Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Andromedan Star Traveler

The above images are of Aya the Star Traveler that has lived for two billion years as a higher dimensional galactic being in the Andromeda Galaxy as an Andromedan/Pleiadian Hybrid. Aya does peace keeping missions, protects the universe against wars, she is a guardian for the known universe.
The Star Traveler has the ability to access all their holographic and cellular memories which includes life experiences, knowledge/information, skill sets, etc. from their past, present, and future lifetimes in all timeline slip streams that are in existence.
During special ops missions or voyages in space Aya wears a blue space suit uniform that protects her from some of the harsh environments of outer space. The space suit has the ability to change colors for camouflage purposes so Aya can blend in to any environment that she is in, as well the suit can change forms to fit different body types and shapes, the fabric of the suit is made from synth skin breathing material which is organic bio living matter created in a replicator, this synth skin acts as an ionized shield matrix for the wearer so there is an energetic shield source field emanating from the suit that protects the wearer from bullets or plasma fire by deflecting the projectiles away from the person wearing the suit. There are gravity boots available for the suit which have resonator coils plated in the boots in order to allow the wearer to walk on larger planets with heavier dense gravities so the individual can run fast and walk easily without being impacted by gravity issues. As well if for some reason the anti-gravity is turned off on a space ship then the resonator coils activate in the boots automatically allowing the wearer to easily walk on the ground even if there is no gravity, so the being is not floating around on the ship. The boots anchor the person to the ground with an electrical source field vibration charge which makes it possible to walk in high density energy environments.
Aya is 6'8 tall, has long blonde hair, and green/blue eyes. She speaks all universal languages and can blend in any environment that she is in so she cannot easily be detected.

Aya is checking out her captain’s cabin on her new space cruiser ship the Amarath. As the Star Traveler Aya has been on many different space ships and has a figurine collection of various craft hanging on the wall beside her work desk in the cabin.

Aya travels in the Andromedan stealth cruiser ship Amarath, most of Aya's time is spent in outer space learning about different star nation races, and observing how the ascension process works in terms of evolution on other planets in space.

The Amarath is a medium sized space cruiser so it looks smaller on the outside but it can reconfigure its shape and size to be larger on the inside of the ship, this reconfiguration process of sizes is done with holographic technology which takes in statistical programmed information into the super computer matrix on the ship and creates the shape and size inside the cruiser that is desired. This ship can also change its form and shape on the outside as well so it can look different in appearance on various missions.

Aya uses hand-held phasers as her weapons to protect herself. The phaser is a particle-beam weapon, the energy of firing the phaser is created by superconducting crystals inside the chambers of the phaser. Phaser beams can be adjusted in both width and output. A typical hand phaser has different power settings so that it can merely stun living organisms, or completely disintegrate them. The phaser subatomic particle beams can be adjusted to strike multiple targets at once or evenly destroy large amounts of material.
Phasers can be used as welding torches, cutting tools, or can create heat sources by firing at a large solid object (like a rock). The phasers can be set to overload, whereby they build up a force-chamber explosion by continuously generating energy without releasing it, the resulting blast can destroy most natural objects within a 50 – meter radius.

Aya used to visit the planet Vela & Pyra in the Pleiades Constellation of the Taygeta star system. The planet Vela has greenish blue skies, with many forests and water masses like lakes and oceans, while the planet Pyra has abundant mountain ranges and habitable islands with waterfalls, the sky on Pyra is purple/blue in color.

While visiting the planet Vela, Aya met Liara T'Soni who became her best friend and ship pilot of the Amarath. Liara is a Telekinetic who can move objects from one place to another without using physical contact, she can also re-shape objects using her mind's energies to do this, for example like bending a spoon, or key, by just holding it and focusing on the object to be changed in shape and form. In addition Liara also can manipulate electrical currents so she can create spikes of electricity at will when needed.
To see the full version of the Life of the Star Traveler Aya presentation please click on the above PDF file to get more full details and clear information.
Note: This presentation does have a phaser weapon in it, even some higher dimensional ET's carry small hand held protection devices that have the stun feature on them to defend themselves if needed against hostile beings. Peace keepers carry weapons but do not fire them unless they need to defend themselves.