Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Cosmic Soul Keys

Sources of Information:
Activation of Codes and Keys Within: by Judith Kusel: from
Secrets of the Soul: by Wayne Herschel: from
We are Hybrids, Evolving Genetically and Physically Beyond Human, as We Embody Light: by Lisa Transcendence Brown: from
Activation of Keys and Codes Within
In its purest form your soul is pure energy and it consists of 12 flames of energy. One part of this energy is forever attached to the Divine Source, while one part stays attached to your planet of origin with a galaxy or star system. Thus, when you incarnate onto a planet like earth, only one or at most three flames will incarnate into a physical form. All the other parts of you are thus fully functional on different levels.
All these parts together, as one single flame, form you Higher Soul Self.
Your Higher Soul Self again forms part of a soul group. A soul group consists of 144 other flames and the soul group, forms part of a much greater group of soul groups which forms a soul cluster of 144 000 souls (groups).
The Soul Group is THE MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE, as it reflects a Divine character trait, back to the Divine and therefore expresses the I AM in a certain manner, tone, frequency and vibration, as well as color.
Your soul within your soul group has been created to express some aspect of the same soul expression or Divine attribute or value back to the Divine itself.
Therefore the Graces, reflect the state of grace back to the Divine – both the receiving and bestowing of Grace. The Illumined Ones reflect illumination from within and without back to the Divine. So, this attribute or value, then is the whole reason for their creation. All that is encoded within this soul group therefore, will have to do with the frequency and vibration of this attribute of the Divine, as it expresses itself through multiple dimensions and life forms throughout the cosmos.
Within each soul group there are Ascended Master souls, who act like the elder sisters and brothers of those souls going through an Incarnation. So, the more in tune we are with the Mighty I Am Presence, as our soul group, the more we start amplifying our soul mission on earth, for now our soul is amplified or over-lit by the 143 other souls within the group we belong to.
Before we were born our soul undertook certain missions, or it was agreed that when we have brought our soul frequencies and mission up to a certain level, that keys and codes within our souls, our soul group etc. would be re-activated as our soul is ready to take on the added responsibility.
For with each key and code activation the soul would be called in to do higher service work. Therefore the active service there would take priority over anything which its negative ego might reject or not feel itself worthy of. The ego is the soul personality as it expresses itself, and not to be confused with the I AM and Higher Soul Self. One could say the ego was the lower or baser self which is very much attached to the physical.
These are then the soul key and codes programmed directly into the soul.
The Cosmic Hierarchy, when one opens the upper communication channels, and one is able to raise one’s vibrations and frequencies to the christed consciousness state, will from time to time, as they see fit, (for they monitor your soul process the whole time), will activated the higher codes and keys within you, which will enable you to step up your mission. This means that they will start transmitting certain information, or energies, or codes and keys, that pertain to your higher soul mission through you – much like a satellite transmits information in encoded form and the receiver then transmits pictures, sound, etc.
However, most of the time the soul has to indicate that it is prepared to take on higher service and thus wishes to be used in this way. Again, the cosmic Masters, and the Advisory Board of the 12 and 24 Elders who surround the throne of God, will sit in conjunction with the Lords of Karma, your Overlighting Ascending Master(s) and the Archangels working with you, as well as the Overlighting Masters of your own soul group. Only when all agree with your soul, that the time is right for you now to take on the added responsibility and are free to do this work, will these keys and codes be activated.
In others words – you will not be given more than your soul can handle at a given time. In order to explain this more – the keys and codes work with pure and very high light code activation and they are soul specific.
Your soul has a type of energy Mandela with a sacred geometrical pattern designed within it. These light activations or keys and codes, then work with these sacred geometrical patterns of light and sound, and then transmit it into you. They are called cosmic soul keys that your soul stores within itself and when you are ready these soul keys are activated thereby transforming the genetic blueprint of the body into light bodies, and also activating higher dimensional abilities like teleportation or levitation for example when a soul is ready to receive these abilities.
All life and life forms have energy patterns, and all of these energy patterns are stored in a vast Library or memory bank made up of pure Divine energy, which is the Super-consciousness field. This is a cosmic field, which holds all the energy blueprints and mandalas, etc. for all of creation. It is pure crystalline and therefore is pure light and sound energy.
