Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Conduit Light Souls

Sources of Information:
The Conduit: by Christin Myrick: from Seven Soul Gifts
How Others See the Soul Gift of a Conduit: by Christin Myrick: from Seven Soul Gifts
Sixth Dimensional Consciousness: by Bill: from Universal Spiritual View
The Conduit
A Conduit evokes the raw desire of soul. They are oriented towards fulfillment and help people feel aligned with their heart longings as well as connected to the resources that will transform a vision into reality.
The Soul Gift of a Conduit is the ability to influence others and reveal the raw desire of soul. Conduits have a tendency to be hard to get to know, they are exceedingly caring individuals who will often put others needs before their own, but they are particularly talented at creating circumstances and containers that allow others the full expression of desire. Conduits are inherent explorers because this Soul Gift is all about finding meaningful fulfillment and unearthing hidden longings of the heart.
The Soul Gift of a Conduit is more about the location of the Conduit’s desire and attention and less about their ability to make friends and influence people. The essential ingredients of a Conduit Soul Gift are desire and moral grounding. A Conduit allows their Soul Gift to flow by following the raw longings of the heart and staying grounded in what is nourishing for the soul. Of all the Soul Gift types, the Conduits have the most recognizable impacts and yet, they have the most internal fear and shame about their power over people.
Conduits are the natural blossoming element within the system. The Conduit Soul Gift is responsible for magnetizing and attracting resources that transform vision into reality by allowing the natural desire of Soul to be heard and felt.
How Others See You and Your Gift
You make people feel.
Others walk away from you truly feeling the depth of what they feel
Your presence reminds people what fulfills, embodies and frees them
You reflect the raw and unfiltered desires of Soul (though the raw and unfiltered desires of your own Soul can be a mystery to you!)
You can see through superficial longings and understand what will bring others the true fulfillment they long for
People find you very alluring.
There is something altogether captivating about your presence that others are naturally drawn to and enjoy
You have an uncanny ability to intuitively sense, interpret and direct the needs and desires of individuals or a group in the background and in a way that most people don’t notice
Others may have confused your abilities for physical or sexual attraction
To others, you seem wild and untamable: steeped in the beauty of raw emotion
People enjoy you.
You don’t need the lime light but when you are in it, you shine!
People often thank you for loosening things up or allowing free expression
You are sensual or sexual in the way you approach even the smallest things which can sometimes be confusing for others (because they take pleasure in it)
You are a master of subtly directing a person or group without their awareness (which someone may have called you manipulative for), but really, for you, it’s about ensuring everyone gets what they really want
You care about the desires and wants of the group (often more than your own)
You are collaborative and inclusive and tend to look out for the desires of the whole (even if you don’t always get credit for it)
Fully allowing and voicing your own desires is a vulnerable place for you and you can feel deep shame about your power over others. When you do trust your desires and let them flow, the shift is immense: you feel fulfilled and you help others find true and meaningful fulfillment.
How Others See the Soul Gift of a Conduit
The Soul Gift of Conduit is about connecting to fulfillment. Conduits have an uncanny ability to intuitively sense and interpret the needs and desires of individuals or a group and they see the connection is a living entity that shifts and alters with time. A Conduit offers a pure reflection about the deepest longings of the soul and are keenly attuned to what others really want.
A Conduit tends to be (but is not always) an individual steeped in the beauty of raw emotion. They can get “taken out” at times by the intensity of it because very often what they understand as their own feelings are actually the conglomerated emotions, motivations and desires of others or of a group. They have wildness to them, an un-tamable essence that others find captivating and drawn to. People like being around a Conduit!
A father once told us about when his Conduit daughter was in elementary school: all the other children and even the teachers would greet her in the morning, and wish her off in the afternoon. They would wave and call to her: they liked her presence and wanted to be around her. They were drawn to the mysterious energy that is Conduit.
The attractive nature of a Conduit (whether they are physically attractive or not) can be confusing for the Conduit themselves. Because Conduit energy is so closely tied to longing, desire and fulfillment, others may have confused the energy of the Conduit as sexual or romantic advances and created circumstance of mistaken romance or unrequited love. Conduits are very often loved or adored for how they make others feel and not always for who they are as a person.
