Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Arcturian Lessons

Sources of Information:
Arcturian Alien Lessons: from
Arcturian Alien Lessons
Lesson One: Arcturian Mind Control
Arcturians have a fundamental lesson that all young Arcturians are taught. This lesson, when perfected, allow Arcturians full access to the 4th and 5th dimensional powers that excel their mind abilities to control the various laws of the universe that make Arcturians so powerful and benevolent.
The first lesson under the Articles of the Brotherhood of the All is the ability to deny self. This is a lesson that has been around Earth for many generations and was best stated in the King James version of the Holy Bible in 1 Timothy 4:16: Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. Those words embody the first code and that is to deny thyself the pleasures of our physical bodies is to better understand the power of the metaphysical world.
Arcturians understand that 3rd dimensional limitations only exist in the minds of individuals. By understanding this first code, Arcturians learn the importance of mind over matter (body) and become aware of the forces within. Through fasting and meditation this lesson is taught to all Arcturians in order to have the ability to transcend into the 4th and 5th dimensions.
The first lesson begins with the teaching of both fasting and meditation. By perfecting these powers they learn to control the true power of their mind! These are Arcturian Alien teachings that have been passed down through generations, and have now been perfected so the process is accelerated so it can be be completed within a few Earthly months. These lessons are taught in the training academy that is well known for the training of the most powerful Arcturian warriors known in the Universe.
In order to begin this journey of mind control, Arcturians are put through the intense testing of physical strength. Like a temple, Arcturians see the body as the physical embodiment of their perfection and must first take heed to their physical wealth before entering into the metaphysical. Like all Arcturian teachings, everything becomes a harmonic balance of the powers within.
Arcturians continue their teaching with the second most important lesson, which states, thoughts are things. Sounds familiar right? It should! The power of thought has always been a subject of deep study throughout history; however, only in recent years has the general population paid closer attention to the idea that thoughts are able to manifest into material things. Made popular by "The Secret" written by Rhonda Byrne and made into a movie in 2006, The Secret teaches us about the law of attraction but most importantly the ability to control mind/thoughts.
The Arcturians second lesson teaches the importance of controlling thoughts because they are what create everything in reality. Thoughts are things. By understanding this principle they are able to better guide their minds in a physical world that is dominantly controlled by powers beyond the five senses.
Arcturians believe in what they call the 6th sense which enables them to communicate with the infinite intelligence which has created all and continues to create new life; however, Arcturians, unlike humans, have already discovered that the ability to communicate with such forces is only possible through the control of the mind and thoughts which in turn gives Arcturians the ability to manifest many of their thoughts into physical objects.
If you are interested in learning the Arcturian Lesson of Power of Thoughts you are able to begin with a simple exercise so you can evaluate how your thoughts reflect the world you live in. For one week try to filter your thoughts and also note the many negative thoughts that enter your mind daily through T.V., Radio, what you read and who you talk to. After the week is done notice how difficult it was to not intake negative thoughts and how difficult it was to simply be conscious of what you were thinking.
Now, don't expect to keep track of every thought, humans are said to have tens of thousands of thoughts daily, but you can make an effort to at least keep track of the major thoughts entering your mind.
Once Arcturians have exercised their mental abilities to filter thoughts they are able to better guide their mind into the creation of the wonders the universe has to offer. In essence they have the ability to create and practice one of the most sacred and cherished abilities in this universe, creation through thought.
Lesson Three: The Power Of Desire
Arcturians are alien beings that are so advanced that they are known for their majestic ability to create, but how do they do it? Arcturians understand yet another fundamental law we have yet to grasp.
Desire is what creates all things. Arcturians have the ability to comprehend this law and it allows them to embark on many challenges that propels their ability to create whatever they want. Desire, whether evil or good in nature, is the driving force behind the creation of everything that was and is.
Arcturians are those who have harnessed these divine, unseen and intangible forces that allow them to create what they want and use their imagination and thought to create the very material object they desire. Desire is powerful and simple.
That is why in this lesson from the Arcturians, you will find nothing more than a simple statement that sums up this lesson: Desire creates all.