From time to time, as you are ready, and move more and more into your Lighted Body activation and in higher alignment with a specific soul mission and purpose/and or task you will be given the keys and codes you need for the next activation. It will be like a gathering of masters in the higher planes, or you will have a symbolic download. For instance, some people often get their down-loads via crystal skulls and keys. These appear in our higher states of consciousness, and much altered states – yet always spontaneous and some people have never asked for them.
We know that these keys and light codes will be given to us at the correct moment in our lives and the correct frequency band to be able to receive such downloads. Some have had instances where the crystal skull’s top part dislodges itself from the bottom part and top part then fits over our head and downloads masses of information into people. This information will then be transmitted into the person(s), and the person will download it as it becomes necessary for downloading to occur.
Some have friends who transmit via paintings or music. We are all wired differently and not all of us will have such experiences, nor have the same type of downloads, because we are all unique and special in our own right.
All the keys and codes held within your soul can only be activated by you alone and with the assistance of the Archangels and your over-lighting Ascended Master, as well as the over-lighting Ascended Masters of your own soul group. Here one has to do the inner work, before this will manifest into form. A lot of these keys and codes are not something tangible, like a crystal skull for instance – they are more like heart energy and soul energy activations and are downloaded via the Soul Star and Stellar Gateway chakras, and then transmitted into your crown chakra. Thus the higher portals or gateways have to be opened up, before such activations can occur.
Soul readings will often pinpoint to keys and codes specific to your soul and most importantly what mission or purpose your soul has and why it is here, as well as your soul name, soul group name, galaxy of origin, tonal chord and soul colors.
Secrets of the Soul
The soul is multilayered, however it does have two prime parts to it, when in the 3D dimension.
The ancient Egyptians knew it well. They referred to it as the ‘Ka’ and the ‘Ba’. The inner soul seems to exist within a ‘body veil’ or ‘soul shell’ in much the same way as a nut is encased in a shell. From most research it is believed that the soul enters the body at the moment of birth, both the inner soul and its ‘body veil’.
The astral body making up the inner soul appears as a golden light, while the shell visibly seems to be of a soft blue glow. No facial features are visible at all. Perhaps for two reasons: Because the detail is all of the same golden colored light and secondly because the conscious self does not see its face 90% of the time. In effect this suggests that the soul consciousness as a being of light is merely a shape ‘of habit’. If the astral body wanted to, it could most likely take on any shape. The ability of the astral body of the full consciousness of the mind... the soul, to traverse time and space, and hence to explore other star systems and visit the Creation, is overwhelming.
These two parts of the soul, merging as one, will be referred to as a being of light.
This being of light is naturally glowing with white light while at death when the soul leaves the body with its ‘soul shell’.
The Tree of Life shows human souls as beings of light interacting with The Cosmic Tree.
The soul appears also with an ability to exist outside of the body as an ‘astral body’. The astral body seems to be able to be induced out of its ‘soul shell’ yet stays connected. This seems to be the case in near death scenarios where the body is revived. More often than not the person will recall having been conscious outside of its body.
When the body is in the form of an astral body state, the body veil remains as a protective shell for the body to purely maintain its bodily functions. A micro thin silver cord connects the body veil to the soul - the mind - the astral body. The cord is a mini plasma ribbon that can stretch infinitely within the universe. This link is how the soul finds its way back to return to its body. If you find yourself astral travelling, think of your body and you shall return to it.
The Astral Body – The Star Walker
The gift of astral travel is a gift of life that we have completely forgotten. Even the ancient Egyptians knew about it and spoke of it passionately.
The soul is designed to be a star traveler… during a person’s life here on Earth.
But it is a gift only for those who seek it. The soul seems to have been designed to visit other star systems and the Creation to learn great knowledge. There are two key reasons why we may have lost this crucial knowledge. Either the hierarchies of ages gone by have held onto it keeping it for themselves, or we have inadvertently lost this secret thanks to an existence of hardship over the millennia.
When reasoned through, it would appear that the soul is the thinking existence and consciousness that we refer to as the 'I' that is oneself - a small piece of The Creation. The brain is merely the organ where the soul translates its thoughts of movement into the physical body and where it interacts with the brain's capacity as a direct access memory system.
Although the astral body contains every single memory of the subconscious, if the brain is not exercised with knowledge and learning it will become weak and not be able to interact efficiently with the paranormal realm of our gift of life.
Through time we have lost touch with these gifts, or this secret may even have deliberately been kept from us by controlling hierarchical societies across time.
