Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Crystalline Cities of Light

Sources of Information:
Crystalline Cities of Light: by Amorah Quan Yin: from Pleiadian Lightwork Amorah Quan Yin
Crystalline Cities of Light
Since prior to the Lemurian era, higher-dimensional Cities of Light have interfaced with Earth and her human inhabitants. Since the first initiate had his/her first transcendental experience, humans began to have direct connection to these crystalline cities. Perhaps in a meditation, or lucid dream, the seeker suddenly finds him/herself walking, out-of-body, up a flight of crystal steps toward a beautiful, light-filled, crystal temple. There a Light Being greets the visitor with a gift of a golden staff, or a robe and crown, or a crystal wand. Words may or may not be exchanged. When the visit is complete the person returns to waking consciousness still feeling the energy and Light flowing through the body. These visits bring great joy and encouragement on the path.
The example just given is a simple one, compared to the vast possibilities. Yet it is a typical starting point. Further on in one's path, initiations may be given in the crystalline temples. And eventually, the seeker will be invited to come into an entire crystalline City of Light. These Cities of Light are complete with crystalline walls and gates and often large complexes of temples and various sacred geometry forms. Here is some information would to make you aware of a few of the Earth's City of Light locations and of sacred protocol for accessing them.
Mt. Shasta is one of the only two Cities of Light currently anchored at ground level on Earth. So, let us begin our journey there. There are vortex centers near the Cities of Light. Often people are greeted by St. Germaine when they are at Mount Shasta near the City of Light. It is supposed to be some kind of a vortex center or something. When coming to Shasta people often bring a large clear quartz crystal alter, to connect with the vortex energies. Sometimes people’s visual interpretations are altered in such a way that everything they see including people, rocks, and trees alike-appears slightly geometrically stylized and has numbers written on them. The people automatically know exactly what the numbers mean and have an instantaneous understanding of the major historic details in the life of each person or nature object that is encountered. Also people dream in sacred geometry and numbers, without words, as if they were an old and totally familiar language. Often St. Germaine is there to provide personal life guidance as well.
When the large Crystalline City of Light appears it will likely hover about a half mile above the peak of Mt. Shasta. In the beginning people see it only from the outside. Beings of Light from the sacred city will communicate with people, taking them through activations, giving people healings and meditations to do, or just send the people love. The people are being prepared for the deeper experiences to come. At that time the Ascended Masters Retreat space, inside the tallest of the two peaks, had existed for quite a long time. It looks like a gigantic cave with a dome-ceiling and a fire place in the center. Sometimes the Ascended Masters would gather at a long table. At other times they would sit around the fire, or stand in processional form. At times there was talking, even group discussions, while at other times people met in silence. Each visit was different, and continues to be for people on their visits to the Ascended Masters Retreat.
Anyone can call on the Ascended Masters of Mt. Shasta and ask for permission to come into their Retreat. If admitted, an Ascended Master will come to take you in. You will be greeted by male and female Ascended Masters dressed in long white robes. The Ascended Masters Retreat is also the gathering place in Mt. Shasta for the Great White Brotherhood: a mystical order of Light Beings, both human and higher-dimensional, who are working on behalf of Earth’s spiritual awakening and ascension. When you find yourself inside, try not to have expectations. This will allow you to be receptive to what the Masters deem appropriate for you at that time. You may meet only one being or many. You may notice other humans around or not. Remain open and receptive.
From inside the Ascended Masters Retreat, you may request admission to the Intergalactic Federation of Light meeting room in the upper quadrant of the smaller peak of Shastina. To most people’s understanding, this space was anchored in Mt. Shasta in 1993 shortly after the City of Light was anchored down to 5000 feet elevation. Prior to March of 1993, the City of Light of Mt. Shasta had remained above the mountain. It was anchored at ground level during the full moon of that March, with the greatest depth of snow fall on the mountain in this century. People are often strongly pulled to drive up as far as possible in the night to reach the mountain. At about 5000 feet, people will feel an incredible surge of Light and energy and know that they have gone through a portal of some sort. A mile or two further, another surge and a rarification of the energies can ensue. At that point people are tuned in and ask the Ascended Masters, clairaudiently, what is happening. Jesus Christ may reply immediately by appearing to people and telling them to expand their clairvoyance to see the mountain as if from a distance. People see, at once, a giant Lightship surrounding and containing the entire mountain. Jesus tells them that he had called them to come up the mountain and be a part of the anchoring of the City of Light into ground level. The people would be inside the City of Light at a fifth-dimensional level all the way up to their destination at Bunny Flat. He said that at tree line, the sixth-dimensional levels would begin. Eventually the entire physical city of Mt. Shasta and the surrounding area would be anchored as a living City of Light. But this would take many years. Jesus goes on to say that Mt. Shasta would be the first physical city to operate by consensus and higher law.
