Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Crystalline Harmonic

Sources of Information:
The Emerging Crystalline Harmonic: by Tiara Kumara: from
Aligning to the Crystalline Harmonic: by Terra: from
The Emerging Crystalline Harmonic
The Planetary Grid Transmissions
“Our planet is evolving into a brand new vibrational harmonic. This can be described as a ‘crystalline frequency’ that greatly assists us to stabilize in the faster light velocities of the higher dimension. This awakening of crystal vibration in both the Earth and our human bio-field creates major transformation in every aspect of our life, and in our relationship to the world.”
The new harmonic is being anchored on our planet and it is happening quicker than what anyone has expected. This crystalline frequency is paving the way for all of us to make an accelerated transition into a full multidimensional reality. As the old world is collapsing, there is a simultaneous emergence of the New Earth structure. With this accelerated emergence of the new energy, we have an easier ability to connect with the living crystalline force.
Crystal Consciousness
The crystalline vibration is simply the geometrical blueprint and frequency of the higher dimension. The Earth, as a living sentient being, is undergoing a transformation into a crystalline form. All humans choosing this path of evolution are also undergoing the transformation from a carbon based body to a super-human matrix of crystalline light. The children being born today carry this pure crystal frequency and the New Earth human blueprint.
New Earth Crystalline Structures
As everything crystal is now activating, the veils are disappearing and more of the celestial plan is being revealed. We are merging into the higher dimension, and, as a result, much more is being seen and experienced.
Like the caterpillar in a chrysalis, crystallization is a vibration that is achieved through a very personal metamorphic process. This highest alchemy requires the release of all fear and conditioned mental and emotional construct. We are sharing information about a transition into fearless living… one that is held in the arms of love at all time. This brings us into heightened states of clarity and impeccability. As clarity increases, we are able to more fully access the spectrum of DNA encodement in order to expand into a vaster expression of beingness this process helps to fully awaken our light body and transition into the higher consciousness.
Quite simply, matter substance that is ‘crystal’ is arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a lattice that extends in all directions. It is able to express itself as a unified and ordered substance. This is a big clue to why we want to crystallize our energy!
Crystals are known to amplify, transform, store, and transfer energy. We see examples of this in computers, microphones, radio and television equipment, and laser tools, to name a few. At some point in the near future there will be crystalline engines in space ships that will allow humans to travel in space beyond the speed of light.
Our bodies, too, are crystalline in structure. In fact, the human body is a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system that is comprised of an entire matrix of interacting solid and liquid crystals that is constantly transmitting and receiving information.
There are crystalline particulates in the bone, blood and the brain. The pineal gland, for example, consists of tiny crystals that are less than 20 microm in length. Crystalline substance is found in our organs, glands, nervous system, cells and its protein structure.
Our cells are suspended within a network of connective tissue which is filled with structured water, which also has crystalline properties. The larger liquid crystal systems in our body include the fatty tissue, muscle and nerve tissue, the lymphatic system, white blood cells, and the various pleural and peritoneal linings.
Our bodies are becoming more crystalline everyday, our spine and head region are the primary focus of physical upgrades right now, while the lower half upgrades itself on it's own too. Every part of our body is continually evolving on a cellular/molecular level, there is not one iota of us that is not alive, sparking, moving, charging, communicating and emitting continually now. There are people experiencing massive cranium work going on while crystals are being activated more than ever in the skull, jaw, teeth, root of the teeth and the brain.
Through this program of Morphogenesis, we are strengthening ourselves as ‘crystal resonators, securing the bridge between our physical selves and our more ethereal, and vaster creator self. All the various light codes, DNA downloads and uploads that are coming in from the galactic center in the cosmos are evolutionary upgrades that are designed to enhance the crystalline structures that are already in our bodies so we become full crystalline beings. This involves the physical body fully merging with the highly ordered crystalline lattice framework to activate our light bodies to work in harmony with all the light spectrums and vibrational sound frequencies of the universe. Once this evolutionary shift happens into the crystalline bodies we will have access to all universal knowledge and the ability to transmute physical living environments and objects into energetic frequencies and change the molecular characteristics of these structures to make them into something else if that is the goal. We will also be able to transform our physical bodies into other forms, for example change hair color, eye color, height, weight, skin color, age, etc. at will with just a thought form coming from our minds. This is done from the brain giving a vibrational thought frequency signal to the body’s genetic structure, which in turn changes its DNA blueprint into a new pattern sequence so we can have a different appearance in how we look.
Some people are beginning to feel the changing frequencies of their physical bodies starting to evolve into the crystalline bodies. At times this includes stopping eating processed and genetically modified foods which include wheat, grain, rice and corn as the body can no longer take in the harsh chemicals in the foods and neurotoxins are released into the bloodstream and then the nervous system, intestines, etc. This can cause headaches, leaky gut, inflammation of the muscles, and also joint pain. As well some people cannot eat heavy meats like beef or pork as the animals from who the meat comes from are fed growth hormones and this can enter into the human body from the meat of the animal, which can irritate the human organs in the stomach and cause indigestion, pain, constipation, etc. as the body cannot process the meat properly and it gets stuck in the organs for a while until it is detoxed by the body systems eventually.
