Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Earth Changes

Sources of Information:
What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away?: by Jim Self: from In5D
Collective Consciousness is being Changed - Quan Yin: by Jenny Schiltz: from Channeling the Masters
Tipping point has been reached - Quan Yin: by Pauline Batttell/Jenny Schiltz: from
Preparing for the Next Role - Sunat Kumara: by Jenny Schiltz: from
Great Progress Being Made - Quan Yin: by Jenny Schiltz: from
Intention is very important at this time – Sanat Kumara: by Jenny Schiltz: from channelingthemasters
Transformational Changes: by Anamika: from
Earth Changes Adama of Telos: by Lailel (Dianne Robbins): from Salemctr
The Photon Belt and the New Era of Light: from
Important Information Regarding the Current Massive Shifts in Energies and the Human Body: by Judith Kuse: from
Understanding the 5th Dimension: by Ridge Keough: from In5D
Rise above the fears being exposed at this time – Quan Yin: by Jenny Schiltz: from
Twin Flames – Origin, Purpose, and Relationships: by Verna Maruata: from In5D
4 Signs You Have Met Your Twin Flame: from In5D
What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away?
As the Age of Aquarius approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension on Earth. The planet has chosen to evolve and to change into a higher dimensional shift. Earth is experiencing changes where her inner planetary core is transforming into crystalline matter and looks like a blue spinning essence. Due to this change there are earthquakes, and volcanoes going off on the planet to facilitate the new direction of evolution which is now happening. Humans will also evolve along with the planet and will have crystalline bodies, where there will no longer be sickness, physical pain, and emotional trauma. People will be able to change their appearance in looks, size, height, etc. New psychic abilities will be activated and individuals will be able to manifest things instantly into their physical reality.
In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience.
However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience.
Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well. With some basic information about what the Shift is, and what “dimensions” are, and with simple tools to help manage our thoughts and feelings, everyone has the ability to evolve their consciousness and move gracefully and joyfully into these higher vibrational realms.
If you don’t know what dimensions are, you are not alone. Most people playing the game of life as we know it in the third dimension are playing without a “rule book” that would explain what the game really is and how one can play it successfully.
This article provides these basic, missing rules. It explains what the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions are, and why they are the most important consideration of your life right now.
If you can understand the structure and play of these dimensions, you can begin to move fluidly through the unprecedented changes of this Shift without fear, without effort, without the tension and anxiety that is, for the most part, the daily habit of our lives.
So, first of all, let us define what dimensions are not. Dimensions are not places or locations, and they are not a linear progression – 3, 4, 5, 6 – stacked up like pancakes. And the 3rd dimension, or the 4th dimension, is not the chair you’re sitting in, or the walls that surround you, or even the Earth itself. That is form, which exists predominantly in the 3rd and 4th dimensions, and which will still be very much part of the play in the 4th dimension when the 3rd dimension is no longer an option. In general, dimensions are states of consciousness available to anyone who vibrates in resonance with the specific frequencies and opportunities available within each dimension. In a way, you could think of each dimension as a different game with a different set of rules as to what is possible and not possible for the beings that choose to play and create there.
So what is the 3rd Dimension?
The third dimension (3D) is a box of rigid beliefs, more or less, with a relatively inflexible set of rules and limitations. Most of us have been playing this game for lifetimes, so we tend to think it is the only game available to us. But nothing could be further from the truth. One of the rigid 3D beliefs that structure our lives – our thinking and feeling and actions – is linear time.
Linear time is an optional belief and structure that lets us “live” an experience of past and a future… and then we die. Because this belief is the default assumption of mass 3D consciousness, and events seem to validate the belief, most of us think and act as if it’s true.
But now we are all waking up from the illusion of this ubiquitous belief. And as you become more conscious, you realize that time in 3D is actually a time loop. What you experience in “the past” is pretty much what you put your attention on now, and you project that reality into “the future,” and therefore you experience it over and over again.
So the structure of time is quite specific (and limiting) in the 3rd dimension, but your experience of time is quite different (and empowering) as you move into higher dimensions.
Everything in a 3D consciousness is also very conditional. The concept of, for example, ‘unconditional love,’ does not exist in the 3rd dimension. If you experience ‘unconditional love’ or ‘unconditional peace’ you have actually moved into a fourth dimensional (4D) consciousness.
You see, in the earth experience now, we have access to both 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness, but most of us rarely step out of the well-grooved habits of 3D thinking and feeling.
The 3rd dimension also offers no possibility of choice. We don’t choose our thoughts, feelings, and actions in every moment (that’s a skill of 4D and 5D), instead we react from unconscious beliefs and training to the people and situations that pop up in our space.
Duality provides another rigid structure for 3D experience. Up/down. Left/right. Should/shouldn’t. Since the fall of Atlantis 12,500 years ago, we have become very fearful as a way of life, and in that fear we have learned to narrowly define good and bad, right and wrong, etc. Unconscious judgment permeates 3D thinking.
Moreover, we perceive our 3D experience predominantly with the left hemisphere of the brain, home of the rational mind, and so we use only about 5 to 10 percent of the brain’s capacity to play the 3D game. Most of us suspect the rest of our brain must do something but have no idea what it actually does and how it functions. In fact, what the rest of the brain enables us to do is function in the higher 4th and 5th dimensions, and beyond.
We already have the potential, all the necessary equipment and wiring, right now, to be fully conscious in all these dimensions. But our habits of thinking and feeling in lower vibrations, grooved over many lifetimes, happens to dumb us down and limit us to 3D experience. Our left-brain, rational mind only knows what it knows, and doesn’t know what it doesn’t know, and it works tirelessly to keep us within a thin range of objective 3D thinking and possibilities. And we, for the most part, have gone along for the ride. But no longer shall this keep happening. We are moving towards positive thinking and the belief that we can accomplish and do anything that we set out to create is within our ability to achieve.
The increasing light energies and frequencies of the Shift are rewiring our brains to allow us access to a much wider range of information and possibility than is available in the 3rd dimension. These light energies are preparing us for 4D and 5D experience, even as they are clearing the rigid 3D “rules” from our consciousness.
So what is the 4th Dimension?
The “rules” of 4th dimensional consciousness provide an enhanced sense of ease, possibility, and capability than the structures of the 3rd dimension.
Time in 4D, for example, is always present time. The focus is only ever this moment, what is happening right now. Our bodies already know only this present time; they can’t know ‘yesterday’ or ‘tomorrow,’ and as conscious beings in our natural alignment in the higher 4th dimension, we function absolutely in this “Now” of present time awareness and attention. When our attention point becomes present time awareness, choice becomes possible again. We can observe any and all events with a sense of detachment, merely as information to consider, and from that still, uncluttered platform we are then, and only then, free to choose our response. In the higher 4th dimension we become response-able.
A concept and possibility known as paradox also becomes available in the present time of 4D consciousness. Paradox simply means that what was true just a moment ago may not be true right now. And what was false a moment ago may no longer be false. Instead of applying rigid, pre-existing definitions to any experience, we choose our preferred version and vibration in every moment.
So as we move into 4D consciousness in present time, with the power of choice and response-ability, and the flexibility of paradox, the ability to alter the game to enhance our happiness and wellbeing becomes available.
Interestingly, 4D consciousness will not be a long-term option after the Shift clears away the rigid structures of 3D consciousness. The 4th dimension is serving as an essential, but short-lived, stepping stone or vibrational platform from which we will all move into 5th dimensional consciousness. 5D is the target for Earth and all her inhabitants. The archangels have said the entire consciousness of Earth will be a fifth dimensional consciousness by the year 2015.
But although the 5th dimension is the target, the experience of the 4th dimension is essential. We cannot enter 5D directly from 4D. All mental and emotional baggage from the 3rd dimension must be left at the door to the 4th dimension, and we can only enter the 5th dimension after we have become masterful of our thoughts and feelings in the 4th dimension.
So what is the 5th Dimension?
The 5th dimension operates, to a great extent, in a completely different fashion from the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Time in 5D is instantaneous time, meaning that everything (all possibilities) occur in the same place at the same moment. In 5D, you focus your attention and the answer or experience is given to you exactly when and where you focus. Ask and you shall receive.
In 5D, you don’t have to move or go anywhere for your answers or experiences; everything comes to you easily and effortlessly based upon the attention point and vibration you choose to hold in every moment.
When you are vibrating in 5D consciousness, you don’t create with form as you do in the 3rd and 4th dimensions, you create with light and light patterns and light frequencies. You apply sound and color and geometric shapes. You consciously interact with the Creator and all the Beings of Light. In this heightened consciousness, the rational mind plays a very minimal role. It returns to a small, specific focus it was intended to have, namely the wellbeing of the physical body.