Certain nights on Mt. Shasta are magical as they transcend into the etheric levels of existence. Often the crystalline rays of Light are visible to people. People feel as if they are truly in sacred communion, or satsang, with God. Temple pillars are being lowered at varying elevations, geometric buildings are being lowered into place. Jesus says that the depth of snowfall is being used to anchor the sacred geometry. Snowflakes have a natural crystalline geometric structure which creates the physical grounding for higher-dimensional crystalline energies. Once the City of Light is anchored into the snow and into the Earth below, it would remain and continue to deepen and expand, even when the snow melts.
Since that time, an Ascension Temple has been anchored directly above the Shasta peak. It is an elongated cone that becomes a spire-crystalline, of course. When you enter from its lowest point near the peak of Shasta, you are energized and your light body is activated. Sometimes, first-time visitors do not get to move all the way through the upper tip of the spire; sometimes they do. When you are lifted through the tip of the spire, this Ascension Temple is a portal into many other places, including: Shambalah, a Venusian City of Light, the City of Light of Machu Picchu, and others. Where you go is a very individual thing and determined by the guardians of the Ascension Temple.
Also beneath Mt. Shasta, is a Lemurian City, which has its own temple complex. Again, your admission and personal experience there is very individualized. Many visitors to this Lemurian City are greeted in the round courtyard of the temple complex. It is a very social and joyful place complete with a large fountain, lots of flowers, and benches. The Lemurians tend to hug more than the Ascended Masters and other guides do. You may be invited to tour their homes, library, or a specific temple. Just enjoy! On February 8, 2000, people were greeted in a morning meditation by many members of the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School is the one for which spiritual people have been the founders and channels. On our Higher Council are several Ascended Masters, the Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan Emissaries of Light, two Karmic Board Masters, Goddess Antares, Hathor and the Hathors (her helpers), Sekhmet, Isis, Thoth, Osiris, Ptah, Maat, Ra, and An-Ra, and three Elohim: Elohim of Divine Love, Elohim of Divine Grace, and Elohim of Divine Innocence. This system is a contemporization of one of the ancient mystery school systems that existed in Lemuria, Atlantis, and ancient Egypt. The Masters who approached people on that day informed them that we had built enough multidimensional Light and anchoring of higher-dimensional energies, that we were being given our own Inner Sanctuary inside Mt. Shasta.
The Dolphin Star Temple Inner Sanctuary is now part of the Mt. Shasta City of Light. It is a small complex unto itself, as well. In order to journey there, invoke, three times, the guardians of the Dolphin Star Temple Inner Sanctuary of Mt. Shasta. Tell them you would like to visit the sanctuary and receive any light activations or healings that are appropriate for you on your spiritual path. You do not have to be "in the mystery school" to be welcomed there. The complex has a central Ascension Temple, a Higher Council meeting room, and a library containing pertinent records from the Halls of Amenti, and the Alexandria Library in Atlantis. There are many healing rooms and Chamber of Light rooms in which you can receive energy balancing, Ka activations for embodying your Higher Self, nervous system healing, and all of the Chamber of Light sessions listed in The Pleiadian Workbook. You will be shown by guides which ones you can use and how. There is also a social and music area that looks like a courtyard. A large fountain is centrally located in this courtyard. If you step into it you will drop through a portal into the courtyard area of the Lemurian Temple complex.
Mt. Shasta is one of numerous sacred sites on Earth that houses a Temple of the Sun. The others of which people are aware of are: on the east side of Mt. Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii; beneath Uluru (formerly called Ayer's Rock) of central Australia; the Great Pyramid of Giza in Cairo, Egypt; the Tor in Glastonbury, England, site of ancient Avalon; Palenque in Mexico; Machu Picchu in Peru. These seven sites are also chakras in Earth's thirteen chakra system. Temples of the Sun have traditionally been used as places to hold ceremony on the Equinoxes and Solstices to assist humans in aligning with the Divine Plan as it is calibrated with our time cycles (which correspond to orbital cycles). In other words, we realign ourselves with our place within the cosmos, our soul's purpose, and Earth and universal Divine Plan through our connection to our local Sun.