These changes towards eating gluten free as well as organic foods which are free of genetic modification, additives, etc. are supposed to help to purify the body and release impurities like toxins so the body can more easily merge itself into its crystalline frequency matrix, accepting the new blueprint codes of the light body paradigm.
Our bodies are trying to rebalance themselves so there is a state of harmony between the physical, emotional, and the etheric existence in our living realities, this helps to more easily incorporate the evolutionary process from the physical manifestation of our bodies into the light body crystalline essence that we are becoming.
The Earth Crystals
The entire planet has been seeded with information, codes and programming for this shifting time and by other civilizations, star families and galaxies. All has been purposely dormant until this now time of the planetary dimensional shift. Many of the dormant crystals, stone structures and held records within and upon the Earth are now in a major activating phase to reveal and support the massive anchoring of the new harmonic and energetic template.
As a result, we are feeling and experiencing stronger and easier access to the new grids and the unified field matrix. We are experiencing increased remembrance, sense perception, expansion of consciousness and emerging multidimensional ability. Many of us are even shifting in the dimensional frequency quite often.
Additionally and as support to our bridging, new dimensional portals are opening in many locations beyond the sacred sites including our own local geographical areas. As we advance into heightened states of purity, we will have increasing ability to open and close portals at will.
The Crystalline Grid
The Crystalline Grid has been specifically put in place to make it easier for earth to vibrate at a higher oscillation while helping the human form morph into crystalline light. Linking all of the crystals in the Earth and crossing major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways, the Crystalline Grid provides a doorway between worlds. Additionally, it is through this geodesic, holographic crystalline matrix that the new earth paradigm is being anchored.
The grid will get stronger and stronger as it reflects and amplifies our ascending levels of collective consciousness. It is a New Earth structure that is continually activated the more we consciously merge into its frequency and bring it in as part of our life and new multidimensional human form.
The Crystalline Grid is also a grid of stabilization which is an especially important alignment for us during these times of intensified Earth change.
The Golden Sun Discs
Described as the "DNA of the Crystalline Grid", the Golden Sun Discs are now activating in certain locations around the planet to anchor amplified levels of the Divine Love frequency and its universal hologram to the Earth plane. These discs hold the Great Central Sun encodments to help us return to our original state of multidimensional purity and harmonic Love.
"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."
These discs are located at various Crystalline Grid nodal power areas such as Lake Titicaca and Mt. Shasta, are very potent activation features and part of the higher dimensional technology arriving for the New Earth creation. Vibrating at extremely high frequency, they contribute greatly to the quantum crystalline field. The Golden Sun Discs are also part of the multidimensional energetic structure for the crystalline "Cities of Light" that are part of the New Earth emergence.
The Crystalline Cities of Light
The Tibetans prophesize the appearance of a great City of Light in these shifting times and refer to it as "Shamballa" manifesting in the physical. In the Bible's Book of Revelation, John the Beloved saw the descent of the "Holy City" as the immaculate geometry of that which now is in the invisible realms of light. Other spiritual prophecy foretells of the great Cities of Light that will make their physical emergence as the vibration of the planet has been sufficiently raised
Many people are now confirming what's been prophesized by many spiritual scholars as a result of seeing, experiencing and receiving a greater depth of information on the Cities of Light and their supporting crystal portal communities. As blueprints for the New Earth structure, the Cities of Light are seen to already exist in their higher dimensional template. Some feel that the Cities of Light will make their grand emergence in several locations of the world and that they are all linked and operating as one. The magnificent Cities of Light, advanced crystalline technology and other New Earth structures and systems of energy will receive increased attention as we continue to advance in the crystalline fields of higher consciousness.

This is an example of what a Crystalline Harmonic body shift might look like that is emerging currently in our evolutionary process on Earth.
Sources of Information:
Pure Crystalline Source Light Energy: by Lisa Transcendence Brown: from
Advanced New Earth Humans: We are the Crystal Grid Keepers of Our New Earth Realities Now: by Lisa Transcendence Brown: from
Evolving the Human Blueprint: by Tiara Kumara: from
The Galactic StarBEing Awakening in a Human Body: by Lisa Brown: from
Pure Crystalline Source Light Energy
The continual wide-open streams now are beyond anything we could have handled before. The ease at which the Crystalline Structure flows this Pure Source Liquid Light is wow'ness to the gazillion-fold. The human body/human realities are being upgraded super-fast now. The LOVE that is emerging all around is beyond beautiful to experience and observe.