For this gift of astral travel to be revived in an elderly person is very unlikely. For a child, learning of the wonders of the soul early in life, it can slowly and carefully work its way up to this wonder.
Most people stand the chance of developing their consciousness to a heightened level where the experience of divine intuition and visions sourced from the Creation will guide them, especially if their goals, intentions and outlook are constructive.
It is likely that what we each feel as consciousness is a small piece of the life force of The Creation itself. The Creation most likely allows us to experience life with a sense of individuality as 'oneself' i.e. self-consciousness, but in essence our spiritual self is a small 'piece of God'.
If we are to have a greater understanding of our existence here on Earth, then the reasoning of this long lost knowledge has to be at the forefront.
The secret of inducing the soul out of the body - Star Gates, Stone Temples and Pyramids
In essence all the ancient dolmen, mounds, pyramids and temples were designed to facilitate a connection with The Creation. Perhaps people in the past have devoted a lifetime to developing their spiritual strength in these places, probably would be able to induce their soul out of their physical body as an astral body at will.
For some people a year of near seclusion spending vast tracts of time in a secluded place of nature alongside a river and below a rocky hillside, allowed people to explore the possibility of astral travel and leaving their bodies temporarily. By learning how to work with the natural etheric energies of the planet and our own bio energetic fields around our bodies, individuals can shift the energies and transmute matter from being corporeal into none corporeal, thereby changing the genetic blue print of their DNA and evolving themselves to be able to astral travel, and eventually creating their light bodies that do not need physical forms.
Some people experience visions. It is a scenario with the mind awake and the body asleep and like peering through a lifting mist and seeing 'video clips' with no sound of the lost mysteries of humanity’s history.
The Star Gate
There are ways for the soul to be induced out of the body. Sacred places near what appear to be natural earth energy fields found in mountains and running rivers are ideal, alternatively artificial manmade renditions thereof. Perhaps the perfect place is inside the ultimate manmade geometrically sound mountains… the pyramids: An enclosed room of granite, an open granite sarcophagus to lie in… and a ‘star gate’ star aligned shaft to guide the human soul heavenwards.
In ancient Egyptian times, it is likely when a sarcophagus was not in use for the initiate, a living human being, it would probably have granite jars of water stored in it with its lid closed to create ‘Holy water’. It is hardly surprising that historians interpret these empty vessels as coffins. They do not really match the design of the coffins in the valley of kings since there are no inscriptions on the pyramid variety. One or two of the some fifty pyramids of Lower Egypt were found to have a few scattered bones in them and this inspired with the sarcophagus the idea of pyramids as tombs. When it was first explored, the Great Pyramid was found to be completely empty and untouched since it was sealed protecting it from what seems to be the last great flood of 535 AD.
The Great Pyramid is probably the ultimate sacred place to induce the soul out of the body. It is the largest and no doubt strongest ‘energy’ for a geometrically sound mountain of stone, built alongside the River Nile and along Africa’s Great Rift Valley fault line, and last but not least, built with granite chambers inside it.
The ancient Egyptians called granite ‘spirit stone’… probably not just by coincidence.
Granite is probably a stone that acts like a capacitor in electrical circuits and allows the earth energy to build up and resonate. Consider the design of the ‘Kings’ chamber roof in the Great Pyramid. It seems intentionally designed to increase its ‘energy’ tenfold, having many air gaps between many layers of granite.
The sarcophagus was no doubt designed for the living and not for the dead!
It is understandable that the occasional tyrannical leader would have wanted to be buried in a pyramid within a sarcophagus, believing that only he was worthy of its ‘magic’. This has been the case in the pyramids of the Maya.
If one studies the great pyramid ‘of initiation’ - the Great Pyramid of Egypt’s Giza plateau - the obvious becomes apparent. It has four very narrow ‘shafts’ to the exterior all positioned in alignment with the stars in what can probably be ‘star gates’ for the soul. These are most likely used to target pre-calculated star addresses to be visited!
Every day and every night different star systems align with the star shafts. The stars that align with the shafts most frequently are the stars near the Pleiades.
Once the initiate’s soul becomes ‘loose’, and the constellations patterns and Sun-like stars are learnt, the soul will be able to astral travel using much smaller pyramids, and without having to rely on the guidance of star shafts. Over time, a pyramid will not even be needed. The initiate will be able to achieve the same with only a small granite enclosure. The initiate at this point in time is no longer an initiate, but a fully illuminated and enlightened ‘star walker’.
