Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Ascension Process

Sources of Information:
4th Dimensioanl Earth: by Tyler J. Hebert
What is Ascension?: by Sandra Walter: from
Ascension Symptoms: changes in mind, body and spirit: by Sandra Walter: from
Accelerated Ascension Symptoms: by Sandra Walter: from
Levels of the Ascension Process: by Sandra Walter: from
Ascension Symptom Remedies: by Sandra Walter: from
Lightworker Frustrations: by Sandra Walter: from
Ascension Symptoms - From Homo Sapien to Homo Luminous: by Cedar Rivers: from
Do You Hear Perpetual High Pitched Frequencies?: by Gregg Prescott: from In5D
4th Dimensional Earth
As many of you have heard, Earth will be shifting into a 4th Dimensional Planet and then into a 5th Dimension. Earth, for many of years, has had access into higher dimensions, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. However, everyone will evolve into a 4th Dimensional Consciousness. This solely means our consciousness will shift from “Service To Self” (3D) into “Service To Others” (4D), then “Divine Love & Universal Understanding” (5D). For those whom already experience 4th Dimensional consciousness will evolve into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness. This means they will shift from “Service To Others” into “Service To Love”.
Many spiritually minded people are raising their awareness and consciousness of who we are as multidimensional beings in order to be able to advance from one dimensional level into another, creating light bodies that move beyond the boundaries of what is known as time and space into the flow if living as a unity consciousness aware of everything happening in the universe. This is an existence of the highest forms of universal light, connecting straight to Source energy.
Here is a simple explanation of how this concept works. Earth is a 3rd Dimensional planet, which means the physical plane is a 3rd Dimension. Being a 3rd Dimensional planet leaves Earths inhabitants with a consciousness of everything up to the 3rd and some to the 4th Dimension. However, a 3rd Dimensional consciousness cannot view the 4th Dimension. The 4th Dimension being the spiritual plane. This is why some people can experience the sight of spirits, while others are not able to, because spirits reside on the 4th Dimension. So, when the Earth makes it’s shift into a higher dimension we will all have access into the 4th Dimension, because our consciousness will rise into a 4th Dimensional Consciousness. Therefore we will all evolve into more spiritual beings. We will have direct access to our soul, spirit guides, guardian angels, past life wisdom, past life knowledge, past life creativity, etc. Exciting right? Many people will also move into the 5th Dimension as they have already been existing between the 4th Dimension and have raised their energetic vibrations to higher levels so they can move quicker into 5D.
This is a time where most people have found themselves in self-reflection, or self-realization. It is a process we go through that makes us scavenge through our past to appreciate our present and organize our future. During this process some people probably have finally realized that each struggle helped shape who they are and provided them understanding of their worth, along with realizing their true soul purpose. This process deals with the ending of “Service To Self”, which you have mastered. Therefore you are preparing yourself for the shift of consciousness into “Service To Others.” You are becoming more open to your spiritual reality, rather than just being open to your physical reality. This means you are becoming connected to everyone around you and not just to yourself. You are more open to the soul of another person rather than just seeing them as another human.
Is your consciousness shifting into a higher dimension? (See if you can relate to any of these questions.)
-Have you found yourself doing nice things for others? (You are beginning to acknowledge and understand the needs of others and how they are more important than those of your own.)
-Have you noticed who people really are on a soul level? (You are finally seeing people for who they are without judging their physical appearance.)
-Have you found yourself separating yourself from people, friends and family, whom you feel are no longer of good service to your new level of consciousness? (Not in a mean way, but realistic. You are realizing who is bringing you down and who is lifting you up. It is all about vibrations.)
-Have you noticed how you are eating foods you may have never enjoyed? (Your body is choosing food that is more right for your body. You are becoming aware of foods that are healthy, for your physical and energetic body. As the physical body does determine the health of the energetic body, which is the spiritual body.)
-Have you noticed how your body is becoming more sensitive to energy around you? (Your body is growing spiritually, which means you are connecting with people on an energy level where you are able to feel their energy more.)
-Have you started to feel things touching you, or hearing voices, without having a physical presence there? (These are the spirits on the 4th Dimension interacting with you. They do not need to be feared. These spirits can be deceased loved ones, guardian angels, spirit guides, etc.)
There are many more symptoms of ascension, such as physical rashes (detoxing of the body from toxins consumed), fatigue (The soul reconnecting to the physical body), nausea (From food the body rejects, can no longer consume.), headaches (From the opening of third eye), sensitivity to artificial light sources (light sources are synthetic and not natural light like the sun produces), etc. These are the most common symptoms. Each person will experience different symptoms. No ascension is the same, because we are all different.
** Spirits with low frequencies cannot interact with someone with a 4th dimensional consciousness. So, do not be alarmed. The 4th Dimensional consciousness is a person with higher vibrations, or higher frequencies, than those spirits whose vibrations do not match our own.**
What happens to the people who do not shift their consciousness?
Okay, before being incarnated, we either sign a soul contract to be here on Earth to experience the shift of consciousness, or we decided to live only to experience the 3rd Dimension. For those whom signed to only experience the 3rd will not have a shift in consciousness, which means they will not begin to interact with those on the 4th Dimension. However, those on the 4th and 5th Dimension will have the opportunity to interact with those on the 3rd, just as spirits have interacted with us before the shift. Does this make sense?
There are some people who say that anyone whom does not experience the shift will be brought back into the spirit world. In the spirit world they will study and learn about 4th Dimensional living. Once they raise their vibrations they will eventually be incarnated back to Earth after it has made its full transformation into a universal law of one.
Note: To learn more information about the Ascension process please download the following full informational PDF file. This file is meant to be viewed for personal use only, it cannot be printed, sold, copied, or redistributed anywhere.
What is Ascension?
Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in Evolution
Ascension is not about leaving the planet, getting rescued by off-world brethren or flying up into heaven. It is not about watching the Shift unfold online, or waiting for the external world to provide evidence of inner change. Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in evolution.
When consciously activated, the Ascension process affects every aspect, level and layer of a person’s beingness. The physical, emotional, mental, egoic and spiritual structures undergo acute transformation, evolving to meet the demands of a higher level of consciousness.
The Awakening Phenomenon is one of the more impressive effects of the Shift. Amidst the external changes – political, social, financial, spiritual, solar and planetary – people encounter profound internal change due to the ascending frequencies. This heightened awareness returns wisdom, knowledge and a connection to divine aspects of the Self which had been dormant for thousands of years.
Planetary Ascension is a change in frequency
Dimensions are based on vibration. Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the reality or experience within that dimension. Anything living on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet (or higher) or it cannot exist in that reality. As the frequency of the Earth changes, everything on her surface is affected by this increase in frequency.
Ascension Guidance for activation, integration and acceleration
Integration is vital to achieving a permanent state of higher consciousness. In the Ascension process, it is essential to clear and retrain the lower emotional, egoic and mental constructs which block higher states of consciousness. This frees the true Self to do what it came here to do; awaken and embody a unique expression of Source.
Reliance on external modalities, channels and old paradigm New Age methods has limited the awakening process for quite a few people. Many are now ready to take on the task of Self-empowerment, Reactivate their Divine Human state and achieve Crystalline consciousness.
Incredible possibilities for Earth and Humanity
The Shift, jump time, evolutionary upgrades in consciousness and the ascension process have been discussed for years in spiritual circles, and for millennia in ancient cultures. Waves of unique cosmic energy have been surging through our galaxy for decades, and the window of amplification has arrived.
It isn’t the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new paradigm, and big change is typically rough. The Shift is a shift in consciousness; a dramatic change in the parameters by which we experience reality. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and dimensional changes which are occurring here have never been experienced before. It is a fantastic time to be here and experience evolution first-hand.
How do I ascend? Won’t it happen to me anyway?
Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the structure for experiencing a certain kind of reality. Third dimensional reality is the lowest density (frequency) which a human expression of consciousness may experience. There are many side effects of the old 3D reality, including the illusion of linear time, the inability to perceive higher dimensions, and spiritual amnesia where the memory of past lives, experiences in other dimensions, and connection to the rest of the Universe is forgotten. All of that is changing during the Shift. This is why the phenomenon of awakening is so widespread; we are waking up from the amnesia of 3D and reconnecting with higher dimensional consciousness.