So many have been working from their inner world for years are now experiencing their NEW Earth realities as they transpire/arrive vibrationally in a materialized hologram that is beyond magical, exquisite, peaceful and vibrant, thriving and totally interactive through Light Life now.
Many are working with their current realities to adjust and align continually now. Fixed realities no longer fixed, it takes a bit of understanding how to flow easier with dematerializing realities and shifting into the ones already/simultaneously materializing, yet may not quite be visible in the physical. Luckily holograms can be accessed, activated, cutivated and "grown" from inside, so that they can transpire faster/easier out there. Learning to intentionally work with holographic realities is definitely a MASTERY TOOL/GIFT!
As more continue to come into their own Mastery, old consciousness physical realities no longer align with their new dreams, desires and purposes here. It's important not to judge the old realities, and those in it, and to remember that it was YOU that created/needed that experience for your own growth/expansion/evolution back into higher consciousness again. Moving on and from an old reality just means that you are ready for a new/higher vibrational one for you. See it as leaving an entire plane of existence, yet all of those aspects still exist in that plane are doing their realities perfectly for them. Our job is to honor this.
There are many ways to see different vibrational planes. The longer you are gone (further you are from it in light), the less it is visible and eventually ceases to exist. "Later", on your new current plane, when you interact with other beings, you will have a different version, one that matches your new vibrational existence. If you do not, it's because you don't allow it or hold that frequency consciousness inside yet. We hold others to physical realities based upon our mindsets. We get the physical realities we create with the holographic matrix projection through our own vibrational transmissions from our physical body structures/vessels/consciousness and the programs/illusions we hold within.
Part of the process is to stop judging everyone's different beliefs. WE choose what we desire in our reality, while respecting theirs for them. The human aspect has a hard time with this one. For they believe their way is "right". This is not about "either or" anymore. It's all that serve the purpose of love, peace, kindness, appreciation, gratitude and light. Who cares how all arrive as long as they do. Only the human stands in judgment. We move on and let go of the separation as we do. We unite in love and work together to bring more awesomeness into the physical reality world so that all can experience it like we do here.
These will occur every time you are shifting to another plane of existence and you will notice that realities are no longer aligned. Flow with it and honor you and all others. As physical particles align for you, your new reality will take form/arrive and this will diminish. It can occur with every timeline jump and blast of higher consciousness light that activates within you so that you can expand into/as more of your Multi-Dimensional aspects here.
This one is interesting for sure. First you must separate them so that you can see/understand them. Then you merge them within you as one. Polarities go, distortions go, and battle goes. What is left is beyond peaceful, magnificent and more HOME FREQUENCIES that activate your STAR GATE for you. This is a natural process that occurs as you embrace all of you back into love inside.
You are not human, so why do you care? Why would you not fulfill your purposes and missions here, step into your roles NOW? Judgement is Fear. Here we are not human. Here there is no fear. That was all an illusion and when you succumb to it, you are the one believing your own distortions/illusions. You can dissipate the energy of the illusion by stepping into it. It's as big as you believe it is. It vanishes when you don't give it more power than you love and respect yourself. See all for what it is. Human beliefs and human creation. AS SOURCE CREATOR you have the POWER to transform/change your belief system. You have to truly desire this and actually do it. When you fear stepping into a role, you have to focus on the purpose of why you are here.
All will shift when it is their "time" vibrationally. Yet do they? Or have you shifted and you are interacting with a different/higher version of them NOW?
The human's perception is that others have shifted, while not realizing that they are interacting with a completely different version than was available before. Different vibrational planes have different physical beings/versions on them. The one you get is the one you hold the vibration for, project, expect and allow.
Sometimes there is an old aspect left. This is because that version is still being transmitted from somewhere within you/your consciousness. Work with your consciousness and physical realities will change in response.
These can only exist where you/one still holds this within. When it's gone from within, it will cease to exist. Each/You are the one that determines this. You hold on to that which has collapsed (this creates suffering) or you choose to embrace higher grid works of consciousness from within you and allow your realities to come forth. These wait for you. All of this is you. It's all inside of you. Only you can do this. Out there is your BIG HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION SCREEN.
If you don't like the channel, the play, the stories, the illusion, the hologram, the physical reality you have, you are the one that has to change it, if you want to participate in the process of THE CONTINUALLY CHANGING HOLOGRAM, YOU are the one that must STEP INTO YOUR MASTERY and intentionally tune to a higher frequency grid work of consciousness.
What do you hold inside of you? Look out there. That is your answer. Mastering your own vibrational frequencies and all that is around you is how you do this journey as NEW EARTH LIGHT BEINGS NOW.
When you don't share your heart, your knowledge, your higher/inner wisdom, your experiences to assist another, you are the one being shrunk down into human form. You are the block, the one holding judgement and being selfish by only thinking of you. You are the one not being in-service to yourself and others seeking that which you hold according to your very important journey and experiences here. When you truly hold "being in-service" higher/stronger than "judgement about self & not-good enough", then you will open your heart to share/guide/assist as LOVELIGHT. They are your creation, so judgment can only occur if you still hold this vibration within you.