See below: A soul induced out of the living initiate’s body once the engineered door system with counter weights in the ante-chamber closes.

The pyramids also appear to allow the plasma energy of The Creation to interact with an Earth energy bathed in exotic elementary atomic particles. These vibrate at around 10 cycles per second. They literally resonate the soul out of the body.
The main chamber in the Great Pyramid, the so-called ‘Kings’ Chamber is the perfect chamber for the initiate to learn to astral travel.
The second chamber, the Queen’s Chamber seems to have a dual function. First of all it appears to be the chamber used to verify one’s ability of travelling outside their body, by being required to identify and prove what is hidden behind the blocked ends of the shafts (these are the shafts that archaeologists have been trying to examine more recently with remote controlled cameras). Secondly, this chamber is used as an alignment target to other stars for the more advanced initiate.
The third subterranean chamber was once used for the storage of ‘holy’ water. This chamber has no star shafts. Because it is completely sealed it is highly effective in saturating water with the exotic elementary atomic particle-based plasma energy of The Creation. It is this energy that is probably used to help induce the soul out of the body.
With extensive preparation and years of practice the initiate will no doubt have very little trouble leaving the body.
All the initiate needs to focus on is entering the star gate, the appropriate pre-planned star shaft, and like a bullet his or her astral body shoots towards the star system it has targeted.
Whilst in the form of an astral body the initiate has only to think, to be able to propel and navigate. To return one has only to think of one’s body.

A word of Caution…
Three people, among them one very famous person, are known to have spent a night alone in The Great Pyramid on separate occasions. It is worth mentioning that they are all documented as having experienced some highly strange phenomena during this time. We believe these experiences can only be explained plausibly as each person having been outside their physical bodies. One of these three people was Napoleon.
What we would like to draw attention to is the destructive ‘phantoms’ aggressively tormenting and ‘challenging’ them that all three apparently experienced. We am of the opinion that these could have been ‘lost’ souls, trying to avoid judgement, attempting to enter another’s body, to seek refuge there in their state of vulnerability.
NEVER try to enter the realm of the spirit world unless you have constructive life habits and strong faith in The Creation. It takes absolute faith to be safe in the spirit realm.
It is quite possible for a destructive spirit to succeed in entering the body if one loses faith that you are safe in the hands of The Creation while travelling as an astral body. A strong faith creates a strong body veil. Lose confidence and panic and your body veil probably loses its protective strength. Schizophrenia is most likely a disorder resulting from another soul gaining entry into the body.
As a free being of light, one will be perceptive to a magnetic flow. This magnetic flow can be compared to the movement of wind. The Creation will attract the freed soul into its field of flow, a spiritual field within a magnetic field of the cosmos. The soul will begin its journey home to the Tree of Life.
The first sensation will be of travelling down a tunnel - a plasma worm hole - and then the appearance of a bright light, perhaps the first encounter of passing right through a star. What the soul does is it travels through tunnels of light - cosmic worm holes from star to star - then galaxy to galaxy - before reaching the 'nucleus' of the universe, The Tree of Life.
The being of light passes through the first gate on the way to The Creation… our Sun. The soul is indestructible. In reality all matter is hollow. Even the center of the Sun is mostly a vacuum of space.
The universe is an illusion... all matter is completely hollow... tiny little vibrating force fields creating the illusion of weight, color and solidity.
If this is indeed so and as shocking as this may sound: Souls - by virtue of being indestructible - in all likelihood can pass right through a star as though it were a door of light! The universe in its entirety is 'nothingness'. It can be compressed and fit on to a pin point!

In the images here, the Sun in our star system - is the place of departure and the soul journeys from star to star along magnetic fields where wormholes seem to flow.
Wormholes are not only for souls. It is highly likely that these paths are also the paths for celestial ships of the angels of our holy books to traverse space and time.
The soul has the ability to become a light body and travel through galaxies along the magnetic fields of plasma worm holes that allow the light body to enter the worm holes and travel through space to planets, galaxies, and even other dimensions in the multiverse. Sun systems are also portal gate ways that produce strong electrical fields allowing light bodies to quickly jump from one star system to another without needing physical space ships to travel in space and time. The below diagram model seems to demonstrate how higher dimensional beings travel and use star gate portals in the universe, it seems that beings from the 6th dimension to the 24th dimension use light energy from stars to create the light bodies without needing physical form like solid bodies to travel out in space. This is not just souls returning home or going on missions to other worlds, but ET beings having the ability to go where they need to in the blink of an eye with advanced understanding of quantum physics and knowledge of how the universe works on the etheric energy levels.