If you desire something today, you must understand that feeding this desire, followed by action, will propel you into a state of achievement. Arcturians know that you may not know where to begin or how it will be done, but Arcturians tell us that we must simply put our desires into action and continue feeding the fire of desire within our souls.
If what you desire is right and true, dream it, and act, and never stop to think of what others may say! Arcturians remind us, that you may also come across defeat, but know, that if your desire is true and definite, then defeat is only temporary and know that every defeat springs a seed of an equally great success! Dream on and achieve!
Lesson Four: The Power Thought Forms
Arcturians know life exists everywhere in the universe. Arcturians know this vital energy pervades all space and all time. Every molecule and atom is held together by this all-pervading energy. In the past we have called it the ether, in the orient it’s known as Chi, science fiction has referred to it as the force, Christian teachings have called it a form of the Holy Spirit. Modern day science has recognized this energy as a field of pure conscious potential. Our ability to control this vital energy is latent in our ability to think. Reasoning, decision making, dreaming, and all other thoughts contain seeds of spiritual energy. Arcturian teachings identify deep feelings as the strongest of this vital energy cumulating in the overwhelming power of pure love. All thought forms, as taught by the Arcturian Brotherhood, are said to have an actual form as they create life of their own. Each thought form is as powerful as the faith of the sender wills it to be.
Thought forms can actually take shape and color. For example, much like Aural light, the great White light is said to be the purest form of energy.
The Arcturians teach this for us to understand how powerful our thought forms can be and the good and love they can spread. The conscious realization of the following will help you to formulate great strength with your thoughts and light in the world. However, we do warn with caution, the vital energy is not dependent of persons or intentions. Harm can also come from these who are not well prepared as in the case of negative energies. Thoughts come in a great variety of sizes and shapes, but we are given clues to their power through the natural world. True psychics, sensitive’s, children, and spiritual leaders have the ability to actually see these forms with their eyes. For the Arcturians these thought forms are very common and innate to their stage of spiritual development. With a little practice you will too be able to visually see these thought forms, create them, and understand them.
However, right now you should be able to at the very least feel their presence. One of the most basic thought forms is the stream or flash. The Arcturians use this to an advanced degree projecting thought across the galaxy with the help of energy crystals. For us flash takes the form of a straight form of modulating thought directed at someone or something. This missile of emotion holds a glance of love, strength, or any other feeling that can be positively used to directly affect someone combining our ocular strength with our mental power. Experiment with this force and you will see the effects immediately. Another thought form that is very potent in close proximity to our bodies is the Aura of Strength. This egg shaped aura surrounds the body of a living entity.
Children, and animals are said to be able to readily see and quite obviously feel this aura. This Aura can be a powerful force of healing and strength to those in your vicinity. Many will seek to be in your presence when you are conscious of the Aura you produce by your thoughts. Your company alone can do great works when you understand the power of this thought form. The Chain is the next from of thought we will address. The Arcturians form long thought chains between their family groups. When one family member is in trouble or feeling a great amount of emotion or feeling the other members connected by the chain they too can feel it as well. On earth this thought form connects long distance lovers and families to soldiers and diplomats that are far away.
The Octopus will be discussed next. This is an interesting thought form that is often studied by the likes of the Illuminati and the Masonic Orders. The Octopus thought form extends from the mind and forms powerful arms (like that of an Octopus) that stretches out literally pulling in objects and persons of the thinker’s desires. This powerful thought form can create many connections in link to the ideal of the sender, the sender often does not know in what exact form the octopus will return the object of its ideal. This thought form is often characterized in modern schools of thought and takes form from strong users of the Law of Attraction.
The last thought form we will discuss takes form in a great sea or mind power known as the Hurricane. This thought form develops over long periods of directed thought and can be most powerful in communities, areas, countries, and even planets. The thought Hurricane is not uncommon to those familiar to sacred geometry. One can readily see this form in the planet Jupiter which provides a wondrous example of the marvelous phenomenon.