Prior to physical birth in each lifetime, our souls pass through the Sun. Inside the Sun, we leave an imprint of time-released encodings of our purpose for the given lifetime. The Sun also imprints our souls with the co-created Divine Plan for Earth during our upcoming lifetime. When we do ceremony with the sunrise, high noon, sunset, and midnight aspects of the Earth's daily orbit, we realign with these encodings. You can also look at the Sun, at any time, and ask the Sun to assist you in attaining your goals, while breathing the sunlight into your body and chakras. As we progress through life and complete goals, the Sun releases new encodings to us, through its rays, that impulse our next goals to be activated in our lives. This sacred relationship has been honored in most indigenous cultures throughout time in various spiritual practices.
Lake Titicaca, another of Earth's chakras, contains a crystalline City of Light beneath its deep waters. To many seekers who have experienced Lake Titicaca, the City of Light seems more like a space station than a city. That is because, like Mt. Shasta City of Light, it is both. These Cities of Light serve as posts for many higher-dimensional Light Beings from other star systems. Lake Titicaca is the main headquarters for the Intergalactic Federation of Light. This Intergalactic Federation is comprised of members of the Andromedan and Milky Way Galactic Federations of Light. Milky Way and Andromeda are twin galaxies, also called cosmic twins. Other Intergalactic members are from the Great Central Sun, including Elohim, archangels, Supreme Beings of numerous galaxies, and even large sections of the universe. Centrally located in the Lake Titicaca subaquatic complex is the Great Central Sun Temple that connects to the Earth Star Crystal at the center of Earth at its bottommost point. From the tip of its cone-shaped spire, in the center of this large dome-roofed temple, is a portal that opens into the Great Central Sun. This Great Central Sun Temple literally anchors the Earth's connection to the Great Central Sun and to Divine Source.
The other Earth chakras are located at: Mt. Denali, Alaska; Mt. Fuji near Tokyo, Japan; Mt., and Lake, Batur in Bali, Indonesia; Table Mountain near Capetown, South Africa; and Delphi, Greece. Each has its own City of Light, with its own function, as do all thirteen Earth chakras. At this time, Mt. Shasta and Lake Titicaca are the only two Cities of Light anchored at ground level. The other eleven cities are etherically located above the physical chakra sites. If you choose to explore these, ask in your meditation, or before going to sleep, that the guardians of the particular crystalline City of Light you wish to visit to come and take you there if it is in your highest good at this time. It is inappropriate to rush an initiation or access to high frequency, multidimensional places unless you are properly prepared and it is your right timing. That is why the crystalline Cities of Light have guardians to assure your safety, and maintain the purity of the sacred space. If you ask three times and receive no response then it is not the appropriate time. The guardians and masters will come for you when the timing is right, once you have made a request.
Many crystalline Cities of Light and individual etheric temples exist beyond what people have named. Just trust that when it is time for you to experience them, your guides will make sure it happens. When physically visiting an Earth chakra, greet the Ascended Masters, over lighting devas, and guardians of the sacred space. Tell them you have come to commune with the Light Beings in the City of Light and receive from them whatever is appropriate. Also let them know that you would like to experience and honor the sacred purpose of that space, and ask permission to enter. When this sacred protocol is followed, it tends to open your multidimensional access to the beauty and Light more deeply. It is also traditional in many spiritual cultures to take a gift. Perhaps nuts or chocolate for the nature spirits, or a small amount of cornmeal or whole grain. Only leave crystals when specifically guided to do so. Otherwise they may not be appropriate for the site. Some people love to carry spring water from Mt. Shasta and pour a small amount into water sources in other sacred sites to create a sharing and linking of the sites. Whatever you do and wherever you go, approach in the spirit of honoring and sacredness and the gifts you receive will far outweigh those of the taker.

People entering the energetic portal gateways in order to reach the crystalline cities near Mount Shasta and other places around the world.

The crystalline cities often have these harmonic crystal chambers where people can be healed as well there are library knowledge repositories and crystal temples where people can tap into their inner wisdom with universal knowledge and discover who they are in the world.

This is one of the celestial door gateway portals into the crystalline cities that exist on Earth.