of spiritually awake people becoming depressed and confused, like we had in 2012.
Internal Wave
This first Wave of energy flows through our very core internally. It changes us from the inside out, beginning with the heart and moving outward. Trying to manipulate the outer world will do nothing during this initial process. From a spiritual point of view, this is the most exciting phase! As this wave passes though us, our hearts will be weighed, just as in the weighing of the heart ceremony in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, only we are not passing into the afterlife, we are passing into the Golden Age. This energy of Azoth will pass through everyone that is in a human body, and all will receive the same amount.
Now, here is where the differences occur. The actual frequency of your heart energy will determine how much of this Azoth energy you will have access to. Wave X/Azoth is an “equal opportunity employer,” but the amount of inner alchemy you have participated in will determine the outcome for each person. This is why so many will be disappointed because they will either not know that this energy wave has moved through them or they will feel very little has changed.
This energy will give you the ability to do your inner work at lightning speed. What used to take years to get over and transmute can be done in months! However, we have to do the work. The Wave does not do the work for you. So, how do you prepare for this on an inner level? By doing the same inner work you have already been doing. Meditation, forgiveness exercises, practicing non-judgment etc… We should have been preparing for this energy from the beginning. This is first an inner event before it works its way to the outer.
It’s all about you, and it’s all up to you. You are the center of your transformation, and you are the star of this show. This is the biggest misconception of this Wave, in my humble opinion. It’s much easier to try to get ready for something the way we have always been taught to do, which is manipulating our outer world. This will not work on this inner event.
Outer Wave Effects
Once this inner wave moves through Earth, which is more ready than the average person, the fun begins. The new energy of the Earth sets the standards that humanity must live up to. This energy moves from the core of the planet to the outer experience, and anything not in line with that frequency will go. This includes people! We are the ones that will be changed by this energy hitting our hearts, and we are the ones that will change the current systems which are in place.
We are moving from feeling so disconnected from the planet, from its elements and from each other to feeling this inner connection to everything! Imagine throwing a piece of trash on the Earth and actually feeling your body getting sick, just as you made the Earth sick. This is the kind of connection we are moving into, and it will not be pleasant for all.
Eventually the person littering will learn or will get so sick they will have to leave through death. This is because they are not in line with the new frequency, and they are not doing any inner work to fix that. When we feel the connection to others it will be harder to act out of greed and power as our current systems operate. We see this energy forcing the current leaders to make the necessary changes or they will have to leave.
We are the ones we have been waiting for, and we will be the ones in the physical that will make these changes – whatever they may be. This wave will not just remove the current systems, we will be the ones to do this work. But only after the inner shift is complete. This energy moves from the inner to the outer. How long this take will is up to us.
How do you prepare and more importantly, how do you look at the act of preparing? Do your inner work and follow your heart. Our inner work is the key. Nothing else will work without this key. The outer cannot be fixed without the inner being prepared. You are preparing a place for this energy to exist in the outer.
When Will it End?
This is most likely the most pivotal time in history, and how we place our focus is imperative. Do you choose to worry about the outer or do you focus on the inner first? Some people will be in their inner refuge preparing to change their outer life as the Earth does the same.
It’s an ongoing process and will never end. This energy will continue to increase. It will not stop, so in a sense there is no preparation needed for an “end.” When you prepare for something, it’s an assumption of an ending in the future – the great result achieved. This is not the case with evolution. You must constantly be in the state of preparing, because you will always be moving to the next higher level of existence. So, should you think of your preparation as a onetime thing? Not with this event. It needs to become a way of life, not something you prepare for because the end is near.
We are now in the energy of infinity. There is no ending or beginning. There is no preparation, but a new way of life.
Connection of the Inner and the Outer
As humanity is changed from the inner they will be inclined to live a different way in their outer experience without much effort. Resistance is futile….these two experiences will become one. If people don’t change, they won’t feel good. They will not be in balance with the Earth. When a person is aligned with the inner transformation the outer experience will merge within their very being. It will be so easy to make the necessary life decisions that we make on a daily basis because we will be in balance between the inner and the outer, and we will match the frequency of the Earth. This gives the teaching of “the two shall become” one a multidimensional level of meaning.
Light bodies are being re-calibrated – Quan Yin
We want to discuss with you the physical effects that so many of you are going through. These latest energy waves can be very trying on the physical form. As many of you know the waves have been building in intensity and will continue to do so until a wave that has been labeled Wave X hits your planet. After that time many will be integrating the new energies or simply beginning their awakening.
With these waves come a re-calibration of the light body. Your chakras and merkaba are receiving upgrades and this is often reflected in the body system as extreme exhaustion, nausea, headaches and body aches, particularly in your joints. With this is also seen increased anxiety, fear, and doubt. We understand this as the physical form does not realize what is taking place and feels that it is under attack from the invading light codes. It is your job not to go into fear but to ask the body, which has consciousness, to relax and accept the changes. The body’s main function is to keep you alive and safe. It has alarm systems that are triggered when it feels unsafe. This can be seen as a flight or fight response which then causes an increase in the stress hormone, anxiety, even heart palpitations. When the body feels threatened and is unable to determine the cause, the body reacts by sending pain signals to the parts of the body receiving an upgrade. This is its way of warning you that something is taking place. The mind also becomes involved during this time as it communicates with the body as well. When the mind does not understand what is taking place, it will create scenarios as to why you feel the way you do. This, coupled with the increased cortisol can make you feel mentally stressed, out of control and depressed.