Apocalypse and the planet
Anything which desires to experience life on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet in order to exist within the parameters of that reality. The frequency of the Earth has been increasing, and continues to rise, which means everything in, on and around her surface is affected. Higher frequency always overpowers the lower vibrations.
As the parameters for 4D reality dissolve, the planet supports the experience of a higher dimension. This change in dimensional structure is becoming very apparent to the awakened. Apocalypse means lifting of the veil – the unveiling of higher dimensions which were once hidden by the density of 3D reality.
The Human Ascension process
Humans are unique; our DNA hold the codes for all life in this Universe, an expression of Creator consciousness embodied (Creator-in-carnate) in Human (God-man) expression. Your primary responsibility in this game of amnesia is to wake up and remember who you are as a divine Human. The Ascension process is the transformation of the physical body, light body and the consciousness which animates it, in order to hold a higher vibrational state. Your higher self is merging with your lower dimensional self after a very long separation in the 3D experience.
In order for your body to be capable of holding that higher frequency, it must transform into a crystalline-based cellular structure. DNA which has been dormant must be activated. Our consciousness must be expanded beyond the boundaries of habitual 3D/4D existence. It is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually challenging, and it is quite amazing. Medical impossibilities are popping up all over the globe. Not everyone has chosen to awaken in this lifetime, nor do they have to awaken. There are many factors involved in experiencing the Ascension process, and we are all here to play out the Shift in our own way.
The changes will affect your life stream
Severe weather and climate change are imminent due to the drastic reduction of the magnetosphere and magnetic shifts in the Earth itself. Global warming is simply an effect of the collapse of the astral planes of consciousness as we go through the Shift. There is less protection between us and the Sun, and that is fine.
Mother Earth is a very patient conscious entity with a long and diverse history. This window of evolution coincides with many galactic alignments, some of which only occur in million and billion year cycles. Galactic cycles are very long, and the experiences of other off-world races, systems and galaxies depend upon the raising of Earth’s frequency. It’s a bit like being the weakest link – other games cannot be played until this density is upgraded.
Earth is constantly balancing magnetics as 3D dissolves from the collective reality. The doom timeline – a complete destruction of everything on her surface – has been eliminated thanks to the amount of awakened consciousness on the planet. She is heavily influenced by the collective consciousness, and millions have been connecting with her to smooth the transition during the Shift.
It is a process which requires participation
The dimensional split between a 3D/4D version of Earth and an ascending 5D version (the New Earth) began in August of 2011. Our planet started ascending to 5D on December 12, 2012 and is still in the ascension process. This means a platform for the new experience of the return to the true Human genome is provided. In this time coming, humanity is able to merge with their 5D and above aspects, while the veils are down, and bring Heaven (5D+) to Earth, merging these realities. Lower vibrational systems, programs, entities and belief systems dissolve in the New Light – sometimes with ease, sometimes with resistance. Eventually, the lower 4D expression of Earth will drop out of existence.
We now have a holographic platform for a 4D experience as the collective awakens. Many are choosing to fully embody a 5D consciousness of Unconditional Love right here in this reality, as an act of Divine service to raise the collective vibration into peace, harmony and compassion. Some are choosing to embody a Christed Consciousness, which enables a conscious connection to 5D – 12D expressions of the Self. We do not know how long the 4D platform will be available. Whether it is 2 years or 200 years does not matter, the inevitable Shift is well underway.
Evolution is evolution; the entire planet and all of her residents are experiencing the Shift, regardless of their awareness of it. Ascension is a conscious process which requires a choice to engage with the unknown, in order to experience something brand new. It is a remarkable, challenging and rewarding process which frees the Self from perceived limitations.
Ascension Symptoms: changes in mind, body and spirit
The Ascension process is the union of our higher and lower levels: the soul, spirit and body becoming one. For many, this means you are changing your cellular structure to accommodate a higher frequency within the physical body. We say for many because the Ascension process is unique to each individual. Your higher self has chosen how you will attain this integration of higher and lower levels. These are all choices. Let us focus on symptoms and the confusion over these mystery aches and pains that appear during the awakening process or ascension.
Dimensions are based on frequency; the higher the frequency, the higher the dimensional level. As the Earth changes frequency during the Shift, the physical beings which live on her surface must vibrate at the same frequency in order to exist (or survive). Since the Earth is raising her vibrational rate, so must we. It’s a cooperative effort, but for simplicity’s sake, let’s just talk frequency.
Only crystalline substances can exist in the higher dimensions, or faster vibrations. Crystalline structures vibrate at a higher (faster) frequency than carbon. Humans are evolving; we are changing from a carbon-based structure to a crystalline structure.
This crystalline state is becoming embodied by our physical selves. This is the return of the Christ, a.k.a. Cryst, Christ consciousness, or crystalline consciousness that everyone has been talking about. The return of the Christ is the return of the divine Human (God-man). It’s you, it’s happening within you, with the support of the universe and many cosmic factors, and it’s a beautiful process.
This is a return to our original structure, a crystalline consciousness, with the added evolutionary step of embodying the crystalline structure within the physical vehicle. It has never been done before, and the change in frequency carries a lot of challenges.
All life forms on Earth are becoming crystalline. We have a big acceleration happening right now as we cross the galactic dark rift. This affects everything we know. Ocean, plant and animal kingdoms are evolving; we are all moving into a new state of being. Paths to this higher frequency are abundant, and if you’re aware of the symptoms, you can assist your own process as well as that of others.
Basic Ascension symptoms
Basic symptoms often reflect Kundalini symptoms, or the rise of crystalline life force within the body. These are adjustments; energetic adjustments to integrate the new frequency. You do not have to be aware of the Ascension process at all in order to experience these symptoms. Many mystery ailments go mis-diagnosed or medicated into suppression (which typically causes disharmony in another area; that energy has to go somewhere).
As always, check with a doctor or healer if you cannot confirm symptoms with your higher levels just yet. Ask someone you trust if you feel they are causing you any physical harm or any conditions you are not comfortable with. For many, these basic symptoms are a wake-up call when the doctors can’t find a cause.
These basic symptoms are early signals of the Ascension process. You might blast through them in a few months, they may linger and pop up on occasion for a while. It is unique to everyone, so don’t feel you’re at a “beginner level” because you’re in the basic category. It’s not a race, there is no enlightenment triathlon to win. Remember these are big energetic and physical adjustments happening in your body.
Basic symptoms:
Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, night sweats, waking up two or three times a night.
Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy during the day
The 3am club: waking up between 3am – 4am and staying awake, getting by on less sleep
Periods of overwhelming fatigue (some misdiagnosed as CFS)
Change in eating habits: strange cravings, occasional increase or decrease in appetite, new allergies to certain foods
Blurred or foggy vision, seeing shimmering objects, glittery particles, flashes of light
Hearing: audio dyslexia, hearing strange voices
Ascension tinnitus: ringing in the ears: not the “someone’s talking about me” ring. White noise with beeps, tones, music or electronic patterns
Vibrational Flu: high temperatures, night sweats, aching bones and joints, neck pains, flu-like symptoms
Occasional sinus issues: sneeze attacks, runny nose or sore throat that is not a cold or allergy
Mental confusion: difficulty concentrating
Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations
Energy rushes or sensations of electricity circulating the body
Involuntary bodily movements: muscle spasms, jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one’s body around (this is often misdiagnosed)
Feeling the whole body vibrate: similar to earthquake sensations, especially at night or in a relaxed state
Headaches, pressure in the skull
Numbness or pain in the limbs: sometimes diagnosed as fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus
Loss of muscular power in hands, caused by changes in circulation system
Pains and blockages: often in the back and neck
Heart palpitations and fluttering: opening of the heart chakra, clearings
High heart flutters: high center of chest flutters are the opening of the high heart chakra
Enhanced senses of smell, touch, and/or taste.
Occasional breathing difficulties: bronchitis in severe cases
Immune and Lymphatic system changes: glandular flare-ups
Digestive system changes
Depression for no reason: feelings of loss or isolation
Tension, anxiety or stress: sensing something is going on
Dizziness: losing balance, feeling like your body is swirling
Vivid dreams, violent or dramatic dreams. ET dreams
Emotional outbursts or mood swings
Weight gain, typically around the belly (Buddha belly)
This is an overview of basic symptoms that have been collected over the last decade. You don’t have to have all of these symptoms in order to sense the Ascension process. There are many environmental, lifestyle, spiritual and DNA factors involved in how and why people experience the process. For some, the symptoms are a sign of progress; for others, these symptoms are a burden. It completely depends upon the journey you desire.