The Arrival of the Soul at Birth
Before birth the fetus carries a small part of its new life force makeup, like a layer so to speak carrying a little of both parents’ traits. In its beginning phases the fetus most likely has some residual memory of its parents’ voices, life habits and personalities.
Once The Creation ‘delivers’ the soul with its ‘soul shell’ to its place of birth, the soul with its individual consciousness probably enters the babies body once it is outside the mother’s protective shell, the body veil and most likely on the infant’s first breath.
From here forward the soul and body shell remain together in the physical body until death.
Residual memories of past lifetimes or parallel lifetimes of individuals will often surface in regression hypnosis, like Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT), designed by Delores Cannon. QHHT allows the individual to create questions to ask about their soul, incorporate healing into the session, and speak to their higher selves or anyone else that plays a role in their life.
The role of pyramids, mountain caves and stone temples in connecting the soul with The Creation… and in inducing the soul out of the body is great as these types of objects are found all over the world.
Our ancestors made their pyramids and stone temple sanctuaries available only to the elite. Their sacred teachings became hidden and the audacity of their greed has left a huge gap, with humankind having been deprived of illumination.
Early civilization across the globe was completely on track guided by the visitors who came from the skies, showing people the value of developing the secrets of the soul in caves in the mountains in seclusion. Think of ‘Dream Time’ at Uluru in Australia, think of the Eastern empires of Angkor, think of virtually all temples ever built and the earliest churches with their imposing steeples entirely of stone. None of this is purely coincidence. It is time to revive the hidden records.
We are Hybrids, Evolving Genetically and Physically Beyond Human, as We Embody Light
Typical humans will not understand, or believe, our current evolution that we are living and existing as now. The awakened beings are continually becoming aware that there are changes going on inside, on a bio-molecular and sub-atomic level, begins to understand, seeing first in the sleep/close-eyed state or through what is perceived as other dimensions. This is your knowledge emerging and presenting itself so that you can stretch your mind to comprehend through your heart. Grasping "concepts" is what the human mind does. We are here to BE the proof and to be visible now.
WE are hybrids, evolving genetically beyond human. Our physical bodies are merging and integrating photonic light at warp speed and as this occurs, our physical bodies are coming alive, online, and our physical structures are going beyond that whichever seemed possible.
WE are genetic hybrids. Our human organs, tissue and bones are trans-configuring, transforming through the embodiment of cosmic light. This light activates that which was dormant within our encoded bodies, the dormant DNA that held our ADVANCED CODING that is being activated continually now, taking short "breaks" to cycle through old dimensions/timelines/frequency bandwidths to clear out any old programs that are still held within.
Light courses through our bodies and our cells mutate, our atomic structure changes with every gamma blast, every infusion of light. Our muscles and tissue have to break down and completely rebuild themselves in a whole new way, density is obliterated from our bones and teeth, for this is where our separation and human'ness was held. Our bodies, cells and structures breathe, expand, contract and communicate in ways the human mind cannot comprehend. Every molecule of us is broken down over the separation of time to rebuild itself, now is faster in every moment. These dormant encodments are continually activating, restructuring, reshaping. Nothing is fixed here. All changes are shaped in every moment here. Our physical structure is ever-changing from solid, liquid, gas, plasma... these are different bio-chemical combinations of these now. So very much is going on.
We are evolving in a multitude of ways. Organically, we are coming alive. Our bodies were asleep, dead... it was backwards. The "after-life" here is a physical experience and our bodies are no longer programmed zombies, the bodies release the old programs and activate new ones. The physical body waking up is an intense process. Everything of the old human existence within us "dies" and the density is released/purged/cleansed/chiseled/cored from our physical structure as our crystals activate inside of us and our shape takes on a new transitional shape-form. Our physical matter bodies are not as they were before. Our existence is very different here.
Holographic transmitters, our crystalline structure transmits the hologram based upon the geometric codes and sequences. Our body template continually upgraded in light and at the perfect "time" for us, when the light quotient has been met, is restored to our original COSMIC TEMPLATE and the physical upgrades go "full-blown".
