Messages from
a Star Traveler
Mystic Arts &
Star Traveler's Dreams

Akashic Records

Sources of Information:
The Hall of Akashic Records: by Anna Sayce: from
Discovering the Essence of Your Soul (book): by Kathy Karlander
Accessing Your Akashic Records: from
The Hall of Akashic Records
The Hall of the Akashic Records is an etheric ‘place’ which holds all the memories of our souls. Many psychics see the akashic records as a library of records, where you can go etherically, and look up someone’s ‘soul record’, using their full name, date of birth and place of birth.
There is an akashic library located over every planet that sustains life in the universe, so every world's history, knowledge, and life records are stored on various types of record keeping devices. For example Earth's records are stored either in books or on scrolls, the akashic library of Mars stores their records on clay and metal tablets, Venus's akashic library stores its records on metal small discs and on crystals, the discs or crystals are put in small computer viewing devices and the records are watched as a live movie scene happening in real time.
The soul record within the Hall of Akashic Records is like a book or a database that contains information about the person in this lifetime, in all their previous lifetimes, between lifetimes and even future lifetimes. All the events, words and thoughts that have even occurred in the history and future of your life, as a soul, will be recorded in the Akashic Record. But it does not just contain information about souls. It also contains information about places, animal souls, history, and events too.
As you can imagine, being able to access the Akashic Record allows you to provide some pretty cool information about a soul’s past, present and future. Most often, people ask the practitioner about their past lives.
So, how do you get information from the Akashic Record? And how do you tune in? Do you go into a trance or something?
To go into the Akashic Record, the process is similar to the way psychics tune into someone’s Spirit Guides or Higher Self. The main component of the ‘tuning in’ process is a visualization which takes you to the Hall of Akashic Records. However, once you get there, you need Akashic record Spirit Guides to find the relevant information for you, as the Hall of Akashic records is a vast place. Once you are in, you give your Guides the relevant birth information and they find the right Akashic Record ‘file’ for you. Then, to read the person’s ‘file’ or soul record, you need to understand which information to look for, and you need a system of retrieving it.
Some people are not in a trance while they do this work, the state that they are in is the same state a psychic is in when they are doing a phone reading for you, live. The practitioner is always in a quiet place, with no distractions when doing a reading in the Akashic Record and most practitioners prefer to prepare all their readings rather than do them live, as it’s much easier. Other practitioner’s do the readings on the spot as it helps them to gather concise information about their clients’ needs and also ask questions for clarification if needed.
Can anyone enter the Akashic Record?
To read the Akashic record, you need to have Akashic Records Spirit Guides assigned to you, which happens via your intention − this can be done for a practitioner by their teacher through an attunement. It can also happen spontaneously. A well-known psychic once wrote saying that she had been assigned an Akashic Record Guide spontaneously, and this can happen if you are ready to access the Hall of Akashic Records on behalf of other people, but you do need some psychic ability already to have that happen.
If you want to be able to look up information in the Akashic Record with some level of reliability and accuracy, it is recommend that you get trained to do it, as you need to know which questions to ask and how to interpret the answers. If you are not sure what information you can access in the Akashic record, you will not know what to ask.
Can you look up any information that you want in the Akashic Record?
It is true that the Akashic Record is full of any information you would want to know about yourself or others. However, you cannot just look up someone’s soul record without permission. If a practitioner does a reading for someone, they need permission. You are allowed to look up the Akashic Record of anyone close to you, such as your family members, significant other and close friends. You are not allowed to look up information about someone in the Hall of Akashic Records just out of curiosity.
So, what kind of questions do you ask in the Akashic Record?
It depends on what kind of reading a practitioner is doing. For example, if the practitioner is doing a reading for someone who wants to know about their soul purpose for this lifetime, their career and what kind of work would suit them, the practitioner will look up information on the client soul’s intended gifts and purpose for this lifetime. If someone was looking for healing, the practitioner would read their soul record and energy body to find the negative ‘stuff’ which is affecting them. Experienced akashic records reader practitioners know what kinds of blocks can occur and because of this, they recognize them when they find them, and they have a system for finding out how they are affecting the client. With the client’s permission, you can also affect the Akasha energy (the energy of someone’s Akashic Records) to create healing for them. For example, if a client is affected by a past-life vow of poverty, there are ways to erase that energy of scarcity and poverty from their energy and from their soul record.