The human sees time as a fixed thing (as does it with all things). Yet here, we move through time by the amount of light we hold and now stream through our physical body vessels (Crystalline Light Body Structures). The more light we hold/stream, the more we move through time/timelines, the more dimensions/multi-dimensional aspects and versions we have access to here. We don't need to move. We occupy a space and time moves in every direction. It's a completely different existence here.
Here we do not focus on abundance. Abundance is a result of what we hold inside. It's a response and it comes forth for us according to what we "DO" energetically, as conscious energy in form. We can work in all dimensions at once, constantly activating abundant realities to transpire and come forth. WE focus on the EMBODIMENT OF LIGHT, our purposes/missions and holding the higher grid works of consciousness in place from within us and with our Solar Crystalline Star-Light-Body Structure. Physical realities align simultaneously. Collapsing timelines, jumping timelines, anchoring GALACTIC NEW EARTH TIMELINES are normal words for us. Here there is no lack. That was human perception. We merged human into light within us a long time ago. Here we are NEW EARTH. It thrives, sings and becomes visible in the most magnificent ways all around us. Yes, we had to leave the old realities behind. Every one of us.
When your entire Body is full of Light and operating at the very highest frequency at all times, you are full of love, every particle and fiber of your being. You ARE LOVE. We don't separate off into aspects and leave love here. WE are love at our CORE. It emanates, radiates and pours out of us. We express it with everything that we are. Pure Divine Essence Love and Light. This is WHO WE ARE. All of us.
Peace is your barometer. Bliss, utter and complete gratitude and appreciation. Home is INSIDE and as all return to SACRED CONNECTION, PEACE AND LOVE ARE RESTORED.
As Way Showers, we DO it, we show how all is done. We don't sit around waiting. That was the old human, old programs, old limiting beliefs/illusions we held within. We’ve overridden the old programming. We have the cap-ability to do this because we don't give our power away anymore to our old distorted thoughts that we once believed as truths. WE stand in POWER and TRUTH AS LOVE and our PURE VESSELS allow us to obliterate quickly, move through timelines with great ease, jumping from reality to reality. We don't need safety mechanisms, protection and we open portals faster than one can "think". We see what needs to be done and we do it. We activate Light by just Being and sharing for those ready, embracing and desiring to live in unity, love, peace and magical bliss too. We should focus on the New Light, and keep our multidimensional torus fields aligned with our Ascension column for the physical, emotional and mental balance. Grid work with crystals is very healing. The magenta Gateways of the 5/6D Unity consciousness, and the Golden-crystalline Christ Gateways are delivering a very high frequency of Light right now. Some of the way showers can hear the piercing tones, which have just been amplified yet again. People can hear these sound light frequencies because the vagus nerve which receives these frequencies wraps behind people’s ears. The level of light is tremendous, so try to focus on the expansion of your consciousness, the return of your Christed Self. Feel what the incoming energies are doing, this leads you to being a good Gatekeeper – it is the inner knowing of what to do when these waves arrive which allow for acceleration for all to happen.
Advanced New Earth Humans: We are the Crystal Grid Keepers of Our New Earth Realities Now
Within our Crystalline LightBody Structures we hold the ancient knowledge and holographic light key codes for all of HUmanity here. It is through our EMBODIMENT of LIGHT that we activate this knowledge to share with all. It is through our continual dedication to fulfill our soul purposes and galactic missions that we are able to activate this within ourselves to share to assist, guide and connect up AS THE UNIFIED FIELD as ONE CONSCIOUSNESS to hold the CRYSTALLINE MATRIX GRIDWORK in place for all.
WE ARE the Gridwork of NEW Earth. We link up to all ancient power centers here and receive/transmit simultaneously as these frequencies are transmitted from every CRYSTAL and CRYSTAL CITY hidden beneath the earth and above. Our bodies, a framework of crystals that activate these holographic key codes and evolve with the Sacred Chrysted Cosmic Light that activates every moment of each day, take these frequencies and WE, AS ANCHOR POINTS, hold the NEW EARTH HOLOGRAM in place. As we move about, the external hologram is changed. It is US that transmits the hologram NOW. WE are RESPONSIBLE for all of HUmanity from inside of us. Every one of us. WE ARE NEW EARTH NOW.
The RESPONSIBILITY of NEW Earth rests upon and within each one of us. What we DO, what we SAY, what we THINK, what we ALLOW...
This is great responsibility and to step into your roles, you must take this seriously and make it your priority NOW. This is not upon another, this is upon you. What you support, where you put your energy, how you use your resources, and what your priority is in your own world/universe. YOU.