Accelerated Ascension Symptoms
In the previous article we listed basic ascension symptoms, and the reason why we are experiencing these changes in our bodies and lives. They are the wake-up call symptoms; the aches, pains and sensations that often go misdiagnosed or misunderstood.
The good news is, you can blast through many of the initial symptoms by becoming aware of the ascension process and listening to what your body needs at this transformative time. The bad news is, if you look at them as troublesome rather than transforming, they will linger until you pay attention and do something to assist your physicality.
Accelerated Ascension Symptoms
This isn’t a race, you don’t have to ascend by a certain date or else. It is a conscious choice to fully engage and support the Ascension process. If you’ve made the choice to be aware and assist your process, some interesting – and challenging – symptoms and situations may arise.
Triple digits: every time you glance at a digital clock it has double or triple digits. 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 8:55 (just glanced, there it is), etc. All, Day, Long. This can be fun or maddening depending on your perspective. It’s just the higher levels saying or
Breaking free from restrictive jobs, lifestyles, disharmonious people or situations. Sometimes it is conscious, sometimes your higher self will do it for you.
Desire to simplify belongings, lifestyle, habits
Heightened awareness, mystical experiences, increased synchronicity
Breaking the false membrane between the solar plexus and heart center. You’ll know when it occurs.
Feelings of tremendous joy, love and compassion: when the lower and higher chakras begin to unite
Full-on Kundalini risings: bliss-gasms become a regular occurrence
Skin eruptions: occasional unusual rashes, bumps – purification of emotion, toxins, imbalances
Beings in your peripheral vision; floating veils, shadowy figures, white objects
Seeing particles of light all the time
Seeing auras or vortexes of energy around plants, animals, people
Episodes of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance
White noise, ringing, electronic-type noise or tones in the ears becomes more intense, sensing messages within the sounds
Creativity bursts: receiving creative inspirations at an overwhelming rate
Impatience: You want to get on with the process faster than your body can adjust. It’s just your mind, pay attention to what is holding you back from experiencing more. Sometimes the impatience itself is the block.
Teachers start to appear to assist you on your journey: people, movies, books, events, Mother Earth, Father Sun, Star family
Consuming interest in self-knowledge and creativity: expressing one’s true nature in work and play
Deeper understanding of spiritual truths
Higher perspective becomes habitual: compassion for all journeys, honoring all paths
Third eye opening, clarifying
Akashic access: understanding your past journeys here, seeing the lessons
Journeys in meditation become intense and purposeful: crystalline cities, geometry, grid-work, star gate travel
Feeling the Observer or Witness consciousness, separation from 3D constructs
Desire to serve from the heart
Deep understanding of Mother Earth and Humanity’s journey
Desire for mastery of your consciousness
Urge to ascend quickly and leave the planet once missions have been accomplished for higher calling, urge to return to the source of home
Levels of the Ascension Process
In the last two posts we have listed the basic and accelerated symptoms, as well as why we are experiencing these effects. For decades, teachers and channels have been talking about the Shift and what our bodies would have to go through in order to transform into a crystalline structure or light body consciousness through our physical form.
There are many different opinions and bits of information about levels. We have chosen the “classic” levels here for your reference. Granted, they were written back in the 90s and everything is changing, speeding up, modifying as we accelerate through the Shift, but the main structure is outlined in the list below.
One of the interesting symptoms of ascension is cranial expansion – this is a challenging symptom. The text below is an excerpt from Revelations from an Archangel – Ascension to the 12th Dimension by Archangel Ariel.
Creation of the Light body is due to the planets current transition process and is not an optional experience or process. Beings not wishing to be part of this process at this time will choose death by accident, natural disaster or decay and disease.
We are all evolving and absorbing Light at our own pace. Some are consciously working with these changes and so their transmutation is quicker, some are unaware and are absorbing this Light and change in direct relation to planetary change. However, one can classify this creation into levels:
First level -
When the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Brain chemistry changes, right and left brain functions blend and the pituitary and pineal glands begin to change in size.
The DNA structure and chemical components begin to change and pick up extra hydrogen atoms and chemicals that the cells need to take undifferentiated higher Light and break it down into useable Light encodements for the DNA.
Second level -
The etheric blueprint floods with light and releases karmic experiences, individuals may feel disoriented as well as experience bouts of the flu.
Many begin to question “why am I here.” Light in the etheric blueprint releases 4th dimensional structure and causes spins in the geometries of the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Change is rapid and many may feel tired.
Third level -
Physical senses become stronger. Your bodies acts as a transducer – decoder of higher light energies to the planet as a whole.
Fourth level -
Major changes in the brain and its chemistry and electromagnetic energies – symptoms are often headaches, blurry vision, loss of hearing and sometimes chest pains. Chest pains are due to the expanding energies of the heart as it opens to deeper levels.
Vision and hearing are being realigned to function differently. The mental body begins to wonder if it really is in charge and individuals get strong unexplainable and undeniable urges to follow spirit without hesitation. Individuals may get lashes of telepathy, clairvoyance and nearly all begin to experience empathy. This is a time of feeling, of honoring and accepting and validating the emotional body and learning to control it.
Fifth level -
The mental body decides to tune to spirit, dreams become more lucid. Thought processes become non-linear, oscillating between knowing and doubt. We realize the habitual nature of thinking and behavior and look at de-programming and re-programming to create the “I” we wish to be, not the “I” we thought we were from our interaction with parents, peers and society, etc. Change seems to be constant and we consciously begin to discern from our heart rather than judge from ‘conditioned responses’.
Sixth level -
We draw to us others for mutual support and stimulation of growth. We question what is real, our mental process and how we identify with others and ourselves changes rapidly. Re-evaluation may be uncomfortable but we feel it must be done – we look at our relationships, jobs, home environment, living styles, it is a time of letting go, of moving on. We change our friends, everything feels to be in a state of flux but we feel lighter, vaster, and freer somehow. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. seem normal and natural to us.
Seventh level -
The heart chakra opens more, we become more ‘real’ with other emotions, and we just have to be ourselves! We release blocks and old patterns - it is a time of great emotional clearing as we seek to rid ourselves of emotional baggage. We feel more in tune with each moment, feeling very present and flowing with life. Beings dig deep and honor their feelings; there is simply no room for denial on any level. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. Chest pains (angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy fields. Fear is released as the energy fields of all the bodies are realigned through the heart.
Pressure at the forehead or back or the head is due to the opening of the pituitary and pineal glands. When these glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level, aging and death cease. When the pineal gland is fully open we experience multi-dimensionality, yet duality seems to increase as we leave it behind.
Some days we feel connected and joyous, others we are in fear and caught up in survival issues. Many wish to ‘ascend’ and leave the planet as we sense the very real possibility of ascension through our deepening connection with spirit. As we learn to follow our joy, we may then want to ‘save the planet’ and have everyone follow their joy.
All are stages of progression and reflect our changing perception. You desire to eat more light, live food – many at this stage have ceased to eat meat, sugar and drink alcohol as they feel the effects of these substances on the vibrational fields of the body.
Eighth level -
We see the Master in all and purely wish to be of service – we leave the ‘saving and rescuing’ mode behind to serve Divine Will. The pineal and pituitary glands change shape. If headaches persist ask to simply ‘tone it down’ or ask to release endorphins, the brain’s natural opiate.
The brain is being activated, particularly the cerebrum, the ‘sleeping giant.’ Cranial expansion is common; triangular ‘seed crystals’ in the brow and recorder crystals in the right side of the brain are activated along with the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras.
We begin to be hooked into the languages of Light. The pituitary and pineal glands are opened fully and work together to create the ‘Arc of the Covenant’, a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head to the third eye that is a decoding mechanism for higher dimensional language.
You may find it hard to find words to express yourself as you think in geometries and tones. You cease to operate from obligation
and relationships become transpersonal. You share words from your heart and soul ; others may feel disorientated when dealing with you as they no longer have ‘hooks’ into you to link with.
You operate from a deep level of serenity with heightened sensitivity and awareness, yet feel grounded and transformed. By this stage, it is possible to be sustained purely by Light and prana, to take no nourishment from the atmospheric realms and to be healthily sustained by the etheric.
