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Anusani Visit

Visit to the Anusani:


As the Star Traveler I use my third eye to open a wormhole gateway portal in the known universe space, then I go and visit different planets where I am intuitively guided to go to learn something important from various star nation races.  On this visit I met the Anusani race, which is good at doing healing work and they are at a high spiritual state so they understand the fundamentals of accelerated evolutionary processes.



About the Anusani:
























The Anusani travel around Telaris by creating time dilation portals with energy thought that they use to teleport themselves from one location to another.  They do not use vehicles on the land surface as they keep their living environment clean and pristine.   There are worm whole gates on the planet to travel to other planets and star systems, they prefer not to use ships as means of travel in space, as ships create quantum warps in space time existence and this affects the timelines of the universe and all that was created in the known universe.


Language Channeling:


Valanke, dogte, manchaia, comanche, logesh, tagai


Gita, tata, lakai, gente, shauwi, lanta, geshna, vata, meyana, lotei, geshta, weya, ginda, mangesh, vita maya, loshena, vorta, kai, lontesh, vengenta


Language Translation:

At this time it is important for humanity to work on clearing and healing the seven chakra centers on the body in order to be able to reach your highest potential of spiritual enlightenment so you can evolve, thereby ascending to the realms of higher dimensions.  You can work will sound healing, music, crystal healing, energy work, etc. to accomplish this goal.


Understanding the Anusani Language:


This is a language of the light, each word means more than there is in the spelling of the words themselves.  Each word is like a longer phrase or sentence of its own.  Meaning in this language is compacted to reveal much information and truth in a concise manner that may seem short in the English  language but actually has allot of information stored in these two messages.  The Anusani can translate any languages in the known universe, as they are natural language translators.

Anusani evolved from one of the cat races, they are similar in appearance to human felines.  Appearance wise Anusani are 10 to 11 feet tall, with slim muscular bodies, compact for running long distances.  Eyes range in colors from amber to brown, and light green.  Some of the Anusani who live at the base of the mountains have slight fur on their bodies, those that live in warmer climates have no fur, and both species of races have slightly pointed ears and golden or blue skin.  They are from a planet called Telaris, in the Vega star system.  Their abilities are memory retrieval, recalling what has been veiled or hidden and what needs to come forth to the surface.  The Anusani teach about what came before, and what will come again.  They look at recurring patterns in the universe to see where positive changes need to be made, and plan world timelines to avoid issues occurring in the past or future.  They call themselves the celestial time keepers of the crystalline universal grid matrix, realities that bridge within themselves, and shift conscious paradigms, creating one reality instead of many unnecessary realities that mask what is the true essence of soul sparks.  Anusani exist on an 8D level, they have a binary sun, live 12,000 years in lifespan, and their planet is rocky with many mountains, hills and green valleys of land, not as much water as on other planets, there is three moons around Telaris called Venshu, Galata, and Rinshui, there is an ample supply of water on those moons and Anusani mine the moons for needed water.  The soil of Telaris is red which enhances the Anusani psychic abilities and allows them to see and monitor various future timelines.  There is a mineral in the planet soil called Argentinium which allows the Anusani to have the ability for future recall of memories.

On the left hand side is Zatara of the Anasara clan.  Zatara is a quick runner and agile in her strength as one of the planetary messengers and historians.

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