These thought forms are often collective within society or in the case of industry. Many so called captains of industry are said to have knowledge of this power (from the Arcturians or other Extra Terrestrials we cannot say).
Take this information, but do not take it lightly. The powers at be are mighty and enjoy this control. These are some of the secrets which the Brotherhood of the All has revealed to us to help us develop to our next stage of development in the galaxy. However, if not taken seriously these powers could force mankind back into a primal stage of development.
We have spoken about Arcturians and their ability to create through the power of Desire. Through meditation and a walk into the celestial plains of the spirit world we would now like to share with you a fundamental element that transcends all of the powers Arcturians practice, and one that humans are still beginning to understand.
Faith can be defined as the visualization of and belief in attainment of desire. Arcturians believe that Faith is the head chemist of the mind and when we mix our high frequency thought vibrations with faith and desire, our subconscious mind unfolds a plethora of fulfillment and peace! Arcturians teach that Faith should not be mistaken for emotion or thought, but it is a practice that belongs to the spiritual side of man, like love.
Also, Arcturians teach humans that we must not mistake Faith for religion nor religion as faith. Like Paul stated, "now faith is the substance [or assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence [the demonstration or proof] of things not seen." Arcturians, strongly believe Faith can be developed at will, because Faith is a state of mind. Even Arcturians have difficulty describing what faith is and compare its difficulty of explanation to describing what color is to a blind man who has never seen/witnessed color.
But the message is not to describe to you what Faith is, but explain to you the powers that Faith gives you. Through Faith, Arcturians and humans can develop internal growth, and therefore, witness the power to willfully believe in what they desire to create. Creation should be thought of as the creation of love, happiness, physical health, financial goals, and/or whatever it is you seek to accomplish. The power of Faith simply gives you the ability to desire, and through desire you are able to create, but the first fundamental practice you must perfect in your path to spiritual growth is to strengthen your ability to believe and have faith in the things you do not see and know that they will soon come to pass.
This message should come to you with pleasing welcome, and although, you may have strayed from the basic principles of the Universe, you always have the ability to choose to believe! In the Universe, there is no good and there is no evil!
Arcturians understand that in this Universe everything that has been and will be created is defined and governed through the basic elements of their teachings (Love, Desire, Faith, etc.). Therefore, they also understand that in the Law of the Universe and in the eyes of the Infinite Intelligence, there is no good and no evil. Faith can work for you or against you, and for those who have experienced bad fortune can breathe a breath of fresh air because they know that they already practice Faith! This is why Arcturians believe strongly in the power of thought and to be careful what we [humans] feed our conscious minds, because soon what you’re conscious mind believes to be true your subconscious mind will find the way to manifest it into its physical equivalent.
This can be a "State of Mind" that is created through affirmation or repeated instructions.
To develop faith you must be introduced to a practice your subconscious mind is already familiar with. Only a few people consciously make the effort to willfully suggest thoughts and it is through this practice that we introduce what has now become known as Auto-Suggestion.
Auto-Suggestion is simple and straight forward but like many simple ideologies they are simply shrugged off as being childish and attention, this is where you master your thoughts! Everyday your mind encounters thought vibrations that your subconscious takes in. To take control, you must wake every day and go to sleep every night with the full intention to tell your mind what to think and believe. A repetition of directions, suggestions, and commands will lead to the development of faith in whatever undertaking you are working on.
Your greatest enemy will be your will power, but remain steadfast in your daily auto-suggestion and witness the power that faith can give you. Only then will you understand why it cannot be described into words, but it can only be experienced!
The mind is a manifestation tool that makes physical reality come into place, our thoughts, wishes, dreams, and goals are telegraphed to source and then are created in our physical world.
Arcturians are a race of aliens that have become well known to be masters of many things including: time, space, science, and philosophy. Only in our recent history have we begun to uncover the true potential of the power behind the spiritual and mental realm which has dawned a new era of how humans view the physical world, but most importantly the spiritual one. This is an area of expertise that the Arcturians have masterfully perfected which has now allowed their race to flourish and expand throughout the cosmos. One of the main reasons why Arcturians have focused much of their attention on Earth and humans is because of the potential they see in mankind to become very enlightened beings that have the tools and capability to also master the science of spirituality. Because Arcturians understand the many laws of the universe that we have yet to uncover, it allows them to transcend beyond time itself. Arcturians understand the laws we see as limits to be no more than mere illusions to the physical bounds of our bodies.