How are good questions asked in the akashic records?
Before someone can ask a good question in the akashic records they first need to decide upon a topic about which they would like more information. Here is a list of potential areas of exploration:
Spiritual Growth
Interactions with friends and/or family
Repeating patterns and behaviors
Influences from past/alternative lives
What is my lesson in this issue?
Events that occur in your life that "push your buttons"
Once a person has chosen an initial area of exploration, then they must formulate their question. The information given from a person's Records is a direct result from their questions, so how the person phrases their question is going to be important. In other words the person's question will be answered as it is give, without assumptions as to what they really meant to ask.
The basic format for asking questions in the akashic records consists of Who, What, When. Where, and How.
If the person's question is vague or broad, then the answer will be vague or broad. On the other hand, if the person's question is specific, then their answer will be specific. If the person asks a question and they are still unclear about the answer, then the person can reformulate their question, and ask again as many times as they like. That is the beauty of working with your Divine Spiritual Family; they have infinite patience and only the person's best interest at heart.
Asking good questions requires people to spend some time thinking about what it is the person real wants to know. If the person is not sure what it is they really want to know, then they can always fall back to the standard "who, what, when, where, and why" types of questions to determine what needs to be known. Sometimes as part of the fine tuning process, the person can ask for the Record Keepers in the akashic hall to help them to better formulate their question(s). The person does this simply by saying "how could I better ask this question?" Keep in mind that your Divine Spiritual Family wants to assist you in your growth process, and they will help you in any way they can once you ask!
A person can feel free to explore every aspect of a question until they feel satisfied with their answer or until it feels "finished." Above all, remember that working in the Records is working in the energy of Love and Compassion. The information the person will receive is always presented in a loving and compassionate way. This process is never fearful, demanding, or hurtful. Sometimes the truth may be painful to hear at first, but the energy with which the information is transmitted is pure love.
If a person is really not sure what they want or need to know, they can just choose any question that comes to mind. They can always ask additional questions to clarify the matter as they go along. Generally, after asking a few variations of the same basic question, one or two of the responses will stand out as being significant. The person may even feel a shift occur in their body when they "hit the nail on the head," so to speak with the correct information.
Is the soul record open to interpretation depending on who reads it?
Readers who have been trained to enter and read your soul records do get the same findings. For example, a client once got a reading from a practitioner about his soul’s purpose and past, but was skeptical and so ordered the same reading from the woman who taught the practitioner to read the Akashic Record to get some proof. He wrote to the practitioner to say that both the teacher and practitioner gave him exactly the same information.
If someone has been trained to read your soul records using a different method, they could see things a little differently but the overall message of the reading should be the same. Practitioners often have had clients who had readings with other Akashic record readers who trained in a different system to the one the practitioner uses, and they remark to the practitioner that they have told them the same information about past lives.
How did you learn to access peoples’ soul records?
Practitioners have learned through a program called Soul Realignment how to work with the Akasha. This program is recommended as it helps practitioners to get started with doing intuitive readings.
Why do you need someone’s date of birth, name and place of birth to read the Akashic Record?
You need this information to confirm that you are reading for the right person. For example, if the practitioner goes into the Akashic Record and tells their guides that they want to read for Charles Smith, they may be unclear on who the practitioner means. The practitioner needs the other details to make sure there is no confusion about who they are referring to.
Accessing the Akashic Records
Opening Prayer:
Say this whole part aloud:
And so we do acknowledge the Forces of Light,
Asking for guidance, direction, and courage to know the Truth
as it is revealed for our highest good and the highest good of
everyone connected to us.
Oh Holy Spirit of God,
Protect me from all forms of self-centeredness,
and direct my attention to the work at hand.
Help me to know myself in the Light of the Akashic Records,
To see myself through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the
Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of me have for me.
Read this part silently to yourself:
Help me to know (your current full legal name) in the Light of the
Akashic Records,
To see (your current full legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of
the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the
Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of (your current full legal
name) have for (him or her).
Help me to know (your current full legal name) in the Light of the
Akashic Records,
To see (your current full legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of
the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the
Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of (your current full legal name)
have for (him or her).
Announce the opening of the Records by saying this part aloud:
The records are now open.
Closing Prayer:
Say this part aloud:
I would like to thank the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones
for their love and compassion.
I would like to thank the Lords of the Akashic Records for
their point of view.