The physical reality you experience is a materialized frequency bandwidth all based upon what you believe and participate in. The cyclical feedback is between your physical body and that huge 'big screen projector' that you call reality out there. That projector changes the program/play as you change your frequencies yourself. Your honoring and assisting these Crystalline LightBody upgrades will speed up your ability to walk further on NEW Earth.
If you wake up and look out there and expect the same Old Earth, this is what you will see and experience, for your projection of expectation is what you experience in your physical reality world.
As you open your heart, stay present and aware, as you open your mind to more than you would have before, as you release the limits of needing things your way, AS you contribute to transformational change, as you focus your energy on KNOWING from your heart and recognizing an old program when it starts to play inside your body, you can change the frequency through your own MASTERY and watch the outcome change in response.
Your DESIRE from inside is how you do this. Your KNOWING without needing proof before you DO. Your doing what your higher-self-heart knows is what makes the difference here. What you DO, and what you are here to DO, are most important here.
In these higher realms, these higher frequency bandwidths, there are physical realities where PERFECTION already exists. It's up to you to come to exist in this place again. You do this by honoring from within you. In every moment.
You must open your heart to BE here, you must stand in your POWER too. Both are required as you merge your Divine Feminine and Masculine aspects within you.
WE are the KEEPERS of ancient knowledge NOW. WE come forth more with every Cosmic Christed (Crystalline) upgrade embodied within every one of our cells. This knowledge streams through our Crystalline LightBodies with the PURITY OF SOURCE LIGHT.
This is not "one day" anymore. This is NOW. We've been upgrading for years in preparation for this. Many more are upgrading and going through their intensity now to clear the physical human density illusory programs that they once believed too. Transcending an entire human experience is a bigger experience than many comprehended before.
As Light BEings all join and work together as ONE. Separation gone, now all is just an obsolete program that clears cellular memory as you work in-service. You've achieved the ability to change illusions intentionally, understanding that the hologram is yours and that through the Embodiment of Light, your hologram now delivers that to you according to what you produce, share and transmit out. You've released the limits of the old by holding onto "yours". You've come to honor above all and let all go that is not in alignment with higher light existence in your own physical reality world. You finally realized that allowing the old held you to an old frequency bandwidth reality and you transcended the separation in your world by loving all for their purposes they served and you moved on. You let go. You did not need the experience to understand anymore. This is beyond beautiful to do with an open heart. You were able to leave the old without putting the walls up or holding onto old holographic imprints you called memories before.
Your ability to work with holographic realities from within you, intentionally projecting new holograms and dissolving old ones is one of your MASTERY SKILLS. You have many with your ability to hold light. Dissolving old illusions and intentionally projecting into the perception of the future is another ability you COMMAND.
As you are no longer the Old Earth human. You are an integrated Light Hybrid called the ADVANCED NEW EARTH HUman. Your genetic coding has been restored to your original template that is pure. Your human body reconstructs itself by releasing the old imprints now. You've fulfilled your purpose of the Old Earth human and you've moved onto fulfilling your NEW EARTH purposes NOW.
The Old Earth mentality consciousness may still try to project fear of what is to come. These evolving light being are working to transcend old program bandwidths of consciousness to clear their own lineage timelines and that which they held within as well. Anytime you see or hear from a place of protection, this is an old timeline. It's up to you to identify and switch timelines by not participating in the old fear based illusions anymore. Those realities run in a loop of auto-programmed fear-based imprints that are no longer true for those now moving beyond. The need to protect or blame feeds lack-of-power consciousness and is the response of one that has given their power away and is still working to reclaim this from within. When you believe the old fear-based-scenarios, these become your physical realities again. Standing in INNER POWER is a MASTERY SKILL as well, rather than giving in to old human programs. Once this occurs, peace and freedom become one's new way of being on NEW EARTH here. Here, there is nothing to protect ourselves from. Those were our created realities for our own human experiences here.
As you work with this new framework, you see all of the alternate realities available now. You are the anchor of the new realities for all now. Each light being now has the ability within them to see the NEW CIVILIZATIONS already formed. You can see what has already occurred, which gives you the capability to assist in what needs to be done. Just by being, you transmit these codes to all. When you speak, connect, share, you assist all. In your sleep state you are working in every dimensional reality that is not in your visible physical one. You are DOING in all others what needs to be done for all to converge in your physical one. Sleep is the gift that allows you to do what you cannot do in a waking state. Your consciousness dictates how much you can do this with awareness and participate with intention. The rest will clear timelines you held within your old earth body structure energetically and physically. You need not focus on this part, as you will be shown what you need to see. The rest is no longer important. Your body upgrades in light and new programming is activated when you sleep as well. You connect with other Souls/LightBeings here. Sleep is a gift. Utilize it.
The more you embrace, the more you allow, the more you open totally up and let go, rest/relax, the more you listen, the more you choose, the more you focus on your Embodiment of Higher Light and honor your process, the easier all becomes, the more you come online to BE ON NEW EARTH at all times NOW.