Ninth level -
Decoding geometries and toning is easier, spirit is using the languages of light which shift the 6th dimensional blueprint into a new template for your 5th dimensional Light body. Your body may change shape as the energy field’s shift. You feel interconnected to all and less connected to the opinions of others. You release the desire for and the energy to sustain the ‘game of separation and limitation’ and feel truly free.
The 9th level sees a mass descension of the Light body into physical form. As with the 3rd and 6th, this level sees a strong re-evaluation as we begin the final surrender to Spirit and we truly become the Divine instrument.
Here Spirit determines our income, our work, other beings in our lives, everything. This is the dissolution of the ego-self and while ecstatic, it can be most painful. Making the leap can be fearful even though we have evolved through eons of time to reach this point.
We may go back and forth, clinging to old comfort zones before completely letting go. There is no turning back and all must be released. 9th level is surrender and then ecstasy; the letting go of the “I” – we realize that while free will is real it is also an illusion as it is only there to guide us and to empower us to be One with Spirit.
Survival fears leave – focus in on the Now. Though fears may surface, they seem unreal and are easily put aside. We tend to disconnect from consensus reality and our choices and reality seem unreal to others. From the 7th, 8th and 9th the inner light noticeably radiates out and by now you feel unbelievably grounded, connected, centered, filled with purpose and desiring only to serve.
For a while you may slip between the 8th & 9th, from feeling complete at-one-ment to being ‘a limited human being again. This settles down by the end of the 9th level. You then continually feel connected and operate from your Christ level and your intention and motivation is always for the highest good of all. Others, due to their own inner triggers and issues, may not always choose to see that.
Tenth level -
You are one with Source consciousness and know all is possible. DNA is no longer 2 strand but 12 strand; teleportation, manifestation etc. are instantaneous. The Merkaba (another name for our Light body) allows you to pass through space, time and dimensions complete in your totality. It has its own consciousness to be directed by you.
Eleventh level -
All levels of the light body have been activated and are connected to your physical body via ‘spin points’ – a new 5th dimensional circulatory system of Light. Cellular regeneration has been accomplished. Time is no longer linear but simultaneous; past, present and future co-exist in all parallels. There is no separation and you will fully manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth and express the ecstasy of Spirit.
In this conscious awareness many create new types of Light-based technologies, new community living, new systems of government and equitable food and resource distribution systems. All have received specialist training and skills to help create and manifest the New World – the ‘Golden Age’.
Twelfth level -
The continuation of the Creation and implementation of the New World systems. You hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into existence new governments, new financial systems or fair trade for goods/services, new educational systems, better system of food and resource allocation, etc. as all will be redefined in the final stages of Earth’s ascension so that all may exist in joy, equality and harmony.
By this time the planet and her inhabitants will have been ‘rewoven’ into Light to shine in their full glory as the final stages of this Divine Plan unfold. The planet ascends to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a multi-star system where everyone is a light body and follows Spirit in total Mastery.
These levels are an outline of what some may experience during the Ascension process. You might jump around from level to level, symptom to symptom, as your individual journey unfolds. Each of us is making adjustments to our body, mind and spirit during this process, and the amplifications are felt in a myriad of ways.
Please don’t judge your progress based on lists, levels or comparison to other people’s journeys. One of the main blocks we see in progress is disenchantment with one’s own path. You will be stuck in the impatience lesson until you learn what it has to teach you. Ask for help with clearing and insight on your progress if it is causing you grief.
Ascension Symptom Remedies
The symptoms of the Ascension process mentioned in the previous posts are adjustments and attunements occurring in the body, mind and spirit. Not everyone will have the same symptoms, because no two beings have the same journey. It’s a very individualized process, based on past journeys, family monads, karmic realms, genetic monads, agreements, missions and learned limitations during our current incarnation.
Despite the dissolvement of these various realms, there is still a lot for us to clear as we move to a state of unification. The mobilization of No Separation in the human community forces our bodies, minds and emotions to eject everything which does not complement our ascension to a higher frequency.
The good news is, the ascension process can be assisted in a myriad of ways. You can – and many choose to – accelerate your ascension process. The challenging part is that the symptoms will push and pull at us until we move through the adjustment or lesson it reveals.
As always, do what your higher self instructs you to do. Don’t avoid a traditional doctor if something is going wrong, just because you see them as “old paradigm.” Ask for advice or get to a healer if you feel you need one.
Glands and organs
As our bodies change to support the emerging light body structure in a physical form, issues may arise that appear as dis-ease. Undeveloped (or in many cases, exhausted) glands or organs can lead to malfunction which throws your system of regeneration out of balance leading to complications. Self-monitor your own form. A blockage (issue, dis-ease) in any given area is related to a particular thought-form that one is wishing to avoid. You’ll notice when a part of your body is not keeping up with your ascension process. The aches, pains and adjustments will continue throughout the ascension process, but if you’re really hurting in a certain area you can search out the underlying cause. Your body will tell you what you need to know.
Give your body the support it needs
Forget about what you have learned about protein, workouts, water and sleep. Everything is changing and there is no blanket method for optimum health. You know what your body needs to evolve? Your attention in the moment. If it says eat cake and lay down, do it. If it says go raw foodie and do yoga, so be it. But don’t assume it is a days-long thing. Feel the moment and be sure that fear or laziness isn’t driving your actions.
Calm that monkey mind
The mind and body are separate entities, on their way to unifying with your spirit. The mind has to stop trying to control the body. The mind can easily alter the body consciousness, and disharmony in the body often reflects what is going on in the mind. What is your mind telling your body to create? Let’s be sure it is supporting ascension and not hijacking it.
Sleep or at least lie down when you feel tired. Many adjustments occur when we sleep. Get comfortable with following the flow of your new sleep patterns; they will even out if you don’t fight it.
Our consciousness cannot take the large meals of the past. Eat smaller, light-filled meals. Living foods such as raw fruits, vegetables and juices will boost the light content in your cells and assist the body in adjusting to the new light. You may be intuitively guided to let go of eating animals and animal products. Eating corpses has various side effects on the evolving structure; the dis-ease of ingesting death energies (death hormone in the dead tissue of the animal) can stifle the process and cause imbalances. Cleanses can assist in getting the remnants of a carnivorous diet out of the cells. Follow your intuition on this; if you’re not ready to give up meat, or cut back, then don’t do it. But the whole veggies and fruits are always good assistance in getting and holding more light in the body. If you’re abundance-challenged, get some chlorophyll and take it every day.
Integrating the new energies takes movement. Stretch, walk, do yoga. Vigorous workouts may leave you exhausted, so stick to the walk every day, yoga every day to balance the Chi in your evolving body. Kundalini yoga has been miraculous for various people in assisting with neck and shoulder issues. Yoga in the morning will center your day, providing having a sense of awareness rather than a routine.
Get to a good healer if you are doing your emotional clearing and still cannot relieve a dis-ease or ache in a particular area. There are many talented sound healers, Reiki masters, crystal healers, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, counselors and alternative methods of healing available everywhere on the planet. Go to them, talk to them, and receive their healing gifts.
Meditate rather than medicate
Personally, some people do not want any chemical medications in their body right now. They can mask imbalances, as with caffeine and alcohol. Herbs are wonderful and can support specific trouble spots (some people take Milk thistle for liver support). Flower essences and tinctures can also help some symptoms. But do not take everything you come across. Ask your body what it needs, we do not want to overload it with extra substances it may not use.
Listen to your body
Let your body show you what it needs to show you. This is integration – unification of mind, body and spirit. Supporting your body consciousness will make the whole process easier. Fighting it, trying to dominate or control it, will only cause dis-ease. One cell full of light next to a cell full of lower vibration will cause the denser cell to die off. We don’t want cancer, we want integration. Pay attention and talk to your body regularly. Ask it why your neck hurts, align the aches with your chakras and see what area needs opening. Throat? Heart? Creativity? The body is an amazing tool for spirit, let it shine.
Lightworker Frustrations
We have probably seen enough What is a Lightworker and Are you a Lightworker articles to last through the Shift. For our purposes here, we are referring to the people who find assisting humankind and the Earth an irresistible, insatiable drive in their lives. Once awakened, the urgency to help raise the vibration of the planet and her inhabitants becomes a priority.
Stepping into the role of Lightworker has its advantages and frustrations. When you begin putting the work in Lightworker, the Universe responds with all kinds of helpful support. Some of that support can appear as negative, which is a beautiful part of the process of Remembering who you are and what your mission is during the Shift.