The Tools of 4D Present Time
So how do you become masterful in 4D consciousness? As is mentioned, the 4D is the ‘right now’ of ‘present time.’ But present time actually has four different levels.
The vast majority of people on this planet are not prepared to be the masters of their every thought, feeling, and action in every moment. But there’s no option. It’s a required, baseline skill of higher 4D and 5D consciousness.
One of the reasons the 3rd dimension was created was to provide a “playground” in which we each can practice and hone the vibration of our thoughts and feelings. To accomplish this, the 3D playground has a time buffer. Instead of ‘instant manifestation’ there is a time lag between the thought we think and the manifestation or experience of that thought. For the most part, we are very sloppy with this buffer.
Instead of focusing on what we want, and allowing this to unfold over time, we spew anger, frustration, boredom, worry, anxiety, blame, guilt, fear – all kinds of lower, disharmonic thoughts and feelings. We behave as if we can think and feel anything with impunity because we do not see the instantaneous results of our thinking.
But no longer shall this go on as it is. As 3D linear time is collapsing into a single point of present time, the time buffer is collapsing too. We have less opportunity to practice being aware of our mental and emotional habits before what we think is what we get. This is a very big deal.
Fortunately, some simple energy tools can help you manage your thoughts and emotions in every moment so that you can be prepared for the unprecedented opportunity and challenge of living and creating in present time in the higher dimensions.
Allow the Shift to clear your unconscious thoughts & feelings
In simple terms, the Shift is using one wave of light frequencies to clear away who we are not, and another wave to remind us who we are. The Shift knows where we’ve stored unwanted, unconscious habits of thought and reactionary emotion, and the light is clearing all this from our vibration.
However, as these lesser thoughts and feelings are cleared, they will come into our awareness, and magnetize people and circumstances to us that mirror these chaotic energies. How do you handle these often-powerful energies when they appear. You allow them. If you can simply observe them with a sense of detachment as they come up – knowing that they are just coming up to be cleared – they will clear quickly, and you won’t even remember what the fuss was all about.
But if you grab hold and engage these chaotic thoughts and feelings, if you insist on feeling guilty or worrying, if you continue to argue that ‘I am not OK’ or ‘They are not OK,’ these energies will not be cleared from your space – and the Shift, as it accelerates ever faster, will become a very bumpy, very ‘not OK’ road for you.
Remember most often what comes up is not even yours; it does not belong to you. Acknowledge it and know that it’s coming up to be cleared… forever. Take a couple of deep breaths, go for a walk, listen to music — but turn your attention point to something of a higher vibration.
Understanding the Lower and Higher 4th Dimension
To simplify another important aspect of the Shift, let’s imagine that the 4th dimension has just two parts to it – a lower 4th dimension and a higher 4th dimension. (This is not technically true, but it’s a useful distinction.)
As mentioned, form will remain when 3D disappears. We’ll still experience houses and cars and trees. But fear, judgments, blame and guilt, the rights and the wrongs, will disappear. All this dense emotional energy, which is the only thing that prevents us from playing in the higher dimensions right now, will simply be cleared from our space.
However, depending upon the vibration of the thoughts you are thinking as 3D disappears, you will find yourself in either the lower 4th dimension or the higher 4th dimension. The lower 4th dimension, which is also called the astral plane or dream space, holds all the thoughts ever thought by anyone in the 3rd dimension. You see, thoughts don’t just disappear after we think them. They live on in the lower 4th dimension, with specific weight, texture, density and emotional charge. And they bond and cluster with all the other thoughts of similar character.
Some thoughts – such as rape, domination, slavery, war, hatred – feel heavy, dense and dark. Conversely, thoughts such as ‘butterflies,’ ‘children playing in the park,’ and ‘flowers blooming on a warm spring day’ feel light and have a simple, airy vibration. Lighter thoughts like these rarely linger in a 3D consciousness. Because in order to align and feel the vibration of, for example, ‘beauty,’ we must step out of 3D consciousness into present time, a higher 4th dimensional space.
Wait, you say, I know ‘Beauty!’ You do, because we’re now living in both the third and fourth dimensions simultaneously, but how often do you align yourself with, and linger on, the feeling of beauty? It’s a 4D, present-time skill to take thoughts like ‘light,’ ‘airy’ and ‘beauty’ to heart. These vibrations don’t even exist in the hurry up, past/future of the 3rd dimension where it’s very difficult to pause in present time and smell a flower.
But, on the other hand, have you noticed that heavy, uncomfortable thoughts such as ‘I’m not good enough.’ or ‘They don’t like me.’ or ’I’m never going to succeed.’ tend to linger quite a bit longer in 3D consciousness? This is because thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic. A set of light, airy vibrations like ‘beauty’ or ‘graciousness’ has a low, soft, electrical charge that is expansive and fluid. Whereas heavier, uglier thoughts come highly charged and wrapped in highly magnetic emotions. These thoughts are not only harder to clear than kind, loving thoughts; they also bond magnetically to all other thoughts like them in the lower 4th dimension.
So much of the magnetic field we walk around in – I’m not OK, You’re not OK – has very little to do with who we really are. It’s just the magnetism of one heavy, unconscious thought attaching itself to the magnetism of similar heavy, unconscious thoughts.
You begin to see why it’s vital to become conscious of the thoughts you think and the emotions you throw into your vibrational mix.
Fortunately, the second wave of the Shift is making this easier and easier. As we let go of the heavier energies of Who We Are Not, the light is rewiring us, stepping us up into a higher 4th dimensional vibration where lesser thoughts and emotions are not such a distraction in our general experience. We start to live in alignment with the heart, and experience the vibrations and consequences of concepts such as ‘I like me,’ ‘I’m happy,’ ‘I’m pleased with myself.’ The alignment with the heart becomes natural because it already is our natural alignment in the higher fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions. However, some assembly is required.
Any situational issues like limitations, judgments, denials, blame, guilt, or resentments that we each still argue for, in one way or the other, become like weights on a hot air balloon. They limit how far we can rise within the fourth dimensional range of vibration.
Each of us is 100 percent in charge of the process. The more weight – lower-vibrational patterns of words, thoughts, and emotions – we remove, the higher we rise into the expansive experience of the higher 4th dimension. Here, it is as if we look past the boundaries and limitations, which were always just a habit of observation in 3D. It’s a wider view, a calmer view, and a quieter view. In the upper 4th dimension, you can choose fear or worry, and drop into the lower 4th dimension… but you won’t.
As you begin to align with the heart, very naturally – ‘I Like Me’ – you’re going to find there’s no reason or compulsion to choose an uncomfortable attention point in the lower 4th dimension. It comes naturally and readily because it is the language and vibration of you’re natural well being – if you let it, and if you focus upon it. It’s a choice.
As the shift accelerates and time collapses and everything is in the present moment, you could still choose your thoughts and feelings unconsciously, out of 3rd dimensional habit, and you would have the opportunity to live that discomfort immediately and fully in your experience.
Or you can choose your thought and emotion in every moment, with focus and awareness, and live the fullness of that experience. In other words, it’s to your benefit to practice and integrate the ability to choose the contents of your consciousness right now, before it really counts – and that moment is not very far away. It’s all up to you.
Until now, the center of your head, the place from where you can choose your thoughts and attention point, has been pre-occupied by the thoughts of others. Your Mom-Dad-Teacher-Minister loved you and had an opinion about the best way for you to live your life, and as their thoughts moved in to your head, “You” moved out.
Now it is time to take back ownership of the center of your head. As you recognize and let go of the unnatural thoughts that say, ‘Oh, I can’t do this’ and ‘I can’t do that’ and ‘I must do this,’ you’re going to find that soon all those thoughts, with their sticky interlocking connections in the lower 4th dimension, disappear.
Just putting your attention in present time on ‘beauty’ and ‘well-being‘, or just being ‘happy’ in a state of ‘ease‘, eliminates the lesser vibrations stored within the lower astral fields of the 4th dimension.
Start by playing with the vibration of what is called Living Words. The Archangels very deliberately and precisely selected these words – words such as Certain, Capable, Commanding, Present, Senior, Graciousness and Happy – so that you can most easily clear all the unconscious vibrations from your space. Choose one word each day and live with it all day, think it and feel it often. If you practice thinking and feeling these vibrations now, when it doesn’t absolutely count, they will become your habit when it does count. You begin to gracefully realign with the fullness of “You,” and your natural state of wellbeing lifts you into the higher 4th dimension. Easy? Kind of. Simple? Yes. Does it require awareness and a choice from a present time space? Absolutely. Can you sit on the sidelines and hope it all turns out? No. Increased levels of electromagnetic light from the higher dimensions are now flowing within all of us. Many people in the 3rd dimension cannot handle this surge, and they are choosing to step out of their bodies. And many, many more will follow as the Shift accelerates You see, everyone is going home to the 4th and then 5th dimensions, but not everyone is going home on the same timeline, and with the same ease and grace. How do you choose?
