Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Astral Travel

Sources of Information:
Astral Projection: from Crystalinks
What is Astral Travel/Astral Projection
Reality is created by thought projection (consciousness) into the physical grid. There are 5 subtle bodies In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body to experience. In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a 'silver umbilical type cord'. Some people are able to see the cord when astral projecting. To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences, one must feel totally relaxed, clothing fitting comfortable, reclining is best. Often a comforter is best over the body as the physical body sometimes gets cold when you travel out.
When you astral project you are consciously aware of things you encounter while out of your physical body. Some people can astral project naturally. Others are afraid to remove their consciousness from the physical body and never learn to astral project.
Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. People who say they experience astral projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body and moves in another dimension known as the spirit world or astral plane. The concept of astral projection has been around and practiced for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. It is currently often associated with the New Age movement.
Psychics often say that the subconscious (or dreaming) mind contains the spirit or astral body, resulting in falling dreams or waking up with a falling sensation or sudden jerk. Most dreams are not remembered by the conscious mind, making the experience of astral projection a subject of subjectivity. Believers in astral projection point out, though, that most ghost sightings often define the ghost as a lucid or transparent apparition walking the earth.
It is unclear whether every physical object has an 'astral' counterpart, or if a spirit literally uses incarnation into a physical body and this is what results in astral projections, or if the phenomena is something else entirely. Astral projection also touches on life itself and what happens after physical death.
There are two general schools of thought on the nature of astral projection. These can broadly be defined as the mystical model and the phasing model.
The Phasing Model, which was defined by Robert Monroe, holds the belief that it is impossible to actually leave your body in the truest sense of the word, and that the astral planes and the physical world are merely points on the long spectrum of consciousness. When a person projects, they actually "phase" into another area of consciousness and the locales it contains. This can be likened to tuning a radio to another station. One of the initial signposts representing a phase shift away from physical reality has been labeled the state of focus 10 (mind awake/body asleep). This viewpoint can be seen as a logical progression of the philosophy that external reality is actually an internally created state
The Mystical Model includes a large variety of belief systems and astral maps, but they are tied together by their belief that astral projection takes place outside of the actual physical body. In this model, a more subtle energy body is believed to carry the consciousness outside of the physical body. Some believe that consciousness is transferred into a secondary "energy" body (the etheric body) to allow travel into the astral planes, stating that higher planes of existence are reached through the progressive projection of subtler energy bodies from previous projected bodies. The subtle body is attached to the physical body by means of an energetic connection which usually takes the appearance of a silver cord 'plugging' into the chakra system like an umbilical cord.
Types of Projection
Astral Projection
The traveler finds him- or herself in an apparently real domain, analogous to the "other worlds" experienced by traditional peoples, which have no parallel to any physical setting or to consensus reality, described by New Agers and occultists as the astral plane or "the astral". Environments here may range from populated to unpopulated, artificial to natural to completely abstract environments and from beautific to horrific. Here, normal physical laws often do not apply and humans can often, for example, float or fly. Quality of physical detail ranges from crude, non-detailed and depressing to bright, vivid and fascinating.
Travelers may travel from one realm to the other. Projectors may find access to visions of the past or future and to the Akashic Records accessible from here. It has been said that space and time do not exist on the astral plane nor the higher planes, but no explanation is given as to how forms and entire environments can exist without spatial dimensions, nor why there can be a sequence of events and yet no such thing as time. Many travelers have theorized that people having dreams actually travel to the astral realms, unaware, and, again as reported in Astral Dynamics, travelers have reported seeing dreamers enact dream scenarios on the astral plane, unaware of the more extensive and varied non-physical environment surrounding them. Some also claim common movements in dreams, such as falling or feeling like you are walking through quicksand, is the astral body in action.
Etheric Projection
In contrast to "astral" projection, the traditional understanding of out-of-body experiences involves the projector (or traveler) moving about in usually invisible or ghost-like form in a mundane physical reality that can transmute into the etheric body. This world may, however, have minor differences between the physical reality world we know if strict mind control is not maintained. Proponents of the writings of Robert Bruce sometimes refer to this practice as "Real Time Projection" (RTP) and the mundane world as the "Real Time Zone" (RTZ). From the Real Time Zone, travelers can access "the astral" or remain in the RTZ and witness real time happenings.
In Western theosophy, each subtle body is functionally distinct. Since the etheric body and astral body are not the same they cannot possibly represent the same kind of psychic activity.