Your human aspect is your limit, so identify this within you. Love it for fulfilling its purpose and release it from its need to be in charge anymore. Recognize when it goes into old programmed illusions and beliefs. You have the POWER to OVERRIDE it with your HEART-KNOWLEDGE BELIEFS. All of this is inside of you. Where you hold back you allow yourself to become a small human and forget again.
REMEMBER YOUR POWER and the Pure Divine Essence LOVE that you are. Anything less is an old program that has been rendered obsolete the moment you become conscious of it. You have more power than you ever knew. It comes from inside of you as you commit and invest in you and realize that every conscious choice moment you are in-service here.
HOLD THE LIGHT and the rest will upgrade/arrive for you. Change your perceptions. Expand your heart and mind yourself. You need not wait for anything anymore. Everything is HERE NOW. Your beliefs and conscious actions are what cause instant materialization in your physical reality for you. Challenge your own beliefs and mentalities in every moment. You are in total command. You always have been. The only difference in old earth and NEW Earth is your own consciousness.
You are a Crystal, a transmitter and as you determine what you are willing to receive, you tune your own self as a crystal. As you focus on receiving light and integrating it into your crystalline structure you in turn transmit your new state of being. Every bit of this is you.
Evolving The Human Blueprint
Everything on the planet is in great change, electromagnetic currents are altering, magnetic fields are shifting, and many things are no longer being held down in their familiar place. We are getting unlocked! This brings tremendous change to the body and the entire structure of the DNA encodement.
It is said that 97% of DNA is non-functioning. For numerous people with awakened consciousness, this dormant material is considered as a living data storage containing the instruction sets for our greater human potential.
What is coded within our secret vault is a potential so vast that it boggles the mind to think that something so profound could be so accessible. This is an unsurpassed potential of human brilliance, to the likes that the world has never known. It is activated by our very consciousness alone and merely by the way that we perceive life.
Simply by shifting our perceptions, by coming into a new way to think, we can override the carbon framework at the level of the nucleic acid bases in the DNA.
Leading scientists are proving that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell. This includes the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.
Positive shifts of perception and new feeling states trigger DNA activation. Moreover, when we consciously engage with the living intelligence of DNA, it gets majorly stimulated and starts pushing out the greater potential that is held within the latent code.
Just as we are merely sequences of a four-letter code, the basis of life is very simple. We change and transform all the time. We are constantly redefining ourselves. From every one of these consciousness shifts, we are literally changing our code.
We have the ability to change in the wink of an eye if we can truly grasp these ideas and start acting from the full knowing of our higher capabilities. Our DNA programs are like snakes shedding old skins; we are constantly releasing old encodings. These encodings are merely stored impressions that can be reprogrammed. As we shift our perceptions, cell biology changes. Our vibration increases. DNA base letters rearrange.
Everything on the planet is in great change, electromagnetic currents are altering, magnetic fields are shifting, and many things are no longer being held down in their familiar place. We are getting unlocked! This brings tremendous change to the body and the entire structure of the DNA encodement.
The Galactic StarBEing Awakening In A Human Body: DNA Adapts, Forms, ShapeShifts According to Consciousness
When a StarBeing awakens in a human body, into a human reality, it is a startling and confusing experience. This brings much confusion, anger and inner pain ... the separation from the feeling and knowing of "HOME" within. For each it shall be different as to how one chooses to enter/re-enter this human experience and awaken fully again. For the context of this writing, we shall unify the separated terms of Galactics, Celestials and StarBEings to be the same, as they are. Different aspects, we shall identify all by StarBEing here.
As StarBeings, the human reality does not make sense. IT does not conform to that which WE know and understand. The more we try to fit into the human reality world the harder it is. For we are forcing ourselves into a physical reality that goes against everything that we truly are. Our purity, our knowledge, our light and our love.
Now, those asleep and newly waking up "think" the opposite of how all truly is, for these are on the other side of the light tunnel/vortex still. The human aspect cannot truly see. It tries to fit the "not understood" into human boxes. This creates much stress and pain to have to turn around and purify and cleanse.
Because there are so many ways that a Galactic StarBeing can incarnate into a physical body vessel, we must look at each perspective to truly understand. For a StarBEing can awaken at any given time. It can be upon the first breath at physical body birth, it can be during childhood, in the teens, twenties, thirties, forties and later... for every soul incarnating on physical density earth is always trying to awaken. It's the trying to fit into human, being "pushed" into human realities that decides one's activating of consciousness/DNA, for both are the same.
Every StarBeing chose a specific journey here. The amount of suffering will be indicative of the human families chosen and their consciousness, the external environments and consciousness of this as well. The more conscious the family, the more the Star Child/BEing is allowed to evolve naturally. The chosen human experience will occur along the way. One may be much older when this occurs, as there is distortion within all who chose a physical body that was not already "light" and held illusory programming that needed to be cleansed and purified for physical integration of one's own light to occur.