Collective Consciousness is being Changed - Quan Yin
We would like to talk to you today about the changes that many feel are taking place in the world around them. The truth of these changes is varied and range from feeling blissful to feeling anxious and unsettled. The energy from the collective consciousness is being changed, challenged, and rectified. This is not an easy process, as what has led to the dominating thought forms was not created overnight.
As each belief and thought is being rewritten slowly it must too be released slowly. Those of you who are sensitive feel this release, however, understand that the feelings it brings up within may only cause distress if there is a piece of this thought within you. So while it may seem a burden to feel wave after wave of energy that is pulling and pushing, much like your oceans, understand that it a gift that is showing you what is buried deep within, what must now be healed. These patterns and beliefs being healed relate to your survival as a species, your basic needs, rights, and safety. As these are being reworked, rewritten it can manifest within as feelings of lack in all of its forms, concerns for your safety or the safety of those you love, and just a general feeling of unease. Know that you are completely safe and that nothing is being done to you without the permission of your highest self.
These will be felt largely in your lower chakras as these are the ones used throughout the centuries for your survival. It is these chakras that must be cleared throughout the collective. Some of you may be experiencing stomach disruption, bowel issues, lower back pains, and even problems with your hips and legs. The menstrual cycle may become disrupted or abnormally painful during this time as well. Your dreams may be unusually vivid and need to be looked at to show you what is so deeply hidden within you. Understand that this is deep clearing that must take place so that the collective as a whole can move forward. As each of you heals these aspects within yourself, the collective heals and the thoughts and behavioral patterns will be rewritten within the group consciousness. Though immediate results are wanted, this process will take time to work its way through the population. It is important to understand that none of what is being released in the collective will affect you unless it finds a vibrational match within you. This is your opportunity to see what needs to be changed, reworked, and rewritten in your life.
For some of you what is arising is simply showing you old thought patterns that need to be completely let go of. For others, what is being shown goes much deeper and will change everything for you. In order to honor who you are becoming, some of you will find yourselves making radical changes, huge leaps of faith, and steps that will put you on a path of realizing your own divinity. If your life is no longer providing you the joy that your soul needs to thrive, we ask you to listen to your urging and be bold and fearless. We ask you to test all decisions, that they be based on your heart’s desire and love for all, including yourself and not based on fear or the perception of lack. This is especially important with the energies that are intended to pull forth all that is not aligned with love. Act completely from your heart and turn away from all that no longer makes your heart sing. This definition will change many, many times on this process as you let go of who you thought you were and step into who you truly are. Some will look back amazed at the large life changes but yet feel that they are finally completely who they truly are meant to be.
Tipping point has been reached - Quan Yin
We have reached a tipping point in this process. Many of you have recently moved into the 5 Dimensional reality. We smile because we know that many of you are looking around thinking that you must not have made it yet. Please understand that the 5th Dimensional reality is a vibratory state. Just as the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and beyond dimensions are. When you have cleared a certain amount of beliefs and density from your body you then vibrate higher and can access the higher dimensions. As many of the first group have moved into this new location, it allows others to follow suit faster and with greater ease. This tipping point has been long awaited.
There has been much disinformation about the 5th Dimension as a magical place, a place where upon arriving you are instantly healed, upgraded, and immortal. This is just not the case. When you move into the Fifth dimension your first destination is to connect fully to the Unity grid. This grid allows you to connect easily with those that resonate at this higher vibrating state. It is where you begin to understand fully and live knowing that we are all in fact one. It is from this destination that you will continue to clear and remove density from your frame allowing more crystalline light codes in. It is from this destination that true connection with the highest aspect of self begins. As you rise through the dimensions, this connection will strengthen and you will merge with your soul source. Clearing allows space for your highest vibrating aspect to come forth.
Some of you may become discouraged hearing this, thinking that the 5th dimension was your final destination that upon arriving your work is done. We understand as the journey from the 3D dimensional frequency to the 5th dimensional frequency was long and difficult. It has been your most difficult and time consuming change by far. You will find that as you embrace your new location, your new vibration and release all that no longer serves you that you move quickly through the dimensions. Each dimension, will allow you to vibrate higher, create more clearly the life you want, and for you to feel at peace. At the same time, understand that anything you are still holding onto will come up again and again so that it may be healed. The 5th Dimension is not a magic cure, but a place where the magic begins and increases as you move forward.
Now is the time to own your personal mastery and focus on love for yourself and others as this is what opens your heart charka allowing more to be cleared and more codes to come in. As your heart opens fully, as you seek a life of wondrous beauty, your purpose in life will unfold before you. You will receive new, higher vibrating blue prints or plans that are designed to help you achieve all that is in your highest good. Understand that blue prints come in layers and as layers are added, anything you are holding, grief, anger, sadness, and beliefs that no longer serve will be brought forth to your new blue print for the opportunity to cleanse there. If an issue is completely cleansed and released, it will not be part of who you are in the future. It is you who calls forth what no longer serves you in each moment, it is you who has the power to let it all go as well. At any moment you may call on your guides, angels, highest self, and the ascended masters to assist you with clearing and moving forward. However, it is you who must uncover the root cause of what you are struggling with. When you find the root cause and how it has impacted parts of your life, only then can you see the lesson that it was designed to teach you. Once a lesson is learned, you no longer need to hold onto it moving forward.
It is important in these times that you do not allow another to dissuade you from claiming your personal mastery. This is your time to shine and continue on with your work of clearing, growing and expanding.
Preparing for the Next Role - Sunat Kumara
We want to talk to you today about the effects these energies are having on you emotionally and physically. Many of you feel as if there is no reprieve from the wave upon wave of energies that are coming in. Your bodies are doing the best they can to cope with the energies and many of you are experiencing side effects that are impacting your daily life.
Understand that we are in a pivotal time, for some the energies are pushing those ready to connect to the unity grid, also known as the Christ consciousnesses in the 5th dimension. This is done by the clearing of your vehicle of density so that it can hold more light. For those of you who have already connected the energies are preparing you for your next role, which is to help strengthen the pathway for others to follow. It is those of the first wave, who followed the paths laid and anchored by the pioneers that are now strengthening the connection and pathways for those of the second wave to follow with greater ease. This was the role that you agreed to play before this incarnation. Ascension from the 3D is individual but yet it is also collective. In order to assist those coming you had to individually clear the density within so that you could accommodate the energies of your next task, which is to hold the energies that guide others.
As you move into your next task of assisting others by strengthening the energetic pathways, you will find that your chakras will strengthen and enlarge, as they do you will continue to remove density from your form which allows them to grow and activate your entire energy field. Some of you will experience increased heart palpitations and tightening of the chest. As your heart chakra expands you may also feel pressure in your upper back. You may also experience pain in your temples and cranium as your third eye and crown expand so that you may easily process the light codes that are moving through you.
It is essential that you understand the all that is taking place is for your highest good and that nothing is being done to you nor are you under attack. We recommend that you breathe through the energies and command your body to allow the changes and integration. As the body experiences these changes, anxiety is common. The mind will look for reasons why your body feels anxious and you can then fall subject to worries and fears in regards to this process. We ask that you allow for distraction to lead your way. Create a soothing routine when the energies come that are making you uncomfortable. Your electronic devices can disrupt the flow of energies and codes streaming forth and prolong the process. Spending time outside and in water will help to speed up the downloading of information and the internal processing. At times, you may be guided to sleep, this is particularly important during a large download of information. You may also feel guided to eat things that are outside your normal diet. Understand that those cravings should be honored as your body is needing a particular ingredient in the food you are craving. What one must not do is set such strict limits upon yourself so that you feel guilt or shame when deviating from the diet you have created within your belief system. Never before has the human body been taxed as it is in these moments. It is particularly important that one stays grounded not only to the earth but within the body as well. Many of you are naturally not fully in the body, but this disrupts the flow of information. Walking upon your earth in bare feet can be very beneficial at this time. However, understand that the most important tool you have for this time is joy and laughter. Seek what makes you happy and to laugh. A person that is happy and joyful is naturally aligned with source and this creates a pure channel for the information to flow.
As you are being prepared for this role you may find that your physical location changes as each of you have agreed to assist from a particular geographic location. For some this will come as a natural urging to pick up your roots and go to some place new. For others this may appear forced as relationships, jobs, even health dictate a change. Not all will need to change their physical location as they are positioned perfectly. Understand that there is nothing that you need to do to fulfill this role, except to continue to clear your form of all that no longer serves you. It is through your higher vibrating being that the codes will naturally be transmitted to all those around you. As you continue on your upward journey through the dimensions you will be able to handle the codes easier and with greater efficiency. As with any task, the more you relax and don’t fret the easier it will be, the more natural it will become and the more you can incorporate it into your daily life with little disruption.