There is the belief that the etheric body is actually the same as the physical; however, it "rests" at a slightly different frequency than regular matter.
Some state that the etheric body is a functionally separate body from the physical, and yet they share a mutual relationship, all of which seem to be consistent with how ether and etheric projection is believed to operate.
There have been encounters where the etheric body (during etheric projection), once projected, was "sufficiently physical enough" to be mutually observed by on-lookers.
As well there is an explanation that the "etheric double" can be separated from the physical body: This etheric double is the exact double or counterpart of the physical body to which it belongs, and is separable from it... When separated from the physical body it is visible to the clairvoyant as an exact replica thereof, united to it by a slender thread...
One researcher said that the etheric body (not astral) is the "true" individual, and that its function is to allow psychic abilities to actually surface. The researcher stated that astral projection is not at all part of the etheric body's actions, and that it is more a "mental state of mind projection out into the world. It was further said that the etheric body is actually the vehicle used in an OBE (Out of Body Experience), and that calling it astral projection can be misleading.
Mental Projection
Mental projection is projection of the astral body to the mental plane via utilization of mental energy while within the astral or etheric to phase into the Mental, or a different process used to project directly into the Mental Plane. The active subtle body of the mental plane is the mental body, which constitutes the intellectual consciousness of the projector in general. The environment is generally highly colorful and kaleidoscopic in nature, like the astral, and shifting consciously. The difference is that even mathematical functions and thoughts will manifest seemingly physically. The buffer zone between the astral and mental planes is known as the Akashic Records, and appears as a library of knowledge of past, present, and future possibility. There are many theories as to why the perceptions of these records and the mental plane in general differ from projector to projector, but the general consensus is that the Akashic records will appear differently, like a computer or library to different people at different times, and that the future is always sketchy and can often change mid-viewing to the projector.
My Experiences with Astral Travel
When I have been doing astral traveling I have seen things like 57 black vault black ops facilities underground in America where plasma riffles were being tested, remote viewing disc shaped spy drones being built to monitor activities from aerial space, and hover craft being built for off world flights. There were computer stations in each facility with maps of the world where this technology would be sent to and where all the other vaults are located. These facilities house advanced technologies that are stored in these vaults and heavily protected, there are many different types of super computers located at each of these facilities with maps of the world showing what is going on around the world every second. There is technology being suppressed from being used by the general public like zero point free energy source generators that could eliminate paying for the use of electricity and other power usages like paying for water.

I also saw a star gate testing facility on Earth located in the U.S. where refractory mirror technology was being used to create portable wormhole gates that instantly open as jump gates in the facility and crews can enter these portals safely and can go anywhere on the planet and off world for missions. This technology already works and could be implemented to be available to the general public as a method of transportation to replace using planes for long distance travel, instead the new portal technology could be used to teleport people and things quickly from one point on the planet to the next in a matter of minutes instead of taking hours to arrive somewhere by plane or car, using fossil fuels which pollute the planet.
On another astral travel experience I encountered seeing a group of the Illuminati having a meeting somewhere in England and Washington DC, United States to discuss the progress of their power levels and psychic abilities. There was about fourteen individuals sitting on throne like chairs wearing black robes with hoods in a chamber that looked like a house of commons meeting location. These individuals were demonstrating how strong their psychic abilities had advanced, and were discussing their agendas for various mission plans around the world. The Illuminati like having power, and they control half of the world's financial banking systems, government institutions, and prevent humanity from having advanced technological progress where there is rapid evolution in having clean water, clean air, having no natural disasters, wars, diseases, and enough food to feed the whole world, etc. This type of progress for improvements is deliberately held back so there is no free will for life choices to be made by the people of Earth, so instead the Illuminati cabals get to keep their control over humanity with their domination of power and greed systems.
Note: To see more information about the Illuminati Meeting and various images please download the following full informational PDF file. This file is meant to be viewed for personal use only, it cannot be printed, sold, copied, or redistributed anywhere.
All of these astral travel experiences were specific events that I wanted to see of what was going on the planet in terms of top secret things that no one wants humanity to know about, in a way it was partially remote viewing to see clear details of what was happening in real time sequence during the end of 2014.
Originally I had learned astral travel so that I could be able to use my third eye to open wormholes to go back into space as tthe star traveler to see what is going on in the universe, but astral travel has helped me to see events happening in real time on planet Earth. This ability helps me to track what I need to know about information concerning Earth, her evolutionary process, star nation beings operating in space or on the planet, etc.