Now, the awake StarBeing holds encoding DNA abilities in their expanded consciousness. The physical body must be allowed to integrate to the consciousness of the StarBeing, not the other way around. Where we didn't understand we tried to integrate into the human body and go to sleep. That has changed. Awareness and understanding of how Consciousness, DNA and the Crystalline LightBody work together makes that difference now. NOW WE have the knowledge of how all works again. NOW WE do not have to try to do it the hard way or SHAPESHIFT INTO HUMAN. NOW WE can open our consciousness to the Ancient Knowledge that holds the KEYS to pure evolution without suffering anymore. It will be up to each to desire to utilize the information though for it will not conform/fit into human concepts. These go WAY beyond that.
A StarBEing holds codes and sequences beyond the human understanding and the physical body is a storage container, if you will. When a StarBeing is "forced" into living as a human by unconscious humans, their expanded consciousness is suppressed and "shut down". This shutting down is what we call "going to sleep" or "the slumber", also known as amnesia between the realms and veils. It stagnates the StarBEing and forces their DNA to distort itself and to separate off in order to survive here. This creates discord within the physical body vessel, physical pain, emotional pain and suppression that ultimately must be REVERSED back to purity and love again. The magnitude that one experiences this "force" through not understanding will determine the amount of distortions created, suffering and reversal necessary to re-program back to light again. Where an individual does not understand, they will do this to their self. This is why it's so important to re-educate all according to the higher frequency realms of NEW Earth NOW.
Evolving back from human to Galactic StarBEing is what WE call "Reverse Engineering". We are reversing the affects that going to sleep, also called unconsciousness, does to the physical Star BEing here. Now, the StarBEing must be believed and validated, for they are expressing their own experiences, understandings and knowledge that they came to share here regarding other/alternate dimensions, timelines and realities that the human cannot understand or even perceive as real. Believing them, listening to them and sorting through any distortions (fear or pain) is necessary to assist the HUman STARBEING in evolving in Light here. Now, for the displaced StarBeing, it's important to understand that any incarnation here was a soul choice. Accepting and understanding this is necessary and key to our ability for integrating and functioning here.
The integration of a STAR BEING in a physical body is a delicate one to understand. It takes an open mind and heart to actually assist with the natural organic evolution as it NEEDS to occur for all of us NOW. Fear and the need to fit all into a limited thinking and all-knowing box is what CREATES THE DISTORTIONS and shuts down expanded consciousness. The physical body must be assisted naturally to raise its vibration and cleanse any programs held within the body vessel, so that the LIGHT KNOWLEDGE of the STAR BEING can merge with the body and the body hold the consciousness of the HIGHER FREQUENCIES that are trying to integrate into a vessel of a lower density consciousness.
DNA/RNA ADAPTS to its surroundings, to the consciousness that it is exposed to. DNA/RNA are a response to all stimuli and exposure. This is why it is so important to remove the distortions and CHOOSE what to introduce into your reality world. For every nano-second one is SHAPING their existence into human or back into the higher density realms of true 5th Dimensional NEW Earth Existence.
Many look at SHAPESHIFTING and fear it, not realizing that as humans we all shape-shifted into human. We took on the traits and characteristics of the transmissions of our human surroundings, families, friends, animals. WE CHANGED OUR OWN DNA by doing this to ourselves. NOW, as Gamma Rays flood from within us, our genetics, cellular memory consciousness, molecular structures and body templates are re-coding BACK to PURITY and BACK to WHO WE TRULY ARE as Galactics and STAR BEings here NOW.
Where one finds it hard or suffers is when they do not understand BEYOND their own fixed human comprehension and they let their stubbornness, pride, need to be right or victim mentality create a reality of fear, suffering and mental/physical/emotional pain/discomfort to have to turn around and clear.
The PHYSICAL BODY is being upgraded in PHOTONIC LIGHT. These Gamma RAY (radioactive electromagnetic plasma) blasts are continually restoring consciousness to the Galactic StarBEing. The impurities are human and galactic/Atlantean/Ancient distortions that we are clearing from this existence here. It was our chosen journey, yet now all awaken to move beyond the limited human experience to fully REMEMBER again.
Awakening can be an extremely traumatic experience for the StarBEing when the chosen experience included other unconscious sleeping humans as family and friends here. Each must transcend these experiences and all separation from SOURCE within. Coming together to support each other in organic evolution of consciousness is how all do this now. Sharing of knowledge and releasing competition is necessary. Every soul has a contract/agreement to assist each other with the awakening of consciousness process now.
The need for a human experience of separation will be determined by "how human" one chose to experience here.