The next 3 months are very important and many of you will look back at awe at the changes you have made in your being, your thoughts, and your actions. Understand the channel in which the downloads come through your body is also the same path that connects you to your highest self, your intuition, and the deepest remembering of who you truly are. Approaching the changes with childlike wonder and excitement will help you to integrate all into your being.
Great Progress Being Made - Quan Yin
We come to you today with a brief message of hope as many of you are making great progress. We understand that many of you are experiencing great difficulty emotionally, physically, and mentally. Many of you feel as if you cannot possibly go on. Yet we urge you to do just that. We are asking you to have hope, to believe and to push away all your doubts and fears. We are able to see your progress and the changes being made within. We ask that you clear your focus and see yourselves as we see you.
Many of your friends, companions have already entered the Fifth dimension and have attached to the unity grid. Many are not that far off either. While this new location is not all you were told it would be, it is a landing place that will help to ease the burden of fluctuating emotions and thoughts that have weighed so many down. Once you attach to the unity grid you can no longer move down vibrationally to the lower dimensions. From this location you can only move upwards. Once you reach this destination you will be able to see much clearer those that are caught in the third dimensional paradigm. You will see their fears, their egos, and many of you will be able to see precisely what is holding someone back, what patterns are in play in their lives. This is a wonderful thing because it is an opportunity for you to see your growth and also to lend compassion and understanding to those who are still not ready to move forward and do the deep inner work required. What should not happen is for one to use their new position as a way to feel better than or more worthy than another. This only leads to duality and an increase of the ego, even if only on a spiritual level. Your job is to love, completely, unconditionally all that enter your circle, all that enter your reality.
Some of you are feeling that it is time to rejoin society, to find a way to put your new found vibrational level to work, however, many of you still feel the need to cocoon within the self. There is nothing wrong with this. It is during this time that you become stronger in your sense of self, clear more density from your form, and figure out who you are without the layers that once surrounded you. When you are ready to rejoin society, it will be with a strong sense of self and a resolve that is unshakable. What one must not do is judge themselves for their lack of desire to be part of society. It is a normal part of this process to feel the need to go within at all levels, when you are secure in this, you will find that you are able to maintain your balance even among the chaos of your changing world.
The physical effects that are being experienced by all those on earth have escalated. The light codes coming in no longer come in blasts but in steady streams, once you have cleared a certain amount, you then are automatically receiving the next level of codes. This is beneficial in that one no longer has to wait for an alignment or a solar burst to continue their growth. The codes are there, available when one is ready. There are continued bursts that help you to purge all that no longer serves, they bring up emotions and memories that must be reconciled. As one heals and no longer feels the need to hang onto a belief, thought or pattern, they then clear deep within and at all levels. With the continuous pace of the light codes many are not feeling a break from the rigors of healing. While this is difficult, it is necessary to help you move into the next phase of your existence.
It is important that one do their best to look upon all the changes taking place within from a positive perspective. Just as a woman in labor, feels pain, she understands that out of her pain comes a glorious new life. This is no different, out of the pain you are feeling, the work you are doing, comes a glorious new life, yours. A life where you are connected to the highest aspect of self; one where you are home. We ask that all of you keep going, keep clearing and keep your hearts wide open with love for yourself and others.
Intention is very important at this time – Sanat Kumara
We come to you with exciting news! A wave of huge proportions is building and will reach your planet very soon. Your planet is being swept clear of all negativity that is ready to be released. How much this is, depends on the person. Each person is feeling themselves being challenged in many ways so that they may make great changes in their life even if the outward appearance is small. We understand that for those of you who feel caught in a circle of thoughts, emotions, life circumstances, this will seem not to be the case. We assure you however, that all that you are experiencing in these moments is designed to prepare you for what is coming. Many of you who are sensitive can feel that building of an incredible event, a beautiful moment in time. Even those who are not aware of the extraordinary events unfolding feel that something is changing as well. For some they have no way to define what they are feeling and go into fear. Let us be clear, there is nothing to fear.
This wave is designed to propel you forward and help accelerate your growth. Again, how far you are propelled depends largely on your ability to let go and trust in this process. Many of you are lost in circles of thought in your mind. This projects itself as fear, doubt, lack, and a deep insecurity of this process. We ask you to please, sit quietly, ask your heart to open, and feel your truth. Understand that your truth is not the same as another’s and you must seek out your own inner guidance. Accepting another’s thoughts, opinions, and dogma at this time will keep you from doing the inner work required to clear the density within you. One can receive assistance from another to help navigate the journey into self, but no one can do the work for another. Just as one can give assistance at this time to another as long as they are offering support and not doctrine. No two soul’s journeys are the same as each is learning a very specialized lesson created for the absolute highest growth of the soul.
How far one is pushed by this wave will be largely determined by how much has been released within the form, how much one trusts the process and all that is happening. Those that believe to their core that all has a purpose, even the painful lessons will go much further than those that feel things are happening to them. We understand how hard it can be to trust this process, to trust your inner guidance when you are surrounded by distractions. These distractions are in your media, but also in your beliefs and mindset. We ask you to look at your beliefs, do they encompass love or do they show where you feel lack or concern that there is not enough for all. Do your beliefs include the thought that those not on this path are not as beneficial to your growth as those awakened? In fact, it is those souls who often help you the most by showing you what is unresolved within yourself. When you approach each person as a beautiful gift, you will move through your lessons quickly. Once a lesson is learned in its complete form, you no longer will need to experience it again. What many experience frustration with is the belief that seeing the lesson and growing from it automatically means that the lesson is complete. What one must realize is that lessons have many facets and dynamics that must be explored before the lesson is learned in its entirety. Seeing each person and situation as an opportunity to grown and explore those facets will speed up your process. If you are able to hold this mindset, how then could you believe that things are happening to you instead of for your own growth? Each of you are creators, each creating from your own mindset. If you are creating a sense of victimhood, a sense of lack or distrust in the universe, this is what will be shown to you so that you can consciously choose different. You may see similar traits in those around you and you will be given the opportunity to either judge or to see how you may behave the same. In some cases you will be able to look at another and realize that at one time you reacted or behaved similarly, but through your growth and introspection you have changed. What beautiful confirmation. When you recognize your growth how can you possibly judge another for going through a similar process?
Your intention is very important at this time. Write down your goals and what needs to change within yourself to obtain them. Then work daily at changing your mindset, focusing on the simple fact that you will grow and work through all that is hindering you. Think on someone injured, learning to walk again. They must keep in their mind the overall goal of walking again. If they allow themselves to become lost in the feelings of pain, of how long the process takes and the setbacks that occur in healing they may get discouraged and that despair will hold them back. We want you to see yourself as completely whole, healed and know that you are simply returning to that space. It is not that you are lost and forging your way through unknown territory, you simply are remembering by releasing all that you have become burdened with on your journey.
Allow this wave to carry you as far as it may. While this wave entering earth is momentous, know that it is not the last and no one will be left behind. Each of you grow and change at a pace that is best for you and the growth of your soul.
Transformational Changes
We are in the phase of major overhauling, for some years now, cosmic energies have built newer horizons for humanity and as we move up ahead to reach for the stars, we are growing into the energies. We are becoming One with the massive churning of this powerful Light.
This momentum of evolutionary changes on the planet had been planned eons ago by the cosmos and benevolent galactic beings.
In the journey of attaining consciousness, we come across so many positive souls that have chosen to seek different paths. And in the various stages of infinite evolution of spiritual ascension, every soul is predetermined to reach this process at a particular stage. The evolution does have a standard design of spiral steps divided into several stages. Just as we have grades in the school, we have grades in spiritual ascension. Everyone has a role to define, and each one’s efforts define that role.
Try not to be judgemental about self because self-analysis hinders the growth. Flow with the currents. A soul’s ascension journey is normally the task of his/her Guru, and the Divine. Only these two can judge a person’s ascension; after all, without the divine grace, and guru’s intervention, how can a soul receive guidance. It is nearly impossible to reach collective consciousness of divine order sans guidance.
Before the divine graces of someone, as already known, the soul has to have the curiosity to follow the path of Truth, the yearning to reach that one particular stage in the unfolding of cosmic truth. The soul must have hunger to perform his/her best in all of these accords, and to have the desire, the willingness to wash off karmic debris. A soul that seeks for all of this naturally shall help the planet and the solar system. By helping to get rid of darkness, the efforts seem to contribute a lot in planetary liberation and self-healing. Efforts count. Nothing is insignificant. But the efforts have to be from that person, it cannot be forced, the focus has to be his/hers. Therefore, any focus on a positive scale needs to be maintained to not let any external ego based desires waver that pursuer in what he/she intend to seek. A devoted focus is the greatest prasada (bestowe of generosity) Lord Vishnu offers in exchange for a person’s undivided attention in seeking The Lord. The moment is always NOW. And in the NOW, one can develop this undivided faith that awaits its turn to be awakened (by self-efforts) from within. The faith resides in the Anahata (Heart) Charka and only this Faith can take the seeker miles ahead in the journey of spiritual ascension.
