Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Aldebaran ET's

Aldebaran is an orange giant star which is located about 65 light years away in the constellation of Taurus. There are two ET species living in the Aldebaran star system. All two races are humanoid. The first race is eighth dimensional, they have grey or purple translucent glowing skin, with either black or blue hair. Their eyes are either purple or blue. The women range in height from 6'8 to 7'0 tall and the men go up to 8'0 tall. This race has the ability of siren song and their voices are hypnotic so they can hypnotize people by creating mind suggestions.

Aldebaran life span is 500 - 2000 years, the Aldebarans are descendant from the Lyra system. The Aldebaran agenda is to observe and guide other species on their evolutionary path. Aldebarans are a neutral species who explore various galaxies out in space. The shapes of the Aldebaran ships are round and cube.

The second Aldebaran species is aquatic with greenish/blue skin, and green or blue eyes. They are tenth dimensional and can go in height up to 14 feet tall. This species also has the ability of the siren song and they are deep sea divers so they can live under water for long periods of time, they have underwater cities on their planets.

Akura is a wisdom keeper who helps beings who experience the energetic dimensional phasing in and phasing out of the ascension process where the individual travels to multiple dimensions at the same time like from 3D, 5D, 8D, and back to the lower dimension, or if the being is getting upgrades or downloads and some parts of their body starts pulsing in a painful way, as well they may get a headache, Akura will give advice on which vibrational mantras to use in order to lessen the symptoms of the ascension process if it is painful or uncomfortable. One of her mantra’s is "Release and let go for upgrades to Flow". This mantra really works to make the uploads and downloads of the light codes a smooth process into the human body which is evolving right now into its crystalline essence as a molecular state.