Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Andromedan Soul Avatars

The Star Traveler interfaces with her Andromedan Soul Avatars on a regular basis on the Andromeda Council Primary biosphere ship. These soul avatars have the same part of the soul spark signature as the Star Traveler so they can interact with each other as they belong to one soul group.
On the left is Analaia Valdez and on the right is Senaia Shanar, these female soul avatars monitor the various quantum timelines that are in progress in the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy from the Andromeda Council Primary biosphere ship. As well the ladies travel on exploration ships to the various dimensions to see how beings evolve in the eight to twelve dimensional realms in the universe.
Analaia looks like actress Tricia Helfer and Senaia looks actress Emilia Clarke, the images of the soul avatars are likenesses to what they look like to the Star Traveler.
In the middle is Enara, she is a dragon fairy living in the Andromeda Galaxy, she is also a soul avatar to the Star Traveler on Earth. Enara helps to heal the various soul beings that have chosen to incarnate to Earth during the time of the Ascension.
There are many soul sparks who are guardians, time travelers, watchers, light workers, etc. on Earth, these beings are of the light and help to ground Earth's energies to anchor the planet in peace and positive timeline outcomes for the future.