Arcturians believe that mind and spirit hold the truth and are the key to the mystery of the universe itself and we hold those set of keys within us every day; it's just a question of knowing the power you have within.
For millions of years, Arcturians have dedicated their efforts to better understand the metaphysical world instead of technology advancements in the physical one. Because they have dedicated their lives to the search for a higher meaning of existence they have now become the most powerful race in the known universe carefully keeping a watchful eye on the illusive expansion of the dark forces that threaten the existence of peace and harmony. "Fear not the coming ages, but embrace the coming change!"
Many fear the coming date of December 21, 2012, but Arcturians give us one of the most precise definitions of the many depictions, codes and mysteries that ancient cultures have left Earthly humans regarding the date that we now know of as the End of Times!
December 21, 2012 is not what pop-culture makes it out to be, although, it is very entertaining.
According to the Arcturians and their vast knowledge of time, they have sent the message that a new era is coming that is accompanied by the transit of Venus. However, this new era is not the end of a physical era but the start of a new era where mankind is given another step towards the infinite intelligence and the opening of the human mind to the miraculous wonders that the universe has to offer.
In conclusion, it is very easy to see that the Arcturians have become masters worthy to lead, and we should always take a moment to listen and seek the truth from the inner callings of our spiritual guides residing inside everyone. Peace be with you, and live with passion!
The Arcturian emissaries have an important message of love for the humanity residing on Earth. We would like to share that message with you as it pertains to our future as a race. Love is the ultimate vibrational frequency which unites the Universe into one grand paean of harmony. Love creates Cosmos instead of Chaos. Our concept, even the word for Love, as a primarily Western culture does not begin to encompass the way the Arcturians teach love. With a new understanding of Love the Arcturians mission is to urge humanity to educate themselves spiritually so that we will advance our civilization to its next stage of planetary development. The work done by physics on Super String theory is a good place to start to help provide us with this new understanding of Love. Without discussing the complications of modern physics, the super string produces and gives rise to the dimensionality and reality of our universe.
The vibrational frequency of the superstring gives rise to our various experiences on a quantum level which creates our reality. As humans we think of love as a certain mood or emotion perhaps to some just a passing phase of life. The Arcturians view love in as synonymous with the vary workings of the universe, essentially the Superstring which gives life to all understand love as the very essence of life that gives birth to consciousness we can begin to affect our entire reality. As we let this understanding permeate our thoughts through meditation and silence we begin to notice change happening around us. The vibrational frequency of love will actually form an aura extending from the body, bathing the individual in a soft white light. The aura will envelope the body tightly for around 18-36 inches and less dynamically for a radius of about 12 feet in all directions. As we begin to understand the Arcturian message of love we will find ourselves attracting to us other individuals that form a collective whole, all vibrating on the same frequency.
The collective consciousness of humanity can only be changed by love, the ultimate cause which gives rise to all other vibrations. Raising the level of consciousness of humanity is the ultimate plan for peace and must be done through a new understanding of love.
Those who are familiar with the Arcturians and their mystical powers are very aware of their power of healing. This is truly what sets them apart from the majority, if not all, of the alien races throughout the Universe. The interesting fact about Arcturian healing is that it goes deeper than just one's physical healthiness, but rather, Arcturians healing powers enable one to grasp the powers that heal your mind, body, and soul.
One of the most intriguing and exciting healing powers that Arcturians possess is what is known as the ability to increase one's Light Quotient. In simple terms, Light Quotient is the available amount of Light energy that you maintain in your energy field. Light energy is increased by your ability to sustain a connection to the higher realms of consciousness. As you may have learned, Arcturians are very in tune with the higher level of the conscious and sub-conscious mind.