You primary mission is to wake up
Nothing else is more important. Awakening is the first step, and we continue to awaken as our body holds more light; the veils continue to lift, your being continues to open up. There are no limits to this process, and there is no finish line. We are infinite beings – let’s just pat ourselves on the back for popping out of the density matrix, shall we?
When we awaken we may start to remember our past lives on Earth and in the multiverse, our connections to our star families, why we have reincarnated, walked-in to Earth, in essence what is our mission(s) on the planet, and how we can complete our work here on this world. We remember universal knowledge that was before veiled from our consciousness when we were sleepers unaware what awakening meant and what ascension now means to us on our journey in this lifetime. Now we are getting our genetic cellular memories back and gaining our psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, as well as having the abilities of telekinesis, levitation, teleportation, etc. There is no limit to what our minds can manifest and create in this fluid reality of ours.
Your mission may not be as grand as you think
You might just be here to anchor the light. You might be here to encourage a key person to do something. You may be called to speak to thousands of people and assist them in awakening. But first and foremost, you’re going to have to learn, learn, and learn some more. Cleaning up the karma, contracts and agreements from many incarnations is a big task (if you’ve been here before – we have a potpourri of beings on the planet during the Shift. If you’re new to Earth, welcome! It’s wild here, huh?) Your emotional and physical clearing is a mission in itself. So relax if you haven’t received the big mission just yet. It is possible you gave yourself the mission of waking up and realizing that ego-based delusions of grandeur need to be busted wide open during the Shift. No more saviors, no more gurus, no hierarchy of spirituality. Start by making yourself the mission, and move quickly through your clearing so you can help in the best way possible. Meanwhile, send love and light to everything in your life; every particle and being, and our dear Mother Earth.
Sometimes there are moments, days or weeks when you feel completely disconnected from spirit, life, and totally out-of-phase with everything. This is a frustrating scenario for your mind and emotions. It is a disconnect that occurs between releasing the old paradigm before you’re ready for the new. It can crush your self-esteem and confidence. Trust that it takes time to release old energies. Take care of yourself, support your mental, physical and emotional body. Bodywork helps to open your transitioning nervous system. Rushing to the new paradigm before clearing is done creates disharmony. You will get yanked back, and feel out of synch. Get comfortable with who and where you are right now.
Judgment of progress
Constant comparison to others on a spiritual path will feed the mind and ego with dark energy. You can cause serious imbalances and blocks to your progress by judging yourself. Judgments interfere with electrical flow in your body by throwing off your pH balance. It creates knots of stored-up energy, and these can become a holding center for fear. With reinforcement, self-judgment can cause dis-ease and fear of failure, fear of not ascending, fear of not keeping up with others. Those blocks are tough to oust, so let’s not bitch about why others are able to do this or that, why not me, etc. Let it go. This is your unique journey; there is no need to create an identical journey, why would we do that? Express your authentic self and give up the enlightenment race as soon as possible. Consciousness gives you more of what you put out, so let’s not broadcast I am failing, I’m not good enough, I need to progress faster, etc. Unless you want to amplify those in your life stream.
The return of the past
Here’s a fun one. Why are all of those people from your past popping up for a last hurrah? Quite simply, you are leaving them vibrationally. You are transmuting their vibration, contracts, and karma out of your life stream. If you cling, question, rehash and ponder their appearance too long, it’ll turn into a block. Old issues you thought you resolved may suddenly re-emerge, bigger and more intense than before. Recognize that these energies are present and let them move through you. As a Lightworker, you may be transmuting these energies for the collective. Think of it like this: you’re on a departing bus. Some want you to stay behind, some have last words to say, some are phantoms flying by the window. Wave goodbye and don’t get too distracted. You chose to be on the bus, they did not. There is no sense in telling them why and how you got on the bus. If they ask you directly how to get on the bus you are on, please assist them. If they want to judge your journey, wave goodbye. Love them for the lessons, smile and go.
Judgments of food, body aches and pains, clothing, others, etc., will affect your Ascension process. Judgments destroy balance within the body. Judging yourself and others makes your transformation difficult and depressing. You must stop if you want to be of service. Acceptance of others and yourself right where you’re at in this moment is key to opening your cells and raising your vibration. Magic happens when we accept and love all that is.
Every Lightworker experiences this. You’re in a group activation anchoring light into the core of the Earth one moment, and feel completely isolated the next. The divide between an awakened, ascending human and the old paradigm can feel like a huge gap. It is not easy to experience grand journeys through your third eye and then go grocery shopping and see people being mean to each other and the Earth. Find people to talk to, we are everywhere now. If you can’t find face-to-face, get on the web and connect with like-minded souls. The internet is a fun tool for learning and connecting, just be aware of your valuable time. No lizard-brain repetitive behavior, please. Group meditations – especially in person – are especially helpful to us when we are feeling lonely. Be sure to progress; keep moving and don’t get stuck on a modality or repetitive conversation. This isn’t religion. We are opening to more knowledge every moment. Shift, shift, shift.
Where the heck is my money, job, guidance?
Remember when Jeshua gave all of that advice on giving away your shirt, and leaving the material things behind in the quest for spiritual connection? It seems that if we don’t learn this lesson – non-attachment to how things are, how they should be, or our belongings – it is presented in obvious form right now. Maybe you quit your job, or got fired, or your financial situation has been gutted completely. We create everything in our life stream, and you are wise enough to realize you needed to separate from the pack in order to grow. Money and employment issues are so common it’s laughable that Lightworkers still bitch about it. Learn the lesson you have given yourself and pry yourself out of the dark webs (those threads that keep you in fear). Resentment is a huge obstacle to wealth. Get out of any resentment or judgmental timelines immediately. Remember the Universe gives you back what you broadcast. If you keep saying I am so broke, you will be. Prioritize what is essential in your journey, simplify to make room for spirit, and start applying THANK YOU to everything. Gratitude will open your heart and your abundance flow. The same goes for guidance; recognize every little hint of guidance and say thank you. You’ll get more of it.
Get the energy to flow so you can be a better conduit of light
Read some of the previous posts on symptoms, accelerated symptoms, levels and remedies. Walk, swim, or do yoga, and take Epsom baths every chance you can. Movement and sweat pushes toxins out of your body that can create pain. Some toxins cause energy in the etheric body to lock up. Heavy metals, pesticides, or food additives cause all kinds of dis-ease. Our first few Epsom baths were physically painful!
Eat for light. You’re cells receive and hold more light if they are fed light-filled organic foods and plenty of pure water. If you want to hold and anchor the most light as possible, eliminate smoking, alcohol, excessive consumption of flesh, unnatural foods (soda, processed food, fast food) and living in a toxic environment. Your personal Ascension will occur in a manner best suited for your health and well-being. No need to wait for an ideal situation, do your best with what is happening in your life right now.
Keep moving forward
We’ve heard a lot of get out there and shine your light lately. 2011 - 2017 is a vital window for Lightworkers, and since we are in the last half of the last wave of the Mayan calendar, it is probably good advice to “come out of the closet” so to speak. October 28, 2011 is the end of the calendar. 11-11-11 marks when we reach zero point, or when our consciousness begins to experience absolute presence. It is possible that many new phenomena, skills and revelations will occur in the next few months. Be of service whenever it presents to you. Share the love you are experiencing as you grow and expand. If you’re a Lightworker, it is best to move through some deep clearing NOW, during this summer of preparation, and get ourselves fully engaged in the practice of assisting the planet and humanity as best as we can.
Sources of Information:
The 12 Dimesions of Consciousness: from
A 12 Dimensional Overview: by Evin: from
The Dimensions of Consciousness
A dimension is a state of consciousness. Indigos were born on the Indigo or Blue ray of incarnation and evolution but into 3-D bodies with their consciousness firmly in the 4th or 5th dimension. Crystals are born with their consciousness in the 6th dimension.
"Dimensions" are a means of organizing different planes of existence according to their vibratory rate. Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are specific to the frequency of that dimension.
Dimension Characteristics
Dimension 1
The first dimension of space. Awareness as a point. The mineral kingdom resonates to this level of consciousness. The minerals, water and genetic code in human bodies resonates to this level.
Dimension 2
The second dimension of space. Awareness of point and line. The plant kingdom and lower animal kingdom resonates to this level. These beings are only conscious of their "species" identity and their need for feeding, fighting, and procreation. Live solely within the awareness of the moment. Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain that directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions.