Conduits make people feel the truth about what they are feeling. Really, this sentence could be shortened to: Conduits make people feel. There is great power in understanding and calling forth emotion in others. Human beings long to feel, especially in today’s numbed out, stressed out and checked out world.
Conduits magnetize and attract and their call is irresistible. Like a beacon in the darkness, people cannot help but follow this reflection of their Soul’s deepest desire. However, of all the Soul Gift types, Conduits experience the most shame for their power because they may have used it to manipulate others in the past.
A Conduit is extremely giving, especially with the desires or needs of the group or organization they affiliate with and they often put the needs of other(s) in front of their own. They can have difficulty speaking up and following through with their own desires and needs but this is precisely the place that needs the most attention, because the power of the Conduit lies in the clarity of their own personal desire and longing. One of the most vulnerable acts a Conduit can do is to want something or someone, and the more in tune with, truthful and aligned with their own pure and true desire, the more fulfilled they will feel and the more they can help others find fulfillment.
Sixth Dimensional Consciousness
Oneness with God, the All That Is, --- the Miracle Space
A synopsis of the essentials of sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is
The fifth and sixth dimensions of consciousness --- are different degrees or levels of Oneness with God
As given in the material on the Golden Age transition, fifth dimensional consciousness is conscious Oneness with the Spark of God Within our very own divine eternal soul.
Sixth dimensional consciousness is Oneness with the Sparks of God Within all souls and all life ever created by God, the All That Is, everywhere. Sixth dimensional consciousness is Oneness with the Divinity Within all souls and all life ever created by God, throughout the Cosmos. It is Oneness with every divine, God-created aspect within God’s Cosmic Hologram.
Oneness with God, the All That Is --- Sixth dimensional consciousness --- can be called the miracle space. It is the space where the Peace, which passes all human understanding, exists and can be felt and experienced. It is the state where any can seek and find and know the absolute illumined Truth of anything upon which they wish to focus their attention. It is the space where divine Unconditional Love for all divine souls and all life ever created by God is part of the natural ambiance. And it is the space in which the divine Cosmic Power of God, the All That Is, is available for those in Oneness to create Peace, Truth, Love, Harmony, Abundance, and Perfection here on Earth. Sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is, is the same state of Perfection in which Jesus effected miracles 2000 years ago.
Jesus’ times were darker times. Two thousand years ago only a few very special individuals had the ability to rise above the negativity of the world they could see around them and move into fifth dimensional conscious Oneness with their God Within. Even Jesus’ disciples understood little of what he told them.
There are differences now between this time and that time. Much added light and a higher vibration rate has been added to our Earth’s atmosphere by the Beings of Light in the Hierarchy of God who are so vitally interested in facilitating this transition. In those 2000 years the level of human mass consciousness has also evolved and expanded tremendously.
The result of these changes is that as of 2001, at the beginning of this Golden Age, for the first time ever since human life began --- all of humankind now has the ability to access, to experience, and to feel for themselves the bliss of sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is.
The space of miracles
The sixth dimension may be called the space of miracles due to the tremendous divine Cosmic power that God, the All That Is, is able to effect or cause here on Earth through any human in physical body who moves into sixth dimensional Oneness.
Sixth dimensional Oneness with God brings to all who achieve it (even in temporary meditative states) the ability to act as conduits allowing the divine Cosmic power of God, the All That Is, to be effected through them here on Earth --- to create Peace, Harmony, and Perfection in any situation for which they see a need. Anyone in sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is, gains the ability to cause God’s divine Cosmic Power to create harmony in any situation we see here on Earth, merely by holding a divine intention for “perfection” in that situation.
Holding such a divine intention while in the space of Being in Oneness with God, the All That Is acts as a call to God, to all the appropriate minions of God in the divine Hierarchy of God. When we are in sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is, we are in Oneness with all the divine Beings of Light comprising God, the All That Is.