The physical human body is continually adapting and upgrading, this is a very physical experience here. Many beings are becoming living bio-organisms, with super conscious/expanded energy fields that are bioplasmically charged from inside our bodies, from each living & breathing cell. Everything is constantly moving, charging, emitting, transforming, and mutating continuously...
Our brains are challenged here, for we cannot exist as we once did. We exchange human intellect for ancient knowledge as we become the UNIFIED FIELD. Processes are different here, as we have to go offline to upgrade, then we come back online with more knowledge, more energy, and more power.
We are anomalies and our form is continually changing. Solid, liquid, gas... our temps change as we change form, first inside and eventually "out there" on the physical plane of existence.
Physical matter bodies are very different now than they once were. They are no longer as much of a solid form. More energy, more organic, and more space....
We float inside our bodies, as gravity goes and our cells charge in light. Zooming at the speed of light. Literally. Embodying multiple dimensions is confusing and takes continually merging, integrating, anchoring and walking in multiple realities/worlds all at one time. Bizarre is an understatement when this starts to occur. Over "time" it gets much easier and is our new "normal" and the old human realities are bizarre and foreign to us.
In an expanded state, we span all dimensions at once. Being able to maintain super high frequencies within our physical structure allows us to walk in multiple dimensions/Universes within our being. We carry all within us as Cosmic Light Beings here.
The lower dimensions (frequency bandwidth existences) still have fear. They do not understand that we are already here. All of us, we have been and will be once again in total unity and balance. And that which they fear is what they already are. That which is out there is inside.
The human has many stories, many preconceived beliefs. Mentalities are skewed by stories...
The human distorts according to their own lens, according to their boxes and that which they "think". In order to understand fully, the human must shift to their higher self-aspect and out of the limited mindset.
HUMANITY is evolving in one aspect, yet the old planes of existence still exist for those playing in those physical realities where their bodies, minds and hearts are still closed and shut down. Evolution is the body holding light and changing frequency bandwidths to finally experience a different transmitted holographic reality in physical form.
Planes of existences.... all of these run simultaneously and not "higher or lower" as the human mind perceives. It is like "tick-tack-toe" boards.... frequencies weave in both/all directions....
The human body ascends, the higher selves/spirit descends, the soul emerges/expands and when there is a human program to clear, all shrink back down to human, expel the energy and expand again. All this occurs in every direction. Gravity comes and goes, weight/weightlessness comes and goes, the physical body blows up (expands) in light, shuts down to sleep in order to upgrade for embodiment, while the waking human embodies what they do intentionally. Each state is necessary for all to occur over the separation of time, as separation within diminishes, time-space collapses into one.
Meanwhile, inside, the physical body is not just a physical body anymore. It's a Solar Crystalline Star-Light Body that continually changes form. Inside the entire COSMOS exists. And as the GALACTIC BEING wakes up, the entire body starts to transform.
Energy (Light) moves through the body, activating all that was dormant, hidden and ancient existences are encoded in the Crystalline/Star Being's DNA, not only are they activated energetically for the memories to come forth, but the energy as it is held within the physical body structure triggers the cells to start to take that beings form. Because we have been all things, everything is occurring inside at all times.
Living breathing cells, bones and teeth that stretch and breathe, are organs that work differently, as the whole body operates as one system, it is no longer separated anymore. As density clears from within the bones, muscles, organs, blood, systems re-work themselves. Our bodies do not function as they once did. They are self-sustaining much of the time, we are organic-light-aquatic-hybrids.
Light intelligence runs through us and our entire body links up to this expanded consciousness grid work from inside. Our cells communicate and send messages throughout our system on how to function.
Nervous system upgrades mean we can handle so much more light that is running through our body structures. Pure SOURCE LIGHT ENERGY brings us further online. Being online is us all being unified and connected as one. The separation is gone. WE operate at the frequency of light.
There is a "hive consciousness" that activates along the way as well. All connected, we are all working, fulfilling missions and purposes to assist humanity in accomplishing this within themselves too. In letting go of the struggle and the fight and transforming all into light.
Peace is how we exist. Love is who we are. Pure is our existence. Light is how we function. Together as Light Beings we operate at a physical frequency that is much higher than it was before and we can handle many more aspects of the light upgrades and universal knowledge that comes to us.