That is why; any healing and any growth - be it of the microcosmic to macrocosmic scale, begins with us to grow from within. A soul’s growth is like the tiny propagated seed in the rain forest. The petite seedling breaks out open which was once limited to the confinement of its pod. And despite the odds, it reaches into the open air and aims for the light high above that shines from the thick covers of large trees. Nothing deters the little fellow. It braves through the unchartered heights and grows in an unforgiving climate, jostling through the spaces to reach for the Light.
Desires are egoistic, momentary and temporary. They disappear if we allow them to fade away. Or else, when the ego based thoughts are watered, these emotions driven by ego derail a person from pursuing the spiritual journey. And it does mean a loss making deal with the cosmos. The galactic beings that have been helping the solar system and the earth in the liberation, are all beings who resonate love. Their help, their aid is selfless. They feel the joy for every soul who ascends to a higher vibration.
Physical Evidence of Higher Vibrations
Our Earth has reached her higher pulse record, or also known as the Schumann Resonance, this is the planet's vibrational frequency which it resonates on. Earth now resonates at 16.32 Hz. This resonance will only increase. This is the beauty of inner patience and positive resonance within the self that which breaks the archetype of non-belief for the unwilling souls who haven’t yet become ready for receiving the light codes.
And the Earth is constantly evolving. Some, if not all natural occurrences such as volcanic eruptions, sink holes, earthquakes are being considered as her symptoms of growth where she sheds the unconstructive aspects in which she had to lay suspended for almost twenty-five thousand years. As we are evolving and moving towards higher conscious planes – the earth is on a similar track as ours. Is it not beautiful, both mother and her children are aiding in raising the consciousness of each other. And that is why group meditation is a sought after way in helping the mother by building a steady flow of powerful collective vibrations.
Even more massive changes are set to occur during the 3rd lunar eclipse of 2015 that falls in the month of September. We are not predicting anything yet, but we can confidently tell each other that it will serve in the best interest of every soul. So whether someone is at the stages of pursuing enlightenment, or not seeking the Divine, the accountability will be taken care of during the time of the Event.
In this time of changes it is good to focus our thoughts and intentions as these are the three important things to pay attention to in these few weeks. Stay grounded, heart centered, and positive with promoting the feelings of love and peace for yourself and the world around you. Earth and her collective consciousness, that is, Us, will see exchange of incredible energies through the door-way of this lunar eclipse. That is why, be careful with your thoughts for these energies have the tendency to toss someone in that direction. Maintain focus. Think of all the positive energies that embrace humanity. Focus on collective goodness, think of the beautiful Earth. Think about humanity’s growth. Planetary liberation. Government disclosures on benevolent ETs, free energy, evolutionary freedom, healing technology for all, end of poverty and grief, and the end of violence in the world.
Maintain focus on collective goodness because it is easier than any other selfish attitude or mean emotions to focus upon. For it is the selfishness stirred by dualistic ego which adorns the lower realms. And during the times of the cosmic gateways, just like this total lunar eclipse, when we lay our focus on something, it has the tendency to become the reality.
This phase may feel like a spiraling walk into the unseen upper dimensions that we adore and love to be in. Fear not, for it is only Love we find there. However, there are times like these, the days and time that lie around total lunar eclipses where many people may find themselves unsettled with odd feelings, feeling of being trapped in negative emotions and or confusing situations. This particular junction of time may sometimes feel like a cozy walk on the soft sands yet the fear of being hit by sudden large waves that come drifting about. It will all be okay. Any amount of fear during this phase will only manifest, and at quicker pace. Have no fear. Relax and enjoy the moment.
Let not any external desires disturb the sanctity of this peaceful moment. As the wise say, utilize this moment to observe peaceful stillness. Observe. Stay Calm. Meditate.
Earth Changes Adama of Telos
Greetings from Telos! I AM ADAMA, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California (USA). I am dictating this message to you from my home beneath the Earth, where over a million of us live in perpetual peace and prosperity.
We are human and physical just as you, except for the fact that our mass consciousness holds thoughts of only Immortality and Perfect Health. Therefore, we can live hundreds and even thousands of years in the same body. I, myself, have been in the same body now for over 600 years.
We came here over 12,000 years ago before a thermonuclear war took place that destroyed the Earth's surface. We faced such hardships and calamities above ground that we decided to continue our evolution underground…… We had hoped to save all our Lemurian people, but there was only time to save 25 thousand souls. The remainder of our race perished in the blast.
For the past 12,000 years, we have been able to rapidly evolve in consciousness due to our isolation from the marauding bands of extraterrestrials and other hostile races that prey on the surface population. The surface population has been experiencing great leaps of consciousness in preparation for humanity to move through the photon belt. It is for this reason that we have begun to contact surface dwellers to make our existence known. For in order for the Earth and Humanity to continue to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into ONE Light from below and ONE Light from above.
It is for this reason that we are contacting you to make you aware of our underground existence, so you can bring the fact of our existence to the attention of our fellow brothers and sisters above ground.
We broadcast to you from beneath Mt. Shasta in California where over a million of us dwell. We are very evolved beings, living many lifetimes in one. We go about our business in harmony and love, and reap many benefits that accrue during our long life spans. Our lives span many centuries of your time on the surface, therefore, we're able to accomplish much more in our lives. We can use all our lives to our benefit because we are able to go back to our previous lives through our amino based computer system to recall the past….. This is a technology that we, from the underground, will be bringing to your surface when we emerge.
Connecting to your past lives and learning from your life's lessons is necessary to this current incarnation. So be prepared for this great adventure of tapping into you past lives.
You, too, will be living long lives when you enter the photon belt of Light and receive its life rays of health and longevity. There is nothing to prepare for, since you will be aided fully before this time of entry arrives. Know that you are on Earth at this time to assist all of humanity with its entry into the Photon Belt. All souls incarnating at this time have done so with full understanding of what is to happen.
That's why there are so many people on Earth today, more than there ever was, because all souls want to be involved in these "End Times". Also souls who ever incarnated in Earth have returned. You are one such soul. These End Times can be met with harmony and joy, or fear and chaos. The choice is yours.
We recommend that you view this with your eyes turned to God, while your feet walk the Earth; for God is in full command of everything and you are all in His hands. There is nothing to fear, only joy and immense well-being will be the result of Earth's transition into the Light.
It is I, ADAMA, here to speak to you about TWIN FLAMES. Know that your twin flames are near, as near to you as your heart, and they wait patiently for you to contact them, for you to connect consciously with them on the Earth plane.
You have come to Earth with a purpose and with a mission to complete. The purpose is not an individualized one, but rather one in which your Twin Flame is an integral part. You and your twin flame contracted for this particular mission at this particular incarnation in time. You both have a part to play, a role to carry out, and at this time it is necessary for both you and your Twin Flame to consciously connect with one another for the dual purpose of reuniting and completing this mission. For this is the way you work best….. Most of your Twin Flames are in the fifth dimension, guiding you from above. It is your advantage to channel your Twin Flame for instructions and guidance specifically for you….. You already know your Twin Flame on the Inner Planes. Now is the time to bring that consciousness into your present reality.
The time is coming when our two great civilizations will merge. Where all technology will be ONE peaceful technology of life-giving substance - holding together the fabric of form necessary to create and satisfy our needs.….. If you are interested in coming to Telos at night during your sleep state, just call on Adama before you go to sleep and request admission to Telos, and Adama will receive you. You are all Telepathic Beings, so when you center your thoughts on Adama and call to Adama, Adama hears you. Know this for a certainty, as our channel is just integrating this into her consciousness with a certainty.
In Telos, we are all Spiritual Warriors, as you on the surface must become. A Spiritual Warrior is one who acknowledges the light within, and knows that he/she is here for the purpose of bringing in more light to the Earth. So you are all here to bring in the Light. You do this by focusing on the Light, always, and never letting it drift away from you.
Visualize the light as waves from the ocean, always coming in to you, and washing out the darkness. You are all great Light Beings who have come to Earth, just as Adama has, to reunite all humanity into ONE HUMAN FAMILY.
Adama has gained much wisdom from his extended life in Telos, and would like to impart this wisdom to others who wish to learn from him. Adama is currently conducting classes on the Inner Planes at night. If you'd like to register for these classes, just petition Adama before you go to bed at night asking to be his student. Adama will teach you mastery of yourself on all levels of existence.