These divine Beings of Light, who live in permanent conscious Oneness with God, respond instantly to our sixth dimensional intentions --- to design and implement a plan to fulfill our divine intention. And their designs will create divine outcomes, which prove to be for the higher good of every soul involved in our intention.
Moving into sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is
Moving into sixth dimensional Oneness is a tremendous leap upward in awareness and consciousness. One's consciousness is expanded into a new and higher dimension of Oneness with God. However, the good news is that it is as easy to move into, as was fifth dimensional Oneness.
To be able to move into sixth dimensional Oneness, you must first be in heart consciousness and fifth dimensional Oneness. When you are in fifth dimensional Oneness with your God Within, simply holding your intention to move into Oneness with God, the All That Is --- is all that is required.
Your divine intention acts as a call to your attached divine soul and God Within --- and your soul and God Within are eager to carry out your divine intentions. If you allow it, you will be effortlessly lifted into the space of sixth dimensional Oneness with the Divinity within all souls and all life ever created by God. (Your divine soul and God Within will be absolutely overjoyed that your human personality is holding such a divine intention and that your personality wishes to experience the divine feelings of that state.)
Our part, as harmonized humans, is just to Be in sixth dimensional Oneness, to hold an intention for Perfection for a situation, and then to step aside. Our part is simply to hold a divine intention (for a few seconds) and then to ‘step aside’. This allows the appropriate divine minions of God to design and implement a solution that is in total harmony with Universal Law and for the higher good of all souls involved in our intention.
We, who are still in human bodies, need not know or understand what the divine, perfect solutions will be, what they will include, nor how they will be carried out. The divine Beings of Light do not need any humanly qualified designs for that which we may think might be a perfect solution from our human perspective. The minions of God can know everything related to all humans involved in the breadth of our intention and therefore they are in the perfect position to design and implement the perfect solution to our intention. Our part is finished when we hold the intention.
In this way we act as conduits for the divine Cosmic Power of God, the All That Is, to create miracles here on Earth. This is how Heaven on Earth will be created later in this Golden Age, through the divine intentions of those who move into sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is.
The effects of the Universal Law of Free Will on the return of humankind to Oneness with God
Due to the Universal Law of Free Will, the divine Beings of Light in the Hierarchy of God in the Heavens above have never been permitted to simply create a divine world for us here on Earth. The divine Beings of Light in the Heavens above are permitted to assist third dimensional humankind if and only if we humans first ask for help (as in third dimensional prayer). Long ago we chose to descend into lower consciousness of our own free will and therefore the Beings of Light in the Hierarchy of God are permitted to assist our return to conscious Oneness with God --- only in accordance with our free will requests for their assistance. This is Universal Law.
To assist our return without our free will requests would be considered a kind of spiritual coercion, a kind of forcing of humankind to return to conscious Oneness with God against our free will. In the divine dimensions of consciousness of Heaven, coercion of any kind by Beings of Light is simply not permitted. Humankind must return to conscious Oneness with God of our own free will.
By requiring us humans to ask for help of our own free will, it is made obvious to all Beings of Light in the Cosmos that no coercion is taking place. Our free will requests for assistance (as in third dimensional prayer) open the door of free will and the Beings of Light in the Heavens above are then permitted to help us --- in accordance with Universal Law. This has been the way for millions of Earth years and this is why the Cosmic power of God, the All That Is, has never been used to simply create a divine world for us or caused us to return.
However, now we have evolved and now we are able to understand the abstract spiritual concepts of how we can return to conscious Oneness with God. Now we are able once more to move into fifth and sixth dimensional conscious Oneness with God. By moving into conscious Oneness with God, we also regain the divine abilities, skills, and powers of manifestation of our eternal soul and God Within.
The sixth dimensional miracle power is of such a divine nature that it is impossible to misuse
We humans need have no fear of somehow misusing this divine power. The sixth dimensional power of intention is so divine that it cannot be misused, ever, in any way. Here is why.
The power exists only while we are in sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is. While we are in sixth dimensional Oneness --- if we should momentarily hold an intention that is not divine --- even for a second --- we are instantly (temporarily) dropped out of our sixth dimensional state of Oneness with God, the All That Is, and the power is no longer available to us. Our non-divine intention would not be carried out.