Light Quotient Increase
The light quotient is our ability to hold light, to hold consciousness, in a stable manner. As we raise our vibration, our ability starts to relate-to and resonate with higher energies and a higher reality, we must raise our ability to anchor (to ground) this vibration and expand our consciousness. Arcturians teach that without this ability, we can reach peaks and valleys in our vibration, but never stabilize the new level of consciousness permanently in our life.
This is of great importance because Arcturians understand that having the vibrational stability allows one access to the great powers of the Infinite Intelligence. The Infinite Intelligence is what grants us the power to then heal any portions of our bodies that need healing attention. Essentially, without the ability to Increase one's Light Quotient, no access is granted to the higher level of vibrational frequencies that are needed in the Arcturian healing process.
How Does One Increase the Light Quotient?
One of the most popular ways, perhaps the most effective, in increasing your Light Quotient is through the digestion of highly nutritional foods. One man has recently captured the attention of many Light Quotient students because of his teaching about the importance of high energy levels through nutrition and diet.
Another avenue one is able to utilize to access a greater level of Light Quotient is through meditation. Meditation allows one to increase the Light Quotient through mind control.
When meditating, one is asked to close their eyes and begin to vividly imagine the lights that surround your personal aura. As soon as you are able to see those lights, one is asked to bombard the mind with memories of happiness, joy, peace, and love. By following these steps in meditation, one will begin to feel a greater sense of physical energy which is a reflection of an increase in your Light Quotient. Another efficient way to increase your levels of Light Quotient, as defined by Arcturians, is to practice mental programing (a.k.a auto-suggestion). This practice simply states that you tell yourself that every bite of food and drop of liquid is an increase to your Light Quotient.
Out of the many things Arcturians know, mind programing is definitely one of them and a very powerful and useful tool. Simply stated, anything your mind can conceive and believe, then it will achieve! Auto-suggestion is simply a trick you are able to play on your mind.
Using these various techniques, one is able to increase their Light Quotient and begin their "ascension" to the greater powers of the Infinite Intelligence and join the Arcturians in a state of conscious awareness that we merely marvel at today!
Arcturians are known for their power of healing. This is what defines Arcturians as an amazing race among the cosmic worlds; however, Arcturians are able to accomplish such majestic powers through the aid of their mastery of the conscious mind. Many call the Arcturian way an art of the mind, and rightfully so. Through channeling's, Arcturians have sent the message to the starseeds of Earth and have begun a movement that can no longer be stopped. Arcturians have declared their intentions and have slowly worked to prepare all earthly beings to connect with the higher forces of the infinite intelligence that gives them the very power we marvel at.
Behold, the dawn of the Conscious Evolution that has already begun, and the wheels of angelic poetry are beginning to unfold before our eyes!
Conscious Evolution is our emergence into the realm of all that is known and unknown. Through the ages man has evolved physically and now we begin our evolution of the mind.
Consciousness is the capacity of the mind to be aware of everything that is happening around us and in the universe. In this context, it includes all the interior dimensions and capacities of life that can, among other things, help us to deal successfully with our changing world by sensing, understanding and creatively, collaboratively relating to the entities, interactions, and conditions in and around us.
This is the movement that cannot be stopped and has already captured the minds of millions who seek the awe inspiring power that Arcturians attempt to convey to us. Our conscious minds are now beginning to understand the power of awareness and the keen sense of the power we have to control our minds, bodies, and spirits. We are beginning to intuitively get in touch with our higher selves and access universal knowledge at will as needed.
Although the Arcturian movement of conscious awareness may be new to you, conscious evolution has continued throughout our history; however, today we have become AWARE. This awareness will beget the acceleration of our consciousness and how we view the world around us. Conscious Evolution is not only a fact or a state of mind, but a REVOLUTION! This is a revolution of the mind, a swift sensation moving the lives and minds of people all over the world!
This is the movement, this is the revolution. Prepare your minds, bodies and souls for the change of a lifetime! This is a movement of the Conscious Mind, this is the beginning of the road to the celestial heights that allow our teachers access to the great powers of the Universe.