The Photon Belt and the New Era of Light
Every 10,700 years, our solar system passes through a 2100 year-wide belt of highly charged ion particles known as the photon belt. This belt is the "Holy Spirit" or God force of the universe stepped down from the Center of Creation. When this happens approximately every 13,000 years or so therefore planet Earth comes into a space/time overlap or period of NULL-TIME... an electromagnetic no-zone or energy vacuum, with complete absence of electromagnetic fields and the temporary suspension of the planetary grid system.
Sol's passage through this belt happens twice during an approximate 26,000 year cycle - the time it takes to go around its greater sun (presumably Alcyon in the Pleaides). This huge vertical and doughnut-shaped belt presently appears (from Earth) to slice through the astrological ages of Leo and Aquarius. Since we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, we are also supposedly moving into the photon belt. The prediction is that we will officially and fully be inside the belt by 2012 AD. When this happens (and it's already happening), the new energy will supposedly transform the planet and all life on/in it into higher dimensions or vibratory states. Those who cannot adapt to this higher, purer state, will eventually die or be removed to another solar system.
The negative rulers of our planet can only do their dirty work here during the long night stages of each cycle. This means they have until approximately 2012 AD, before the Christ Light makes life here impossible for them. Under this invisible but powerful light, bodies and minds will be purified, and aging, sickness, and death will begin to be reversed. Neither will we see the need for most technologies as these are actually a crutch for our innate abilities. Our status as light beings will begin to be remembered and reactivated, and powers such as telepathy and teleportation will eventually become the norm.
To help you make the transition, it is advisable to gradually purify your lifestyle in such areas as diet, conduct, and belief systems. Eating less and better, and adopting a more collective and humanitarian attitude is definitely the way to go. These trends can already be seen in the newer generations of children being born during the last two decades.
Humans are a sick species, having spent the last long night of 10,700 years, in general ignorance and fear, basically cut off from the divine flow. The last photonic Golden Age was in Atlantis during the Age of Leo (11,000 to 8,800 BC). As soon as we moved out of the belt, the negative forces infiltrated and destroyed this great empire, and a long dark night ensued. The reptilians and serpents who rule this planet do so because of the darkness (both literal and symbolic) and low vibratory rate (fear) we live in. The love or light vibration scares or repels them.
As the influx of love and light continues to bathe our planet in increasing intensity, its inner sun will respond more feverishly, anxious to reconnect fully to its life-giving source. Earth's inner sun is presently excited and heating up causing the polar ice to melt at unprecedented levels. Full reconnection will only occur if there is an axial tilt exposing the inner sun directly (via the planet's polar opening) to our solar system sun as is somewhat the case with planets like Uranus or Pluto. This, however, would generate too much power and heat and could literally melt the planet's shell or crust. A partial or indirect exposure would suffice to substantially raise the planet's vibration.
The crust which has been building or thickening for thousands of years and all the garbage and damage therein is similar to what we our doing to our bodies; it's impeding or limiting the life force from flowing fully or naturally, resulting in sickness and even death. To correct this the planet is presently in fasting mode and we should do the same. Eventually it too will achieve light body status and shine like a star. Until then there is much work to do.

Important Information Regarding the Current Massive Shifts in Energies and the Human Body
Intricate portals move into activation in the next few years, as the planet is being revamped and revitalized. Therefore there are massive fractures in earth crust and with it the inner stirring of mass liquid mass, which will bring about volcanic activity, even in those volcanoes which have been dormant for some time and with the eruptions in the inner earth, as liquid mass explodes this will cause earth eruptions, earth quakes and in some cases the sea will start boiling.
It is therefore imperative for mankind to understand that as the earth is reinventing herself, so human beings are being reinvented as they too are being re-formed, reinvented and even their physical bodies will now be more crystalline in nature and therefore contain higher frequency bands.
Most human beings are not aware of the energy centers in their own bodies, nor are they aware that a lot of changes are happening in the way the chakras and the spinal cord energies now move into higher octaves of being.
A lot of discomfort in the body is not caused so much by what we human beings term “DIS-EASE” but rather by blocked particles of energies within these centers and therefore now are being worked on galactically to prepare mankind for the massive shifts with the portals opening up.
It is known to the Intergalactic Federation of Light, that the human body will have to be readjusted immensely, as the portal energies open up, as the normal human is not consciously aware enough to know about energies and energy centers and are not consciously seeking to activate these, do not work on the daily cleansing and clearing process, the healing of the emotional body, and more than this the healing of the mental body as well.
BOTH the emotional and mental bodies need to be healed and should be in balance with each other, as the last 26 000 year cycle has separated the heart (emotion/feeling) from the mind (rational, dissecting, fixing, creating/inventing without love or feeling).
Most people concentrate on the balance between the masculine and feminine WITHIN, but fail to understand the importance of the balance of heart and mind. One cannot step into full co-creatorship without there being balance between the heart and mind, between the feelings and rational, for if the heart is not fully opened up and the vital energy flow of Love is not in balance with the mind, one is imbalanced and it was imbalance which caused mass trauma since the fall of Atlantis.
When the heart energies and mind energies, are in balance with each other, a state of balance reigns within and without: – One starts then creating within the Universal Laws, as one applies them in HARMONY with the balance reigning elsewhere in the cosmos.
There are higher energy centers which work on the higher 36 chakras which were shut down after the fall of Atlantis, because human beings went out of control when the mind ruled and created the chaos that sunk Atlantis. It was done as the 3rd dimensional form of the lower DENSER physical form, could not hold the immensely high vibrational frequency which the opening up of 48 chakras would entail.
There are 28 dimensional levels in the universe and portals from the higher dimensions are opening up on Earth and the frequencies are sent to the planet that will help to transform the human DNA into the 12 stranded helix activating telepathy, and many other psychic abilities like for example levitation, and teleportation, etc.
In the previous civilizations before Atlantis 72 chakras were fully opened up which meant that beings lived in a much higher frequency band and therefore their physical forms were of much higher light body form. In Atlantis this was shrunk to 43 (12 + 36) and after Atlantis this further shrunk to 7 only. There are 330 chakras in all, and the more one activates the higher chakras the more one evolves by octaves of being.
It speaks for itself then how far mankind has sunk into the sea of density and forgetfulness.
However the chakras are not the only energy centers held within the body! The nadis and meridians play a huge role, and these are not just held within the physical body, but also within the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. To only treat the physical body, is the lowest form of healing there is. When one starts treating ALL the bodies, disease cannot sustain life within the bodily form.
Take this one step further, and it was known that together with the chakras, the nadis and meridians, the 33 Vortex energy centers held within the spinal column had to be fully cleansed, healed and activated. It was known that each vertebrae, held soul memory banks and only in releasing these soul memory banks could such a center be fully activated. Each vertebrae acts like a mini computer chip, and records all that is held in the emotional and mental bodies.
Unless each vertebrae is treated like living entity in its own right and higher Adam Kadmon body cannot function nor can it be fully activated. There is more to the spinal column here, than we will divulge now, but to confuse this energy with the Kundalini energy is to play down the importance of these energy centers.
The Kundalini rises yes, through center energy channels in the spinal column, however it is but one single energy force, and not the whole. It is but one of the cogs in the Universal wheel – not the be-all and end-all as some would have it be. Again, forgetfulness and the wrong interpretation of ancient scripts and the handing down orally of teachings, has left immense gaps in human knowledge and understanding of vital truths.
As mankind sunk into forgetfulness a lot of the teachers, could not understand the greater whole, and therefore started sharing only what they knew and could understand. What went beyond their own understanding they could not teach. They might have handed down certain texts, or what was recorded in such, but the earliest civilizations recorded such not in the form of writing, but in the form of ENERGY.
As the human body is this massive and very sensitive energy field, in combination with the emotional, mental, spiritual and all twelve light bodies, so is the earth. Every single aspect of the human body reflects within the body of the earth. She is as much a living, breathing entity as we are – it is just that we tend to forget that.
To us the earth changes and the opening up of the portals brings in a higher understanding of just how linked our physical forms are to planet Earth. But not only our physical forms and the rest of our bodies are linked – OUR CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS ARE ALSO LINKED WITH THE PLANET’S!
Consciousness and awareness levels are not only linked to the Earth but also to that of the 12 Central SUNS and the 12 Central Galaxies.
AS ABOVE – SO BELOW. What is matter and what is alive exists in the macrocosm as well it exists in the universe and vice versa.
The portals opening up, come from the energy beamed down from the Central Suns, into the consciousness energy center of the planet Earth. The Central Suns are one vast energy center of the highest Consciousness and the Highest Mind/Heart pulsation.
As human beings our whole energy systems are geared to PICK up the cosmic and Earth’s frequency bands and the more consciously aware we become, the more we have the ability to TUNE into the cosmic and Earth energy fields and systems!
