Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Canatra Soul Planet

Canatra Planet and Soul Origin of the Star Traveler
The star traveler soul spark originated on a fire planet called Canatra. This planet is located on the far border of the Known Universe in the Sigus star system, which is close to the boundary of the Unknown Universe.
On this planet the being that would later become the star traveler was born as Ileana of the Burning Fires, she was a 7D level being and was a female who could control the element of fire, throwing fire balls, creating fire storms, etc. She lived in a tribe family and was trained as a magick wielder as well as the universal knowledge keeper of information.
The surface of Canatra was very hot and the planet was always warm. Most of the planet is desert terrain with rough rocky land masses and some oceans.
Around the planet there were natural wormholes that always opened up so the planet had many visiting star nation races belonging to different councils of the Galactic Federation.
Knowing a beings true soul name can help them to figure out their point of origin(s) in the universe and what soul group(s) they belong with. The soul name can often be discovered in a person's book of life while doing research in the Akashic Records, the soul name usually glows in gold letters at the beginning of the book and gives a brief summary description of where the soul was originally born, like the name of the planet, location in the universe, etc.

Star Traveler as a Fire Woman

Canatra Planet Surface

Visiting Ships to the Planet

Wormholes opening beside the planet