Arcturians are channelers of energy, masters of their surroundings and experts at change. It is obvious that these tasks are in part due to a cumulation of years in study and meditation, but through channelings with Arcturians, they have sent the message that all things we desire to change are attainable because all that they have learned is taught through presence in meditating. Arcturians understand this basic practice, and therefore, make it a daily practice. It has become much more than a daily habit to them and is as important as ingesting nutrition!
Pressing the importance of meditation when seeking the powers described by the Arcturians is the only way to ensure that humans understand that all power comes from within. Many seek power from without, yet fail to yield their intelligence to the omnipotent power of the Universe.
It is understood by the Arcturians that the idea is of power to change, heal and affect cannot be accomplished without the complete surrender to the changing, healing and of great internal treasures, treasures that cannot be obtained from a world who's only focus is on external powers and gratification. This is why Arctruians strongly encourage the practice of meditation, learning one's self Arctruians strongly encourage the practice of meditation, learning one's self in means that are greater to a man's exuberance in external pleasures.
Meditation is a combination of discipline in both mind and body. Careful and peaceful breathing allows for a calm and collective mind whose purpose is to ensure the complete focus of mental desires. Harmony in mental attitude is a complete necessity to access the Universal gates of knowledge and power which have allowed the Arcturians to further grow in their spiritual development. Knowing that Humans are in their elementary stage to discovering the true potential that lives within all of us, Arcturians seek to deliver the message of meditation, and hope that you too are able to arrive in the collective mind of the Universe where all teachings of past lives are attained through peace and harmony!
You make your way to bed, your head resting silently on your pillow, and suddenly a burst of creative power fills your thoughts. Innovation, intense creativity, and the sense that tonight you are able to use your imagination to end all your worries and change the world. We know this has happened to you and the Arcturians also speak about this force that comes to us when we are least willing to act on those thoughts/emotions.
Arcturians call this the Creative Spontaneous Power in Action, but they express to us how we are ill prepared to take full advantage of its powers. Like any mind/thought powers you are able to develop these powers through practice and concentration; however, one important element must be eliminated or subdued enough to take full advantage of the creative spontaneous power in action. Eliminate fear! One of the main reasons why we suddenly encounter our most creative thoughts at night is because of the subconscious connection we allow.
Without notice or reason, our minds reach a state of relaxation (more relaxed than during the day), and therefore, allow our collective thoughts to transcend and connect with the Universal Mind that the Arcturian Aliens teach about. Through this connection, Arcturians and Humans, are able to access information that is available to all who are prepared to accept it and use it, and through constant appreciation and acceptance of the spontaneous thoughts, Humans and Arcturians alike are able to tap into sources of information not available to the guarded mind.
Creative thought is always at our disposal; however, the Arcturian Spontaneous thought is said to be the most powerful. The kind of thought that allows us to envision our fate, but action of such spontaneous thought must be swift. Every opportunity one receives is vital, and through emotionalizing a desire the Arcturian's teach us how we are able to take full advantage of the spontaneous creative thought.
Application will strengthen your ability, and like any muscle, the more focused and direct the workout becomes the stronger it becomes. The next time you receive that spontaneous thought, keep it in mind and try emotionalizing it throughout the following day and ultimately act to make it happen!

These are female Arcturian seers who are watching Earth's evolutionary process as it happens, during the event shift into the 5D existence. Artwork is by Vashta Narada's Galactic Art.

An Arcturian male. Arcturians have either blue or green skin. This is Ranasai of the Andrana starship which is stationed beside the planet Arcturus. Artwork is by Vashta Narada's Galactic Art.

There are some Arcturian hybrids who look a bit human in appearance. Arcturians are very smart, telepathic and diplomatic. This is Athor who is stationed on the starship Athena, which is near Earth.

An Arcturian female. This is Nean Varasai, she is a conference and summit leader for gathering various races for peace talks and advancements in evolution. Nean is stationed on the Arcturian star ship Nyuan. Artwork is by Vashta Narada's Galactic Art.