If the upper transmitting energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the cosmic energy transmissions. If the Earth energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the Earth energy transmissions. BOTH have to be equally activated and opened up, before we can truly step into the 5th dimensional state, and this is even truer stepping into the 6th – 12th dimensional states.
Most people are not even aware of the Earth’s energies, let alone the cosmic ones: -The walking, living, sleeping dead. They will not be able to hold the higher frequency bands as the Earth moves more and more into higher activation and with it shifts into higher cosmic frequency gear.
It is not only human beings who will not be able to hold their physical forms anymore as this happens, the same applies to animal and plant life – indeed any living organism.
It is the dying of the Old Adam and Eve and the birth of the new human race. It is the dying of the Old planet Earth and the birth of the New EARTH. It is the dying of some parts of the Milky Way Galaxy and the birthing of a new galaxy now being born.
We are in the process of a massive COSMIC rebirthing, revamping process and therefore should not fear the changes, but rather embrace them! Whether these are Earth changes or bodily changes or a total clean-up of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies – and all the rest.
One only fears what one is not consciously aware and part of. The more consciously aware one becomes, the more COSMICALLY aware one becomes.
Our souls are intricately linked to the Central Suns and to the Divine. Our SOULS are immortal, eternal, and therefore KNOW all of this. There is truly nothing new under the Great Central Suns!
Understanding The 5th Dimension
The 5th dimensional reality is becoming a frequency in which humanity is growing into every day. Our sights, smells, tastes are all changing as we raise our vibration to match that of the 5th dimension. Heightened states of awareness, compassion, and knowledge are all just beginning to flourish. As our sensory systems align to higher frequencies, we gain more awareness of the multitude of dimensions. To be cognitively engaged in the 5th dimension allows us the ability to peer into that dimension. It does not mean that you are functioning in that dimension; just your thoughts believe that you are grasping the “reality” of it. Let’s get a brief understanding of how we got to the 5th dimension.
Dimensional Light
If the 3D world is all a hologram or illusion, we never are truly engaged in that dimensional field, but rather we are superimposed in that field like a shadow. If we partake in each dimension like a shadow, what happens when we shine light on ourselves or the dimension? Science says that light exist in two states simultaneously: electromagnetic waves and linear stream of particles called photons. Light is nothing more than an electromagnetic frequency (dimension) that is temporarily interacting with another dimension(s) which is why it can have two states simultaneously. Light actually is able to exist in all dimensions simultaneously; however, this cannot be proved yet. What we are experiencing as light is the result of these states of energy. Just like all three dimensions existing in the same point in space, so does the many dimensions of light. Like the human experience, the light we know so well is nothing more than the diffraction of this composition. Our illumination on this matter is just a grain of sand in the galaxy. What happens when our belief system is struck hard enough to crack the very grain of sand and re-arrange the atomic structure?
The journey of the soul is perceived by a three dimension construct and is limited to dark and light; as above, so below. The part of the galaxy you are in holds such duality. Even the nature of your being is in duality. You exist yet you do not. Your spirit exists yet you cannot see it. The center of this galaxy you call the great central sun is composed of a binary star that is two parts. This star is creating the foundation for which the rest of the galaxy is designed for the simple reason of its push/pull. There are a few other basic laws that define your reality and this only works in the first three dimensions. When we go to higher dimensions, we do not have all of the laws of physics apply.
The First Six Dimensions
Each dimension exists for a different reason with no two alike. It is speculated that an infinite number of dimensions exist in a vacuum called space. They all have their own rules and behaviors interweaving with each other yet never touching. Some are superhighways for energy while others are constructs to have an experience. Whatever the reason for the dimension, it is beyond our scope of understanding. To try and explain this would be like talking about a space ship to a person in the 12th century. Let’s describe and examine the first six dimensions that exist in this hologram.
In the zero dimension or null, there is a constriction of energy. It is just a point in space with no mass. It exists more to be a place marker for the following dimensions than anything else. Think of the zero dimensions like a GPS coordinate that gives a specific location for a body of energy to exist. Without the null dimension, there can be no hologram. In numerology, a number 0 is a space holder.
In the first dimension we get some room to breathe. It is rather linear in its design since there is no other dimension except the null. (And the null is a rather boring dimension) if the zero dimension is a point in space than the first is a plane that is only as wide as the point. The plane will stay in the same linearity with your perception no matter how you try to grasp more of it because it simply cannot show you more. It cannot be more than single plane for that is what it is. In numerology, the 1 is new beginnings.
Now we are starting to get really exciting things here for we have yet another addition to the dimensions. This new dimension; the second, adds breadth to the singular plane of the first. It gives the ability to finally create the depth and concrete substance to the way we perceive the first, building upon the finite element of the first. With the first two dimensions (plus null dimension) in place, we see the second dimension as something that is similar to a piece of paper. When we look at a piece of paper from its side, it becomes solid, impermeable and looks like a line. When the paper is flipped onto its writing surface, we see it as a large area but have no concept beyond length and width. It’s only when we bring in the 3rd dimension into play do we conceptualize the fullness of all the three. In numerology, the 2 is duality- humanity vs. divine.
The third dimension is one that gives the height to the length and width, the final step needed to create an area that can have mass (this doesn’t mean it will have mass only that it can). We take for granted the third dimension as something that just is. We came unto the earth with the full perception needed to have the first 3 dimensions activated and open. The third becomes solidified thought. The 3rd dimension makes everything more “dense” and vibrate slower. The slower the vibrations, the more our thoughts perceive this as a solid structure. All of these lower vibrations help form the dualism of being in human form. If you look at light, it is a frequency that vibrates so fast, that it carries no structure yet it exists.
The three dimensions give us the ability to have an experience on earth without the ongoing communion with spirit- that comes in the next two dimensions. In Numerology, a 3 is a catalyst number and tells us that we would not be, if not for the 3rd dimension.
The next dimension up for grabs is the fourth. It is hard for us to understand the quantum shift that takes place with the 4th dimension but let’s say it is considered a place to be and to transfer energy. The quantum state allows many dualities to exist that when looked at from the 3rd dimension, make no sense. The 4th dimension has no objective except to create space for the next seven dimensions. It anchors all the energies on the planet and sets the conditions for the existence of man. The 4th dimension prepares us to work with the higher dimensions and allows us to be on this planet in whatever energy we wish to use. It is considered a bridge dimension. If you remember back to the beginning, we mentioned how many of the dimensions were nothing more than a way to transfer energy and so the 4th is doing just that. Very simply, the fourth dimension is creating an environment for two way communications with the high frequencies of light. It also allows communication with Gaia, spirit, and any other being of light like ascended masters.
Remember that ascended masters once shared this third dimensional plane until they ascended into a higher dimension, they still are here in the third, yet vibrate at a higher dimension so we cannot see them only can we feel them. Seeing is a third dimensional sensory organ. Those who say they are seeing higher dimensions are doing so through a limited scope of the eyes, the pineal, and chakra system. The chakra system which extends out over 50 feet and has 144 levels to it, takes frequencies that are of a higher dimension and shifts them down so we can perceive them through the pineal and if the DNA has been raised enough, the eyes as well.
So the fourth is the land and the bridge to the higher dimensions. This land bridge allows us bi- directional flow of energy from the 5th-12th dimensions. In numerology, the 4 is mother earth energy, the physical world and things based in structure.
The 5th dimension completely changes the attributes of Gaia and humanity. When this is fully incorporated, there will be less need to learn as we come into the body fully awake and remembering all we have done. We feel and are a part of the Akash so the lessons of 3D don’t apply. The incessant want and need are gone as we become the master manifesters. With the mastery of self, comes the wisdom and knowledge to apply manifestation in a loving way. We shift to being in service to others like the Pleiadians had done a hundred thousand years ago. We choose how to be and what planet to be in. The hologram of the lower dimensions has no pull. We graduate into the 5th dimension and draw it in around us, becoming one with energy. In numerology, the 5 is change.
Evolution through frequency
When we raise our vibration, we tell our spirit that we are evolving and are ready to receive more light. When we are working in the first three dimensions, we can only send information to spirit and not receive it back- this is how the veil works and it has been done through magnetics and intention. Your light was used in the creation of the veil. You and billions of other beings all came together and created this magnetic field and the dynamics needed to partake in Gaia. You decided to keep your DNA in two states separated by the veil and held for you by Gaia in the crystal cave or Akash. It’s easy to take DNA and separate the 12 layers when we use magnetism and intention. The hard part is understanding that there are 12 layers.
The dimensions, light, planets, everything is here to help us have experience. We don’t need to label all the minutia or try and figure everything out- we can’t when we are coming from the 3D perspective. What we can do is work on the lessons and come from a loving, compassionate place. Life and the dimensions as we understand them, are a mirror to our personal experience. No two fingerprints, dimensions, or experiences are alike. Enjoy the ride knowing there are many parts of you in many dimensions doing the same.