The power itself has its own intelligence for these are the divine dimensions of Godness. Any non-divine intention would instantly drop us out of sixth dimensional Oneness and that intention would not be carried out. This is true whether our non-divine intention occurred by accident or not --- perhaps through some old disharmonious habit pattern not quite fully released and replaced with a harmonious one. The reason does not matter. Only divine intentions will be fulfilled in the miracle space.
If we would be temporarily dropped out of sixth dimensional Oneness, due to our holding a non-divine intention, we would then be required (of our own free will) to move back into heart consciousness, move back into conscious Oneness with our God Within, and then to hold an intention to move back into Oneness with God, the All That Is. Our being dropped out of sixth dimensional Oneness is only temporary. All the Beings of Light in the entire Hierarchy of God above know and understand just what it is like to be a human and to have adopted disharmonious habit patterns --- (prior to our Ascension).
By the way, a divine intention is defined as any intention that is meant “for the higher good of all souls involved and with harm to no one” (within the breadth of our intention).
We may hold an intention for one person or for all of humankind. In the sixth dimensional miracle space, there are no limitations. The Cosmic power of God, the All That Is, will take care of the design and implementation of the perfect way to affect our divine intentions. And yes, we can hold our attention upon any disharmonious situation we see, and simply hold an intention for “perfection” in that situation.
The sixth dimensional spaces are spaces of FEELINGS, of the divine feelings of Being in Oneness with God, the All That Is
The sixth dimensional spaces are feeling spaces, Being spaces. They are spaces wherein you, as your true identity as your divine eternal soul, are in Oneness with God, the All That Is. They are spaces in a higher dimension of consciousness or awareness where divine Peace, Love, Truth, and Empowerment are experienced and felt because at that level of Oneness we are One-With Peace, Love, Truth, and divine Empowerment.
Many humans, especially those who are of an intellectual bent, seem to believe that simply reading about and believing in the existence and accessibility of sixth dimensional Oneness automatically enables them to hold an intention and cause the divine Cosmic power of God, the All That Is, to be effected through them. This is just not the way it works.
To Be a conduit for the miracle powers of God, you must Be in sixth dimensional Oneness with God. In this state you can experience and feel divine Peace and Truth and Love for all souls and all life ever created by God. It may take a little practice in feeling divine feelings once again but as with all things, practice makes perfect. The feelings are divine and blissful and beyond human words to express.
Third dimensional thinking and adopted third dimensional intellectual “knowledge” do not have the power to lift a human into sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is. One cannot, for instance, be in third dimensional, human personality consciousness --- merely thinking that he or she is in sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is --- and cause the divine Cosmic power of God to be effected through them here on Earth. Sixth dimensional power is a truly divine power. The power itself has its own intelligence and cannot be deluded. The power can be effected through a human only while that human is in divine sixth dimensional consciousness --- experiencing Oneness with God, the All That Is. This is the very reason that it cannot ever be misused.
More about the nature of the divine powers regained in our return to conscious Oneness with God, the All That Is
The total Cosmic power effected through humans while in sixth dimensional Oneness is factorial. Meaning that if ten humans get together and hold the same divine intention --- the Cosmic power applied to carrying out that divine intention is equal to 1 times 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 times 6 times 7 times 8 times 9 times 10 times --- or 3,628,800 times that of a single person. While in sixth dimensional consciousness, groups can effect wonders here on Earth.
The Truth space
In fifth dimensional Oneness, we can receive constant divine intuitive guidance in all situations, at all times, and in all circumstances. In sixth dimensional Oneness, we can merely focus our attention on some situation, hold an intention to understand that situation, and receive a complete understanding of the spiritual Truth of all the dynamics within that situation --- downloaded to us by God, the All That Is (without words).
The divine sixth dimensional power in healing
The healing power within sixth dimensional consciousness is phenomenal and miraculous. However, because this is a totally divine power we cannot cause healing in anyone who either consciously or unconsciously does not wish to be healed. The Universal Law of Free Will --- will not permit healing of any nature if it would be against the free will of the person or persons for whom it was intended. The personality of the individual to be healed must wish to be healed of its own free will.