The Arcturians can be contacted telepathically by looking at the above symbols during meditation in order to meet your Arcturian star guide. Arcturians are very spiritual and symbols are a key in their evolutionary path.
Sources of Information:
Blue Arcturians: from
Characteristics of Arcturians
Name: The Arcturians
Life Form Type: Humanoid
Subspecies: Blue Arcturians
Location – Home System: Arcturus is the brightest, or alpha-star in the Bootes Constellation, and is seen as a golden-yellow or orange star. Arcturus also is “an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and birth. It functions as a way station for non-physical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality.”
Distance from Earth: It lies at a distance of approximately 34 -36 light years from Earth
Attitude: Arcturus is the home of higher dimensional entities, who are dedicated to service and healing. They specialize in emotional and spiritual healing, and have mastered techniques, far beyond what we can imagine.
Motives: The Arcturians are a very spiritual race that lives in a universe or reality of pure love. There seems to be a gateway of some sorts at this planet which transmits higher energies to our dimensional universe.
Members of: Confederation of Humans, The Prism of Lyra, Galatic Federation
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: Approximately 3.75 million years ago.
Density: 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D
Polarity: Positive
Physical Appearance
Average Height: 7 feet to almost 8 feet 6 inches (2.31 to 2.64 meters).
Life Expectancy: Three hundred fifty to four hundred years
Skin: The skin ranges in color from a vanilla shade to a greenish/blue, to a very dark brown color
Eye’s: Very large, almond- shaped eyes – Their eyes are dark brown or black. Their main organ of seeing is actually their telepathic nature, not their physical eyes.
Hearing: Their sense of hearing transcends even their telepathic nature.
Communication Type: They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are totally telepathic.
Other Physical Information: They have only three fingers. Their source of nourishment is an effervescent liquid that is highly vitalizing to their entire being. They also have an ability to sense with the backs of their heads. Their highly developed spiritual nature has allowed them to avoid aging, since they have the ability to transcend time and space. They terminate life when the contract that has been arranged for their existence is finished. There is no sickness in Arcturus; it was eliminated centuries ago.
Special Traits and Abilities: Arcturians are very angelic in nature. In fact, a lot of encounters with Angels, actually are encounters with Arcturians. Arcturians are noted for their mastery of time (galactic calendars, etcetera) and their exceptional abilities in science and philosophy.
Transportation Type: The Arcturian starships are the finest in the entire universe. They are propelled by crystals that do not come from that planet but from a planet in the Milky Way that has not been discovered by Earthly scientists. These crystals have a way of conducting light energy from the Great Central Sun. The Arcturians say that they not longer use computers because they long ago outgrew the need for them. They have other systems that are far more advanced. One section of the starship is a replication of Arcturus. It has the ability to take any crewmember back to Arcturus in his/her etheric body. This helps to strengthen and rejuvenate crewmembers who are away from home for long periods of time as they traverse the universes. Earth’s frequency is very harsh for Arcturians because of their fifth-dimensional frequency. Arcturians don’t eat but are able to ingest energy. The Arcturians sleep for only a short time once a week, but for them it is a sacred time to soul travel and connect to higher realms of consciousness. Another room in the Arcturian starship has a complete data bank containing every aspect of Earth life and of life on other planets as well. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities and through their nervous systems. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information one hundred times faster than the average human being on Earth.
An Arcturian ship has a room that strengthens the vibration of all who enter so they will not be overwhelmed by even the strongest vibrations of Planet Earth. The Arcturians are able to travel through time. They also have shuttlecraft that are global in shape which are used for activating energy points and grids on Earth that have been lying dormant for many centuries. The Arcturians have been working with Earth since life first started on this planet. They have many bases on Earth, and they also have three bases on the Moon. Many of their bases on Earth are inside mountains. Arcturians can manifest physically, but they also exist in the etheric state, so physical matter is not an obstacle to them. There is a vaporizing section in a starship that can instantly make any person or object disappear. They use it on a person only if he/she has died. The amazing thing about this machine is that whatever is vaporized can be resolidified at any time in the future just by checking the ship’s records. The more we learn about Arcturus, the more Star Trek seems realistic. Many souls are brought to the Arcturian starships during the dream state where they are worked on and helped, although the Arcturians never invade a person’s free choice as the Grays are doing. The Arcturians are here to assist humans in entering the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality and in raising their vibrational frequencies. They stand as the guardians and protectors of higher consciousness in the universe.