How you approach these changes has tremendous impact. You are the one in charge of your body and mind. If you approach the changes taking place with trepidation or dislike, the body receives this information as confirmation that it is being attacked. Instead if you look forward to each symptom as proof that miraculous change is taking place within you, the body and mind will settle. This does not mean that you will not experience symptoms, but it will help to lessen the duration and the relaxing of the body and mind allows one to process the codes much faster.
Many of you are experiencing extreme exhaustion as sleep allows all layers of the form to process the light codes and make the changes necessary for your transformation. When you sleep and shut down the thinking processes of the body, deep changes take place and upgrades go online. These things happen in steps. Once you have cleared enough density to accept the light codes coming in waves, the body then begins to process and integrate the changes. Upon integration you may feel a brief reprieve from the energies, where you then settle into the new changes that have taken place. Not all will receive this reprieve as it is determined by where you are in this process. Think on it as one who is taking final examines for a semester verses one who is writing a thesis paper to complete a phase of their education. The intensity for one is not the same as the intensity of the other.
We ask that you not look at another and how they process the information coming into earth as confirmation that you are doing well or poorly at this time. Each of you is exactly where you are to be in this process. The only thing one can change is how they approach the changes taking place. Again, we tell you that your mindset makes all the difference. Many of you who are aware of these changes are in the final portions of this part of your journey. We understand that you are exhausted and feel battered by the energies. We ask that you remember the point of this journey, it is to return to self, where you will feel connected to source and all that is, while living in form. To do this you must first undo and clear away all that has kept you separate. All beliefs, fears, dogma, and programming that keeps you from love and compassion for all, especially for oneself, must be shed.
This is not an easy process and we ask that you be gentle and forgiving with yourself and others. We hold each of you in high regard and are amazed and encouraged by the progress each of you are making, even when you are not able to see it.
X-wave energy flooding into Earth – Quan Yin
We come to you in celebration as the X-wave energies are flooding into your earth plane changing all around you. How this waves affects you is completely different for each person and we understand that this may create uncertainty and doubt into your field. Some of you are making profound leaps in your thinking and achieving astonishing clarity. Others are feeling more of the energies and the joy that this brings as you move and connect with the unified field. Others are feeling physical symptoms that overshadow much in their intensity. Some are not feeling much with this wave and this has created fear. Understand that all are being affected by this wave in varying degrees and none are being “left behind”. This belief is only an illusion that creates fear and limits your ability to take in the energies that are surrounding you in these moments.
Think on a symphony performance. When you are sitting far away you are able to hear the music but not distinguish the individual instruments. As you move closer to the music you are then able to distinguish individual instruments but when you move even closer still you are able to distinguish the subtle harmonies and undertones. This relates directly to your vibration and the amount of density you have cleared from your form. You are only able to distinguish and utilize what your vibrational level is able to process in these moments. For some that means front row seats at the symphony and for others it means hearing it play softly in the background. Neither is right nor wrong but perfect for where you are in your development.
Understand that while this wave is creating a momentum of clearing and growth and its strength will dissipate the codes that accompanied the wave will not leave your Earth. Therefore as you progress onward on your journey you will be able to access all the codes when you are ready. For even those that are only hearing the symphony from far away will eventually hear it as if they are in the front row seats once they are ready. As each of you clear more density and fear from your form, thereby liberating your highest aspect to merge more completely, you will naturally access the codes that are being grounded into your earth at this time. There is no reason to fear that a window of opportunity has been missed. Allow yourself to be exactly where you are, resisting little, fearing little and you will then open yourself up to receiving all that you are capable to receive at this time.
For those that are finding their interactions are rousing deep emotions and whose life situations are becoming unbearable, we ask that you view these situations as a gift. It is in these moments that those that cause you the most turmoil are helping to excavate what has been buried deep, perhaps hidden even to yourself. This can be very unsettling as you are coming to terms with aspects of yourself that need changing or releasing. In each moment you have a choice. One can rage against the emotions and the circumstances, seeing the injustice or one can quietly acknowledge that even the most painful situations and interactions is designed to help. In expressing gratitude for the clarity of vision, the uncovering of hidden emotions that must be healed, you will move through the lesson much faster.
Many of you are feeling the pull of the past, past memories, situations and relationships. These are being pulled from within so that you may examine them, look at the lesson intended and purposely decide that you no longer need to bring this forward into your world. Once you have completely resolved and healed you will find that you naturally do not carry the pain forward, only the soul experience. In this way, you are being given an opportunity to set yourself free by leaving in the past what no longer needs to be brought forward. Allow this wave of incredible energy to aid you in working through all that does not belong in the new. When a memory comes unbidden, look at the lesson, the gift and simply let it pass with simple observation. It is emotion that brings it into what you are creating in every moment. You have the power to move through all life on earth has taught and remember who you are.