Our bodies were too dense. They held all of our human pain, which was part of our program to come here and transcend. Emotional, mental, physical bodies... these purify and cleanse. These merge as light infuses and weaves through us. Until all our perceived darkness is gone. Dark was our perception, our creation, for our polarized and dualistic experiences that we needed, programmed and held within ourselves. As we become light, this ceases to exist. It changes as our perceptions do, as our awareness does.
We become aware that the hologram is a response. Individually and collectively and that it's a combination of frequencies that create a bandwidth to walk in. We see that matter takes physical form in response to the frequencies that we hold inside. As we INTENTIONALLY TUNE in to higher frequencies, that hologram starts to change. The veils were inside of us and they go as we dissolve all within us as it presents itself.
Those realities we dream of have already occurred. They are a physical reality that we step into as we operate at a higher frequency bandwidth overall.
There are realities NOW where the Earth is vibrant, where all species exist together as one. No fighting, no destroying, no battle or war. Cohesive existence, working and playing together as one. Love rules our realities. WE don't hold the capacity for anything less here anymore. It is gone. We let it go. We didn't need it anymore. It served its purpose at that time.
As NEW Earth Humans, we come together to create the new. We share, support, assist and we open the door/Gateways for all others who wish to join us to do so, yet they must be willing to embrace the light, to walk into it AS LIGHT and let go of the old separation, struggle and fight.
The collapse of the old grid work of 3D & 4D, leaves only 5D and higher to exist in the physical. It starts as an individual consciousness collapse and turns into a collective one. These mass waves affect everything collectively now. The molecular structure of all changes, for the physical matter is formed (held in place) through beliefs, thoughts and actions. Consciousness. Everything 5D and above is alive, connected and one, working together simultaneously.
There is a materialized physical dimensional plane for each frequency bandwidth, each perceived consciousness, each mentality, and each belief.
The physical body is of the human held pre-programmed realities this is according to that souls chosen experience prior to incarnating here. Playing out this program, the conscious being starts to see their own programs and through this new awareness and understandings, REMEMBERS how to RE-PROGRAM and activate their own CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE and STAR BEING DNA. It's through this continual intentional re-programming and activation of KEYCODES through light that entire existences are transformed.
Opening the heart is where it all starts. Bringing down the walls and letting go of the protection mechanisms once held in place, challenging mindsets and going beyond the previous limits and not accepting the old ways in people’s own physical reality anymore. People focusing all of their energy on NEW EARTH EXISTENCE together is how we all evolve. Committing everything we have and all of who we are to this, sharing and supporting ONLY that which brings light and love into our world.
Everything starts within and radiates out from there. Everything changes as we do. And inside our bodies are upgrading to support our new existence as light beings so that we can exist in multiple bandwidths without the old distortions anymore.
This is an intricate process that is so simple, the human mind cannot comprehend it all at once. We have to step beyond our limited mind and embrace concepts and mentalities that challenge us to expand in order to believe what we already do know inside ourselves, yet as humans are not willing to accept.
We are all becoming more visible, for these frequencies make everything visible here. There's no reason to hide. That was the human way of doing things in the old 3D/4D need in the state of life.
Open your eyes and look around, see what you were not willing to see. Expect the unexpected, as the other dimensions open up, as these higher frequency bandwidths anchor in, all shall become more visible by the moment.
Disclosure is at an all-time high, as the ability to suppress goes, as each discloses from within themselves, all that was hidden, that which they sought outside to become visible does.
I AM The Higher Light Council and all bodies of Light are merged into ONE that is the new paradigm.
Note: As we embrace our galactic, angelic and god aspects of selves, this activates our DNA to start our evolution back into the Light Forms. Our physical bodies hold this programming which is encoded within us and these higher light frequencies are running through our Light Bodies, they trigger new genetic sequences that communicate intelligently and work in every moment to evolve within ourselves. Our job is to assist the body, love the body and ourselves and as we do, we love, respect, honor and affect all. Our job is to hold the light, be the light, while bringing our power from within. Our job is to allow for rejuvenation to occur, to sleep well in order to upgrade/integrate and clear the old human way and other timelines where we once existed through separation within our own soul. This merging process is continual and the more light we hold, the more we exist as energy creating/taking/shaping the physical matter form. Our forms are changing, and are evolving back into who we truly are at our core. We are shifting our shape internally, our Crystalline Structure Body and cells mutating is how it's supposed to be. We have immense cap-abilities to share. This is not a process to fear, yet one to embrace. It's what we came here for.