When one awakens, the body has been asleep. Some are walk-ins, some incarnated at birth and now we have "walk-throughs" and "pass-throughs" and many others coming through. Only the human needs to put this in a box to understand it. It doesn't really matter, other than how one chooses to DO from this moment NOW.
Fear, the mis-perception of the unknown, will create more physical/emotional suppression, pain and suffering. WE end the resistance, the fight, the battles, the pain and suffering by opening up our heart AND minds to synchronize to the higher frequencies of light. We do this by utilizing the ancient knowledge shared and flooding forth in a multitude of ways now.
WE are not shapeshifting into a foreign or feared thing. WE are re-evolving back to our original existence now. WE shapeshifted into human to survive the misunderstood experience. Now we continually purify the distortions held within every BODY of consciousness, so that we can RETURN to our purified existence. Our physical body vessels evolve from carbon-based to crystalline. Our structures continually upgrading, clearing old gridwork of consciousness in the physical body structures where it was stored in the bones, muscles, teeth, glands, organs, flesh, skin.
High Frequency Light activates our Crystalline, etheric crystals and transforms them into real ones. Our Star Particles activate and itching occurs under the skin as it breaks out and the massive amounts of Gamma Rays/Radiation is beyond HUGE inside the body now. Burning will occur when massive amounts of SOLar LIGHT activate inside the body. Large physical crystals will break down inside to become crystalline particles visible within the physical body. The bones, teeth, skull, joints, organs all have crystals activating inside of them too. These crystals are transmitters and receivers of frequencies of the higher frequency realms that we now walk in here. Eyes are adjusted and the brain opens neural pathways to the entire universe/cosmos too. The whole body continually re-tunes itself. Light runs through the structure and transmits holographic realities from within. Actions by the WALKING BEING and the amount of PURITY LIGHT HELD (embodiment) determines the bandwidth that one can walk in, experience in the physical, the collectives it belongs to (Old Earth or NEW) and the continually changing hologram that is a response to the gridwork one is connected up to from within.
The human aspect does not like to hear such things for these do not conform to their mentalities or beliefs of how this whole experience works here. Only when the heart opens, does the mind open too. It's when one fully opens up to the "unknown" or the "beyond" that their consciousness expands again. When the heart opens, light activates where ancient knowledge and higher-self-wisdom is held within one's own physical structure and energy field. It's through higher-heart-intelligence that one can activate their own PURE DNA to clear distortions and impurities of their own human'ness within.
All are here to merge and unify to release the SEPARATION CONSCIOUSNESS that kept one unconscious and asleep. As these long awaited gamma rays continue to increase the bombardment of galactic light, intensity and distortions shall be magnified to make visible any old density programming and illusions still held within. The old matrix gridwork that is gone kept all held together before, bizarre and extreme is the new way for one still holding onto the need/desire to remain unconscious.
Expansion of Consciousness is the only way that one can exist on NEW Earth. Old Density Earth gridwork collapses inside the earth, outside the earth, inside the human body and out in space too. These were all energetically linked together, yet now the only gridwork that exists is the GOLDEN AGE CRYSTALLINE GRID that now activates at an exponential rate in all simultaneously now.
Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Field, the Unified Field, Sacred Geometric Symbols/Numbers/Shapes, Portals, StarGates, Re-Programming, Cosmic Light Upgrades, Higher Self Light Embodiment, DNA/RNA/GENEtic Re-Coding, Crystalline Star-Light BEings, the LightBody, Expanded Consciousness and Multi-Dimensionality... these are all a part of our language as Quantum Light BEings here. Mastery as an Energy in Form is how we understand all again. Experiencing is the only way one truly understands, unless something occurs to get the heart and mind open. Expanded awareness is how one can utilize ancient knowledge to navigate and experience through an alternate dimension/timeline, instead of the harsh uncomfortable unconscious one. Until then it is a concept that the human aspect wants proof to believe. Proof first is an undesirable experience. Honoring first delivers proof through magical ways. Miracles are the human’s words for what is natural for us here.
Each shall now be awoken to their own multi-dimensional existence again. Life as it once was known is no longer. Life is through heart-connected-existence and INNER-EVERYTHING. Sacred honor, integrity, peace, joy, harmony, love, respect, consideration, gratitude, appreciation, sharing and intentional action AS LOVE is how we exist here. Each must do this "first" from within. They shall receive the same in response to that which they hold as their "new way of being" now.
The Unified Field is how we exist. It is not a thing we tap into and use for our benefit. Part-time dedication will render an experience that is not preferred. Our NEW EARTH Existence requires that all human lack be purified, cleansed and purged. Separation cannot exist in these frequency bandwidths here now.
All that you see occurring in your outside world is to show you what is inside of you. All that you know inside through the truth that you feel and resonate with from within, this is what guides you in every moment now. This is the direct path back to what you have forgotten when you went to sleep too. The forgotten is no longer... as all becomes visible through open-heart-mind-consciousness and unification again.