The sixth dimensional spaces are totally divine and the free will of all humans must be honored and respected in accordance with Universal Spiritual Law. There are humans with personalities that do not wish to be healed. Perhaps they prefer the attentions they receive in their illness. Perhaps they have a negative unconscious habit pattern of some nature carried over from a previous lifetime that blocks their healing (i.e., a refusal to forgive someone, a desire for attention, a feeling of unworthiness, etc.). Regardless, a divine intention for healing will be effected only if the person for whom we hold the healing intention wishes to be healed. In essence, we are simply not permitted to heal anyone against their free will.
The spaces of divine consciousness
In sixth dimensional consciousness we move into the spaces where our divine eternal soul resides at all times. Our divine eternal soul is attached to our human body at our heart but its divine consciousness prefers to live in the divine dimensions above where spiritual Truth, Peace, Harmony, Love, Abundance, and divine Power --- exist always. The divine feelings experienced while in that state are absolutely indescribable in human words. This is because in our long evolutionary period in our human lower consciousness, there were not enough experiences in divine dimensions of consciousness for humans to have a need to create such words. Humanity, thus far, has not experienced divine feelings sufficiently often to be aware of a need for such words to be created. We will see what the future will bring.
Living in a human body in a third dimensional, painful, non-divine environment for millions of Earth years has caused humankind in general to become quite unfamiliar with divine feelings. Divine feelings have not been a part of the evolving human personality consciousness for millions of years (except in a very few cases of exceptionally evolved individuals). Nevertheless, our soul’s divine feelings are still there in our attached eternal soul’s divine consciousness --- ‘untouched by human hands’ and in absolutely perfect condition --- waiting for us whenever we choose to return to conscious Oneness and to experience them once more.
So, even if it takes a little practice, we now have the ability to move our consciousness away from our head and into our heart --- the portal to our soul’s divine consciousness. We now have the ability to access and move into conscious Oneness with our soul and God Within, and also with the divinity within all souls and all life ever created by God, the All That Is.
While in fifth and sixth dimensional Oneness, you, yourself can actually experience and know what it feels like to Be your divine soul in conscious Oneness with God, once more. You can know how it feels to Be in divine consciousness --- happy, joyous, and loving --- without ego and without fear, once more.
You can know what it is like to experience the feelings of divine unconditional love --- in both the sending and receiving --- for from the divine perspective the experience is precisely the same. This is because, as a vessel or conduit of God’s Love, you are experiencing and feeling the divine Cosmic Love of God, the All That Is, flowing through you as you express it here in the Earth world. Whether you are expressing divine love to others or receiving it for your own higher good, your divine feeling experience is the same.
All the divine dimensions are beautiful, wonderful, peaceful, blissful, and powerful spaces. And now all of humankind once more has access to these divine spaces for the first time since the beginning of physical human life on Earth, millions of years ago. This is true now only because we are at the beginning of the Golden Age, the fruition of God’s Divine Plan for the return of all souls to conscious Oneness with God, and the creation of a divine world to replace the non-divine world we now live in.
No more slow evolution is required
Our eternal soul’s divinity already exists within us. Our eternal soul’s divine mind already exists within us. Our eternal soul’s divine loving heart already exists within us. They all exist within our divine eternal soul and the Spark of God within our soul, which are attached to our human body at the heart. All we need do is to harmonize the non-divine aspects of our human personality, move into heart consciousness, and move into conscious Oneness with our divine soul and God Within. This is how all of humanity will shift into permanent fifth dimensional conscious Oneness with God --- by harmonizing the ego-influenced personality and shifting into the already existing divine mind and heart of our eternal soul and the Spark of God Within.
And once in divine fifth dimensional consciousness, our simple intention to move into sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is --- is all that is required to move us into that more divinely powerful state.