Dimension 3
The third dimension of space. Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height and volume. Human beings and the higher animal kingdom resonates to this level. Awareness of oneself as a separate and unique individual – very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm through the individual human souls. As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present. However, while using only our third dimensional consciousness much of our past remains forgotten in our unconscious mind and we usually feel a sense of separation from the whole, a feeling of limitation in achieving our desires, and a need to work hard to accomplish our goals.
Dimension 4
Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume and time. The fourth dimension is also known as the astral plane. The primary consciousness of this dimension is in the astral body, which is also known as the "higher human". The astral body is of a higher vibration than the physical body and is in a form that is known as etheric. The 4th D is the realm of the unconscious mind. Our fourth dimensional astral bodies possess advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. As we expand our mind to be conscious of our unconscious mind, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form.
At this level, there is the beginning awareness of the Universal Law of One or Unity Consciousness: whatever affects one of us affects all of us. Indigos carry this awareness, which is the key to multi-dimensionality, and it leads them to be warriors for causes that heal the Earth. Realization and practice that no one is greater than the other and that group consciousness is the path to the future. We must all cooperate for the good of all to create a better Earth.
Dimension 5
Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume, time and spirit. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here. There is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the One-ness of God/Goddess/All That Is. On the fifth dimension we live in Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance. We hold no judgement, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions or aspects of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves". At this level, we are free to create new ways of thinking/being/doing through the seeds of unity consciousness.
Dimension 6
The Christed Child or Magical Child (Crystal consciousness) has access to their magical and spiritual aspects, and a playfulness of life. Life is seen as magical and blessed. All life is directed and advanced through the work of spirit. The person in the 6th D surrenders to the flow of spirit’s evolution while exercising the right to be a creator on an individual level.
Dimension 7
Fully aware of the nature of the spirited mission of the being. Christed Adult (Crystal Adult) – ready to take on a planetary mission as a “carer of higher dimension consciousness to others,” e.g. through teaching and healing on a big scale or carrying the energy in one’s aura so that others can access it on a big scale.
Dimension 8 & 9
8th D - Archetypal level of consciousness when the person has full control over the story of Life on Earth.
9th D - Full cosmic consciousness – has full responsibility for stewardship of the planet. The 9th D incorporates the 8th.
Dimension 10
Has responsibilities at the solar level.
Dimension 11
Galactic level of consciousness is achieved.
Dimension 12
Gold ray of Universal Consciousness is inaugurated by being a Full Universal Being – Universal level of consciousness is achieved. You have returned to Source and are in Unity Consciousness with the physical form of your Local Universe.
Explanation of Terminology
A kingdom is an archetype of nature. According to the Ancient Wisdom, the objective existence of the Absolute or Divine began with just three aspects, Will or Intention, Love or Consciousness and Form. The function of the Absolute's First Aspect, Divine Will is to create an hierarchical division of the Absolute's life-force or energy, through the Elemental gods/creators, who are an evolutionary life form corresponding to the Divine Will. The task of the elemental gods is to divide all categories of life into seven archetypal Kingdoms of nature or groups of nature.
A dimension is a state of consciousness and a means of organizing different planes of existence according to the vibratory rate of that which exists. Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are specific to the frequency of that dimension. Circular time means three dimensions cubed or 3 x 3 x 3 dimensions which = 27. Circular Time Theory states that over a very long period of time things will repeat. Over a very long period of time things will repeat almost exactly.
All human beings are multi-dimensional beings of light with a visible dense physical body which some of their consciousness has been projected into, and have the potential to access the first 5 dimensions. Usually many of us are comfortable with our awareness being at 3-D level, but with spiritual application (i.e. meditation and reflection and asking our spirit guides for assistance) one can access the 4th dimension usually referred to as the astral plane or "time", and even the 5th dimension. Indigos and Crystals can access the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions. Some Crystals can access the higher dimensions.
Dimensions are both states of consciousness and spatial dimensions. The state which rocks, plants, animals and human beings are in is obviously in 3-D forms. There is dimensional awareness and also spatial dimensions. For example, a plant is matter existing in 3 dimensions (with width, height and breadth) but it has a "consciousness" or awareness of the 2nd dimension only. Likewise, human beings have 3-D consciousness, but some can access the 4th dimension and higher levels of consciousness. 3-D consciousness means seeing the world from the perspective of 3 spatial dimensions. Evolved human beings, or "Star People" whose origins are from a star or star system within or outside our Galaxy and human beings whom have applied themselves to spiritual studies, can gain awareness of the 4-D and 5-D worlds or perspectives. If one had 4-D consciousness all the time, then you would be able to view 3-D objects from all sides (front, back, top & bottom) simultaneously. Globally, all of Earth and its inhabitants is moving toward a shift into the 5th dimension which is transcendence over space-time.
Rays are various facets of the Absolute’s manifestation. There are usually described 27 rays. They are abstract cosmic principles or energies which radiate from the Divine (God) Source and are said to motivate manifested forms according to at least twenty seven principles. As the rays move from number 1 (will) to the 27th, they change from encapsulating primary or undiluted energies to incorporating compound energies. The Rays activate the expression of their energies in each of the dimensions. Each of us belongs fundamentally to just one ray, but we also possess minor qualities of other rays which help to form individual characters of who we are in our energies. As each ray is linked to a color, a clairvoyant can analyze an individual's spirituality by studying the variety of rays shown in his aura.
The Higher Self relates to one of the rays. Indigos were born on the second ray of Divine Love and Wisdom (Indigo or Blue) ray. Their Higher Self is on the Indigo blue ray, with their consciousness firmly anchored in the 5th dimension. They are called to tap into the 6th and 7th dimensions. Crystals are born on the third ray (Gold ray) with their consciousness in the 6th dimension, and are called to tap into, and open up to the 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensions. The Ray energy of your soul is the sum of the qualities only you know you possess. Your ray is your true spiritual motivation.
The first 7 rays are solar rays manifested on Earth. The 8th to 12 rays are the galactic rays resonating to the harmonics of 12. Our galaxy and universe resonate to the harmonics or frequencies of 12, while Earth resonates to the frequencies of 7. The influence of the 8th to 12 rays has lately manifested on Earth, while the higher rays to ray 27 and above are manifested outside of our solar system. Some say that the rays above ray 12 have been anchored on Earth but not yet manifested.
The Seven Rays interact with a Human being through the medium of the seven major chakras which form links between each of man’s subtle energy bodies (auric bodies) that surround the visible dense physical body. Our major chakras are numerically related to both the Seven Rays and the Seven Planes. The First Ray works with the Crown chakra to activate the Base chakra, and the other rays follow this same scheme, e.g. the Second Ray works with the Third eye chakra to activate the Sacral chakra.
Planes constitute the physical and the higher etheric levels of existence in our solar system. The personality relates to one of the planes. There are 7 solar planes which may be considered seven rarefication’s of substance, graded impulses, or energy, differentiated by the sounding of a keynote and held stable by the continuing vibration of that sound's tonic chord. The concept of an individualized personality is found in the lower three planes, the Physical, Astral and Manas (Mental) planes. The Buddhic, Atmic, Monadic and Logoic Planes make up the other 4 of the 7 solar planes. The individualized personality is rooted in the physical plane and can also be experienced in the astral and mental planes, but usually not beyond those.
The Buddhic plane is the plane of true spiritual insight and intuition (not ordinary psychic feeling, which is astral) and the plane of all-encompassing love and unity. The Akashic records which contain the history and sum total of the past of everything everywhere are ultimately on this level of unification. Beyond any type of matter, dimension, or evolution as we can think of, the Monadic Plane is the plane of "will" where monads, the ultimate divine spiritual spark in all living things, express themselves and evolve and create on the lower planes. A "Logos" can be thought of as a vast deity which has the ability to be a Creator, i.e. to create spiritual life from itself. The great beings who are the main planets, stars, galaxies, and beyond are "on this level".
The planes work in a system and they inter-penetrate each other fully. They are not "parallel dimensions" or separate identities. They are not layered on top of each other but rather within each other, and not in the way that you would imagine an onion skin, but more along the lines of two exact things being in the same place at the same time.