They are based in every country on the planet and, and in fact, have bases all over the universe. They are here to educate humanity but have had a difficult time dealing with the government and the military, who are primarily interested in military technology, not spiritual enlightenment. The Arcturians could help in an even greater and more open capacity than they are now, but the people who govern the United States and the world are so materialistically and egoistically oriented that they resist the help of these incredibly advanced beings. Instead, the U.S. government made a deal with the Grays who are very selfish beings interested only in taking over the world for their own greedy purposes.
Witnesses Reports:
Special Features/Characteristics: Arcturian society is governed by the elders, who are revered by the people of Arcturus for their advanced knowledge, wisdom, and extremely high vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer one is to Light, or spirit, or God.
Summary/Description: This emotional and spiritual healing is the reason why a lot of psycho-spiritual healers have a special connection with Arcturus. The Arcturians work together with the Sirians. Together they have established what could be called ‘the Arcturian/Sirian matrix’, or network. One source mentions that they supposedly have some bases on the moon.
Life on Arcturus
In the Arcturian system there are no extreme temperatures. Their civilization is one that has transcended duality and lives in oneness. Professions on Arcturus are determined by a person’s vibrational frequency and the colors in his or her aura. For example, those who are in charge of taking care of the children must have violet as the predominant color in their auras, for only the wisest souls are allowed to associate with the young.
The same is true for those who are allowed to give birth. They are screened and tested in terms of their auric and vibrational frequencies, and when chosen by the elders to give birth to an Arcturian child, people go through an amazing process. The vibrations of both individuals involved are raised to a seventh-dimensional frequency for the birthing process to insure bringing in the most highly evolved souls. (The seventh-dimensional frequency is that of an ascended master.) Reproduction is an honor on Arcturus and one of the most highly regarded professions. The actual reproductive act is not performed in a physical sense as it is understood on Earth. On Arcturus it is done through a kind of mind link in which the male and female energies are perfectly balanced. Through this procreation process, some kind of electron force flows through the two beings, and it creates another being that is a replica of the link.
The new life form is then taken to a special room that emanates the proper vibrational frequencies until the being is ready for integration into a family unit on Arcturus. Many beings from Arcturus are seeded onto other planets because the high council has ordered this as a great act.
On Arcturus there is not competition. Every thought, word, deed, and product is judged by its ability to raise the vibration closer to God. If it does not, it does not exist on Arcturus. A person’s frequency of vibration is directly related to the mastery he or she has over his or her body, emotions, thoughts, actions, and creations. Arcturians have total mastery over these aspects of self. They have developed the ability to transcend the ego, the separative, lower, fear-based self. Success is judged only in terms of the measure of Light frequency. There are machines that constantly check the vibrational frequencies each individual on the planet is manifesting. If one particular Arcturian receives feedback that he is not meeting his or her own goals for evolution, then immediately the elders send teachers to help that individual.
There is a 11th Dimensional Arcturian group, call them those related to the Oversoul of the Arcturian race. Some (by example former Joshua Stone of the I AM University) called them the Elders and gave them a description as if they have wings. In some people's opinion these are not wings but more like circles of light.
The 5th D Arcturians are blue skinned, they do have big almond eyes and do not have hair. They belong to a group mentality, however they can act as an individual. They are highly analytical but their analyses are fully intergrated with the highest order of what is for them emotionality...en-lightened-love. They are healers but different in one way than the doctors of Andromeda.
When someone worked with the Galactic Federation doctors they saw that the Arcturians sometimes used strange light tubes, however the Andromedans only use light techniques. The 5th D. Arcturians are not tall. They are 5 feet in their size. They have 4 fingers and they do not have long fingers like the Zetis have. The top of their fingers are more round.