And I would like to thank the Holy Spirit of Light for all
knowledge and healing.
The Records are now closed. Amen.
The Records are now closed. Amen.
The Records are now closed. Amen.
Gaining Clarity in the Akashic Records
AAA Align, Attune, Allow
Forming a connection between the eyes and the heart: with your eyes fix your gaze on the horizon, imagine your energetic higher self or the soul reaching out towards the universe seeing the infinite galaxies and feeling and hearing the total truth, being in complete peace with yourself, being safe and integrated in the worlds you inhabit.Life your eyes 30 degrees into the heavenly horizon until there is a connection between the eyes and the heart, look down with your eyes and see your heart expanding growing exponentially, your soul seeking the mysteries of the universe.There will be a click sensation of everything coming together into place, a feeling of completeness, arriving home in the universal passage of time and space, where everything feels right and true to your energetic vibrations.
The akashic reader attunes their energetic frequency to the melodic frequency of the akashic records by tuning into the vibrational energy fields on each level of the dimensional levels of the records.There are 10-13 dimensional levels in the akashic records especially of the earth library, imagine starting from the third level and going higher up step by step in each level when tuning into important information in the records.Tuning into the akashic records is like having an old fashioned radio frequency.The reader will feel the melodic frequency of the different levels of the akashic records and will start fine tuning the radio dial close to the vibrations of the records, using your intuition to match the exact frequency of the record the reader is trying to access.The connection with the specific record accessed clicks into place and the reader will be able to see and interpret the record.Your mind should be a clear focused image of potentials and opportunities to information coming from the records, attuned fully and completely to the divine love and honor of the universe.
The akashic reader should have complete trust, belief, and faith that accessing the records is for their highest good and that the information they discover is the truth of what they see, feel, hear, and touch within the records, what they were meant to honestly experience in the records. There should not be any doubt, mistrust, or disbelief when reading the records as this could affect how the records are interpreted. The reader should allow themselves to trust in the information they are receiving and believe that it can help them in their karmic journey to heal and be whole.
Accessing Your Akashic Records
It is believed that every thought, action and event in your life is recorded in a Universal library known as the Akashic Records.
The word Akashic stems from the Sanskrit word for ‘space’ and it is believed that in a hidden space or realm in the Universe that you can access the book of your life.
Of course, the Akasha exists on an energetic or subconscious level but can be accessed after death or in a deep meditative state.
The Akashic records contain information about your soul journey and mission in this lifetime and what energy you have come to learn and leave behind in the physical world. It also contains information about your life on earth, the people you are destined to meet and the lifestyle you are destined to create for yourself.
An easy way to think of it is that the Akashic records are like a super computer which stores information for every soul on this planet.
The Akashic records are also constantly being created, updated and added to. They do not imply that your future is set in stone, but rather they hold information about your spiritual lessons and evolution in this lifetime and from past lifetimes.
Even though the Akasha is known as the ‘Book of Life’ it is not actually written as a book, rather it is a stored energetic blueprint of your frequency that allows you to access all of this information.
Your soul contract is also contained within your Akashic record and can give you clarity and insight on how to align with your highest path and move forward with your life.
In fact, those who have accessed their Akashic records have often received some deep insights about their soul journey, past lives and the different energies surrounding them.
Do you want to access your Akashic Records?
Anyone can access their Akasha at any time but it is important to understand these four principles before you begin:
1. To access your records you must allow your body to move into a deep, relaxed and meditative state. Accessing your records requires you to be extremely present and aware so you can have the ability to take in the information but also remember it.
2. You must believe in what you are doing. If you are skeptical about your abilities or about the existence of your blueprint, you may have trouble reaching your record. You must keep an open mind through your practice and understand that it may take time before you can fully receive your records.
3. Focus on viewing your own record in a non-judgmental way. Be prepared that you may see some information that is uncomfortable or that is resisted by your ego. Also understand that you may be blocked off from seeing certain information in your record. Know that whatever information is released to you is done so for your greater good and higher purpose. Also accept that this record is about your soul journey in this lifetime, not about predicting the future.
4. In order to access the records you must feel safe and have a white light of protection around you during your practice. If you do not feel safe, chances are you will not be able to delve into the library as efficiently as you would like. Remember to protect yourself with crystals or a white light before going in to practice and know that nothing can hurt you.