By returning to conscious Oneness with God we become and realize for ourselves, once more, that we are actually divine cells in the Cosmic body of God, the All That Is --- growing and lifting ourselves up out of the darkness of our lower conscious separation and returning to conscious Oneness. By returning to conscious Oneness with God, you can once more realize and know for yourself that, in spiritual Truth, you are a divine Being, a divine cell in the Cosmic body of God, localized and personified here on Earth for the purpose of finding your own way back, while in physical body, and then showing the way to others. Your true identity is that of your divine eternal soul with its inseparable Spark of God Within. As humans who have returned to conscious Oneness with God, we become expansions of Godness (and Goddessness) here on Earth.
This is the precise divine situation that allows (in accordance with Universal Law) all the Beings of Light in the entire Hierarchy of God in the Heavens above to apply their divine powers of creation through the divine intentions of those of us who have returned (either in temporary meditative states or permanently). This is the situation which allows the divine Beings of Light comprising the entire Cosmic body of God to carry out our divine intentions with which they are in total harmony.
In our returning to conscious Oneness, we become the spiritual links to the divine Cosmic powers of God Above, which bring Light into the darkness. We become as Beings of Light while still having (rejuvenated) physical bodies through which we can speak and write of Spiritual Truth in human words --- helping others to know how they too can return.
So that’s what happening here on Earth relative to the Golden Age transition.
But on a Cosmic level, what has been achieved through all our millions of years of painful human educational experiences in the non-divine physical world we volunteered to enter?
For one thing all God’s “lost” souls will have been returned. All eternal souls who chose, of their own free will, for one reason or another, to enter into lower dimensional, limited conscious, physical animal life and who thus became attached to physical beings --- who then identified with those lower conscious beings, and thus were consciously separated from conscious Oneness with God --- will have been returned to conscious Oneness. To God, the All That Is, this alone is a very big deal.
However, there is a much larger and much more important positive divine Cosmic effect as a result of our painful human evolutionary journey. This Golden Age transition --- from a third dimensional, lower conscious, ego-influenced, physical human being --- into a fifth dimensional Being of Light, in conscious Oneness with God, while still having a (harmonized and rejuvenated) physical body --- expands the divine etheric Cosmic body of God, the All That Is, into a physical dimension of life --- where true spiritual Divinity has never before existed.
Never before, anywhere in the entire Cosmos, since the beginning of time, has such a transition from non-divine third dimensional consciousness to divine fifth dimensional consciousness ever occurred. So, through a dilemma caused by some eternal souls playfully experimenting with their free will powers, descending, and becoming entrapped in the lower conscious minds (in the limited, ego-influenced, third dimensional consciousness) of physical beings already existing on Earth something divinely beautiful is now occurring.
In seeing the “lost soul” dilemma from above, the divine Beings of Light, comprising the Hierarchy of God, designed and created a long term Divine Plan for the evolution of the lower conscious physical beings and their eventual return to conscious Oneness with God --- (when everything could be made ready). These Beings of Light designed the Divine Plan (including reincarnation, etc.) and then sent out a call throughout the Cosmos asking for volunteers for other souls to become human too --- for the purpose of finding their own way back and thus showing the way to others. These volunteers may be called Lightworkers. However, many of these Lightworkers have not yet awakened to their true divine identity any more than many in mass consciousness have not yet awakened to their true divine identity. You may be one of these Lightworkers.
Through our “fall” into a painful separation in consciousness and through God’s creation of our evolutionary Earth School and Hospital for Spiritual Amnesiacs, we will have played our part in the expansion of God’s Divinity into a third dimensional physical realm where such has never existed before anywhere in the Cosmos.
All advanced life on other planets, in other parts of the Cosmos have been waiting eagerly to see how we humans, by returning to conscious Oneness with God, Ascending, and walking in Self-Mastery here on Earth, are able to feel and experience divine love for all divine souls and the divinity that exists within all life ever created by God, the All That Is. Until now, our planet has been seen by others in the Cosmos as a planet of chaos, violence, and self-destructive behaviors carried out by humans who had long ago forgotten their true, eternal, divine spiritual identity. Our Golden Age transition will transform our Earth planet and all its inhabitants into a divine world inhabited by divine Beings, in conscious Oneness with God. Life in all other parts of the Cosmos will be relieved and overjoyed.