Rise above the fears being exposed at this time – Quan Yin
Many of you are in a very important part of this process and we would like to discuss it today, as many of you feel that you have gone backwards and this has led to a feeling of despair. Many of you are being confronted with your fears and worries, and at this stage you must understand that you are being shown a choice. Do you act and feel as you have always done, or do you blaze forward walking in your new truth? It really is a choice. This is the time that you must embrace your power as a creator.
Some of you are being shown dream scenarios that embody your deepest fears, others are being confronted with situations that bring up their fears regarding relationships, health, and their place in the world. These are not coming up as a way to keep you from moving forward, but so that you can finally see them for what they are: fears. These beliefs, thought patterns and reactions that are being invoked have been held by you for a long time and you must now choose to move beyond them. So many of you are able to offer unconditional love to others in an admirable fashion, yet you lack the ability to turn it inward on yourself. This is the time that this must be done. You must love yourself enough to move past the fears and insecurities that have plagued you and shaped you for so long.
The feelings of sadness, despair and anxiety that have swept over some of you may feel nameless, and there by belonging to another or the collective as you are not able to pin point a cause. This is not the case, for those of you deep in the ascension process you are doing a final inventory, what you are feeling is yours and yours alone. It is in these moments that you must understand that how you feel and react to these unnamed emotions is a choice. In those moments, decide to let those feelings go and choose to feel differently. Ask yourself when you are confronted with these deep unsettling emotions, if they are in your highest good, your highest interest. If they are not, why would you want to explore them or hold onto them? Let them go by declaring that they no longer have a place in your life.
For those being confronted with scenarios that they felt they had moved beyond, we ask you to look at the emotions and thoughts it evokes within you. What is the basis for this? Is what you are feeling rooted in love or in fear? If what you are experiencing is rooted in fear, then choose in that moment to do something different, say something different, think something different. When you visualize your fears as a wall that is stopping your progress, you will understand that you must transverse that wall. Charge through the barrier and leave it behind you as you continue on your journey. This is the time to move past your conditioned response.
As you progress on this journey many of you are experiencing increased synchronicity, intuition, and manifestation. This is wonderful and yet for some it breeds doubt and fear. Some of you are doubting what you are experiencing feeling it is too good to be true and this by its very nature keeps you from what you want to experience most. This too is a product of fear. Is it that you fear being wrong? Is it that you have compared your journey to another and it has created doubt? Or have you allowed another’s opinion of your growth to hold you back? Again, we say to you, it is time to put these feelings behind you and stand in your truth, your light. Go through those barriers of doubt and be fearless and by doing so you give others the permission to do the same.
This process has been long, and tedious, many of you are in the final stretch, while others are still undergoing or just beginning the life changing process of merging with your highest aspect. It does not matter where in this journey you are, fear is what holds you back. Change your conditioning, change your thoughts, your patterns, and behaviors and choose love in all things. Feel how fear reacts in your body and choose different. Walk in your light and be bold and fearless. Now is the time to choose your divine right and to walk fully connected with your highest aspect.
Twin Flames – Origin, Purpose, and Relationships
Twin Flames are two halves of a single unit. We all have a Twin Flame.
God created us with the purpose that we would move away from the point of creation, to learn and grow and evolve into our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfected Beings. At this initial point of creation each single consciousness (Monad) contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of the one reality. At the initial descent into third dimensional reality these two aspects of the one were divided and the Twin Flames were created. One the Alpha flame the other the Omega flame. Both Flames incarnate to lead separated lives, always aware, on some level, of a loss of an aspect of themselves.
Twin Flames do not normally incarnate together, except for a higher purpose. At this time, many evolved Twin Flames are incarnating to assist in the raising of consciousness of humanity. Usually when one Flame incarnates the other is out of form, preferring to energetically support their incarnating twin.
When Twin flames do incarnate together the coming together is often chaotic and stressful, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Their relationship is very intense. The romantic loving version we all think of is really for Twin Souls. Twin Souls are heart soul mates that are in loving romantic and energetical spiritual relationships with each other that can last many lifetimes together, even forever as many higher dimensional beings can live for thousands of years in the same body or light body. In relationships between Twin Souls their energies can intertwine together to form meaningful bonds of the heart that will never fade in their love for each other, as it is true soul mate love and not a temporary relationship. Twin Flames come together as two mirrors. They are there to reflect back each other’s imperfections, for the ultimate goal of the Twin Flames is total union once more. To achieve this, total balance is needed by both of them on all levels. It is found that those areas, in which they both have harmony, are the areas they no longer need to work on.
Twin flames also have many differences, these may be age, sex (same sex is possible), geographic locations, morals, beliefs, race, income brackets. They incarnate specifically to be the facilitator of the others growth and ascension. And yet the bond is such that being together is like coming home. The attraction is strong on every level, and spiritually they know they are one. This knowingness helps them over many of the hurdles, mostly created by pre-conditioning, beliefs and personality.
As the Twins become more into balance and their service here on the planet becomes more into their awareness they spiritually grow at a faster rate than when they were apart. They find their spiritual gifts are fine tuned. Each often possessing a gift the other does not. They are sensitive to each other’s energy flows and stresses. Being apart is like functioning at a reduced level. Together, they become balanced and more of who they are, just by being in each other’s energy.
When Twin Flames reunite in physical form an awakening occurs of a very special kind – an awakening that can only occur when Twin Flames energetically connect in the 3rd dimension. The flame of the alpha twin and the flame of the omega twin are ignited. Until this re-union, the flame has laid dormant. From this ignition comes a coil of gold light up their spine, some may call it a serpent. In reality it is the awakening of the oneness they once shared and is their Christ Lights / Monads / I am presence, awakened in recognition. As they grow closer in their connection on all levels these coils entwine to form a caduceus – a union of the two Christ Lights, the two flames becoming one. As they come more into balance with each other the caduceus coils meld more and more into one another until there is no visible differentiation between them. They have transmuted all the imbalances that kept them apart, and have stepped onto the path of the Alpha and Omega, the journey home as a two parts of the one whole reunited in service. The re-union of the flames creates the deepest of connections for these two people.
4 Signs You Have Met Your Twin Flame
What is a twin flame? A twin flame is a different and more profound connection in many ways than even a soul mate. While we can have many soul mates in our life, both platonic and romantic, there is only one twin flame. This is because the twin flame is understood as generally a physically embodied soul expression which is the polar or complimentary aspect to your own soul. We have heard it explained that, in a sense, when source was dividing into infinite expressions of consciousness for the purpose of experiencing itself, each soul coming to experience duality was split into two parts of a whole. Therefore the twin flame could be understood to be the other half of one’s own soul.
However, we must be careful to understand that while we may experience the twin flame connection or we may not this does not mean we are not whole and complete unto our self. And indeed this is one of the lessons the twin flame comes to teach. Here are 4 signs you have met your twin flame:
1. An Intense Acceleration of Evolution: Usually when twin flames meet, the instant and intense chemistry is followed by a rapid acceleration of personal development and evolution for both the twins and for each of them individually. The twin reflects aspects of the self that are deep and profound and therefore when twins meet, the energy created will often spur both twins to uncover major soul gifts, bring them both quickly onto their soul path with purpose, and help to clear away those belief systems and paradigms that are outdated.
2. An Eternal Sense of Knowing: When you meet your twin flame, it will be a feeling unlike any other connection you have ever had in this life, and yet the feeling will touch something unspeakably familiar and beautiful in your heart. You will feel and know that you have known this soul for eternity. You naturally feel one with this person and the love is immense and powerful.
3. Peace and/or Chaos: As mentioned, the meeting of the twin flame is not for the faint of heart, which is why plenty of souls choose not to do so in their current incarnation. Twin flame relationships can either soar with an unbelievable expansion of love and acceptance or can violently crash and burn in chaos and pain if either twin is in resistance and unwilling or not ready to release beliefs, habits, and paradigms that are preventing an experience of love without attachment and expectation. These relationships will challenge both partners to the core.
4. The Sex is of a Different Caliber: Many twin flames will probably unite in sexual experiences that may be unlike any other they have had before. This is because the soul-level connection is profound. Twin flames may experience sexual union outside of or beyond the physical body-i.e. astral sex. Astral sex can be experienced as the feeling of one’s spirit fully merging with the twin’s spirit, and this can happen with or without physical intercourse. While sexual intercourse always is a time for union and mergence, with the twin flame it can truly take on another-worldly quality where through the gateways of one another’s eyes, other places in space and time can be seen and past, future, and concurrent lives can be accessed.
These are just a few main characteristics of the amazing twin flame bond. Everyone will experience it differently and these relationships can have many different outcomes depending on the life paths of both people. Ultimately you will know you have found your twin flame by the deep resonance you feel within yourself and around your twin flame when you are with them.