Some say each of the 7 solar planes has a cosmic equivalent and we have up to 144 soul extensions (12 soul extensions which each project up to 12 souls incarnated into the etheric or physical form) which move through initiations through each of the 7 solar planes. Furthermore, it is said that the 7 solar planes are actually sub-sets of a cosmic physical plane! The cosmic astral and higher planes are purely abstract and not manifested. The cosmic astral and higher cosmic planes of pure "thought" or consciousness are where the "planning" is done or where creation springs from.
The aura is an electrophotonic field that permeates in and around and through the physical body. The aura basically is the sum of what we are from the moment we came into this world, until the moment we leave it to go to the next. Experiences emotionally, physically and intellectually - everything that has ever happened to us is contained within the aura. There are seven inter-penetrating (inter-mingling) auric layers or bodies, which are penetrated by the chakras or energy centers. There are healthy colors of the auric layers (some layers are multi-colored), white is the purest color of a highly evolving being who has balanced their karmic business, and black or grey for example is not a healthy color of an aura as the being is struggling with something, and may have much karma to work through before their auric color changes to a more healthier state of existence on the color spectrum.
Do not confuse ray energies with chakra or auric energies or colors, as rays are light beams of intense incoming energy, that are available to be used, while auras and chakras are energy fields which are associated permanently with the human form.
Chakras are energy centers or generators through which a physical body communicates with its aura and vice-versa. A chakra is a wheel-like spinning vortex that interpenetrates the physical body, with the outer ends of each vortex forming a specific layer of the auric field. The auric body or layer is where each chakra opens into in the physical body, for example, the Base chakra opens into the Etheric auric body/layer. Chakras are a component of the aura and each chakra interpenetrates the other. The Rays activate the Chakras.
Chakras are the means through which a physical body communicates with its aura and vice-versa. You are not a physical body with an aura surrounding you. Rather, your chakras, aura and physical body are one unit that together make up only a small portion of the greater you. The greater you has also different levels of consciousness or access to many dimensions of consciousness. There are seven chakras that healers currently heal and five other solar chakras of the universe that are linked to the body, so in total there are twelve chakras. All the chakras have corresponding colors to them and based on those colors crystals can be utilized to heal the chakras.
Here is the list of the 12 Chakra Systems:
1st, Root chakra @ base of spine, center of security & comfort
2nd Sacral Chakra @ pelvis, center of primal creativity-sexuality
3rd Solar Plexus Chakra @ diaphragm, Full range of human emotion
4th Heart Chakra @ upper chest, center of love
5th Throat Chakra, The full range of human expression
6th Brow Chakra (Third Eye) @ forehead, center of intuition & wisdom
7th Crown Chakra, @ top of head, realm of unlimited potential
8th Auric Chakra, below feet, realm of unlimited probability
9th Etheric Chakra, just above the head, the causal plane ~ realm of all possible things.
10th Real Self Chakra, (above 9th) realm of the real, transcendent self.
11th Soul Star Chakra, (above 10th) Realm of true spiritual essence.
12th Divine Gateway Chakra, (above 11th) God force Consciousness.
The civilizations are seven cycles of materialization and spiritualization on Earth. In the beginning of the Earth-Condition, the Earth and other planets condensed from an original purely spiritual state through the stages of "fire", "gas", liquid, and solid, finally culminating in the present Earth. Each advancement of foundational root races was for the purpose of developing a major chakra (energy vortex or energy “generator”) in the species at large, with the end goal being a total of seven chakras activated on Earth. The first and the seventh civilizations are the high endpoints in the total cycle, with Atlantis being the middle or low point.
To Sum Up
There are at least 27 dimensions and rays, and 7 solar planes. Each plane in our solar system signifies higher levels of physical and etheric existence in our solar system. The first Ray energizes the 1st chakra to activate the 7th chakra, and so forth. Chakras are components of the aura (electro-photo-magnetic field in the seven layer or auric bodies surrounding a human), and the aura and chakras interpenetrate the other. Each chakra feeds into one of the auric bodies. The civilizations are seven cycles of materialization and spiritualization on Earth, which activate the energies of the chakras.
To perhaps further confuse things, some people say that there are FIVE kingdoms on Earth, i.e. mineral, plant, animal, human, and the New Kingdom, which is yet to come. The said 5th Kingdom is the "kingdom" or world of multi-dimensional/enlightened human beings. We think that what they are really referring to when they talk about Kingdoms in this manner, is the Dimensions. Ascension is when all of Earth and its inhabitants will move into the 5th dimension.
A 12 Dimensional Overview
"It is helpful to have a picture of how God created the universe and its structures. For seekers of truth, the more expanded and stable the model, the more satisfying. Science offers us "factual" cosmologies, while religions and cultures develop their own myths.
The extra-terrestrial model that follows outlines The Source, creation, duality, other-dimensional beings, and hierarchy within a dimensional context.
There are ten different dimensions in this model; you will notice that the higher the dimension, the greater the inherent paradoxes.
The Twelfth Dimension ~ The All That Is (and then some); The Source
It is not possible to envision the Twelfth Dimension. Numerologically, the number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. It represents the fusion of Unity (1) and Duality (2). In spiritual terms, it is God. Many ancient cultures have defined this God as "beyond words," and rightly so. The Twelfth Dimension includes and exceeds all infinities. Beyond definition, it is always more than we can imagine. For instance, you might say, "God is pure, unconditional Love." For that statement to be more true, you would need to add, "and then some." In other words, whatever we can say or conceive about this being/state, there is always something more to it - "and then some."
Ultimately, this is The Source - The All That Is (and then some). There are no "me's," "you's," or "us's." It is absurd to say, "I am [this] God," because at this level there is no "I" to say it.
The Eleventh Dimension ~ The Seed and Soil of Universes
Every so often, The Source manifests the "material" to create Universes. We call this "material" the Eleventh Dimension. However, it is actually two distinct beings in one. Numerologically, the number eleven is 1 and 1 combined. They are exactly equal, yet different. (If they were not different, the number would just be 1.) One of these entities is pure yang in nature - the Great Yang. The other is pure yin - the Great Yin (or The Void). The Great Yang exists everywhere and always (until The All That Is says, "Come Home.") Not reasonably, so does the Great Yin. Both are omnipresent, but a thin "membrane" somehow separates the two. This membrane insures that the two Forces do not fully embrace. If this were to happen, they would immediately awaken from their high dream state and return to the Source. Actually, this does happen. When it does, a Cosmic Year has ended.
From a theological (and anthropological) perspective, the Great Yang is God the Father, the Creator. The Great Yin is God the Mother, the Creator. Within them is the potential for the co-creation of all spirits, forms, and universes during that Cosmic Year. The Making of a Universe.
A universe is born when a seed - a particle of the Great Yang - transduces the thin membrane that separates the Yin and Yang. The seed fuses with a "particle" of the Yin, creating a zygote that grows very rapidly at first. Science calls this event "The Big Bang." Technically, however, it is not an explosion, but the explosive growth of a living universe.
The Tenth Dimension ~ The Truth; The Universe and Its Parameters
The Tenth Dimension is a conscious entity - a Universe. It is not, however, a universe of form. (Form begins at the Ninth Dimension.) Through the eyes of form, a universe is born, develops, matures, and dies. This cycle marks a Cosmic Day. Numerologically, the combination of the 1 and 0 represents the union of The Something and The Nothing. This dimension is like the outer shell of the Universe. Beyond it is The Void. From an Eleventh Dimensional perspective, we can see billions of these effulgent shells blazing in the Nothingness of The Void. (The Nothingness of The Void is not the same as "outer space," the latter being confined to the Third Dimension.) Within this shell are progressively smaller shells, each representing a dimension. The hard center is matter, the Third Dimension. We can gain an understanding of the Catholic Church's model of the Mystery of The Trinity, if we examine it from a tenth - and eleventh dimensional perspective. (The Mystery of The Trinity is that there are "three Gods in One" - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) In brief, God number one, The Father, is the Great Yang of the Eleventh Dimension. God number two is Christ Himself, an *individualized* consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. Jesus said, "The Father and I are one."
Indeed, tenth-dimensional beings are, in essence, pure mixtures of the Great Yin and Yang. God number three, The Holy Spirit, is the *unified* field of consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. (The Christ is just one of the billions upon billions of beings who comprise this dimension/entity.) So, there it is - three Gods in One. Like "cosmic DNA," the Universe contains the entire blueprint of what is to unfold during its lifetime. The "DNA" has both passive and active aspects. Passively, it is the Divine Plan, the "What Will Be." Actively, it is the Force of Evolution; it propels the Divine Plan to completion. We call tenth-dimensional awareness "Cosmic" or "Christ Consciousness."