Beings of Light experiencing life on planets in other parts of the Cosmos are very, divinely interested in seeing our planet become a planet of divine Peace, Truth, Harmony, Abundance, and Love --- wherein each inhabitant is guided constantly, intuitively by his or her divine soul and the Spark of God Within. Life on planets in other parts of the Cosmos are also very, divinely interested in seeing how we humans make the transition into a higher consciousness where we are able to experience divine feelings, once more.
Life on many other planets has been largely focused on intellectual advancement (as opposed to emotional) and with that focus they are indeed intellectually advanced --- far beyond all human comprehension. However, even these beings are very interested in seeing and learning how we humans are able to integrate divine feelings and emotions into our daily lives --- how we are able to integrate divine unconditional love and all the other divine emotions that we accrue in our return to conscious Oneness. Many of these intellectually advanced Beings will be very interested in learning from us how they can enrich the emotional aspect of their intellectually advanced lives.
By making such a unique “first time anywhere” transition, we are setting an example for all of life throughout the Cosmos so that any who are interested can know how they too may be able to expand the divine emotional side of their lives --- to include the integration of divine feelings of unconditional love, emotional understanding, compassion, nurturing, helpfulness, bliss, happiness, lightheartedness, joy, etc. As given above, life in many other parts of the Cosmos, in seeking greater wisdom, have focused more on intellectual, technical kinds of advancement and less on divine emotional expansion, refinement, and advancement.
In contrast, we humans, due to our entering into an existing non-divine form of lower dimensional physical animal life, which caused our suffering of spiritual amnesia, have had to go through the pain of experiencing non-divine feelings, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, words, and actions for millions of years as our evolutionary way out.
This was necessary in order for us to be able to return to conscious Oneness with God. It is only the pain we encountered in this non-divine world that has caused us to learn and realize that we truly prefer a divine life. It is only the pain we have experienced that motivates us and leads us to seek a divine life, to find how we can return, and then to make the necessary changes in our personality, which will move us back into a divine life in conscious Oneness with God.
No other form of life in the entire Cosmos has ever put themselves in such a position. (Who would?) Therefore, we humans have had a totally unique experience in all the Cosmos and have thus acquired a body of knowledge related to returning to conscious Oneness with God and accruing the ability to enrich our lives with divine emotions --- including the power to love the divinity within all souls and all life ever created by God.
This means that we, who have gone through all the trials and tribulations of our journey here on Earth, will have ‘jobs’ forever (or as long as we choose) throughout the Cosmos helping others to know the way to expand into the experience of having divine feelings --- all due to the knowledge and wisdom acquired through our painful experiences here on Earth.
As a form of divine energy exchange, these intellectually advanced forms of life from other parts of our Cosmos, will help us to clean up our planet. They already have the advanced technical ability with which to transmute our landfills and toxic waste sites into neutral or positive materials, and to purify our air, our waters, and our soil. They also have the divine solution to all our energy needs --- without the use of fossil fuels. This will be very interesting to see, for all of us. We live in a truly amazing and spiritually wonderful moment in time and space.
So, here we are at the beginning of the Golden Age and the beginning of the completion of God’s divine plan. We are at the very beginning of the return of all of humankind back to conscious Oneness with God. Now is the time for all Lightworkers to awaken. Now is the time for all humans to awaken --- for this transition is immanent. It has already begun, for those who can see and sense it.
It will take only six more years or so before all of humanity will be able to see the first of the Lightworkers to Ascend and choose to remain on Earth. These first examples will provide the rest of humanity with the hard evidence that will quickly change and expand the spiritual world-view of human mass consciousness. And when human mass consciousness can see for itself the spiritual Truth that all of humanity can now indeed return back to conscious Oneness with God there will be a tremendous attraction and worldwide interest in learning and knowing how all can return.
Then every human on Earth will desire to know how he or she too can return. And all will return, of their own free will, prior to 2050 and perhaps by 2030, due to their attraction to living a divine life here on Earth.