The Christ is a Tenth Dimensional being who had projected His consciousness into a human form. It was not a metaphor when He said, "I am the Truth, the Light, and the Way." The Tenth Dimension *is* the Living Truth. It is also the Light that which is in everything. Finally, it is the Way home, back to the Creator.
All beings - all points of consciousness - have a tenth dimensional aspect. The Tenth Dimension is where our spirit comes into existence. From here, we can project our consciousness into any form in the universe. (Like a cascade of consciousness, we can project our awareness into, say, a seventh-dimensional form. From there, we can project into, say, a third-dimensional form.)
The Ninth Dimension ~ The Creation of Form and Hierarchies
The Ninth Dimension is where the homogenized consciousnesses of the Tenth Dimension arrange themselves into planetary, stellar, galactic, universal, and dimensional consciousnesses. It is the transition from formless to form. As ninth-dimensional entities, we could say, "I am going to take form as a planet." Then we do it. As a planetary (stellar, universal, etc.) consciousness, our form goes through evolutionary stages. On third-dimensional planets, there is what we call "inorganic matter." Inorganic matter does, however, act as the vehicle (body) of the Planetary Consciousness. This body generates gravity, which is actually the third-dimensional manifestation of a ninth-dimensional life force.
Hierarchy is evident in all of nature. From a humble blade of grass to the night sky strewn with shimmering stars, some forms appear more spectacular and vital than others. It is here that the Powers That Be our ninth-dimensional aspects - set up the hierarchical structure.
There is a hierarchy of dependency as well. Humanity needs the Earth to develop and survive, but the converse is not true. Similarly, the Earth depends upon the Sun for its life, but the Sun can live without the Earth.
The Eighth Dimension ~ Group Souls (Oceans of Light)
A Group Soul is a collection of entities that work together as one unit. To illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity. There are liver, heart, brain, and blood cell "entities." Each is unique and has a function, yet they are one body. This is similar to the functioning of a Group Soul. (Actually, Group Souls are even more integrated than the cells of our body; they are more like drops of water in an ocean, communicating by sharing real-life holograms.)
As Group Soul members, we can channel into other forms in other dimensions. For example, an entire rain forest could be the vehicle (body) of a Group Soul.
The Seventh Dimension ~ Living Vortexes
Seventh-dimensional beings come in many forms. Some appear as swirling ribbons of rainbow-colored energy. Others look like webs of beautiful, radiant Light. When these mystic, living vortexes project their consciousnesses into third - or fourth-dimensional forms, they continue to "swirl." They swirl, however, not only vertically (like Earth vortexes), but horizontally, diagonally, and into the past and future. "Spinning" into the future allows the retrieval of information from that time. At this level, we do not live on planets. Rather, our "atmosphere" is an intense field of colored energy. Although we look rather still, we are actually very busy. One of our activities is to explore other dimensions, in service to the Force of Evolution.
The Sixth Dimension ~ Symbols; Communication
It is tempting to call the Sixth Dimension "The Teaching Dimension." The intention, however, of this dimension/entity is not to teach, but rather to provide information and the means to convey it. All language, symbols, and models start here. It is where the Universe pours the archetypical molds. At this level, we find the cast for astrological and genetic codes. It also houses the Akashic records, the complete files on everyone and everything. This intriguing dimension is a honeycomb of dimensions within dimensions within dimensions. You could spend many long lifetimes here and never for a moment become bored. The inhabitants are astute, quick, and exciting.
The Fifth Dimension ~ Heaven; The Plane of Light; Comradery
For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is the highest realm a soul can reach. Spiritually, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder before we enter the realms of limitation. We incarnate here as androgynous stellar beings. Living on stars, we don luminous Light Bodies. These eternal forms have no need for pain, the warning signals that physical bodies provide. Therefore, there is no physical suffering. Neither do we suffer from any form of separation, because we constantly experience the Oneness of God. We base our actions entirely on love, never on fear. This is because fear does not exist at this level. We are unstoppable, living miraculous lives. Immortality, too, is an experiential given. Many times in a Near Death Experience, a person will travel up a long tunnel. The tunnel transverses the darkness (the Fourth Dimension) and ends in a bright opening of golden or white Light (the Fifth Dimension). This is the Doorway to Heaven - The Golden Gates. Usually, someone is there to greet the person, although not always St. Peter. We travel by the application of Divine Will. The shortest distance between two points is not a straight line or a curved line. In the Fifth Dimension, one simply duplicates himself to his destination(s). (We do not fly, either. Flying only becomes a viable means of transportation on the Third and Fourth Dimensions.) In addition, we can travel by moving through the doorway at the center of the star. In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms - along with her inhabitants - into her fifth-dimensional Light Body. She physically shifts from a dense, material body to one of Light (a star). The fifth dimensional manifestation of a star is neither hot nor fiery. It is soft.
The Fourth Dimension ~ The Astral Plane
The Fourth Dimension is a grey, polarized plane, housing the forces of Light and Darkness. The battle between good and evil starts here. Christ was sharing a fourth-dimensional perspective when He said, "If you are not with me, you are against me." Forms naturally morph on the Astral plane. For example, a tree can easily transform into a wolf. Because the illusion of good and evil is manifest here and because of the extreme mutability of form, distrust and fear exists. Consequently, strength of Personal Will or Personal Power play major roles in the protection and control rackets. ("I am strong and knowledgeable. I will protect and guide you and give you what you want. Just do what I say.") Magic, time travel, karma, reincarnation, luck, psychic surgery, flying, mind reading, disembodied spirits, enchantment, and of course, astral travel, all source from this plane. The God(s) and Goddess(es) of many religions live here.
The idea of hell and purgatory are fourth-dimensional locales, as well, these are not hell or purgatory at all but darker states of creation where negative beings reside temporarily until they have gone through this phase of processing their negative thoughts, actions, etc. and are then ready to move on into the higher dimensional states.
By embodying the principles of this plane, we enhance the probability of living a magical life.
The Third Dimension ~ Where Reality Is Etched in Stone, Sort of
This is the last stop of our exploration. The Third Dimension is where energy congeals into a dark, dense pool of matter. Our ability to experience beauty down here shows that we live in a loving universe. Because of the perceptual filters available (courtesy of the Planetary Consciousness), it is possible for our consciousness to identify with matter. We can, therefore, become dense ourselves. Because the universe allows the illusion of Free Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions, we can act like saints or demons, or usually, somewhere in between. When we base our actions exclusively on third-dimensional principles, we live in a material world. Here, our reality is "easy to prove" in "logical ways." This is because it is natural that we believe our pictures of reality *are* reality. This etches our *lives* in stone, rather than sketching them in Light.
As we explore dimensional realms, we discover exciting, new information about them. We live in a rich universe, filled with everything we can imagine. Imagine yourself in this universe living a miraculous life.
Do You Hear Perpetual High Pitched Frequencies?
Many people are hearing high pitched frequencies which are not related to a Vitamin D deficiency or tinnitus. From our research, we have found out that these frequencies are associated with your spiritual awakening process, more specifically, in remembering and RE-REMEMBERING of who you are.
History has repeatedly shown us that we have experienced spontaneous DNA upgrades throughout our lineage, without any gradual changes in between lineages. These high pitched sounds and frequencies may be associated with a DNA upgrade.
Our bodies are mainly compromised of water. Recent studies have indicated that sounds and frequencies have an effect on water molecules, as evidenced by Masaru Emoto’s work with sound and the restructuring of water molecules. Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s work with the holy harmony solfeggios has also indicated there are certain frequencies that affect our genetic structure and ability to heal from within. On a cellular level, these frequencies and sounds are being converted to their most concentrated form of energy, vibration.
Our entire solar system is currently experiencing a dramatic climate change, including the outer planets in our galaxy. This has baffled scientists because we are currently in a solar minimum. As we travel further into the photon belt, the energies will continue to increase. If these photon energies are associated with any type of minimal radiation, it will affect the genetic structure of our DNA.
Past life regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon believes these high pitched noises are associated with your body rising in frequency as the Earth shifts in to a new dimension.
Many consider these high pitched sounds to be part of our genetic reprogramming as the entire universe is being upgraded on a galactic level. Rest assured that these sounds are beneficial to your genetic and spiritual development.